CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Planning in Sports Assignment

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Assignment for Class 12 Physical Education Planning In Sports

Class 12 Physical Education students should refer to the following printable assignment in Pdf for Planning In Sports in Class 12. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 12 Physical Education will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Planning In Sports Class 12 Physical Education Assignment

Planning in Sports

Meaning and Objectives of Planning 
Planning means to organise the activities in order to reach a particular goal. It is like deciding in advance, what is to be done, how it is to be done and by whom it is to be done.

Objectives of planning are as follows
(i) To reduce unnecessary pressure of immediacy.
(ii) To maintain good control over all the activities.
(iii) To reduce the chances of mistakes.
(iv) To increase efficiency.
(v) To enhance creativity
(vi) To ensure proper coordination.
(vii) To enhance sports performance.

Various Committees and their Responsibilities
All sports and tournaments are planned by a General Committee, headed by an Administrative Director. The General Committee comprises Executive committees which organise events and are responsible for its success.
Some executive committees are given below
(i) Committee for Publicity To advertise the sports events.
(ii) Transport Committee To make necessary arrangements for transportation of officials, competitors and guests.
(iii) Grounds and Equipment Committee For proper upkeep of the venues and making the necessary equipment available.
(iv) Refreshments and Entertainment Committee Charge of supplying refreshments and drinks to the guests, officials, competitors, etc. It also makes arrangement for opening and closing ceremonies.
(v) Reception Committee To welcome the Chief Guest and the spectators at the opening and closing ceremonies.
(vi) Committee on Entries and Programmes This committee makes a list of entries and prepares fixtures of teams participating in the competition.
(vii) Committee for Officials Selects various officials such as referees, judges, umpires, etc.
(viii) Announcement Committee Makes all the announcements during the period of sports events.
(ix) First Aid Committee Provides first aid to the injured or affected athlete.
(x) Finance Committee It makes the budget and controls the expenses of a tournament.
(xi) Boarding and Lodging Committee Makes arrangements of accommodation and meals of athletes and officials.
(xii) Decoration and Ceremony Committee Makes arrangements of decoration of stadium, opening, victory and closing ceremonies, and trophies, medals and certificates.

Pre, During and Post-meet Responsibilities of Committees
The entire arrangement and planning for a sports event is organised in three phases; pre, during and post-meet work. They are discussed below Pre-meet Responsibilities

Pre-meet responsibilities are as follows
l To prepare the budget for organising the sports event.
l To prepare a schedule of programmes of the sports tournaments (date and venue) and inform the same to teams.
l To make arrangements of track/court, sports equipments, boarding and meals, and prizes and certificates for the tournaments.
l To form various committees and list their tasks accordingly.

Duringmeet Responsibilities
l To check that all the equipments and the places where sports events are held, are in proper condition.
l To keep a record of all the events, and winners.
l To check that the events are taking place as per schedule.
l To ensure proper arrangements during tournaments including refreshments, proper announcements, first aid etc.
l To provide updated information to the electronic and print media.

Postmeet Responsibilities
l To check that the outstanding bills are paid.
l To prepare a report of income and expenses.
l To give away prizes and certificates to winners.
l To provide detailed results and other informations to the media.
l To present mementos to the chief guest.

A tournament is a competition held between various teams in a particular activity, according to a fixed schedule in which a winner is decided.
Before organising a tournament, it is very essential to prepare a good plan. There are various ways to organise a tournament.

Types of Tournament
Some types of tournaments are discussed below

Knock-out or Elimination Tournaments
A Single elimination tournament or a Knock-out tournament is a type of elimination tournament where the losing team is immediately eliminated from the tournament.

Advantages of Knock-out Tournaments
Some advantages of Knock-out tournaments are as follows:
(i) Minimum number of officials are required.
(ii) Takes less time to complete the tournaments.
(iii) It helps in enhancing the standard of sports.

Disadvantages of Knock-out Tournaments
Some disadvantages of Knock-out tournaments are as follows:
(i) Good teams can get eliminated early.
(ii) Weak teams can enter the final round.
(iii) Spectators might lose interest.

League or Round Robin Tournaments
A league tournament, also called as Round Robin tournament, is a type of tournament in which each team gets a chance to play with every other team at
least once. In this type of tournament, there should be sufficient time to complete the tournament.
There are two types of league tournaments
(i) Single league (ii) Double league

Single League Tournament In a single league round robin schedule, each participant team meets every other participant team once. If each participant plays with others twice, it is called a Double league tournament. The league phase of the IPL tournament is one example of such a tournament.

Advantages of League Tournaments
Some advantages of league tournaments are as follows:
(i) Improves competitiveness and increases opportunities for winning, improving performance and showing efficiency.
(ii) It is easier for the sports officials to decide the winner.
(iii) A team does not need to wait to win against another team for playing a match and only strong teams get victory.
(iv) Sports are made popular with increasing matches.

Disadvantages of League Tournaments
Some disadvantages of league tournaments are as follows:
(i) It requires more money and time as more arrangements have to be made due to more number of matches.
(ii) Reduces moral of the lost team which affects sports performance.

Combination Tournaments
Combination tournaments refer to tournaments that are held when the matches are to be played on group basis or zonal basis. These types of tournaments are held when a large number of participants are there or they are coming from different areas of the country. Usually the following combination of tournaments are used:
(i) Knock-out cum Knock-out
(ii) League cum League
(iii) Knock-out cum League
(iv) League cum Knock-out

Procedure to Draw Fixtures
Any tournament, whether it is knock-out or league, is arranged according to a set procedure which is known as fixture. For a knock-out tournament, the procedure to draw fixtures is through bye and seeding. For a league tournaments, the procedure to be draw fixtures is through staircase or cyclic method.
Fixture is the process of arranging the teams in systematic order in various groups for competition in a physical activity.

Fixtures in Knock-out Tournament
In order to draw fixtures in a knock-out tournament, following principles need to be kept in mind
l Total numbers of team participating in the tournament.
l Total number of byes.
l The number of teams in each half or quarter.
l The number of byes to be given in each half or quarter.
l The number of rounds in the tournament.
l The total number of matches.
l In order to draw fixtures in a knock-out tournament, first it is essential to calculate.

(i) Total Number of Matches The number of matches to be played during the entire tournament is calculated by subtracting 1 from total number of teams (N–1).

(ii) Number of Rounds If the number of teams is a power of 2, then number of rounds will exactly be the power of 2 for that number. If the total number of teams is 16, then there will be 4 rounds (2 16) 4 = .
If number of teams is not a power of 2, then number of rounds will be equal to the next power of two.
For 21 teams, 5 rounds will be played as the next power of 2 is 32 (2)5 .

(iii) Number of Teams in Each Half All the teams are divided into two halves for the sake of convenience.
If the number of teams is even, then the number of teams in upper and lower half will be equal. For instance, if the total number of teams are 20, then apply the formula

(iv) Number of Teams in Each Quarter If the number of teams is odd, then they are divided into upper and lower halves.
Number of teams in the upper half can be calculated by
(N + 1) / 2.
Number of teams in the lower half can be calculated by
(N - 1) /2.
Herein, N is the total number of teams.

Methods for Drawing fixtures
In a Knock-out tournament, the fixtures are drawn by any of the following methods.

1. Bye Method
The Bye method is generally used when the total number of teams in a tournament is not a power of 2.
A Bye is a kind of priviledge given to teams in the first round. The team receiving a Bye becomes a dummy team that directly plays in the second round.
The number of byes that should be given in a tournament is decided by finding the difference between the number of teams and the next power of two.
Example : If teams are 11, then the number of byes will be given by next power of 2 - 11.
24 - 11
16 - 11= 5
Hence, 5 byes will be given.

Method of Fixing Byes
The number of the teams are placed in upper and lower half according to the draw of lots. Then following procedure is adopted for fixing the byes.
l The last team of lower half gets first bye.
l The first team of upper half gets second bye.
l The first team of lower half gets third bye.
l The last team of upper half gets fourth bye.
l The process is followed till all Byes are given.

2. Seeding Method
The Seeding method is used in a Knock out tournament to prevent the elimination of strong teams in the preliminary round. Through this method, strong teams, on the basis of their previous performance, are kept at a set appropriate place in the fixture.

Method of Fixing Seeding
If two teams are to be seeded, then Ist team is kept on the top of the upper half and 2nd is kept in the last of the lower half.
Similarly, if 4 teams are to be seeded, the first two teams will be placed at aforementioned place and 3rd and 4th team will be kept on the top of the lower half and at the lowest place in upper half respectively.
Generally, the seeded teams are in the power of 2 i.e. 4, 8, 16 etc.

Special Seeding
It is a method of seeding in which certain players or teams directly participate in the quarter final or semi-final matches.

Fixtures in League Tournaments
The three methods used for drawing up fixtures are
1. Staircase Method
2. Cyclic Method
3. Tabular Method

1. Staircase Method
In this method, the fixtures are made first like a staircase. They are arranged in sequential form and has no concept of Bye.
Therefore, it is easiest to arrange.

Example : Draw up a fixture of 9 teams on Round  Robin basis using staircase method.
The number of teams = 9
Thus, number of matches = N(N -1)/2
= 9(9-1)/2 = 9 x 8 / 2 = 36 Matches

The fixture is given below


2. Cyclic Method
In this method, if the number of teams is even team 1 is fixed on the top right side and the other teams move in clockwise direction down one side and up on the other side. In such a case, the number of rounds will be N-1 if there are N teams participating. However, if the number of teams is odd a ‘bye’ is fixed at the top and all teams follow it in sequence. In such a case, the number of rounds will be N.
Example 1 Fixture of 6 teams using cyclic method.
Total number of teams = 6
Total number of matches = 15


Deciding theWinner
The method to decide the winner in league tournaments is by calculating the percentage of matches won.

Percentage = Matches won /Matches played X 100

Normally, there are two points for every match won and zero for every match lost. But in case of a draw, each team is given one point. However there can be several other ways of calculating the winner.


Question. Which of the following is the work of During-Tournament committee?
(a) Opening ceremony preparation
(b) Announcement of the events
(c) Making necessary announcements
(d) Registration of participants
Answer : C

Question. Your school has got the responsibility to organise Zonal basketball matches. For this, the sports wing of the school has formed various committees. Each member of the committees is assigned different task. The committees are formed to ensure smooth conduct of the tournament. To help the teams to know about the fooding and stay arrangements, fooding and lodging committee is formed. Similarly, few students will be assigned with ........... committee for prize distribution.
(a) Ceremonial
(b) Transport
(c) Registration
(d) Budget
Answer : A

Question. Which of the following is not an objective of planning?
(a) Ensure coordination
(b) Enhance creativity
(c) Manage schedule
(d) Reduce mistakes
Answer : C

Question. What is the formula to determine the number of matches to be played in staircase method?
(a) N +1/2
(b) N(N -1)/2
(c) N -1/2
(d) N/2
Answer : B

Question. Which of the following statements is false?
(a) Tournaments develop sports skills
(b) Staircase and cyclic are methods of fixtures
(c) Bye method is used in league tournaments
(d) Tournaments help develop social skills
Answer : C

Question. If two teams have equal points in a football tournament then, how is the winner decided?
(a) Tie breaker
(b) Previous performance
(c) Toss
(d) Both (a) and (c)
Answer : D

Question. The disadvantage of knock out tournament is ........... .
(a) huge budgetary needs
(b) elimination in initial rounds
(c) more officials required
(d) All of these
Answer : B

Question. In a tournament of 21 teams, how many rounds will be played?
(a) 5
(b) 6
(c) 10
(d) 4
Answer : A

Question. Which of the following is an objective of forming sports committees?
(a) Establish goals
(b) Defining tasks
(c) Execution of plans
(d) All of these
Answer : D

Question. Assertion (A) The General committee takes complete responsibility for the success of a tournament.
Reason (R) The Organising committees are mainly responsible for the successful conduct of a sport event.
(a) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true
Answer : B

Question. Competition develops the spirit of fighting in individuals. It is a way of achieving excellence. Competition teaches us how to keep calm in pressure. In sports, competitions improve the performances of teams and players. Competitive tournaments are an integral part of  school and colleges. The success of the tournament depends upon suitable fixtures. A privilege given to a team so that it can skip the initial rounds of a tournament is called
(a) Bye
(b) Award
(c) Consolation
(d) Seeding
Answer : C

Question. The formula for determining the number of matches in a double league tournament is
(a) N(N -1)/2
(b) N -1 
(c) N/2
(d) N(N -1)
Answer : D

Question. Tournaments are essential to know about the level of sports. They provide healthy competition and motivate participants to give their best performances. Tournaments are arranged in a specific format. In the arrangement of teams shown below, identify the type of tournament.


(a) League tournament
(b) Knock out tournament
(c) Combination tournament
(d) Challenge tournament
Answer : B

Question. In a fixture of 5 teams how many matches will be played by cyclic method?
(a) 15
(b) 6
(c) 10
(d) 8
Answer : C

Question. Assertion (A) In Knock out tournament minimum number of officials are required in organising tournaments.
Reason (R) In Knock out tournament the team once defeat immediately eliminated from the tournament.
(a) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true
Answer : A

Case Study Based Questions

1. With the aim of promoting physical fitness and healthy lifestyle amongst students the Physical education Teacher at XYZ School plans to organize intramural competitions at school. For conducting the event he has given this assignment to the students of class XII who have taken up Physical Education subject so that they can get first experience of organizing events. On the basis of given information answer the following questions:

Question. The work of committees is divided into_______________ .
(a) pre, during and post
(b) pre and post
(c) pre and during
(d) during and Post
Answer. A

Question. Match the following.
A. Technical committee     1. To provide shifting facility
B. Finance committee       2. To resolve dispute
C. Transport committee    3. To deal with money and expenditure
D. First aid committee      4. To provide medical facility
(a) A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4
(b) A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4
(c) A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
(d) A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2
Answer. A

Question. Which is not the objective of Sports Tournament?
(a) To Provide Recreation
(b) To help in overall development
(c) To achieve high performance
(d) To provide opportunity
Answer. C

2 Below given is the Tournament fixture procedure of a CBSE Football National competition
CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Planning in Sports

On the basis of the above data, answer the following questions:

Question. What is the number ofNon-Seeded teams in the tournament?
(a) 04
(b) 09
(c) 12
(d) 07
Answer. B

Question. The provision which places good teams in separate halves or pools so that they do not play with other good teams at earlier rounds is known as______________ .
(a) Bye
(b) League tournament
(c) Seeding method
(d) Knock out tournament
Answer. C

Question. Which of the following is not a Seeded Team?
(a) Team 10
(b) Team 08
(c) Team 13
(d) Team 07
Answer. A

3. Below given is the Tournament fixture procedure of a CBSE Volleyball National competition
CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Planning in Sports

On the basis of the above data, answer the following questions:

Question. The formula for calculating number of matches in Round Robin tournament are where ‘N’ is number of teams is________
(a) N(N.1)/2
(b) N
(c) (N.1)
(d) (N + 1)
Answer. A

Question. In League tournament the winner is decided by
(a) British method
(b) American method
(c) No of matches won
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Answer. C

Question. Which of the following is not a League
Fixture Procedure?
(a) Ladder method
(b) Stair method
(c) Cyclic method
(d) Tabular method
Answer. A

4. Competing in physical activities has been the natural tendency of humans. The competitions or tournaments are held according to the set rules and regulations. The success of the tournament depends upon suitable fixture. Observe the given fixture and answer the questions.

Question. The method followed in drawing the fixture is ___________ .
(a) League
(b) Knock out
(c) Ladder
(d) Combination
Answer. B

Question. Number of matches played can be calculated by the formula _______ .
(a) N
(b) N-1
(c) N+1
(d) N+2
Answer. B

Question. The advantage of this tournament is_________.
(a) economical
(b) less time
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
Answer. C

Question. In this type of tournament, a team once defeated gets
(a) eliminated
(b) bye
(c) another chance
(d) wild card entry
Answer. A

Question. A privilege given to a team to play at a higher round is called ________ .
(a) fixture
(b) bye
(c) reward
(d) All of these
Answer. B

5. While organising sports events for the Annual Sports Day, Arjun and Ravi being the captain and vice captain of sports, formed various committees as shown below.
CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Planning in Sports

Question. The members of this committee are responsible for welcoming guests and spectators
(a) Decoration committee
(b) Reception committee
(c) Publicity committee
(d) Transportation committee
Answer. B

Question. Announcement of venue, date and events is done by _________.
(a) Publicity Committee
(b) Transportation Committee
(c) Ground Committee
(d) Committee for officials
Answer. A

Question. Organising and conducting of sports events involve ___________.
(a) planning
(b) forming committees
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Only delegation
Answer. C

Question. Complete responsibility for success of competition is taken by _________.
(a) Announcement committee
(b) Administrative director
(c) First aid committee
(d) Committee for officials
Answer. B

Question. To prepare a proper score sheet for record is ___________ responsibility.
(a) Pre tournament
(b) During tournament
(c) Post tournament
(d) All of the above
Answer. B


Question. Explain procedure for giving bye.
Answer : 
Before drawing a fixture, two things are ensured, i. e. whether the number of teams participating is a power of two or not. If the number of teams is a power of two, byes are not given. In case the number of teams is not a power of two, then byes shall be given. For instance if the number of teams participating are 11, next higher power of two will be 16. So, the number of byes is 16-11= 5.

Question. What is seeding?
Answer : 
Seeding is given to some special teams or those teams which are winners/ runners up of the last years tournament. In seeding, the strong teams are selected to keep them at appropriate places in the fixtures so that they should not meet in the earlier rounds.

Question. Define knock-out tournament.
What are ELIMINATION tournament?
Answer : 
This type of tournament is also known as elimination tournament. In this type of tournament, a team which is once defeated automatically gets eliminated from the tournament and only the winning team continues in the tournament.

Question. What do you mean by league tournament?
What are ROUND ROBIN tournament?
Answer : 
A league tournament is also known as round-robin tournament. This type of tournament, all teams play against each other irrespective of winning or losing.

Question. Name some specific sports programmes.
Answer : 
Specific sports programmes are
1. Health run
2. Run for fun
3. Run for unity
4. Run for awareness

Question. List the various types of tournaments.
Answer : 
Various types of tournaments are
(í) Knock-out tournament
(ii) League tournament
(iii) Combination tournament
(iv) Challenge tournament

Question. What is bye?
Answer : 
Bye is a privilege given to a team, genre by drawing lots, exempting it from plays first round.

Question. What do you mean by consolation tournaments?
Answer : 
Consolation tournaments are those tournaments in which an additional chance is given to the defeated team.

Question. What do you mean by extramural?
Answer : 
Extramural means between institutions' or we can say that these competitions are conducted between the players of two or more institutions.

Question. What is planning?
What do you mean by planning in sports?
Answer : 
Planning is a process of development of a strategy to achieve desired objectives, to solve problems and to facilitate action. Planning covers all the aspects of any tournament.

Question. Briefly mention the objectives of intramurals.
Answer : 
The objectives of intramural are
(ì) To provide incentive, motivation and opportunity to learn various skills.
(ii) To develop sportsman spirit among students.
(iii) To help in recreation of the students.
(iv) To improve social relations among the students.

Question. Discuss any two importances of tournaments.
Answer : 
Importance of tournaments are -
Source of Recreation A large number of people go to watch various games and sports for getting recreation. Sports tournaments provide ample recreation to the spectators. Development of Social Qualities Social qualities such as cooperation, tolerance, sympathy, group cohesion, brotherhood and discipline are developed among participants through sports tournaments.

Question. What are the advantages of knock-out tournaments?
Answer : 
The advantages of knock-out tournaments are
(i) Minimum number of officials is required in organizing tournaments.
(ii) Less number of matches is played, thus requiring less time to complete the tournaments.
(íìì) Less expensive because the team which gets defeated is eliminated from the competition.

Question. Briefly explain about any two specific sports programmes.
Answer : 
Sports programmes can be explained as
(ì) Run for Fun It can be organized by any educational institution for another institution or organization and for people of all ages. It is arranged just for the sake of fun to create Good habits for good health.
(ìì) Run for Unity An institution can organize a run for unity to create a feeling of unity among the people and communities for the unity of the country,

Question. Mention the activities which are included in intramurals and extramural,
Answer : 
Activities that are included are
Drill, Dumb-bell, Marching, chess, Roller skating, Sack race, Shuttle run, Volleyball, Football, Cricket, Basketball, Athletics, Kho - kho, Cycling etc.
Extramural Friendly matches, restricted competitions, Open competitions etc.

Question. Describe the various committees for the organization of sports events.
Answer : 
The organization of sports events requires a lot of planning. The planning is executed properly when Different committees work together for the smooth conduct of the sports events.
The various committees are
(ì) Technical Committee This committee is responsible for the technical conduct or the emmis.
This committee selects various officials such as referees, judges, starters, umpires, time keepers etc.
Transport Committee
(ii) This committee is responsible for providing the facilities regarding transportation of various teams If the venue of sports events.
(ììì) Reception Committee: The members of this committee are responsible to welcome the Chief Guest Abel spectators at opening and closing ceremonies.
(ìv) Boarding and Lodging Committee: This committee is responsible for making necessary arrangements for providing accommodation and serving meals to the sportspersons Abel other officials,
(v) Ground and Equipment Committee This committee males necessary arrangements of equipment related to events.
(vi) Medical and First Aid Committee This committee i5 Formed to provide medical assistance. e to participants round the clock
(vii) Protest Committee case it's protest against a judgment, the members of this committee decide about it
(viii) Publicity Committee All the press releases and press conferences are conflicted by Who's committee.
(ix) Finance Commixed This committee is assigned to make the budget for the event and handle the expenses.
(x) Refreshment Committee This committee is formed to profile refreshment to the participants.

Question. What do you understand by intramural its importance?
Answer : 
The word intramural is derived from the Latin words intra and kudos, which means within walls.
The teams compete within the wall up an institution e. g. Inter-class tournament or inter-house Tournament in a school.
Importance of Intramurals
(i) It improves the sense of citizenship and adult living.
(ii) It helps in selection of teams for extramural competitions.
(iii) It brings out the hidden talent tithe students.
(iv) Develops leadership qualities in students.
(v) It creates recreational atmosphere among the teachers and students,
(vi)It helps the students to turn about the conduct of various games.
(vii) It develops the physical fitness of students.
(viii) It develops social values qualities.
(ix) It develops personality.
(x) It provides relaxation from strenuous school work.

Question. Draw the fixture of 7 teams on knock-out basis
Answer : 
Total number of matches=N-1=7-1=6

CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Planning in Sports Assignment
Number of teams in upper half=(N+1)/2=(7+1)/2=4 teams
Number of teams in upper half=(N-1)/2=(7-1)/2=3 teams
Total Number of Bye=Next power of two-Total teams=8-7=1

CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Planning In Sports Assignment

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c. Understand different question types: These assignments include MCQ Questions for Class 12 Physical Education with answers relating to Planning In Sports, short answers, long answers, and also case studies.
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a. Start with Class 12 NCERT and syllabus topics: Always read the chapter carefully before attempting Assignment questions for Class 12 Physical Education Planning In Sports.
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c. Use Class 12 worksheets and revision notes: Refer to NCERT Class 12 Physical Education worksheets, sample papers, and mock tests for extra practice.
d. Revise tricky topics: Focus on difficult concepts by solving Class 12 Physical Education MCQ Test.
e. Maintain notebook: Note down mistakes in Planning In Sports assignment and read them in Revision notes for Class 12 Physical Education

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a. Solve assignments daily: Regular practice of Planning In Sports questions will strengthen problem solving skills.
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All topics given in Planning In Sports Physical Education Class 12 Book for the current academic year have been covered in the given assignment

Is there any charge for this assignment for Planning In Sports Physical Education Class 12

No, all Printable Assignments for Planning In Sports Class 12 Physical Education have been given for free and can be downloaded in Pdf format

Are these assignments for Planning In Sports Class 12 Physical Education designed as per CBSE curriculum?

Latest syllabus issued for current academic year by CBSE has been used to design assignments for Planning In Sports Class 12

Are there solutions or answer keys for the Class 12 Physical Education Planning In Sports assignments

Yes, we have provided detailed answers for all questions given in assignments for Planning In Sports Class 12 Physical Education