Organisms And Environment
Q.1.Identify the biome distribution with respect to annual temperature and precipitation from the following graph answer the A, B,C&D.
Answer: A – Tropical forest
B - Grassland
C – Desert
D – Arctic and Alpine Tundra
Q. 2. What does the graph A, B&C represent with reference to organismic response to Homeostasis?
Answer: A - Regulators
B - Conformers
C – Partial Regulator
Q.3) From the following ecological pyramid find out the pyramid showing stable population. Why?
Answer: B.
Q.4) From the given ecological pyramid representing pre-reproductive, reproductive and post – reproductive stages of human population. Out of A , B and C which is the declining population?
Answer: C.
Q.5) Why small animals are rarely found in polar region?
Answer: i)Lose body heat very fast
ii) Spend much energy to generate heat
Q.6) Why are marine animals not able to survive for a long time in freshwater and vice versa?
Answer: Osmotic Pressure
Q.7) How does the special photosynthetic pathway like CAM supports desert plants?
Answer: Close the stomata in day and open in the night.
Q.8) Ecological pyramid based on reproductive age is given below. Find out the pyramid showing expanding population. Why?

Answer: A.
Q.9) Why do some animals undergo hibernation and aestivation but the other animals living in the same habitat do not show the process?
Answer: i) maintain homeostasis
ii) migrate from the stressful environment.
Q.10) Why do animals migrate from one region to the other region in the cold season?
Answer: i) Away from stressful environment
ii) Breed and improve population
Q.11) What does the stationary phase of a sigmoid curve indicate?
Answer: Carrying capacity/ Limited resource availability
Q.12) Name the type of population interaction A,B,C, D between the species A and B as per the tabular column given below.
Answer: A - Mutualism
B - Competition
C- Predation/ Parasitism
D- Parasitism/ Predation
Q.13) What type of population interaction in A,B,C, D between the species A and B as per the tabular column given below.
Answer: A- Mutualism
B- Predation/ Parasitism
C - Parasitism/ Predation
D- Amensalism
Q.14) Which of the following A, B, C,D represent increase and decrease in population growth?
Answer: A&C increase in population
B&D decrease in population
Answer: One petal resembles the female bee in size colour and markings.
Q.19) Five species of warblers co-existed on a tree without any sort of competition. How did they avoid competition?
Q.20) The leaves of a plant in Tundra resemble that of a plant living in a desert. What do plants living in a such diverse habitats shows similar adaptation?
Q.21) When a species becomes extinct, the plant and animal species associated with it in an obligatory way also becomes extinct. But nature has a unique way to prevent this. (a) What is this mechanisim called?
(b) Cite an example to explain the mechanism ?
Q.22) Polar regions are usually inhabited by large sized animals. Small sized animals are generally rare. What is the disadvantage of being small in polar regions?