Read and download NCERT Book Class 6 History What Books And Burials Tell Us in NCERT book for Class 6 Social Science. You can download latest NCERT books PDF chapterwise free from This Social Science textbook for Class 6 is designed by NCERT and is very useful for students. Please also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 6 Social Science to understand the answers of the exercise questions given at the end of this chapter
NCERT Book for Class 6 Social Science Our Past I Chapter 4 What Books and Burials Tell Us
Class 6 Social Science students should refer to the following NCERT Book Our Past I Chapter 4 What Books and Burials Tell Us in Class 6. This NCERT Book for Class 6 Social Science will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Our Past I Chapter 4 What Books and Burials Tell Us NCERT Book Class 6
Click on the view or download PDF button below to access the Our Past I Chapter 4 What Books and Burials Tell Us Class 6 Social Science book. All Social Science Class 6 NCERT books have been divided into various chapters so that you can download and read them easily. Refer to the section below to access more books of Social Science in Class 6.
Mary in the library
As the bell rang, the teacher asked the students to follow him, because they were going to the library for the first time. When Mary stepped inside, she found that the library was much larger than their classroom. And there were so many shelves, all full of books. In one corner was a cupboard filled with large, old volumes. Seeing her trying to open the cupboard, the teacher said, “That cupboard has very special books on different religions. Did you know that we have a set of the Vedas?” What are the Vedas? Mary wondered. Let us find out.
One of the oldest books in the world
You may have heard about the Vedas. There are four of them – the Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda. The oldest Veda is the Rigveda, composed about 3500 years ago. The Rigveda includes more than a thousand hymns, called sukta or “well-said”. These hymns are in praise of various gods and goddesses. Three gods are especially important: Agni, the god of fire; Indra, a warrior god; and Soma, a plant from which a special drink was prepared.
These hymns were composed by sages (rishis). Priests taught students to recite and memorise each syllable, word, and sentence, bit by bit, with great care. Most of the hymns were composed, taught and learnt by men. A few were composed by women. The Rigveda is in old or Vedic Sanskrit, which is different from the Sanskrit you learn in school these days
Sanskrit and other languages
Sanskrit is part of a family of languages known as Indo-European. Some Indian languages such as Assamese, Gujarati, Hindi, Kashmiri and Sindhi, and many European languages such as English, French, German, Greek, Italian and Spanish belong to this family. They are called a family because they originally had words in common. Take the words ‘matr’ (Sanskrit), ‘ma’ (Hindi) and ‘mother’ (English).
Do you notice any similarities?
Other languages used in the subcontinent belong to different families. For instance, those used in the north-east belong to the Tibeto-Burman family; Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam belong to the Dravidian family; and the languages spoken in Jharkhand and parts of central India belong to the Austro-Asiatic family.
List the languages you have heard about and try and identify the families to which they belong
Let’s recall
1. Complete the sentences:
(a) Slaves were used for ————————
(b) Megaliths are found in ————————
(c) Stone circles or boulders on the surface were used to ————————
(d) Port-holes were used for ————————
(e) People at Inamgaon ate ————————
Let’s discuss
2. In what ways are the books we read today different from the Rigveda?
3. What kind of evidence from burials do archaeologists use to find out whether there were social differences amongst those who were buried?
4. In what ways do you think that the life of a raja was different from that of a dasa or dasi?
Please refer to attached file for NCERT Class 6 History What Books And Burials Tell Us
NCERT Book Class 6 History What Where How and When |
NCERT Book Class 6 History From Gathering To Growing Food |
NCERT Book Class 6 History In The Earliest Cities |
NCERT Book Class 6 History What Books And Burials Tell Us |
NCERT Book Class 6 History Kingdoms Kings And An Early Republic |
NCERT Book Class 6 History New Questions And Ideas |
NCERT Book Class 6 History Ashoka The Emperor Who Gave Up War |
NCERT Book Class 6 History Vital Villages Thriving Towns |
NCERT Book Class 6 History Traders Kings And Pilgrims |
NCERT Book Class 6 History New Empires And Kingdoms |
NCERT Book Class 6 History Buildings Paintings and Books |
NCERT Book Class 6 Civics Understanding Diversity |
NCERT Book Class 6 Civics Diversity and Discrimination |
NCERT Book Class 6 Civics What is Government |
NCERT Book Class 6 Civics Key Elements of Democratic Government |
NCERT Book Class 6 Civics Panchayati Raj |
NCERT Book Class 6 Civics Rural Administration |
NCERT Book Class 6 Civics Urban Administration |
NCERT Book Class 6 Civics Rural Livelihoods |
NCERT Book Class 6 Civics Urban Livelihoods |
NCERT Book Class 6 Geography The Earth In The Solar System |
NCERT Book Class 6 Geography Globe Latitudes And Longitudes |
NCERT Book Class 6 Geography Globe Motions Of The Earth |
NCERT Book Class 6 Geography Maps |
NCERT Book Class 6 Geography Major Domains Of The Earth |
NCERT Book Class 6 Civics Major Landforms Of The Earth |
NCERT Book Class 6 Geography Our Country India |
NCERT Book Class 6 Geography India Climate Vegetation and Wildlife |
NCERT Book Class 6 Social Science Our Past I Chapter 4 What Books and Burials Tell Us
The above NCERT Books for Class 6 Social Science Our Past I Chapter 4 What Books and Burials Tell Us have been published by NCERT for latest academic session. The textbook by NCERT for Our Past I Chapter 4 What Books and Burials Tell Us Social Science Class 6 is being used by various schools and almost all education boards in India. Teachers have always recommended students to refer to Our Past I Chapter 4 What Books and Burials Tell Us NCERT etextbooks as the exams for Class 6 Social Science are always asked as per the syllabus defined in these ebooks. These Class 6 Our Past I Chapter 4 What Books and Burials Tell Us book for Social Science also includes collection of question. Along with Social Science Class 6 NCERT Book in Pdf for Our Past I Chapter 4 What Books and Burials Tell Us we have provided all NCERT Books in English Medium for Class 6 which will be really helpful for students who have opted for english language as a medium. Class 6 students will need their books in English so we have provided them here for all subjects in Class 6. You can download free NCERT Social Science Class 6 Textbook PDF and all chapters by clicking on the links above
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