Refer to CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Cascading Style Sheets and JavaScript MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 12 Computer Science with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Cascading Style Sheets and JavaScript Class 12 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 12 Computer Science and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 12 Computer Science and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Class 12 Computer Science Cascading Style Sheets and JavaScript
Class 12 Computer Science students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Cascading Style Sheets and JavaScript in Class 12.
Cascading Style Sheets and JavaScript MCQ Questions Class 12 Computer Science with Answers
Question: Which of the following allows specifying styles for the visual elements of the website ?
a) Cascading Style sheets
b) Web page
c) Form
d) Animation
Answer: Cascading Style sheets
Question: Which of the following is known as special symbol in the syntax of CSS ?
a) Rules
b) Selector
c) Declaration
d) Input
Answer: Rules
Question: Which of the following are two main parts of CSS rule ?
a) Selector, declaration
b) Select, declaration
c) Selector, declare
d) Selection, declaration
Answer: Selector, declaration
Question: Which of the following is an HTML element on which style can be applied ?
a) Declaration
b) Selector
c) Select
d) Declare
Answer: Selector
Question: Which of the following is the syntax of CSS ?
a) Select {property : value}
b) Selector {value : property}
c) Selector {property : value}
d) Selection {property : value}
Answer: Selector {property : value}
Question: Which of the following has developed JavaScript ?
a) Yahoo
b) Google
c) Wikipedia
d) Netscape
Answer: Netscape
Question: Which of the following is a scripting language that allows adding programming to web pages ?
a) Action script
b) JavaScript
d) CSS
Answer: JavaScript
Question: Which of the following is a scripting language that is simple, lightweight programming language that does not contain advanced programming functionalities ?
a) JavaScript
c) C
d) Java
Answer: JavaScript
Question: Which of the following tag is used to insert JavaScript code into an HTML page ?
a) <script>... <script>
b) <script>... </script>
c) <script>... <//script>
d) </script>... </script>
<script>... </script>
Question: Which of the following symbol signifies the start and end of a JavaScript block ?
a) Semicolon
b) Square bracket
c) Curly bracket
d) Round bracket
Answer: Curly bracket
Question: Which of the following is a reusable block of code that performs a particular task ?
a) Array
b) Code
c) Program
d) Function
Answer: Function
Question: Which of the following statement is used to return a value in a function ?
a) Return
b) Function
c) Select
d) Send
Answer: Return
Question: Which of the following is generated by the browser due to interaction between the user and the web page ?
a) Function
b) Response
c) Event
d) Value
Answer: Event
Question: Which of the following is not an event ?
a) Abort
b) Mouse over
c) Set
d) Load
Answer: Set
Question: Which of the following is a container for storing data ?
a) Variable
b) Integer
c) Event
d) Event handler
Answer: Variable
Question: Which of the following stands for BOM ?
a) Browser Of Model
b) Browser Object Model
c) Browser Object Modelling
d) Browse Object Model
Answer: Browser Object Model
Question: Which of the following is the top level object in the browser object model ?
a) Window
b) Document
c) Page
d) Location
Answer: Window
Question: Which of the following stands for NaN ?
a) Not a Numeric
b) Not a Number
c) Not a Noun
d) Not an Numeric
Answer: Not a Number
Question: What is the full form of CSS ?
a) Computing Style sheet
b) Cascading Style sheet
c) Computing Style Service
d) Cascading Secure Sheet
Answer: Cascading Style sheet
Question: ______allows you to specify styles for the visual elements of the website.
c) CSS
d) CHS
Answer: CSS
Question: What is the use of CSS ?
a) To arrange the visual elements
b) To specify styles for the visual elements
c) To prepare coding of HTML
d) To prepare JavaScript
Answer: To specify styles for the visual elements
Question: Which is the wrong statement for CSS ?
a) Specifies styles for the visual elements.
b) Keeps it separate from the details of how to display the content.
c) Specify the appearance of particular page elements on the screen.
d) Arrange the visual elements.
Answer: Arrange the visual elements.
Question: ______is not the benefit of keeping the style separate from the content.
a) Arrange the visual elements
b) Avoid duplication in coding
c) Easy maintenance of code
d) Use the same content with different styles for different purposes
Answer: Arrange the visual elements
Question: ______can be used for the information to be pul on internet.
a) CSS
d) All of these
Answer: HTML
Question: ______specifies the styles for the visual elements,
a) CSS
d) All of these
Answer: CSS
Question: ______can be done using CSS.
a) Control the font types of font and element colors
b) Background features
c) Control the positions of elements
d) All of these
Answer: All of these
Question: ______sheet can be used to add special characters in the website.
a) Spread
b) Work
c) Style
d) Main
Answer: Style
Question: The syntax of CSS consists of special symbols known as______
a) Regulation
b) Rules
c) Style
d) Cascade
Answer: Rules
Question: A CSS rule has______main parts.
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
Answer: 2
Question: CSS syntax uses______brackets.
a) ( )
b) { }
c) [ ]
d) < >
Answer: { }
Question: ______is not the part of the CSS syntax.
a) Selector
b) Declarations
c) HTML details
d) None of these
Answer: HTML details
Question: ______is taken as a selector.
a) HTML details
b) HTML element
c) Any name
d) Identifier
Answer: HTML element
Question: Style can be applied to______
a) HTML element
b) Any name
c) Identifier
d) Parameter
Answer: HTML element
Question: CSS rules contain______part.
a) Property
b) Value for the property
c) (A) and (B) both
d) (A) or (B)
Answer: (A) and (B) both
Question: ______is the wrong statement for the CSS syntax.
a) Selector must be an HTML element
b) CSS syntax is divided into two parts
c) More than one property can be used
d) Property and value is separated using;
Answer: Property and value is separated using;
Question: _____is the correct syntax of CSS.
a) Selector {Property ; Value}
b) Selector {Property : Value};
c) Selector {Property : Value}
d) Selector [Property : Value]
Answer: Selector {Property : Value}
Question: As per our syllabus, using______software CSS is created.
a) Notepad
b) KompoZer
c) Gedit
d) CompoZer
Answer: KompoZer
Question: KompoZer uses_____as default.
a) CSS
d) PHP
Answer: CSS
Question: Using______we can get confirmation that CSS is used by default by KompoZer.
a) Edit —> Preferences
b) Tools -> Preferences
c) (A) or (B)
d) None of these
Answer: (A) or (B)
Question: How to open option dialog box in KompoZer ?
a) Edit —> Preferences
b) Tools ~» Preferences
c) (A) or (B)
d) View -> Preferences
Answer: (A) or (B)
Question: ______statement is wrong about the KompoZer software.
a) CSS can be added with HTML
b) CSS can be added easily
c) KompoZer can only be used for CSS
d) All of these
Answer: KompoZer can only be used for CSS
Question: Cascade button is on_____toolbar of KompoZer.
a) Standard toolbar
b) Composition toolbar
c) Format toolbar
d) Drawing toolbar
Answer: Composition toolbar
Question: While preparing a style, if a new file is opened and not saved by giving a filename then dialog box opens.
a) Option
b) Page title
c) New
d) Save
Answer: Page title
Question: The element which is used to define Style sheet rule that CSS Style sheet dialog box is under_____heading.
a) External Style sheet
b) Internal Style sheet
c) Right Style sheet
d) General Style sheet
Answer: Internal Style sheet
Question: ______tab is not displayed on the right side of CSS Style sheet dialog box.
a) General
b) Number
c) Text
d) Box
Answer: Number
Question: ______section is used to give specific style to the HTML element.
a) General
b) Text
c) Background
d) All of these
Answer: All of these
Question: ______button is clicked to insert an image as the background while preparing style.
a) Choose file
b) Select file
c) Browser
d) Select image
Answer: Choose file
Question: ______tab displays the Style sheet rule that is given to the element.
a) General
b) Box
c) Aural
d) Code
Answer: General
Question: How many buttons are there in CSS Style sheets to prepare style ?
a) 5
b) 6
c) 7
d) 8
Answer: 7
Question: ______view is selected to see the source code of CSS Style sheet.
a) Design
b) Source
c) Split
d) Normal
Answer: Source
Question: _____is false for CSS Style sheet.
a) To modify the Style sheet user can make changes in CSS file.
b) CSS has less-code compared to that in HTML.
c) The web pages will load faster
d) CSS structure makes the website slow and inefficient
Answer: CSS structure makes the website slow and inefficient
Question: _____is the disadvantage of CSS.
a) CSS has less-code compared to that in HTML
b) Compatibility varies with different browsers.
c) Style sheet features are not supported by the browser
d) (B) and (C) both
Answer: (B) and (C) both
Question: _______type of web page is static.
d) All of these
Answer: HTML
Question: ______company has developed the JavaScript.
a) Microsoft
c) Netscape
d) Intel
Answer: Netscape
Question: _______is a simple, lightweight programming language that does not contain the advanced programming functionalities of language.
a) JavaScript
d) None of these
Answer: JavaScript
Question: ______controls appearance of the web page.
a) JavaScript
d) PHP
Answer: HTML
Question: What is the use of JavaScript in a web page ?
a) To improve the design
b) To validate the forms.
c) (A) and (B) both
d) To change the modern format in a web page
Answer: (A) and (B) both
Question: ______browser supports JavaScript.
a) Mozilla Firefox
b) Chrome
c) Safari and Internet Explorer
d) All of these
Answer: All of these
Question: JavaScript can be used for a______in a web page.
a) Interactivity with the user
b) Control the browser
c) Dynamically create HTML content
d) All of these
Answer: All of these
Question: What type of a script is JavaScript ?
a) Application client side
b) Application server side
c) For any web page
d) All of these
Answer: Application client side
Question: It is used to validate the data entered in the HTML forms on the______before sending it to the server.
a) Server side
b) Client side
c) HTML details
d) All of these
Answer: Client side
Question: _______can be checked in a form by using JavaScript.
a) Has the user left any required field empty ?
b) Has the user entered a valid date ?
c) Check whether contents of two fields are same or not ?
d) All of these
Answer: All of these
Question: _______is not true for JavaScript.
a) JavaScript is used to improve the design
b) JavaScript contains the advanced programming functionalities of languages like C and Java
c) JavaScript vaMates \he foray
d) Browsers like Chrome and Safari support JavaScript
Answer: JavaScript contains the advanced programming functionalities of languages like C and Java
Question: _______is true for JavaScript.
a) JavaScript is not a case sensitive language
b) The lines between the tag contains the JavaScript code
c) JavaScript is not included with HTML
d) JavaScript can not be inserted directly as an independent part in a web page
Answer: The lines between the tag contains the JavaScript code
Question: Generally it is preferred that the JavaScript code should be placed in the tag.
a) <body>.....</body>
b) <head>.....</head>
c) <title>.....</title>
d) <form>.....</form>
Answer: <.head>.....</head.>
Question: The______tag tells the browser to interpret all the text between the <script> tags as a script.
a) <body>
b) <head>
c) <script>
d) <form>
Answer: <.script.>
Question: When document or image is loaded it is known as_____event.
a) Load
b) Select
c) Click
d) Submit
Answer: Load
Question: _____is the event handler.
a) HTML Code
b) JavaScript Code
c) DHTML Code
d) Java programming Code
Answer: JavaScript Code
Question: ______specific code is executed when a particular event occurs.
a) JavaScript
c) Java
Answer: JavaScript
Question: _______is not an event handler.
a) On click ()
b) On submit ( )
c) Load ( )
d) On focus ( )
Answer: Load ( )
Question: ______is not an event handler.
a) Blur
b) Exit
c) Reset
d) Error
Answer: Exit
Question: ______is the name of event handler for the 'click' event.
a) Click ()
b) On Click ()
c) On Click {}
d) On Click [ ]
Answer: On Click ()
Question: ______is the name of event handler for the 'submit' event.
a) On Submit ()
b) Submit ()
c) On submit ()
d) On Submit ()
Answer: On submit ()
Question: ______means the storage for storing values.
a) Variable
b) Parameter
c) Identifier
d) All of these
Answer: Variable
Question: ______is used to declare variables in JavaScript.
a) Var
b) var
c) VAR
d) vr
Answer: var
Question: ______is true for the variables in JavaScript.
a) Variable is case sensitive
b) Number, string or characters can be stored in variable
c) Variables can be declared by using var keyword
d) All of these
Answer: All of these
Question: ______is the use of if statement.
a) Conditional statement to change the flow of program
b) Checks for the validation of condition
c) (A) and (B) both
d) For non-conditional work
Answer: (A) and (B) both
Question: BOM stands for_____
a) Browser Oriented Model
b) Browser Object Model
c) Big Object Model
d) Big Oriented Model
Answer: Browser Object Model
Question: What is the use of Browser Object Model ?
a) To arrange the objects in browser
b) To change the web page
c) To control the elements of the web page
d) All of these
Answer: To control the elements of the web page
Question: All browsers are split into different parts or objects that can be accessed using JavaScript. These parts are known as_____
a) BOM
b) BOC
c) MOB
d) OBC
Answer: BOM
Question: The top level object in the browser object model is____object.
a) Document
b) Form
c) Window
d) Link
Answer: Window
Question: The window object is the_____object in the browser.
a) Main
b) Global
c) Changer
d) Normal
Answer: Global
Question: Why the window object is known as the global! object ?
a) Because it is common in all the browsers.
b) Because all other browser objects arl contained within it.
c) Because it is the top object of BOM.
d) All of these
Answer: Because all other browser objects arl contained within it.
Question: By_____web browser window is controlled in window object.
a) Methods
b) Properties
c) (A) and (B) Both
d) Document
Answer: (A) and (B) Both
Question: What is included in object ?
a) Document object
b) Form object
c) Radio object
d) All of these
Answer: Document object
Question: ______is the most important object in the browser object model.
a) Form object
b) Document object
c) Radio object
d) Checkbox object
Answer: Document object
Question: ______object is used to display web page in a browser.
a) Location object
b) Form object
c) Document object
d) Text area object
Answer: Document object
Question: ______is included in the document object of BOM.
a) Form
b) Images
c) Links and other elements
d) All of these
Answer: All of these
Question: ______object is used to give reference to other objects.
a) Element
b) Document
c) Link
d) All of these
Answer: Element
Question: ______can be the object as the element object of browser object mode.
a) Radio button
b) Text box
c) Check box
d) All of these
Answer: All of these
Question: ______method is used to take the control to the specific element of the form.
a) Focus
b) Alert
c) Document
d) Confirm
Answer: Focus
Question: When focus () method is used ?
a) Any time in JavaScript
b) After getting alert O message
c) After getting confirm message
d) When the for is created
Answer: After getting alert O message
Question: In internet some fields in the form are displayed with red asterisk (*) is known as____
a) This field is optional.
b) This field is mandatory, can't leave it blank.
c) This field is out of the reach.
d) Only correct information is to be filled up.
Answer: This field is mandatory, can't leave it blank.
Question: ______is used to clear the validation of the entered data.
c) Java
d) JavaScript
Answer: JavaScript
Question: _______is not the inbuilt function.
a) isNaN ()
b) Alert ()
c) if ()
d) Confirm ()
Answer: if ()
Question: _______built in function is there to work with number in Javascript.
a) Digits ()
b) isNaN ()
c) isnan ()
d) Alert ()
Answer: isNaN ()
Question: _______is the most used numerical function in Javascript.
a) isNaN ()
b) Number ()
c) Digits ()
d) None of these
Answer: isNaN ()
Question: NaN stands for_________.
a) Number and Number
b) Not a Number
c) Not a numeric
d) Numeric and Number
Answer: Not a Number
Question: isNaN(123) will give__________output.
a) True
b) False
c) erroe
d) 123
Answer: False
Question: isNaN(“Sujal”)will give_______output.
a) True
b) False
c) erroe
d) Hello
Answer: True
Question: __________element is used to write script in HTML.
a) <head>…</head>
b) <script>…</script>
c) <scr>…</scr>
d) <body>…</body>
Question: _____browser supports JavaScript.
a) Mozilla Firefox
b) Chrome
c) Safari and Internet Explorer
d) All of these
Answer: All of these
Question: JavaScript can be used for a _____ in a web page.
a) Interactivity with the user
b) Control the browser
c) Dynamically create HTML content
d) All of these
Answer: All of these
Question: What type of a script is JavaScript ?
a) Application client side
b) Application server side
c) For any web page
d) All of these
Answer: Application client side
Question: _____symbol is optional in JavaScript.
a) ColonO)
b) Semicolon(;)
c) Full stop(.)
d) Double quotes("")
Answer: Semicolon(;)
Question: What is the use of semicolon in JavaScript ?
a) Termination of statement
b) Separation of statement
c) Merge two statements
d) All of these
Answer: Separation of statement
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MCQs for Cascading Style Sheets and JavaScript Computer Science Class 12
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