CBSE Book Class 11 Philosophy Terms
Terms What is a Term? A term is a word or group of words which is either a subject or a predicate of a proposition. If a word or a group of words is neither a subject nor a predicate of a proposition, then it is not a term. In the proposition, "All logicians are mathematicians…
CBSE Book Class 11 Philosophy Terms and Propositions
Terms and Propositions Nature of propositions A proposition is a unit of reasoning or logical thinking. Both premises and conclusion of reasoning are propositions. Since propositions are so important, we must know what a proposition is? A proposition is that which is believed…
CBSE Book Class 11 Philosophy Square of Opposition
Square of Opposition What is opposition of propositions? Four categorical propositions A, E, I and O are related and at the same time different from each other. The relation among them is explained by a diagram called the "Square of Opposition". A, E, I and O propositions…
CBSE Book Class 11 Philosophy Science and Hypothesis
Science and Hypothesis Why Hypothesis? All men, unlike animals, are born with a capacity "to reflect". This intellectual curiosity amongst others, takes a standard form such as "Why so-and-so is such-and-such?". While answering such queries men proceed from ignorance to the…
CBSE Book Class 11 Philosophy Other Forms of Immediate
Other forms of Immediate Inferences What is an Inference? Inference is a network of propositions in which the preceding proposition(s) known as premise implies the conclusion. It is a necessary connection between premise and conclusion. The truth or falsity of the former…
CBSE Book Class 11 Philosophy Observation and Experiment
Observation and Experiment Observation : An Introduction Science is primarily based on observation and experiment, guided by reason. Observation and experiment, thus, are two indispensable stages in the formation of any scientific theory. Observation is a procedure whereby…
CBSE Book Class 11 Philosophy Mills Methods
Mill’s Methods of Experimental Inquiry Need for establishing causal relations To establish the causal relationship is the distinguishing mark of Scientific Induction. Inductive reasoning is based on the assumption that there is a Universal Principle of Causation according to…
CBSE Book Class 11 Philosophy Nyaya Theory
NyÈya Theory of Knowledge Need for Theory of Knowledge Every school of philosophy (Dar„ana) in India has attempted a theory of knowledge (pramȇa„Èstra) on which its metaphysical structure is based. The ultimate goal of all philosophizing, and for thatmatter of all human…
CBSE Book Class 11 Philosophy Methods of Natural and Social Sciences
Methods of Natural and Social Sciences What is science? Science is a methodical approach to study the natural and social world. Science asks basic questions such as how does the world work? How did the world come into existence? What was the world in the past, what is it like…
CBSE Book Class 11 Philosophy Elements of Symbolic Logic
Elements of Symbolic Logic Origin of symbolic logic: In the history of western logic, symbolic logic is a relatively recent development. What sets symbolic logic apart from traditional logic is its leaning towards mathematics. Aristotle, the Greek thinker, in the fourth…
CBSE Book Class 11 Philosophy Categorical Syllogism
Categorical Syllogism What is a syllogism? Inference or reasoning is the process of passing from one or more propositions to another with some justification. This inference when expressed in language is called an argument. An argument consists of more than one proposition (…
CBSE Book Class 11 Philosophy Buddhist Formal Logic
Buddhist Formal Logic AnumÈna as Pramȇa In Indian context logic, used for the theory of anumÈna, has been a part of epistemology as it is one of the modes of knowing. The epistemological thinkers in India have generally adopted a casual approach to knowledge. Knowledge is…
CBSE Book Class 11 Philosophy The Nature and Subject matter
The Nature and Subject Matter of Logic LOGIC: An Introduction Logic essentially has to do with reasoning of a particular sort, viz., inference. It is, in general, concerned with reflective thinking that is a thinking process which consists of going from one or more stated…