NCERT Book Class 10 Economics Contemporary India Water Resources

  You already know that three-fourth of the earth’s surface is covered with water, but only a small proportion of it accounts for freshwater that can be put to use. This freshwater is mainly obtained from surface run off and ground water that is continually being renewed…

NCERT Book Class 10 Economics Contemporary India Resources and Development

  Everything available in our environment which can be used to satisfy our needs, provided, it is technologically accessible, economically feasible and culturally acceptable can be termed as ‘Resource’.     The process of transformation of things…

NCERT Book Class 10 Economics Contemporary India Minerals and Energy Resources

  We use different things in our daily life made from metal. Can you list a number of items used in your house made of metals. Where do these metals come from? You have studied that the earth’s crust is made up of different minerals embedded in the rocks. Various metals…

NCERT Book Class 10 Economics Contemporary India Manufacturing Industries

Production of goods in large quantities after processing from raw materials to more valuable products is called manufacturing. Do you know that paper is manufactured from wood, sugar from sugarcane, iron and steel from iron ore and aluminium from bauxite? Do you also know that…

NCERT Book Class 10 Economics Contemporary India Lifelines of National Economy

We use different materials and services in our daily life. Some of these are available in our immediate surroundings, while other requirements are met by bringing things from other places. Goods and services do not move from supply locales to demand locales on their own. The…

NCERT Book Class 10 Economics Contemporary India Forest and Wildlife Resources

    Source: Lepcha folk song from northern part of West Bengal   We share this planet with millions of other living beings, starting from micro-organisms and bacteria, lichens to banyan trees, elephants and blue whales. This entire habitat that we live in…

NCERT Book Class 10 Economics Contemporary India Agriculture

India is an agriculturally important country. Two-thirds of its population is engaged in agricultural activities. Agriculture is a primary activity, which produces most of the food that we consume. Besides food grains, it also produces raw material for various industries. Can…

NCERT Book Class 10 Economics Sectors Of The Indian Economy

  CHAPTER 2: SECTORS OF THE INDIAN ECONOMY An economy is best understood when we study its components or sectors. Sectoral classification can be done on the basis of several criteria. In this chapter, three types of classifications are discussed:…

NCERT Book Class 10 Economics Money And Credit

   MONEY AND CREDIT Money is a fascinating subject and full of curiosities. It is important to capture this element for the students. The history of money and how various forms were used at different times is an interesting story. At this …

NCERT Book Class 10 Economics Globalisation And The Indian Economy

  GLOBALISATION AND THE INDIAN ECONOMY Most regions of the world are getting increasingly interconnected. While this interconnectedness across countries has many dimensions — cultural, political, social and economic — this chapter looks at…

NCERT Book Class 10 Economics Development

  DEVELOPMENT The idea of development or progress has always been with us. We have aspirations or desires about what we would like to do and how we would like to live. Similarly, we have ideas about what a country should be like. What are…

NCERT Book Class 10 Economics Consumer Rights

  NOTES FOR THE TEACHER This chapter proposes to discuss the issue of consumer rights within the context of the ways markets operate in our country. There are many aspects of unequal situations in a market and poor enforcement of rules and…