CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Creating HTML Forms Using KompoZer MCQs Set A

Refer to CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Creating HTML Forms Using KompoZer MCQs Set A provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 12 Computer Science with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Creating HTML Forms Using KompoZer Class 12 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 12 Computer Science and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 12 Computer Science and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 12 Computer Science Creating HTML Forms Using KompoZer

Class 12 Computer Science students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Creating HTML Forms Using KompoZer in Class 12.

Creating HTML Forms Using KompoZer MCQ Questions Class 12 Computer Science with Answers

Question: Which of the following is a container used to collect different kinds of inputs from the user ?

a) Form

b) Web page

c) Text

d) Input

Answer: Form


Question: Which of the following element is used to create an HTML form ?

a) Text area

b) Form

c) Select and Option

d) Input

Answer: Form


Question: Which of the following is the tag used to implement form element ?

a) <frm>... </frm>

b) </form>...</form>

c) <form>... <form>

d) <form>...</form>

Answer:  <form>...</form>


Question: Which of the following attribute of form is used to specify where to send the form data when the form is submitted ?

a) Method

b) Action

c) Submit

d) Input

Answer: Action


Question: Which of the following attribute of form specifies the HTTP method to be used when sending the data ?

a) Submit

b) Action

c) Method

d) Input

Answer: Method


Question: Which of the following method allows only a limited amount of information to be seen at a time ?

a) GET


c) SET

d) PUT

Answer: GET


Question: Which of the following values are used by method attribute ?

a) GET and POST

b) GET and SET

c) GET and PUT

d) SET and POST

Answer: GET and POST


Question: Which of the following method sends the data as a block through the HTTP transaction ?

a) GET

b) SET

c) PUT


Answer: POST


Question: Which of the following attribute of the input element specifies the field that is to be created in the form ?

a) Input

b) Type

c) Name

d) Value

Answer: Type


Question: Which of the following element allow^ multi-line text input ?

a) Text area

b) Input

c) Select and Option

d) Form

Answer: Text area


Question: Which of the following element is used to create a drop down list or menu in a form ?

a) Input

b) Text area

c) Select

d) Form

Answer: Select


Question: Which of the following is a free open source web development IDE ?


b) KompoZer

c) S Cite

d) Base

Answer: KompoZer


Question: Which of the following stands for "WYSIWYG" ?

a) When You See Is When You Get

b) What You See Is When You Get

c) What You See Is What You Get

d) When You See Is What You Get

Answer: What You See Is What You Get


Question: Whose increase in the use has resulted in many activities becoming online ?

a) Internet

b) Mobile

c) GPS

d) Social Networking

Answer: Internet


Question: What is used to fill information about various product ? 

a) Server Page

b) Home Page

c) Web Page

d) Master Page

Answer: Web Page


Question: What is used to help the visitors of the website to input data ?

a) Table

b) Form

c) Database

d) File

Answer: Form


Question: What is well organized structure designed to input the required data and information of website is called ?

a) Database

b) Table

c) Form

d) Report

Answer: Form


Question: Which of the following option is true with respect to form ?

a) Required information are filled in the form

b) Well organized input of information is done using form

c) Form contains well organized structure.




Question: The method of adding information in the form of the web page is similar to which type of form?

a) Printed form

b) Hand written form

c) Online form

d) Offline form

Answer: Printed form


Question: What does the form allow ?

a) Interactivity

b) Control in data entry

c) Both (A) and (B)

d) None of these

Answer: Both (A) and (B)


Question: What is form ?

a) Source Code

b) Object

c) Container

d) Edit

Answer: Container


Question: From the list given below what is used to collect different kinds of inputs from the user ?

a) Table

b) Report

c) Form

d) Query

Answer: Form


Question: Which of the following element does the form contain ?

a) Label, Check box

b) Text input field, Radio button

c) Submit button, Reset button

d) All of these

Answer: All of these


Question: What is the use of various element of form ?

a) Enter the data

b) Validate the data

c) Both (A) and (B)

d) None of these

Answer: Both (A) and (B)


Question: Using which of the following a form can be designed easily ?


b) Word Pad

c) XML

d) Form Liner

Answer: HTML


Question: What is the full form of HTML ?

a) Hyper Text Manage Language

b) Hyper Text Markup Language

c) Hyper Text Marker Language

d) Hyper Text Marking Language

Answer: Hyper Text Markup Language


Question: How many parts are elements of form divided into?

a) Two

b) Three

c) Four

d) Five

Answer: Four


Question: Which from the given below are the elements of form ?

a) Form, Input

b) Text area

c) Select and Option

d) All of these

Answer: All of these


Question: Which container is used to collect different kinds of inputs from the user ?

a) Table

b) Form

c) Report

d) Query

Answer: Form


Question: Which element is used to create an HTML form?

a) Form

b) Frm

c) Frmsrc

d) Formset

Answer: Form


Question: What acts as a container for all the elements used in the form ?

a) Table

b) Report

c) Form

d) Frame

Answer: Form


Question: Which of the following is the tag used to implement form element ?

a) <frm>... </frm>

b) </form>...</form>

c) <form>... <form>

d) <form>...</form>

Answer:  <form>...</form>


Question: Which from the given below shows the example of use of the form element ?

a) Input elements

b) Input-elements

c) Input elements

d) Input elements

Answer: Input elements


Question: How many attributes does form tag have ?

a) Two

b) Three

c) Four

d) Five

Answer: Two


Question: Which of the given below are the attributes of the form tag ?

a) Action

b) Method

c) Both (A) and (B)

d) None of these

Answer: Both (A) and (B)


Question: Which attribute of form element is used to specify where to send the form data when the form is submitted ?

a) Method

b) Action

c) (A) or (B)

d) None of these

Answer: Action


Question: Which attribute of tag is used to control the processes executing after the form is submitted ?

a) Action

b) Method

c) (A) or (B)

d) None of these

Answer: Action


Question: What does action attribute take as value ?

a) Website name

b) Name of web server

c) File name

d) Name of folder

Answer: File name


Question: After filling the data in the form, the file specified in action attribute is opened when the user clicks on which button ?

a) Finish button

b) OK button

c) Reset button

d) Submit button

Answer: Submit button


Question: Which attribute of form element specifies the HTTP method to be used when sending the data ?

a) Action

b) Method

c) (A) or (B)

d) None of these

Answer: Method


Question: What is the full form of HTTP ?

a) Hyper Text Taged Protocol

b) Hyper Text Timeline Protocol

c) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

d) Hyper Text Terminal Protocol

Answer: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol


Question: Which attribute decides how to submit the information of form on specified address ?

a) Method

b) Action

c) (A) or (B)

d) None of these

Answer: Method


Question: How many values can method attribute of form element take ?

a) Two

b) Three

c) Four

d) Five

Answer: Two


Question: Which values can method attribute of form element take ?


b) Get, Post

c) Action, Method

d) Any of these

Answer: Get, Post


Question: Which is the default value of method attribute of form element ?

a) Get

b) Post

c) Action

d) (A) or (B)

Answer: Get


Question: Which value of method attribute adds the retrieved data from the form to the end of URL and sends to the server ?

a) Post

b) Get

c) Action

d) All of these

Answer: Get


Question: What is the full form of URL ?

a) Uniform Redefine Locator

b) Uniform Rearrange Locator

c) Uniform Reform Locator

d) Uniform Resource Locator

Answer: Uniform Resource Locator


Question: Which of the following shows the use of action attribute ?

a) To specify the address where the information has to be sent when form is submitted.

b) To specify the specifications of HTTP

c) Both (A) and (B)

d) None of these

Answer: To specify the address where the information has to be sent when form is submitted.


Question: Which value of method attribute provides facility of sending limited information at one time ?

a) Get

b) Post

c) Action

d) (A) or (B)

Answer: Get


Question: Which value of method attribute sends information in form of blocks using HTTP transaction ?

a) Post

b) Get

c) Action

d) All of these

Answer: Post


Question: Which of the following term provides facility of sending information in form of blocks using HTTP transaction ?

a) Get

b) Action

c) Post

d) Any of these

Answer: Post


Question: Which of the following specifies the use of method attribute ?

a) Specifies the address where the information has to be sent after submitting the form.

b) Specifies the HTTP method.

c) Both (A) and (B)

d) None of these

Answer: Specifies the HTTP method.


Question: Which value of method attribute sends information in the form of request ?

a) Get

b) Post

c) Action

d) (A) or (B)

Answer: Post


Question: Which value of method attribute does not have any restriction of length of information ?

a) Post

b) Get

c) Action

d) All of these

Answer: Post


Question: Which elements are used in form ?

a) Input objects

b) Output objects

c) Process objects

d) All of these

Answer: Input objects


Question: Which of the given below is an example of Input element ?

a) Text box, Password

b) Radio button, Check box

c) Submit button, Reset button

d) All of these

Answer: All of these


Question: Which tag is used to implement input element in the form ?

a) <input>

b) <input>….</input>

c) (A) or (B)

d) None of these

Answer: (A) or (B)


Question: Which attribute is used along with <input> tag ?

a) Type

b) Name

c) Value

d) All of these

Answer: All of these


Question: Which attribute of the input element specifies the Held that is to be created in the form?

a) Type

b) Name

c) Value

d) All of these

Answer: Type


Question: What is the use of type attribute?

a) To specify the field that is to be created.

b) To specify the name to be used for the field,

c) To specify the default value of the field.

d) All of these

Answer: To specify the field that is to be created.


Question: Which attribute of the input element specifies the name to be used for the field in the form?

a) Type

b) Name

c) Value

d) Any of these

Answer: Name


Question: What is the use of name attribute ?

a) To specify the field that is to be created.

b) To specify the name to be used for the field.

c) To specify the default value of the field.

d) All of these

Answer: To specify the name to be used for the field.


Question: Which attribute of the input element specifies the default value of the field in the form ?

a) Type

b) Name

c) Value

d) Any of these

Answer: Value


Question: What is the use of value attribute ?

a) To specify the field that is to be created

b) To specify the name to be used for the field

c) To specify the default value of the field

d) All of these

Answer: To specify the name to be used for the field


Question: Which are the various input elements that can be created using type attribute of  <input> tag?

a) Submit button, Reset button

b) Text box

c) Radio button, check box, drop down menu

d) All of these

Answer: All of these


Question: Which input element is used to enter text in the form ?

a) Password

b) Text box

c) Radio button

d) Check box

Answer: Text box


Question: From the given options below, what is the text box used for ?

a) Title of the web page

b) User's name

c) E-mail address

d) All of these

Answer: All of these


Question: Which element is used to create text box in form ?

a) Text

b) Box

c) Text Box

d) Text Line

Answer: Text


Question: Which type of data can be entered in the text box ?

a) Text

b) Numeric

c) Symbolic

d) All of these

Answer: All of these


Question: What is the syntax of creating text box in the form ?

a) <input type = text name=var value=txt>

b) <input type = "text" name="var" value="txt">

c) <input type = 'text' name='var' value='txt'>

d) {<input type = "text" name="var" value="txt">}

Answer: <input type = "text" name="var" value="txt">


Question: Which element is used to create password field in form ?

a) Password

b) Text box

c) Radio button

d) Check box

Answer: Password


Question: Password field is similar to which of the following ?

a) Drop down menu

b) Text box

c) Radio button

d) Check box

Answer: Text box


Question: Characters are not displayed to the user in which of the following ?

a) Radio button

b) Checkbox

c) Text box

d) Password

Answer: Password


Question: In which of the following the characters typed are converted into non readable format ?

a) Password

b) Text box

c) Radio button

d) Check box

Answer: Password


Question: In which form are the characters typed in the password field displayed ?

a) Dots

b) Asterisk

c) Square

d) All of these

Answer: All of these


Question: Which of the following does not let any one read the typed text when user does login ?

a) Password

b) Text box

c) Radio button

d) Check box

Answer: Password


Question: What is the syntax of creating password box in the form ?

a) <input = "password" name="var" > 

b) <input value = "password" name="var" > 

c) <input type = "password" name="var" >

d) <input type = "password" value="var" >

Answer: <input type = "password" name="var" >


Question: What is used to select only one option from the given many options in the form ?

a) Radio button

b) Check box

c) Text box

d) Password

Answer: Radio button


Question: Which element is used to create radio button in form?

a) Button

b) Radio

c) Button_radio

d) Radio_button

Answer: Radio


Question: How many radio buttons can be selected from many radio buttons available in a single group ?

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

Answer: 1


Question: It is possible to select more than one radio button. Select correct option for this statement ?

a) This statement is true

b) This statement is false

c) We cannot be sure of this statement

d) None of these

Answer: This statement is false


Question: What is the shape of radio button ?

a) Circle

b) Square

c) Triangle

d) Rectangle

Answer: Circle


Question: What appears in the circle of radio button which is selected ?

a) Line

b) Arrow

c) Dot

d) Tick

Answer: Dot


Question: Generally what is used to select a single item from a given group of item ?

a) Radio button

b) Checkbox

c) Text box

d) Password

Answer: Radio button


Question: Which attribute is used to display a radio button selected by default ?

a) Check

b) Select

c) Checked

d) Selected

Answer: Checked


Question: What is true from the following for the checked attribute of radio button ?

a) Compulsory

b) Optional

c) Sometimes compulsory

d) Sometimes optional

Answer: Optional


Question: What is the syntax of creating radio button in the form ?

a)<input="radio" name="var" value="txt">

b)<input=" radio" name="var" type=,,txt">

c) <input ="radio" type="var" value="txt">

d)<inputtype="radio" name="var" value="txt">

Answer: <inputtype="radio" name="var" value="txt">


Question: What is used to select only one option from the given many options in the form ?

a) Radio button

b) Check box

c) Text box

d) Password

Answer: Check box


Question: Which element is used to create check box field in form ?

a) Check box

b) Checkjbox

c) Box

d) Box_check

Answer: Check box


Question: When one radio button is selected than what happens to the other radio buttons of the same group ?

a) Active

b) Deactivate

c) Special

d) Normal

Answer: Deactivate


Question: It is possible to select more than one check box. Select correct option for this statement ?

a) This statement is true

b) This statement is false

c) We cannot be sure of this statement

d) None of these

Answer: This statement is true


Question: What is the shape of check box ?

a) Circle

b) Square

c) Triangle

d) Rectangle

Answer: Square


Question: What appears in the square of check box which is selected ?

a) Line

b) Arrow

c) Dot

d) Tick

Answer: Tick


Question: What is used to select a more than one item from a given group of item ?

a) Radio button

b) Check box

c) Text box

d) Password

Answer: Check box


Question: Which attribute is used to display a check box selected by default ?

a) Check

b) Select

c) Checked

d) Selected

Answer: Checked


Question: What is true from the following for the checked attribute of check box ?

a) Compulsory

b) Optional

c) Sometimes compulsory

d) Sometimes optional

Answer: Optional


Question: What is the syntax of creating check box in the form ?

a) <input type = "checkbox" name="var" value="txt">

b) <input name = "checkbox" name="var" value="txt">

c) <input name = "checkbox" type='var' name='txt'> (

d) <input type = "checkbox" value="var" name="txt">

Answer: <input type = "checkbox" name="var" value="txt">


Question: Which button is used to send the values of data entered in the form ?

a) Send Button

b) Enter Button

c) Submit Button

d) Reset Button

Answer: Submit Button


Question: Which button is used to send the values of data entered in the form to the server ?

a) Reset Button

b) Submit Button

c) Enter Button

d) Send Button

Answer: Submit Button


Question: On clicking which button, the values of data entered in the form is submitted to the file specified in the action attribute of the form element ?

a) Enter Button

b) Send Button

c) Reset Button

d) Submit Button

Answer: Submit Button


Question: What is the syntax of creating submit button in the form ?

a) <input type="submit" value="label">

b) <input ="submit" valuer "label ">

c)  <input value= "submit" type="label">

d) <inputname="submit" value="label">

Answer: <input type="submit" value="label">


Question: On clicking which button, the values of data entered in the form are cleared and set back to default values ?

a) Send Button

b) Enter Button

c) Submit Button

d) Reset Button

Answer: Reset Button


Question: What is the use of reset button ?

a) Replace the data values entered in the form by its default values.

b) Replace the data values entered in the form by blank spaces.

c) (A) or (B)

d) To change all the values filled in the form with the values present on the web server

Answer: (A) or (B)


Question: The values of data entered in the form are set to which values when reset button is clicked ?

a) Set back to default value

b) Null

c) New

d) Old

Answer: Set back to default value


Question: What happens when reset button is clicked ?

a) The values of data entered in the form are cleared.

b) The values of data entered in the form are set back to default values.

c) Both (A) and (B)

d) The values of data entered in the form can be modified.

Answer: Both (A) and (B)


Question: What to the syntax oi creating ies,et YsuWaw vsv the form ?

a) <input=" reset" value="label"> 

b) <input type="reset" value="label">

c) <inputvalue="reset" name="label">

d) <input value="reset" type="label">

Answer: <input type="reset" value="label">


Question: Match the following :

      (A)                                                                          (B)

(1) Radio               (A) The values of data entered in the form is submitted to the file specified in the action attribute of the form element using it.

(2) Check box        (B) Is used to add any type of data/textual data.

(3) Text                 (C) Is used to select only one options from all the given options.

(4) Password         (D) Similar to Text field, characters typed in it are not displayed.

(5) Submit             (E) Used to setback the values of data entered in the form to default values.

(6) Reset               (F) Is used to select one or more than one options at a time.

a) (1- C),(2 - F), (3 - B), (4 - D), (5 -E), (6 - A)

b) (1- C),(2 - F), (3 - D), (4 - B), (5 - A), (6 - E)

c) (1- C),(2 - F), (3 - B), (4 - A), (5 - D), (6 - E)

d) (D) (1- C),(2 - F), (3 - B), (4 - D), (5 - A), (6 - E)

Answer: (D) (1- C),(2 - F), (3 - B), (4 - D), (5 - A), (6 - E)


Question: Which element allows multi line text input in form ?

a) Text box

b) Text area

c) Text Line

d) Text Object

Answer: Text area


Question: Which element is used to implement text area element ?

a) <textarea>.....< / textarea>

b) <text>....</text>

c) </textarea>..</textarea>

d) </text>...<text>

Answer: <textarea>.....< / textarea>


Question: Which tag is used to create drop down menu in the form ?

a) Drop down

b) Pull down

c) Select

d) List

Answer: Select


Question: What is used when displaying all the options on the screen is not required ?

a) Radio Button

b) Drop down Menu

c) Check box

d) Text area

Answer: Drop down Menu


Question: Which tag is used to create a drop down menu ?

a) <option>...</option> 

b) <dropdown>...</dropdown>

c) <list>...</list>

d) <select>...</select>

Answer: <select>...</select>


Question: Which element is used to specify the values that are to be displayed in the menu ?

a) <select>

b) <list>

c) <option>

d) <value>

Answer: <option>


Question: Which tag is used to create the elements within the menu ?

a) <option>...</option>

b) <dropdown>...</dropdown>

c) <list>...</list>

d) <select>...</select>

Answer: <option>...</option>


Question: Which attribute is used to display specific option to be selected by default ?

a) Check

b) Select

c) Checked

d) Selected

Answer: Selected


Question: What is true from the following for the selected attribute of radio button ?

a) Compulsory

b) Optional

c) Sometimes compulsory

d) Sometimes optional

Answer: Optional


Question: Which of the following specifies the correct code to create text area element ?

a) <option> <select value="Ahmedabad"> Ahmedabad </select> <select value="Rajkot"> Rajkot </select> </option> 

b)  <select> <option type="Ahmedabad"> Ahmedabad </option> <option type="Rajkot"> Rajkot </option> </select>

c) <select> <option value="Ahmedabad"> Ahmedabad </option> <option value="Rajkot"> Rajkot </option> </select>

d) <select> <option value="Ahmedabad"> <option value="Rajkot"> </select>

Answer: <select> <option value="Ahmedabad"> Ahmedabad </option> <option value="Rajkot"> Rajkot </option> </select>


Question: How is designing a form using HTML tags ?

a) Tedious

b) Very Easy

c) Motivating

d) All of these

Answer: Tedious


Question: Form can be created easily with which of the following ?

a) IED

b) ILD

c) IDE

d) IDL

Answer: IDE


Question: What is the full form of IDE ?

a) Integrated Database Environment

b) Integrated Development Environment

c) Integrated Document Environment

d) Integrated Declaration Environment

Answer: Integrated Development Environment


Question: What is IDE ?

a) Software application

b) Hardware application

c) Database

d) Source Code

Answer: Software application


Question: What is true for Integrated Development Environment (IDE) from the following ?

a) It provides facility to make form easily.

b) It is software application.

c) It provides facility to programmers to make software.

d) All of these

Answer: All of these


Question: Which facility is provided for Integrated Development Environment (IDE) from the following ?

a) GUI (Graphical User Interface)

b) Text/Code editor

c) Compiler/interpreter, Debugger

d) All of these

Answer: All of these


Question: What is full form of GUI ?

a) Graphical User Interface

b) Graphical Useful Interface

c) Graphical Useful Integration

d) Graphical Universal Interface

Answer: Graphical User Interface


Question: Which is the example of open source IDE from the following ?

a) KompoZer

b) Eclipse

c) JBuilder, Netbeans

d) All of these

Answer: All of these


Question: Which option is true for KompoZer ?

a) It is IDE software for web development

b) It is free of cost

c) It is open source

d) All of these

Answer: All of these


Question: From which website can KompoZer be downloaded ?







Question: What is a simple graphical interface which provides web page editor in KompoZer ?







Question: What is full form of WYSIWYG ?

a) What You Saw Is What You Get

b) What You Say Is What You Get

c) What You See Is What You Get

d) What You Said is What You Get

Answer: What You See Is What You Get


Question: How is "What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG)" interface ?

a) What you can see, the same you get in the result.

b) You can see and also modification can be done.

c) In it you can see the result and similar insertion can be done.

d) None of these

Answer: What you can see, the same you get in the result.


Question: Which type of software is KompoZer ?

a) Web Source System

b) Web Database System

c) Web Authoring System

d) Web Development System

Answer: Web Authoring System


Question: What does KompoZer integrate ?

a) Web page development

b) Web file management

c) Web server development

d) Both (A) and (B)

Answer: Both (A) and (B)


Question: How can a web page be created using KompoZer ?

a) Easy

b) Quick

c) Both (A) and (B)

d) Difficult

Answer: Both (A) and (B)


Question: What is used by user to edit a web page ?

a) Database

b) Source Code

c) Master File

d) Master Code

Answer: Source Code


Question: In KompoZer who gives rapid access to the files on both local machines and remote servers ?

a) Site Manager

b) Server Manager

c) Source Code Manager

d) Section Manager

Answer: Site Manager


Question: In KompoZer, Site Manager gives rapid access to the files located on which servers ?

a) Local

b) Remote

c) Both (A) and (B)

d) None of these

Answer: Both (A) and (B)


Question: What can be done to the web pages and associated files on a remote server from within KompoZer ?

a) Download

b) Upload

c) Both (A) and (B)

d) None of these

Answer: Upload


Question: What is used to support styles in KompoZer ?

a) CSS

b) CSC

c) SCC

d) SCS

Answer: CSS


Question: What is the full form of CSS ?

a) Cascading Section Sheet

b) Cascading Sheet Style

c) Cascading Sheet Section

d) Cascading Style Sheet

Answer: Cascading Style Sheet


Question: Which menu - option is used to open KompoZer ?

a) Applications -> Programming -> KompoZer

b) Applications -> Program -> KompoZer

c) Applications -> Place -> KompoZer

d) Applications -> System -> KompoZer

Answer: Applications -> Programming -> KompoZer


Question: Under which option is KompoZer displayed ?

a) Accessories

b) Office

c) Programming

d) Graphics

Answer: Programming


Question: Which menu - option is used to view the different toolbars and status bar ?

a) Show -> Show/Hide

b) View -> Show/Hide

c) Display -» Show/Hide

d) Format -> Show/Hide

Answer: View -> Show/Hide


Question: Which option is listed in Show/Hide option of View menu in KompoZer ?

a) Composition Toolbar, Edit Mode Toolbar

b) Format Toolbar 1, Format Toolbar 2

c) Status Bar, Sidebar (Site Manager), Rulers

d) All of these

Answer: All of these

MCQs for Creating HTML Forms Using KompoZer Computer Science Class 12

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 12 Computer Science to develop the Computer Science Class 12 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 12 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Computer Science will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 12 Computer Science. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 12 Computer Science so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 12 Computer Science MCQ Test for the same chapter.

Where can I download latest CBSE MCQs for Class 12 Computer Science Creating HTML Forms Using KompoZer

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Where can I find CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Creating HTML Forms Using KompoZer MCQs online?

You can find CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Creating HTML Forms Using KompoZer MCQs on educational websites like, online tutoring platforms, and in sample question papers provided on this website.

How can I prepare for Creating HTML Forms Using KompoZer Class 12 MCQs?

To prepare for Creating HTML Forms Using KompoZer MCQs, refer to the concepts links provided by our teachers and download sample papers for free.

Are there any online resources for CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Creating HTML Forms Using KompoZer?

Yes, there are many online resources that we have provided on available such as practice worksheets, question papers, and online tests for learning MCQs for Class 12 Computer Science Creating HTML Forms Using KompoZer