Refer to CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Object Oriented Concepts MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 12 Computer Science with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Object Oriented Concepts Class 12 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 12 Computer Science and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 12 Computer Science and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Class 12 Computer Science Object Oriented Concepts
Class 12 Computer Science students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Object Oriented Concepts in Class 12.
Object Oriented Concepts MCQ Questions Class 12 Computer Science with Answers
Question: In Object-oriented methodology, the focus is on which of the following entities ?
a) Data
b) Functions
c) Objects
d) All of the above
Answer: Objects
Question: Which of the following best suits to Java ?
a) A procedural programming language
b) An object oriented programming language
c) A Query language
d) All of the above
Answer: An object oriented programming language
Question: Which of the following is used to distinguish objects from each other?
a) Attributes
b) State
c) Behavior
d) All of the above
Answer: State
Question: Which of the following is used to define common features of similar objects?
a) Class
b) Object
c) Methods
d) All of the above
Answer: Class
Question: Which of the following is not a visibility symbol ?
a) ~
b) *
c) #
d) -
Answer: *
Question: Which of the following is provided using encapsulation ?
a) Data protection
b) Data sharing
c) Separation of data and methods
d) All of these
Answer: Data protection
Question: Which of the following is enabled by data abstraction ?
a) Data protection
b) Data hiding
c) To hide implementation details of method manipulating the data
d) All of these
Answer: To hide implementation details of method manipulating the data
Question: With which of the following options polymorphism cannot be achieved ?
a) Method overloading
b) Operator overloading
c) Data hiding
d) All of these
Answer: Data hiding
Question: An aggregation model refers to which of the following relationships ?
a) 'is-a' relationship
b) 'is-like' relationship
c) 'a-part-of relationship
d) All of these
Answer: 'is-a' relationship
Question: An inheritance model refers to which of the following relationships ?
a) 'is-a' relationship
b) 'has-a' relationship
c) 'a-part-of relationship
d) All of these
Answer: 'is-a' relationship
Question: In class diagram, composition is represented using which of the following symbols ?
a) Empty diamond symbol
b) Filled diamond symbol
c) Empty triangle symbol
d) All of these
Answer: Filled diamond symbol
Question: Object-oriented programming concepts started originating in the_______
a) 1950s
b) 1960s
c) 1970s
d) 1980s
Answer: 1960s
Question: Since mid______object-oriented programming had become the main programming paradigm used in the creation of new software.
a) 1950s
b) 1960s
c) 1970s
d) 1980s
Answer: 1980s
Question: Some of the popular programming languages that support______programming are C++, Java, C#,, and PHP.
a) Object-oriented
b) Structural
c) Modular
d) Procedural
Answer: Object-oriented
Question: The way of programming can be divided into______categories.
a) Four
b) Three
c) Two
d) One
Answer: Two
Question: Java is a_____programming language.
a) Object-oriented
b) Structural
c) Modular
d) Procedural
Answer: Object-oriented
Question: The categories are______and object-oriented.
a) Objective
b) Structure/procedural
c) Modular
d) Functional
Answer: Structure/procedural
Question: In_______programming, the focus is on writing functions or procedures which operate on data.
a) Procedural
b) Modular
c) Functional
d) None of these
Answer: Procedural
Question: In object-oriented_____the focus is on objects which contain data and functionality together.
a) Pattern
b) Prototype
c) Paradigm
d) Example
Answer: Paradigm
Question: The power of object-oriented programming language enables the programmer to create modular, reusable and_____code.
a) Complete
b) Accomplished
c) Perfect
d) Executable
Answer: Executable
Question: Flexibility is gained by being able to change or replace______without disturbing other parts of code.
a) Modules
b) Parts
c) Functions
d) Methods
Answer: Modules
Question: Object-oriented programming uses_____as its fundamental building block.
a) Method
b) Class
c) Object
d) Procedure
Answer: Object
Question: A computer language is object-oriented if they support four specific object properties called
a) Abstraction
b) Encapsulation
c) Polymorphism and Inheritance
d) All of these
Answer: All of these
Question: C# is a______programming language.
a) Object-oriented
b) Structural
c) Modular
d) Procedural
Answer: Object-oriented
Question: In the real world______are the entities of which the world is comprised.
a) Methods
b) Classes
c) Objects
d) Procedures
Answer: Objects
Question: Some objects can be______things like person, car or a cup of coffee.
a) Abstract
b) Concrete
c) Real
d) Solid
Answer: Concrete
Question: Some objects may be______that do not represent things which can be touched or seen.
a) Abstract
b) Concrete
c) Real
d) Solid
Answer: Abstract
Question: All objects have unique______and are distinguishable from each other.
a) Personality
b) Objects
c) Procedures
d) Identity
Answer: Identity
Question: In object-oriented terminology characteristics are known as properties or_______
a) Features
b) Attributes
c) Values
d) States
Answer: Attributes
Question: To uniquely distinguish one person from other,the______of its characteristics is used.
a) Worth
b) Cost
c) Value
d) Property
Answer: Value
Question: When two people have same name, they can be distinguished using other attributes like______
a) Color
b) Name
c) Birth-date
d) Behavior
Answer: Birth-date
Question: To identifythe value of the attributes is used.
a) Personality
b) Objects
c) Procedures
d) Identity
Answer: Objects
Question: There is always a behavior associated with
a) Personality
b) Objects
c) Procedures
d) Identity
Answer: Objects
Question: The behavior of objects is also known as
a) Method
b) Technique
c) Process
d) Procedure
Answer: Method
Question: The_______of the object can change due to its behavior.
a) State
b) Method
c) Status
d) Class
Answer: State
Question: Object can be described in terms of
a) What it is called (identity)
b) What it is (its state)
c) What it does (behavior)
d) All of these
Answer: All of these
Question: In object-oriented programming, attributes that describe the object are also referred to as_____fields.
a) Information
b) Method
c) Data
d) Name
Answer: Data
Question: The data attributes and behavioral methods associated with an object are collectively referred to as its____or features.
a) Component
b) Associate
c) Part
d) Member
Answer: Member
Question: _______system uses the concept of class that enables to express the set of objects that are abstractly equivalent, differing only in the values of their attributes.
a) Object-oriented
b) Value-oriented
c) Data-oriented
d) All of these
Answer: Object-oriented
Question: ______can be considered as a blueprint for various objects.
a) Method
b) Class
c) Object
d) Member
Answer: Class
Question: A class is a_______for multiple objects with similar features.
a) Image
b) Representation
c) Template
d) Guide
Answer: Template
Question: A class describes a group of objects with similar______and common behaviour.
a) Features
b) Attributes
c) Values
d) States
Answer: Attributes
Question: _______in the same class share a common semantic purpose.
a) Methods
b) Classes
c) Objects
d) Members
Answer: Objects
Question: _______is a general concept used to embody all the common features of a particular set of objects.
a) Method
b) Class
c) Object
d) Member
Answer: Class
Question: The class______presents a collection of classes, constraints and relationship among classes.
a) Diagram
b) Map
c) Drawing
d) Figure
Answer: Diagram
Question: _______can be used to create models of object-oriented software to help with design of an application.
a) ULM
b) UML
c) LUM
d) MUL
Answer: UML
Question: _______is a visual modeling language defined and maintained by the Object Management Group.
a) ULM
b) UML
c) LUM
d) MUL
Answer: UML
Question: _______specifies several diagrams for representing different aspects of a software application.
a) ULM
b) UML
c) LUM
d) MUL
Answer: UML
Question: The purpose of the class________is to model the static view of an application.
a) Diagram
b) Map
c) Drawing
d) Figure
Answer: Diagram
Question: The class's diagrams are only diagrams which can be directly mapped with object-oriented.
a) Methods
b) Procedures
c) Languages
d) Attributes
Answer: Languages
Question: In class diagram, a class is represented with an icon using a rectangle split into______sections to present name, attributes and behaviour.
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
Answer: Three
Question: In the class diagram, the name is in the______section.
a) Top
b) Middle
c) Centre
d) Bottom
Answer: Top
Question: In the class diagram, the attributes or methods are in the_____section.
a) Top
b) Middle
c) Centre
d) Bottom
Answer: Middle
Question: In the class diagram, the behaviour or operations are in the_____section.
a) Top
b) Middle
c) Centre
d) Bottom
Answer: Bottom
Question: Full form of UML is______
a) Unified Modelling Language
b) United Modelling Language
c) United Model of Languages
d) None of these
Answer: Unified Modelling Language
Question: Full form of OMG is______
a) Oriented Management Group
b) Oriented Managing Group
c) Object Management Group
d) Object Management Grouping
Answer: Object Management Group
Question: In UML notation, an attribute is declared using the following syntax :
a) [][:[=]]
b) [][:]]
c) [][:] ]
Answer: [] [:]]
Question: In an attribute declaration, the______brackets are optional.
a) Round
b) Chain
c) Angle
d) Square
Answer: Square
Question: In an attribute declaration, the values should be specified in the_____brackets.
a) Round
b) Chain
c) Angle
d) Square
Answer: Angle
Question: In an attribute declaration, the______can be private, protected, public or package.
a) Visibility
b) Invisible
c) Evident
d) Obvious
Answer: Visibility
Question: In an attribute declaration, the private visibility is represented by_____symbol.
a) -
b) #
c) +
d) ~
Answer: -
Question: In an attribute declaration, the protected visibility is represented by______symbol.
a) -
b) #
c) +
d) ~
Answer: #
Question: In an attribute declaration, the public visibility is represented by_____symbol.
a) -
b) #
c) +
d) ~
Answer: +
Question: In an attribute declaration, the package visibility is represented by_____symbol.
a) -
b) #
c) +
d) ~
Answer: ~
Question: Attribute generally refers to a______
a) Variable
b) Property
c) Value
d) Class
Answer: Variable
Question: _______type and initial value identify the type of data stored and its value at the start of the program.
a) Data
b) Date
c) Value
d) Class
Answer: Data
Question: ______is an example of declaring attribute.
a) Name:- string;
b) Name : string
c) Name ++string
d) Name = string
Answer: Name : string
Question: In UML notation, an operation is declared using_____syntax:
a) [](parameter list separated by comma):
b) [](parameter list separated by comma):
c) [](parameter list separated by comma):
d) None of these.
Answer: [](parameter list separated by comma):
Question: ________diagrams are independent of the programming language used for coding an application.
a) ULM
b) UML
c) LUM
d) MUL
Answer: UML
Question: _______are presented using their state during execution of an application.
a) Methods
b) Procedures
c) Classes
d) Objects
Answer: Objects
Question: Objects are_______
a) Dynamic
b) Vibrant
c) Colorful
d) All of these
Answer: Dynamic
Question: An object is also called an______
a) Image
b) Illustration
c) Instance
d) Occurrence
Answer: Instance
Question: For any computer program, two or more elements are data and________
a) Method
b) Function
c) Information
d) Procedure
Answer: Function
Question: Structured/Procedural programming views the two core elements as______separate entities.
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) None of these
Answer: Two
Question: ________programming views the two coreentities as single entity.
a) Object-oriented
b) Structured
c) Procedural
d) Instance
Answer: Object-oriented
Question: In______programming, data can be altered by any component of the program.
a) Object-oriented
b) Structured
c) Procedural
d) Instance
Answer: Procedural
Question: In object-oriented programming, the problem of modification can be solved using______
a) Polymorphism
b) Abstraction
c) Messaging
d) Encapsulation
Answer: Encapsulation
Question: Data and the methods that______data are guarded against modification or misuse by other components of the program.
a) Change
b) Modify
c) Manipulate
d) Imitate
Answer: Manipulate
Question: The mechanism of providing protection to data and methods of a program is called______
a) Polymorphism
b) Abstraction
c) Messaging
d) Encapsulation
Answer: Encapsulation
Question: ______is possible by wrapping data and methods into a single unit known as class and declaring them as private.
a) Encapsulation
b) Abstraction
c) Messaging
d) Polymorphism
Answer: Encapsulation
Question: ________members of the class are not available directly to outside world.
a) Private
b) Public
c) Void
d) Static
Answer: Private
Question: Data can be made available via public______to the outside world.
a) Messages
b) Methods
c) Function
d) Declarations
Answer: Methods
Question: Encapsulation provides______hiding capability.
a) Information
b) Data
c) Code
d) Class
Answer: Data
Question: _______keeps the data safe from unintended actions and inadvertent access by outside objects.
a) Polymorphism
b) Abstraction
c) Messaging
d) Encapsulation
Answer: Encapsulation
Question: ________programming discourages direct access to common data by other programs.
a) Object-oriented
b) Structured
c) Procedural
d) Instance
Answer: Object-oriented
Question: Only the object that______the data can change its content.
a) Holds
b) Possesses
c) Owns
d) Creates
Answer: Owns
Question: Other objects can view or change this data by sending message to the "owner".
a) Vendor
b) Businessman
c) Owner
d) Viewer
Answer: Owner
Question: Data______is a process of representing the essential features of the objects without including implementation detail.
a) Polymorphism
b) Abstraction
c) Messaging
d) Encapsulation
Answer: Abstraction
Question: _______is a concept that hides the complexity; it says what it does, but not how it is done.
a) Polymorphism
b) Abstraction
c) Messaging
d) Encapsulation
Answer: Abstraction
Question: Data______thus is a technique that relies on the separation of interface and implementation.
a) Polymorphism
b) Abstraction
c) Messaging
d) Encapsulation
Answer: Abstraction
Question: A user defined______with necessary input data parameters also provides data abstraction.
a) Messages
b) Methods
c) Function
d) Declarations
Answer: Function
Question: The signature of the function means the name of the function, number and type of parameters and the return type of______
a) Parameters
b) Methods
c) Parts
d) Variables
Answer: Parameters
Question: Data_____provides the skeleton or templates for the programmers use. The system hides certain details of how data is stored, created and maintained.
a) Polymorphism
b) Abstraction
c) Messaging
d) Encapsulation
Answer: Abstraction
Question: All that is______to the rest of the world is the abstract behaviour of the data type.
a) Invisible
b) Hidden
c) Seen
d) Visible
Answer: Visible
Question: ______or structures (struct) in C/C++, classes / Java are examples for data abstraction.
b) TDA
c) DAT
d) ADT
Answer: ADT
Question: Full form of ADT is________
a) Abstraction Date Type
b) Abstract Date Type
c) Abstract Data Type
d) Abstract Data Template
Answer: Abstract Data Type
Question: In___it is simply defined a data type and a set of operations on it. The implementation of operations is not seen.
b) TDA
c) DAT
d) ADT
Answer: ADT
Question: Encapsulation_____data by making them inaccessible from outside.
a) Hides
b) Protects
c) Displays
d) Harms
Answer: Protects
Question: _______enables to represent data in which the implementation details are hidden.
a) Polymorphism
b) Abstraction
c) Messaging
d) Encapsulation
Answer: Abstraction
Question: In object-oriented terminology, a call to a method is referred to as a______
a) Message
b) Function
c) Call
d) Letter
Answer: Message
Question: ________represents 'has-a' or 'a-part-of relationship between classes.
a) Aggregation
b) Polymorphism
c) Work
d) Messaging
Answer: Aggregation
Question: ______represents non-exclusive relationship between two classes.
a) Polymorphism
b) Aggregation
c) Inheritance
d) Abstraction
Answer: Aggregation
Question: In_____the class that forms part of the owner class can exist independently.
a) Polymorphism
b) Aggregation
c) Inheritance
d) Abstraction
Answer: Aggregation
Question: The life of an______of the part class is not determined by the owner class.
a) Variable
b) Parameter
c) Operator
d) Object
Answer: Object
Question: Although the motherboard is part of the computer, it can exist as a separate item independent of the_______
a) Workstation
b) System
c) Computer
d) Processor
Answer: Computer
Question: Basic aggregation is represented using an empty_______symbol next to the whole class.
a) Square
b) Diamond
c) Triangle
d) Circle
Answer: Diamond
Question: ________represents exclusive relationship between two classes.
a) Composition
b) Aggregation
c) Inheritance
d) Abstraction
Answer: Composition
Question: ______is a strong type of aggregation where the lifetime of the part class depends on the existence of the owner class.
a) Composition
b) Aggregation
c) Inheritance
d) Abstraction
Answer: Composition
Question: If an object of aggregating class is deleted, its part_______object also gets deleted.
a) Function
b) Message
c) Class
d) Variable
Answer: Class
Question: When an object of class Person is deleted, the object of class Name is also______
a) Removed
b) Deleted
c) Detached
d) Attached
Answer: Deleted
Question: _______property suits best with Java.
a) A Structured Language
b) An Object-oriented Language
c) A Procedural Language
d) An Interpreting Language
Answer: An Object-oriented Language
Question: is provided while using encapsulation.
a) Data Protection
b) Data Hiding
c) Data Sharing
d) Data and Methods Separation
Answer: Data Protection
Question: The focus is on_____entity in an object-oriented methodology.
a) Functions
b) Data
c) Classes
d) Objects
Answer: Objects
Question: In class diagram, basic aggregation is represented using which of the following symbols ?
a) Empty triangle symbol
b) Filled triangle symbol
c) Filled diamond symbol
d) Empty diamond symbol
Answer: Empty diamond symbol
Question: The data type for NAME variable should be______
a) String
b) Char
c) Date
d) Int
Answer: String
Question: The data type for BIRTHDATE variable should be____
a) String
b) Char
c) Date
d) Int
Answer: Date
Question: The data type for GENDER variable should be
a) String
b) Char
c) Double
d) Int
Answer: Char
Question: The data type for NO_OF_STUDENTS variable should be_______
a) String
b) Char
c) Double
d) Int
Answer: Int
Question: _______is used to define common features of similar objects.
a) Class
b) Procedure
c) Object
d) Method
Answer: Method
Question: The output of the function sqrt(25) is_______
a) 5
b) 10
c) 15
d) 20
Answer: 5
Question: A user defined______with necessary input data parameters also provides data abstraction.
a) Messages
b) Methods
c) Function
d) Declarations
Answer: Function
Question: The signature of the function means the name of the function, number and type of parameters and the return type of______
a) Parameters
b) Methods
c) Parts
d) Variables
Answer: Parameters
Question: Data_____provides the skeleton or templates for the programmers use. The system hides certain details of how data is stored, created and maintained.
a) Polymorphism
b) Abstraction
c) Messaging
d) Encapsulation
Answer: Abstraction
Question: All that is______to the rest of the world is the abstract behaviour of the data type.
a) Invisible
b) Hidden
c) Seen
d) Visible
Answer: Visible
Question: ______or structures (struct) in C/C++, classes / Java are examples for data abstraction.
b) TDA
c) DAT
d) ADT
Answer: ADT
Question: Full form of ADT is________
a) Abstraction Date Type
b) Abstract Date Type
c) Abstract Data Type
d) Abstract Data Template
Answer: Abstract Data Type
Question: In___it is simply defined a data type and a set of operations on it. The implementation of operations is not seen.
b) TDA
c) DAT
d) ADT
Answer: ADT
Question: Encapsulation_____data by making them inaccessible from outside.
a) Hides
b) Protects
c) Displays
d) Harms
Answer: Protects
Question: _______enables to represent data in which the implementation details are hidden.
a) Polymorphism
b) Abstraction
c) Messaging
d) Encapsulation
Answer: Abstraction
Question: In object-oriented terminology, a call to a method is referred to as a______
a) Message
b) Function
c) Call
d) Letter
Answer: Message
Question: ________represents 'has-a' or 'a-part-of relationship between classes.
a) Aggregation
b) Polymorphism
c) Work
d) Messaging
Answer: Aggregation
Question: ______represents non-exclusive relationship between two classes.
a) Polymorphism
b) Aggregation
c) Inheritance
d) Abstraction
Answer: Aggregation
Question: In_____the class that forms part of the owner class can exist independently.
a) Polymorphism
b) Aggregation
c) Inheritance
d) Abstraction
Answer: Aggregation
Question: The life of an______of the part class is not determined by the owner class.
a) Variable
b) Parameter
c) Operator
d) Object
Answer: Object
Question: Although the motherboard is part of the computer, it can exist as a separate item independent of the_______
a) Workstation
b) System
c) Computer
d) Processor
Answer: Computer
Question: Basic aggregation is represented using an empty_______symbol next to the whole class.
a) Square
b) Diamond
c) Triangle
d) Circle
Answer: Diamond
Question: ________represents exclusive relationship between two classes.
a) Composition
b) Aggregation
c) Inheritance
d) Abstraction
Answer: Composition
Question: ______is a strong type of aggregation where the lifetime of the part class depends on the existence of the owner class.
a) Composition
b) Aggregation
c) Inheritance
d) Abstraction
Answer: Composition
Question: If an object of aggregating class is deleted, its part_______object also gets deleted.
a) Function
b) Message
c) Class
d) Variable
Answer: Class
Question: When an object of class Person is deleted, the object of class Name is also______
a) Removed
b) Deleted
c) Detached
d) Attached
Answer: Deleted
Question: _______property suits best with Java.
a) A Structured Language
b) An Object-oriented Language
c) A Procedural Language
d) An Interpreting Language
Answer: An Object-oriented Language
Question: is provided while using encapsulation.
a) Data Protection
b) Data Hiding
c) Data Sharing
d) Data and Methods Separation
Answer: Data Protection
Question: The focus is on_____entity in an object-oriented methodology.
a) Functions
b) Data
c) Classes
d) Objects
Answer: Objects
Question: In class diagram, basic aggregation is represented using which of the following symbols ?
a) Empty triangle symbol
b) Filled triangle symbol
c) Filled diamond symbol
d) Empty diamond symbol
Answer: Empty diamond symbol
Question: The data type for NAME variable should be______
a) String
b) Char
c) Date
d) Int
Answer: String
Question: The data type for BIRTHDATE variable should be____
a) String
b) Char
c) Date
d) Int
Answer: Date
Question: The data type for GENDER variable should be
a) String
b) Char
c) Double
d) Int
Answer: Char
Question: The data type for NO_OF_STUDENTS variable should be_______
a) String
b) Char
c) Double
d) Int
Answer: Int
Question: _______is used to define common features of similar objects.
a) Class
b) Procedure
c) Object
d) Method
Answer: Method
Question: The output of the function sqrt(25) is_______
a) 5
b) 10
c) 15
d) 20
Answer: 5
Question: _______is generally referred to as 'is-a-kind-of relationship between two classes.
a) Composition
b) Aggregation
c) Inheritance
d) Abstraction
Answer: Inheritance
Question: ________refers to the capability of defining a new class of objects that inherits the characteristics of another existing class.
a) Inheritance
b) Composition
c) Aggregation
d) Messaging
Answer: Inheritance
Question: In object-oriented terminology_______class is called sub class or child class or derived class.
a) Latest
b) New
c) Old
d) Super
Answer: New
Question: The existing class is called______class or parent class or base class.
a) Sub
b) New
c) Super
d) Child
Answer: Super
Question: The data_______and methods of the super class are available to objects in the sub class without rewriting their declarations.
a) Attributes
b) Properties
c) Operators
d) Features
Answer: Attributes
Question: The above feature (mention in above question provides) reusability where existing method can be reused without______
a) Introduction
b) Availability
c) Definition
d) Redefining
Answer: Redefining
Question: Additionally new data and method members can be added to the______class as an extension.
a) Sub
b) New
c) Super
d) Child
Answer: Sub
Question: In a class diagram, inheritance is represented using an arrow pointing to______class.
a) Sub
b) New
c) Super
d) Child
Answer: Super
Question: _________is another name for inheritance or 'is a'relationship.
a) Aggregation
b) Composition
c) Inheritance
d) Generalization
Answer: Generalization
Question: ________refers to a relationship between two classes where one class is a specialized version of another.
a) Aggregation
b) Composition
c) Inheritance
d) Generalization
Answer: Generalization
Question: Common attributes and methods are defined in______class.
a) Sub
b) New
c) Super
d) Child
Answer: Super
Question: _________class is a specialized version with additional attributes and methods.
a) Sub
b) New
c) Super
d) Child
Answer: Sub
Question: A_______can be derived using more than parent classes.
a) Method
b) Program
c) Class
d) Variable
Answer: Class
Question: When a class is derived from two or more classes, it is known as multiple________
a) Aggregation
b) Composition
c) Inheritance
d) Generalization
Answer: Inheritance
Question: In_____class inherits from other classes in order to share, reuse or extend functionality.
a) Aggregation
b) Composition
c) Inheritance
d) Generalization
Answer: Inheritance
Question: In_______classes do not inherit from other classes, but are 'composed of other classes.
a) Aggregation
b) Composition
c) Inheritance
d) Generalization
Answer: Composition
Question: _________as methodology is playing a significant role in analysis, design and implementation of software system.
a) Object-oriented
b) Structure-oriented
c) Procedure-oriented
d) Aggregation-oriented
Answer: Object-oriented
Question: When a class contains objects of other class, the container class is called______class or whole class or aggregating class.
a) Sub
b) Owner
c) Super
d) Whole
Answer: Owner
Question: The class that is contained in owner class is known as_______class or part class or aggregated class.
a) Sub
b) Owner
c) Subject
d) Super
Answer: Subject
Question: ________represents non-exclusive relationship between two classes.
a) Aggregation
b) Composition
c) Inheritance
d) Generalization
Answer: Aggregation
Question: represents exclusive relationship between two classes.
a) Aggregation
b) Composition
c) Inheritance
d) Generalization
Answer: Composition
Question: When there is 'is-a' or 'a-kind-of relationship between two classes, there is_____relationship.
a) Aggregation
b) Composition
c) Inheritance
d) Generalization
Answer: Inheritance
Question: General features or common features of two classes are implemented in the______class.
a) Sub
b) Owner
c) Subject
d) Super
Answer: Super
Question: Special features of two classes are implemented in sub class.
a) Sub
b) Owner
c) Subject
d) Super
Answer: Sub
Question: In class diagram, composition is represented using which of the following symbols ?
a) Empty triangle symbol
b) Filled triangle symbol
c) Filled diamond symbol
d) Empty diamond symbol
Answer: Filled diamond symbol
Question: An inheritance model refers to which of the following relationships ?
a) Has-a-relationship'
b) A-part-of relationship
c) Is-a-part-of relationship
d) Is-a' relationship
Answer: Is-a' relationship
Question: Which of the following is enabled by data abstraction ?
a) Data protection
b) Data hiding
c) Hide implementation details
d) Hide relationship details
Answer: Hide implementation details
Question: Polymorphism cannot be achieved by which of the following ?
a) Operator overloading
b) Data hiding
c) Method overloading
d) None of these
Answer: Data hiding
Question: Which of the following model refers to an aggregation ?
a) A-part-of relationship
b) Is-like' relationship
c) Is-a' relationship
d) Has-a' relationship
Answer: A-part-of relationship
Question: _______is used to distinguish objects from each other.
a) Attributes
b) Behaviour
c) State
d) All of these
Answer: State
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