Refer to CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Data Structure MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 12 Computer Science with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Data Structure Class 12 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 12 Computer Science and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 12 Computer Science and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Class 12 Computer Science Data Structure
Class 12 Computer Science students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Data Structure in Class 12.
Data Structure MCQ Questions Class 12 Computer Science with Answers
Question. ___________________ is a way to represent data in memory.
a) Data Handling
b) Data Structure
c) Data Dumping
d) Data Collection
Answer : B
Question. Array or linear list comes under the category of______
a) Simple Data Structure
b) Compound Data Structure
c) random
d) None of these
Answer : A
Question. Queue follows____________ order
a) FIFO (First In First Out )
b) LIFO (Last In First Out)
c) Random
d) None of the above
Answer : A
Question. In stack we cannot insert an element in between the elements that are already inserted.
a) True
b) False
Answer : A
Question. Searching of any element in a data structure can be done in 2 ways _________ and ________
a) Sequential and random
b) linear and non linear
c) linear and binary
d) sequential and binary
Answer : C
Question. If the elements “A”, “B”, “C” and “D” are placed in a stack and are deleted one at a time, in what order will they be removed?
Answer : B
Question. Which of the following statement(s) about stack data structure is/are NOT correct?
a) Stack data structure can be implemented using linked list
b) New node can only be added at the top of the stack
c) Stack is the FIFO data structure
d) The last node at the bottom of the stack has a NULL link
Answer : C
Question. Data structure can be of two type’s namely___________
a) Simple and Compound
b) Simple and Nested
c) Sequential and random
d) All of the above
Answer : A
Question. Stacks follows____________ order
a) FIFO (First In First Out )
b) LIFO (Last In First Out)
c) Random
d) All of the above
Answer : B
Question. In Stack Insertion and deletion of an element is done at single end called ________
a) Start
b) Last
c) Top
d) Bottom
Answer : C
Question. Arranging elements of a data structure in increasing or decreasing order is known as_________
a) Searching
b) Arrangement
c) Sorting
d) Indexing
Answer : C
Question. Which of the following data structure is linear type?
a) Stack
b) Array
c) Queue
d) All of the above
Answer : D
Question. Compound Data structure can be ______ & _______
a) Sequential and random
b) Simple & Nested
c) Linear & Non Linear
d) Simple and Linear
Answer : C
Question. Main Operations in Queue are called
a) Insertion and deletion
b) append and insertion
c) Push and Pop
d) append and deletion
Answer : A
Question. _________ is an example of nonlinear data structure
a) Stack
b) Queue
c) Sorting
d) Tree
Answer : D
Question. The postfix form of the expression (A+ B)*(C*D- E)*F / G is?
a) AB + CDE * – * F *G /
b) AB+ CD*E – FG /**
c) AB + CD* E – F **G /
d) AB + CD* E – *F *G /
Answer : B
Question. Main Operations in Stacks are called
a) Insertion and deletion
b) append and insertion
c) Push and Pop
d) append and deletion
Answer : C
Question. In a stack, if a user tries to remove an element from empty stack it is called _________
a) Underflow
b) Empty
c) Overflow
d) Garbage Collection
Answer : A
Question. The postfix form of A*B+C/D is?
a) *AB/CD+
b) AB*CD/+
c) A*BC+/D
d) ABCD+/*
Answer : B
Question. While implementing Stack using list when we want to delete element we must use pop function as__________
a) list.pop(pos)
b) list.pop(0
)c) list.pop()
d) list.push()
Answer : C
Question. Python built-in data structures are
a) integer,float,string
b) list,tuple,dictionary,sets
c) math,pyplot
d) All of the above
Answer : B
Question. The examples of Linear Data Structures are
a) Stacks, Queues, Linked list
b) int, float, complex
c) Operators, tokens, punctuators
d) All of the above
Answer : A
Question. The process of visiting each element in any Data structure is termed as ____________
a) Visiting
b) Searching
c) Traversing
d) Movement
Answer : C
Question. What is the value of the postfix expression 6 3 2 4 + – *
a) 1
b) 40
c) 74
d) -18
Answer : D
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MCQs for Data Structure Computer Science Class 12
Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 12 Computer Science to develop the Computer Science Class 12 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 12 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Computer Science will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 12 Computer Science. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 12 Computer Science so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 12 Computer Science MCQ Test for the same chapter.
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