Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 10 Computer Science Html Advanced tables Lists & Links. Students and teachers of Class 10 Computers can get free printable Worksheets for Class 10 Computers Html Advanced tables, Lists & Links in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 10 students should practice questions and answers given here for Computers in Class 10 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 10 Computers Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Computers books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests
Worksheet for Class 10 Computers Html Advanced tables, Lists & Links
Class 10 Computers students should download to the following Html Advanced tables, Lists & Links Class 10 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 10 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Class 10 Computers Worksheet for Html Advanced tables, Lists & Links
Objective Type Questions
Choose the correct alternative.
Question. default style and color of unvisited link in any browser is ………
(a) underline and Magento
(b) normal and blue
(c) underline and pink
(d) underlined and blue
Answer : D
Question. following tag stands for-<a>
(a) action tag
(b) additional tag
(c) anchor tag
(d) active tag
Answer : C
Question. which of the attribute (s) cannot be present if the href attribute is not present?
(a) hreflang
(b) rel
(c) target
(d) all of these
Answer : D
Question. U‘L in HTML stands for ………..
(a) universal resource locator
(b) uniform resource locator
(c) Uni resource locator
(d) none of these
Answer : B
Question. which of the following tag is used to link the URL?
(a) <hyperlink>
(b) <link>
(c) <a>
(d) <style>
Answer : C
Question. link in HTML can be of following type (s).
(a) unvisited
(b) visited
(c) active
(d) all are these
Answer : D
Question. which of the following will produce a solid circle bullet when given as a type for <UL>?
(a) circle
(b) square
(c) disc
(d) none of these
Answer : C
Question. link U‘L in HTML is specified using ………… attribute.
(a) src
(b) href
(c) rel
(d) link
Answer : B
Question. in <OL> and <UL>, the style of bullet or number is defined by
(a) type attribute
(b) style attribute
(c) target
(d) none of the these
Answer : A
Question. value of attribute “href" is also called as ……… of the destination webpage.
(a) URS
(b) URK
(c) URL
(d) URM
Answer : C
State whether these statements are true or false.
Question. anchor element is used to create a hyperlink.
Answer : true
Question. <HL> creates a direct list.
Answer : false
Question. both audio and video can be inserted on a webpage using lists.
Answer : false
Question. the href attribute is mandatory with <a> tag.
Answer : True
Question. an email can be created by using sendto: Attribute.
Answer : false
Question. anchor tag is a container tag.
Answer : true
Fill in the blanks
Question. the default color of a hyperlink on a web page is ……
Answer : blue
Question. …….. tag creates a bulleted list.
Answer : UL
Question. in case of ordered lists, the <LI> tag inserts a ………. And for unordered list, it inserts a ………..
Answer : number, bullet
Question. A/An ……. Link allows a link to another section on the same web page.
Answer : URL
Question. the …………. Tag accepts a full paragraph of text.
Answer : <DD>
Question. VLINK means ……….
Answer : visited link
Question. the ………. Tag is designed to fit on a single line of web page.
Answer : <DT>
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question. what are the different types of lists available in HTML?
Answer : there are 3 types of lists – ordered lists, unordered lists and definition lists
Question. which attribute of the <A> tag is used to add a text pop-up to an element in your web page?
Answer : title attribute of the <A> tag is used to add a text pop-up to an element in web page.
Question. explain the following statement:
<BODY bgcolor="yellow" text = “red" vlink= “bule"> T‘IAL </BODY>
Answer : the code will set the web page background as yellow, text color as red and visited link color as blue.
Question. difference between <a> as an anchor and <a> as a link.
Answer : <a> as an anchor allows us to go from one part of the same page to another while <A> as a link allows us to go from one page to another page.
Question. what is the use of type attribute of <ul> tag?
Answer : type attribute is used to change the shape of the bullets in the unordered list. There are three types. DISC, SQUARE, CIRCLE
Question. write the code to create an image named “heritage.gif" as a hyperlink to" india.html".
Answer : <A href="India.html">
<img src="heritage.gif></A>
Question. what is the use of START attribute used in lists?
Answer : the START attribute is used to change the beginning value of an ordered list. Normally, the ordered list starts with 1. For example, <OL “TA‘T = “5"> </OL>
Question. how is <OL> tag different form <UL> tag of HTML?
Answer : <OL> stands for ordered list. This tag is used to display an ordered/a numbered list.
<UL> stands for unordered list. This tag is used to display a bulleted list.
Question. your school’s web address is https: //www. cbsepractice .in/ want to create a link to this web site from your web page. Write the HTML code you will use to do this.
Answer : <a href"http:// www. cbsepractice .in/">my school</a>
Question. write the name of HTML tag used to include numbered list in HTML web page.
Answer : <OL> tag
Question. what do you understand by name attribute?
Answer : name attribute allows the user to create links within the same document. This attribute specifies the name of the anchor being set up and always it should not be unique.
Question. identify the error in the following HTML code. Rewrite the correct code.
<UL TYPE = “a" “TA‘T = 4>
Answer : <OL TYPE = “A" “TA‘T = “4">
Short Answer Type Questions
Question. explain unordered list.
Answer : unordered list classifies the data items that have equal importance i.e. none of the data items are ranked. They are identified by a symbol. It may be a square, a O circle or a disc. The attribute TYPE helps in using the symbols of the symbol.
<ul type ="square">
<ul type="disc">
<ul type="circle">
This is a container tag. It has both the opening and the closing tag. The listing is created under it using the <li> tag. Again <li> tag is a container tag. The data item to be listed is input between the opening <li> and the closing </li> tag as shown in the following example.
Question. what are definition lists?
Answer : definition lists (<dl>)are the list elements that have an array of tags. The list prepared by <dl> tag is similar to a dictionary. The other tags used with this are <dt> to define the definition term and the <dd> for the definition of the list item.
Question. what are nested lists?
Answer : lists can be nested or placed inside one another.
Question. Shambhavi has to design two web pages with following specifications:
(i) one web page should have an unordered list. (ii) another web should have an unordered list. “yellow" in color.
Suggest her suitable tag(s) and attributer(s) for the above specifications.
Answer : (i) <UL> <LI>
(ii) <body> tag and bgcolor attribute
Question. use a definition list to show that the word “glunch" means “a look of disdain, anger, or displeasure" and that the word “glumpy" means “sullen, morose, or sulky"
Answer : <html>
<title> example </title>
<DT> glunch </DT>
<DD> a look of disdain, anger, or displeasure </DD>
<DT> glumpy </DT>
<DD> sullen, morose, or sulky </DD>
Question. Jennifer wants to write html code to crate an ordered list starting with “c". help her in writing the code.
Answer : <ol type ="a" start="3">
Question. write HTML code for the following:
To provide hyperlink to a website http:// www. cbse .nic .in"
Answer : <html>
<a href = http:// www. cbse. nic. in> www. Cbse. nic. in</a>
Question. how do we insert audio in an HTML file?
Answer : <!DOCTYPE html>
<title> INSERT SOUND FILE <title>
<audio controls="controls"
Question. name the following with respect to HTML:
(a) Attribute for changing bullet type of list tag.
(b) element to create a hyperlink
Answer : (a) type attribute
(b) <A> tag
Answer : ordered list classifies the data items that do not have equal importance. All the data items are ranked. The renking can be done using the numbers, the roman letter or alphabets. The default symbol is number. In case you want to change to other symbols of ordered used with this tag are given in the
table below:
Question. write the HTML code to create the following indentation effect: apple pie, pudding, and pancake, all begin with an A.
Answer : <html>
<title> example </title>
<dt> apple pie,</dt>
<dd> pudding, </dd>
<dd> and pancake, </dd>
All begin with an A.
</dl> </body>
Question. how will you create email link?
Answer : we can create an email link on web page. The browser will read an email link, using the value starting with mailto:" rather than http://, with an email address rather than a web address. The syntax is given below:
<A> HE‘F=" mailto: yourusername @ emailaccountname. com" >email the username </A>
Question. what are the attributes of audio tag?
Answer :
Question. write HTML code to display the unordered list (with square bullets) of two cities “DELHI" and “MUMBAI". The web page should have should be back ground and the title of the page should be by cities.
Answer : <html>
<title> my cities </TITLE>
<body bgcolor = “yellow">
<ul type = “ square">
<li> DELHI </li>
<li> MUMBAI</LI>
Question. what are the attributes of video tag?
Answer :
Question. how will you nest an unordered list inside an ordered list?
Answer : <html>
<title> set of list
<li> first order point
<li> first unordered list item </li>
<li> second unordered list item </li>
<li> another ordered point </li>
Question. how to insert video in a webpage?
Answer : <!DOCTYPE html>
<title> inserting video file <title> </head>
<h2> lest watch a video </h2>
< video controls ="controls" autoplay="autoplay" src="wildlife. Ogv">
Question. which three tags are used to create definition lists?
Answer : 1. <dl> (definition list)
2. <dt> (definition term)
3. <dd> (definition description)
Question. Shahnawaz has to create following list through HTML as a part of his social science project. Help him in writing HTML code for the same.
0 cairo
0 addis ababa
0 nairobi
Answer : <HTML>
<UL TYPE="circle">
<LI> Cairo</UL>
<UL TYPE = “circle’>
<LI> Addis Ababa</UL>
>LI> KHNYA<UL>TYPE="circle">
<LI> Nairobi</UL>
Question. write HTML code to display an ordered list (with uppercase roman number) listing any three subjects being taught in your school. The web page should have a red back grounds and the title of the page should be “my subjects."
Answer : <html>
<title> my subjects </title>
<body bgcolor="red">
<ol type = “I">
<li> science </li>
<li> math </li>
Question. create an ordered list of the name of the subjects you study in school.
Answer : <ol>
<li> English </li>
<li> mathematics </li>
<li> science </li>
<li> social science </li>
</li> Tamil </li>
Long Answer Type Questions
Question. write a short note on anchor tag.
Answer : an anchor element is used to create a hyperlink in a webpage. The word anchor has came the function performed by anchor in a ship. As an anchor supports the ship when it reaches the shore, similarly, the document linked supports the text or the picture on the home page.
The basic syntax of anchor tag is:
<a href = “ address of the supporting web page"
Target = “ blank or top"
Name="text"> text acting as hyperlink
The attributes of anchor tag href, name and target.
HREF: the meaning of href is hypertext reference. This attribute is mandatory in anchor. The href attribute takes the value as the address of the supporting document. Both the relative and absolute links can act as values to the href attribute.
<a href ="http.//www. w3 .or/"> website of W3C</a>
To link to a page on another website you need to give the full web address. Such type of link is absolute as it specifies both the protocol name i.e. “http" and the hostname i.e. www. w3. org. the relative link can only link to a page from the same site.
If you were linking to a page in the same folder, the href would be just page1.html" as sown below.
<a href="page1.html">
TARGET: the target attribute helps in opening a web page. The value, “blank" opens the webpage in a new browser window. The value “top" opens the links webpage in the currently active browser window.
If you want to open the webpage in a new window, following code is to be used.
<a href="http>://www. google. com "target=" blank">search engine </a>
If you want to open the linked webpage in the same browser window is the current one, following code is to be used:
<body> <p> open the webpage in a the current window </p>
<a href="http: www. google. com/"target="top"> want to google </a>
The above code will open the web page of google on clicking the link “want to google" in the browser window as the existing window. It will not open a new window to load the webpage of
NAME: this attribute gives a name to the anchor tag. This attribute takes the value as “text string" this helps in linking to a specific section within the webpage that has been named.
If you have a long webpage with a section about “sales" this section can be given a name using name attribute as shown below. The purpose of the name is that another anchor can link to the named anchor.
<a name ="salessection"> sales order set up </a>
Linking to the named anchor. to link to a named anchor, add a hash mark (#) to the end of the uniform resource locator of the webpage followed by the name of the section, it will open.
To link to a section named “salessection" within the page called named example. Html, the following is used:
If the link is to a named anchor in the same webpage then you don’t need the file name of the webpage just the hash mark and the name of the anchor:
To link to the sales section in our existing webpage, the following code is to be used:
Question. write a short note on LIST elements. Also give an example.
Answer : LIST elements have two attributes START and TUPE
START – specifies the starting number for a numbered list: START="5" means the list will start with the number 5.
TYPE – indicates how the items are numbered.
Unordered list of items which may appear in any particular order.
TYPE="A" “a" “I" “I" designates the appearance of the numbers preceding the items in the list example
Question. carefully study the webpage given below. Identify 10 tags that have been used in creating this webpage and write the usage of each of them.
Answer : following are the 10 tags that are used to create the preceding web page along with their one line descrition:
(a) <HTML> : refers to a structural tag that is used to mark the starting and ending of an HTML document. It ends with </HTML>
(b) <BODY> : refers to a structural tag that contains all the visible content, such as text images and link of a webpage. If ends with </BODY>
(c) <P>: refers to a formatting tag that is used to begin a new paragraph it ends with </p>
(d) <B>: refers to a formatting tag that is used to boldface text in an HTML document. It ends with </B>
(e) <CENTER> refres to a formatting tag that is used to mark text as largest heading it ends with <CENTER>
(f) <H1> refers to a formatting tag that is used to mark text as largest heading. It ends with </H1>
(g) <IMG>: refers to a formatting tag that inserts inline images on a web page.
(h) <OL> refers to a formatting tag that inserts numbered lists. It ends with </OL>
(i) <LI> : refers to a formatting tag that marks the list items in a numbered list. It ends with <LI>
(j) <A>: refers to a formatting tag that inserts hyperlink on a web page. It ends with </A>
Question. write the HTML code to generate the following output.
Answer : <HTML>
<center> <H1> <fount face ="comic sans" color = “red"> smacking lollies </font> <H/1>
<i> <u> smacking lollies</u> </i> is a new chain of stores selling variety of candies and mouth watering lollies.
<img src ="ice.jbg">
,br> <br>
The following is a list of major outets of smacking lollies:
<li><a href="west.html"> west Delhi </a> - lanak puri and Rajouri garden </li>
<li> <a href="south.html> south Delhi </a> south extension and vasant kunj</li></ul>
<center> for enquiries mail to us at enquiry @ gmail. com</center>
TOPIC – 2 Tables
Objective Type Questions
Choose the correct alternative.
Question. <T‘> belongs to ……….. tag.
(a) <table>
(b) <DIV>
(c) <frameset>
(d) <TD>
Answer : A
Question. ……… tag is used to add columns to a table.
(a) definition list
(b) definition list term
(c) definition list description
(d) none of the above
Answer : D
Question. which attribute is used to define cell contents to left?
(a) VAlign
(b) align
(c) L-align
(d) haling
Answer : B
Question. which tag is used to add a row to a table?
(a) TR
(b) TD
(c) TH
(d) TC
Answer : A
Question. which of the following is used to specify the beginning of a table’s row?
(a) TROW
(c) TR
(d) ROW
Answer : C
Question. in order to add border to a table, BORDER tag is specified which tag
(d) TR
Answer : C
Question. which of these tags are called table tags?
(a) <thead><body><tr>
(b) <table><tr><td>
(c) table><head><tfoot>
(d) <table><tr><tt>
Answer : B
Question. which HTML command is used to aling the contents of the cell to right?
(a) <T‘ align = “right”>
(b) <TD align = “right”>
(c) <TD> align = right
(d) all of the above
Answer : B
Question. the two common attributes of IMG and TABLE tag are
(a) SRC and HEIGHT
(c) BORDER and SRC
(d) none
Answer : C
Question. which of the following is not an attribute of <table> tag?
(a) border
(b) back ground
(c) bgcolor
(d) SRC
Answer : D
Question. rowspan and colspan=n can added to ……… tag
(a) <hr>
(b) <table>
(c) <td>
(d) tr>
Answer : C
State whether these statements are true or false.
Question. the <CAPTION> tag has one attribute.
Answer : true
Question. <Th> is table header tag.
Answer : true
Question. settings for columns have more priority than settings for rows.
Answer : true
Question. the CELLSPACING attribute the tells the browser how much space to include between the wails of the table.
Answer : true
Question. cell padding is used with <td> tag.
Answer : false
Question. we can add borders to only the table and not cells.
Answer : false
Question. the default value of border attribute is 2.
Answer : false
Question. by default, all elements are aligned to the left.
Answer : true
Fill in the blanks
Question. align and valign are used with ……… tag to set alignment of data in a table.
Answer : <TD>
Question. the ………… attribute tells the browser how much space to give data elements away from the walls of eh cell.
Question. the ……… attribute sets relative or absolute width of our table in the browser.
Answer : WIDTH
Question. ……….. is used to combine cells horizontally.
Answer : Rowspan
Question. the ………. Attribute specifies the number of columns.
Answer : COLS
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question. what attribute will used when the CAPTION tag to put the table description at the bottom of the table?
Answer : align=”attribute will be used when the CAPTION tag to put the table description at the bottom of the table.
Question. what is the role of <cation> tag?
Answer : the <caption> tag is used to specify the title for the table.
Question. differentiate between <TH> and <caption> tags.
Answer : <Th> tag encloses the header object and makes the data bold face and center aligned while <caption> tag is used to provide a text to the table so as to explain the contents of the table. it is generally in bold, at center with respect to the table.
Question. what is the code to set the row with height 20% of the table?
Answer : <T‘ HEIGHT = 2%”>
Question. how <TD> and <TR> are different from each other?
Answer : TR tag is used to define rows In a table. table rows are divided into table data with the <tb> tag. The TD keeps the data in regular font & left align by default.
Question. give two attributes of table element of HTML.
Question. write the code to align the contents of the cell to the top.
Answer : <TD VALIGN=”TOP”>
Question. which tag is used to create a:
(i) table row
(ii) table data
Answer : (i) table row - <TR>
(ii) table data - <TD>
Question. which attribute is used to control the inside table border?
Answer : RULES attribute is used to control the inside table border.
Question. where is the text specified in the <caption> tag displayed?
Answer : the text specified in the <caption> tag is displayed at center with respect to the table.
Question. write the HTML code to set the background color of cells.
Answer : <THBGCOLO‘ = SRED”>
Question. which attribute of the <table> tag merges rows vertically?
Answer : Rowspan attribute of the of the <table> tag merge rows vertically.
Question. what is the role of align attribute in <TABLE> and <TR> tag?
Answer : align attribute controls the text alignment within the cell, either horizontally or vertically.
Question. which HTML tags are used for marking a table and adding rows in a HTML documents?
Answer : (i) <Table> </table> tag are used for making a table.
(ii) <TR> </TR> are used for adding rows in a HTML a table.
Question. name the attributes used to set the following in a table:
(i) background colour
(ii) table border
(iii) table width and height
Answer : (i) background color – bgcolor
(ii) table border – border
(iii) table width and height – width & height
Short Answer Type Questions
Question. What is the difference between the <TD> and <TH> tags?
Answer : <TD> is table data cell which aligned the text left by default in regular go it while <TH> is table header which aligned the text center by default in bold face.
Question. what does n’ stand for in the following tags?
(a) <table border=n> (b) <table bgcolor=”n”>
(c) <td bgcolor=”n”> (d) td width = n>
(e) <a href = ”n“>
Answer : <table border=n>: here is any numerical value 1,2,3, etc. which specifies table border boldness.
(b) <table bgcolor=“n“>: here n stands for any color name/hex color code/rgb code which provides background color to table.
(c) <td bgcolor= n“n“>: here n stands for any color name /hex color code/rgb code which provides background color to cell.
(d) <td width=n>: here n is any numerical value 1,2,3 etc. which specifies table cell with width.
(e) <a href= “n“>: here n stands for any URL.
Question. write the code to generate the following HTML tables:
Answer : (i) <html>
<table> border=1>
<td rowspan=”2”align=”center”>A</td>
<td> C </td>
(ii) (i) <html>
<table> border=1>
<td> C </td>
Question. differentiate between the border and bordercolor attributes of the <table> tag.
Answer : border: this attribute draws a border around the table. it specifies the width of the border of a table. if a table border is not given or its value of zero, then no border will be displayed there.
Bordercolor: this attribute is used to set the border color of a table. the default color of the border is gray, but we can change it by assigning different color name to bordercolor attribute.
Question. mention the tags that are required to be used to create the given table.
Answer : <TABLE>, <TD>, <TH>, <TR>
Question. write the code to generate the following THML tables:
Answer : (i) <html> <body>
<table border=1><tr>
<td rowspan=1><br></td>
<td rowspan=1><br>5<br></td>
<td rowspan=1><br>3<br>6</td>
</tr></table> </body></html>
(ii) <html> <body>
<table border=1>
<tr><td rowspan =2>1</td>
<tr> <td>3</td></tr></table>
Question. what are the attributes of <table> tag?
Answer : align-defines the alignment of a table and table cell. Values – left, center, right. – used with to align cell contents.
Bgcolor- specifies the color for the table.
Width- specifies the width for the table in pixels or %
Border- specifies the border for the table.
Values – 0 or 1
Cellpadding- specifies the distance between adjacent cells.
Question. differentiate between the <TR> and <TD> tags of HTML with the help of an appropriate example.
Answer : <TR> defines table row whereas, <TD> defines table data (cell).
</TR> <TD>3</TD>
Question. explain align and bgcolor attributes of the <TR> tag?
Answer : align- aligns the content in a table row bgcolor-specifies a background color for a table row.
Question. how can you specify following in a table?
(i) background image (ii) background color (iii) table height (iv) table width
Answer : (i) (TABLE CACKG‘OUND =”D”:/Bg3jbg”>
(iii) TABLE HEIGHT = 100>
(iv) TABLE WIDTH = 70>
Question. Ms. Heard girl of the school, has to display the sequence of events of upcoming school’s a annual day function on the school website. Help her in writing HTML code to create a table in HTML, as shown in the given screenshot.
Answer : <THML>
</TH> </TR>
<T‘ ALIGN = “CENTE‘”><TD> 8:00 – 9:00 AM </TD> 9:00 – 1:00 PM </TD> <TD> 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
</TD> </TR>
Question. what do you understand by colspan and rowspan?
Answer : colspan: it is used to combine cells horizontally. It specifies the number of columns that the cell spans across and shows them as a single cell.
Rowspan: it is used to combine cells vertically. It merges the number of cells vertically and shows them as a single cell.
Question. write the code to generate below tables in HTML.
Answer : (i) (i) <html>
<table> border=”1” frame=”lhs”>
<td> A </td>
<td> C </td>
<td> E >/td>
<td> B </td>
<td> D </td>
<td> F </td>
(ii) (i) <html>
<table> border=1>
<td> A </td>
<td> B </td>
<td> C </td>
<td> D </td>
<td> B </td>
<td> D </td>
<td> F </td>
<td> H </td>
Question. write down the difference between Cellspacing and cellpadding.
Answer : cellspacing: this attribute is used to set the minimum distance between two adjacent cells cellspacing is the number of pixels between the table cells.
Cellpadding: this tag sets the margin within a cell, it is the pixel space inside the cells, i.e. the distance between the cell content and the cell boundary.
Question. below are tables for which generate HTML code.
Answer : (i) <html>
<table frame = “box” rules=”cols”>
<td> A </td>
<td> B </td>
<td> C </td>
<td> D </td>
<td> E </td>
<td> F </td>
(ii) (i) <html>
<table frame=“box” rules=”groups”>
<td> A </td>
<td> B </td>
<td> C </td>
<td> D </td>
<td> E </td>
<td> F </td>
<td> G </td>
<td> H </td>
<table border=”1”>
<tr> <th align=”center” rowspan=”3”>
One </th>
<th> two <th>
<th> three <1th> </tr>
<tr><td> rose </tr>
<td> lily </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> align=”center”>pansy </td>
<td align=”center”> dahlia </td></tr>
Answer :
Question. name the attributes used for following?
(i) setting the cell width
(ii) setting cell’s background image
(iii) setting cell’s background color
(iv) changing the cell span
(v) aligning cell contents vertically.
Answer : (i) WIDTH
Long Answer Type Questions
Question. observe the following table and write the HTML code to generate it:
Answer : <html><head><title> table
<table border=”1”>
<tr><th align =”center” rowspan=”2”>
Serial no </th>
<th <rowspan=”2”>class</th>
<th colspan=”3”>number of students
<tr> <td>English </td> <td> Hindi </td>
<td> regional</td></tr>
<tr align=”center”><td align=”center”>1
</td> <td align=”center”XA</td>
<tr alin=”center”<td align=”center”>2
<td><td align = “center”> XB</td>
Question. explain the following tags:
(i) <TABLE>
(ii) <TR>
(iii) <TD>
Answer : (i) <TABLE>: this tag is used to create a table in HTML.
(ii) <TR>: this tag defines each horizontal row of table cells inside a table.
(iii) <TD>: this tag defines each table data cell within a row, into which text and/or graphics images may be placed.
(iv) <CELLSPACING>: it is used to create space around the table cells.
(v) <CAPTION>: when text is enclosed in the <CAPTION> ……. </CAPTION> command, it will be displayed above the table, centered and wrapped if necessary.
Question. write the HTML code to generate the following output of a table content exactly is the same format as shown in the table:
Answer : <HTML> <BODY>
<TH> DOB </TH>
<TH> opening balance </TH> </T‘> <T‘ align = “center” valign = “middle”>
<TD> 1110 </TD>
<TD> 4-MAR-1988 </TD></TR></TABLE>
Question. write the HTML code using table tag for the following browser vies:
Answer : <html><body><table width = “100%” border = “1”>
<tr> </tr> colspan = 3> student details <th>savings </th>
<th> saving for holiday </th> </tr>
<th> <td> January </td> <td?> $80 </td> <td> $10</td> </tr>
Question. write the HTML code to generate the following output.
Answer : <HTML>
<TITLE> eat healthy live healthy </title>
<BODY LINK = “Green” ALINK = “blue” VLINK = SRED”>
<H1> <FOUNT COLO‘ = “maroon”> KHAO PIYO ‘E“TAU‘ANT </FONT></H1>
<IMG SRC = Restaurant.jpg” ALLGN = “right” HEIGHT = 200 WIDTH = 225>
<FONT COLO‘ = “purple” “I)E = > Collect information for: <UL>
<LI> <A H‘EF = “one html”>menus </A>
<LI> <A HREF = “two html”> TE“E‘VATION</A><LI> <A H‘EF = “three html”>catering</A>
<LI> <A HREF = “four.html>tours</a>
<CENTER> <CAPTION><FONT COLO‘ = “BLUE” menus available are: </FONT> <CAPTION>
<TABLE BO‘DE‘ = 2 BO‘DE‘COLO‘ = “blue”
<TR> <TD>1</TD><TD> INDIAN</TD></TR>
<TR> <TD>2</TD>ITLIAN </TD></TR>
For further enquiries and reservations <A H‘EF = “mail to:abc @ xyz. com”>
Contract us: </A>
Question. carefully study the web page given below. Identify 10 tags that have been utilized in creating this web page and write their usage:
Answer : <HEAD>: the <HEAD> element carries information about the HTML web page, such as title of the web page.
<TITLE>: the <TITLE> tag is used to assign the name to a web page.
<BODY>: the <BODY> tag is placed just after the </HEAD> tag.
<B>: it is used to bold the text.
<FONT>: it is used to change the font style of the tag.
<HR>: it is used to make the horizontal rule on the web page.
<IMG>: it is used to display image on the web page.
<TABLE>: it is used to create table on the web page.
<BR>: it is used to break the text.
<CENTER>: it is used to align the text in the center of the web page.
Question. observe the below HTML table and write code in generate it
Answer : <HTML>
<TITLE>marks </TITLE>
<Table border=”3”>
<tr bgcolor=”green”>
<th> English</th>
Question. write HTML code to generate code for your school timetable.
Answer : <html>
<h4> school timetable:</h4>
<table border:”1”>
<th colspan=6> time table <th>> </tr>
<tr> <th rowspan = 6> hours </th><th> MON </th><th> TUN </th>
<th> WEB </td><td> eng</td><td>
Science </td><td>arts</td><td>social</td></tr>
<tr> <td> lang </td> math </td><td>computer </td><td> science </td> <td>
Music </td></tr>
<tr><th colspan =5> lunch </th> </tr>
<tr><td> science</td><td> games</td><td>lang </td><td> maths</td><td> maths </td><tr>
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Worksheet for CBSE Computers Class 10 Html Advanced tables, Lists & Links
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