CBSE Class 6 Social Science Sample Paper Set F

Read and download PDF of CBSE Class 6 Social Science Sample Paper Set F designed as per the latest curriculum and examination pattern for Class 6 issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. The latest Class 6 Social Science Sample Papers have been provided with solutions so that the students can solve these practice papers and then compare their answers. This will help them to identify mistakes and improvement areas in Social Science Class 6 which they need to study more to get better marks in Class 6 exams. After solving these guess papers also refer to solved Class 6 Social Science Question Papers available on our website to build strong understanding of the subject

Sample Paper for Class 6 Social Science Pdf

Students can refer to the below Class 6 Social Science Sample Paper designed to help students understand the pattern of questions that will be asked in Class 6 exams. Please download CBSE Class 6 Social Science Sample Paper Set F

Social Science Class 6 Sample Paper

CBSE Class 6 Social Science Sample Paper Set F. It’s always recommended to practice as many CBSE sample papers as possible before the examinations. The latest sample papers have been designed as per the latest blue prints, syllabus and examination trends. Sample papers should be practiced in examination condition at home or school and also show it to your teachers for checking or compare with the answers provided. Students can download the sample papers in pdf format free and score better marks in examinations. Refer to other links too for latest sample papers.

1 Name the Harappan site that was divided into three parts.

1 Dholavira

2 Write the main reason for Muslim girl not being allowed to attend schools?

2 Poverty is the main reason

3 How did the Government of India refer to 'Dalit' in the official document?

3 Schedule caste

4 Who was editor of ‘The Journal of Young India‘?

4 Mahatma gandhi

5 In which year did the American women get the right to vote?

5 1920

6 Which level of government will work for the construction of roads in your city.

6 The monarch/ king has the power to make decisions and run a government

7 If the time at Town X located at 00 longitude is 12 noon, what will be the time at town Y located at 600E longitude?

7 4pm/16hrs

8 What is the angle of inclination of the earth’s axis with its orbital plane?

8 The axis of the earth, which is an imaginary line, makes an angle of 66½° with I its orbital plane.

9 Why is the Atlantic coast most ideal for a natural harbour?

9 Indented coastline

10 What is domestication? How did the rearing of animals help people in early periods?

10 Domestication is the name given to the process in which people grow plants and look after animals. Very often, plants and animals that are tended by people become different from wild plants and animals.

· Animals multiply naturally. Besides, if they are looked after

carefully, they provide milk, which is an important source of food, and meat, whenever required.

· In other words, animals that are reared can be used as a ‘store’ of food.

11 Describe the use of metals by the Harappan people.

11 i) Most of the things that have been found by archaeologists are made of stone, shell and metal, including copper, bronze, gold and silver.

ii) Copper and bronze were used to make tools, weapons, ornaments and vessels.

iii) Gold and silver were used to make ornaments and vessels.

iv) Perhaps the most striking finds are those of beads, weights, and blades.

(any three)

12 Why were the forts build around Mahajanpadas?

Forts were probably built because

* People were afraid of attacks from other kings and needed protection.

* Some rulers wanted to show how rich and powerful they were by building really large, tall and impressive walls around their cities.

* Also in this way, the king could control the land and the people living inside the fortified area more easily.

13 How did men become rulers in the past? Who all were not allowed to be a part of assemblies in the Sangha?

13 · The Jana, the people, chose some of the rajas.

· Some men became recognized as rajas by performing very big sacrifices.

Women, dasas and kammakaras could not participate in the assemblies/ Sanghas

14 All librarians are women those who are old, wear glasses, tie a high bun, and have a perpetual frown on their face. Identify the type of discrimination? Is it a ‘prejudice’ or a ‘stereotype’? Explain the concepts.

14 When we fix people into one image we create a stereotype.

· When people say that those who belong to a particular country,religion,sex,race or economic background are

“stingy”,”lazy”,”criminal” or “dumb” they are using stereotypes.

· Stereotypes stop us from looking at each person as a unique individual with his or her own special qualities and skills that are different from others.

· This is the way boys are and this is how girls are: these are the statements we hear constantly and accept without even thinking, and

we start believing that each one of us must behave accordingly. We fit all boys and all girls into an image that society creates around us.

15 What action can be taken, if a law is violated or a disregard is shown towards it? Explain with examples

15 The citizens of the country have the right to approach the court if they feel there is violation of any law by an individual or by the government.

For example, if a person feels, that he/ she was not hired for a job because of their religion or caste, he or she may approach the court and claim that the law is not being followed. The court can then give orders about what should be done.

16 Explain the different levels of the government. What is it called? 2+1=3

16 The government works at different levels:

At the local level- the local level means in the village, town or locality.

At the state level- the state level would mean that which covers an entire state like Haryana or Assam.

At the national level- the national level relates to the entire country.

17 Who is responsible for resolving conflicts in the country? How can rivers become a source of conflict in a country?

17 The government is responsible for helping to resolve conflicts.

Rivers can become a source of conflict between states. A river may begin in one place, flow through another and end in a third. The sharing of river water between different places that the river goes through becomes an issue of conflict.

18 Write in your own words your understanding of the term apartheid. Highlight in what way was it followed in South Africa.

18 Apartheid means separation on the basis of race. South African people were divided into white, black, Indian and coloured races.

South Africa is a country that has people of several races. There are black people who belong to South Africa, whites who came there to settle, and Indians who came as labourers and traders.

19 Can you identify the heat zone for Canada? List any two unique feature of this heat zone. 1+2=3

19 · They are drawn between the poles.

· These circles run parallel to the Equator and never meet each other.

· 0° Latitude is Equator, which is the longest Latitude.

· There are 90 parallels in the northern hemisphere & 90 parallels in the southern hemisphere. Hence, including the Equator, there are 181 parallels (latitudes) in total.

· Latitudes are not equal in size.

· All parallels north of the equator are called ‘north latitudes’ & all parallels south of the equator are called ‘south latitudes

20 What is the time taken by the Earth to complete one Rotation? What will happen if the Earth stops rotating?

20 The earth takes about 24 hours to complete one rotation around its axis.

The portion of the earth facing the sun would always experience day, thus bringing continuous warmth to the region. The other half would remain in darkness and be freezing cold all the time. Life would not have been possible in such extreme conditions.

21 Recall and write down three unique features of the Atlantic Ocean 3

21 · The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest Ocean in the world.

· It is ‘S’ shaped. It is flanked by the North and South Americas on the western side, and Europe and Africa on the eastern side.

· The coastline of Atlantic Ocean is highly indented which provides ideal location for natural harbours and ports.

22 The Neolithic age witnessed a great transition. People turned out to become farmers and herders. Discuss .

22 F armers:

i) Men, women and children probably observed several things: the places where edible plants were found, how seeds broke off stalks, fell on the ground, and new plants sprouted from them.

ii) Perhaps they began looking after plants — protecting them from birds and animals so that they could grow and the seeds could ripen. In this way people became farmers. Herders:

i) Women, men and children could also attract and then tame animals by leaving food for them near their shelter.

ii) Later, people encouraged animals that were relatively gentle to come near the camps where they lived (animals such as sheep, goat, cattle etc)

iii) iii) Often, people protected these animals from attacks by other

wild animals. This is how they became herders.

23 Study the picture and answer the question which follow:

1. What were these beads made from?

2. Name one great centre for bead-making in the Harappan civilisation.

3. How were ornaments made from the beads?

4. What can you conclude from such evidences?

23 1. beads were made old carnelian

2. Harappa/ Dholavira

3. The stone was cut ,shaped ,polished and finally a hole was bored through the centre so that a string can pass through it.

4. People of Harappa were fond of jewelleries. Both men and women used to wear it

24 People in the past and even today have expressed their opinion regarding Varna system. Analyse.

24 Many people did not accept the system of Varna laid down by the Brahmins.

· Some kings thought they were superior to the priests.

· Others felt that birth could not be a basis for deciding which varna people belonged to.

· Some people felt that there should be no differences amongst people based on occupation.

· Others felt that everybody should be able to perform rituals.

· Some condemned the practice of Untouchability.

· Also, there were many areas in the subcontinent, such as the northeast, where social and economic differences were not very sharp, and where the influence of the priests was limited.

25 How did India become a secular country? 5

25 The writers of the constitution said that:

· All people of india should be considered equal

· Respect for diversity is a significant element in ensuring equality.

· They felt that people should have freedom to follow their religion, speak their language and express themselves freely.

· No one religion/festival should become compulsory for everyone to follow

· Government should treat all religion equal

26 Compare the stories of Maya and Dr. Ambedkar. Do the two stories support the idea that people are equal?

26 · There were different hospitals and ambulances for blacks and whites.

· An ambulance meant for white people would always be well equipped while one meant for black people was not.

· There were separate trains and buses for the blacks

· Even the bus stops were different.

· Non-whites were not allowed to vote.

· The best land in the country was reserved for the white people, and Non whites had to live on the worst available land

27 What is IST? Why is it necessary to have a standard time for a country? 5

27 In India, the longitude of 82½° E (82° 30'E) is treated as the standard meridian. The local time at this meridian is taken as the standard time for the whole country. It is known as the Indian Standard Time (IST).

The local time of places, are on different meridians, are bound to differ. It is, therefore, necessary to adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the standard time for the country. For ex. In India, the longitude of 82½° E (82° 30'E) is treated as the standard meridian.

28 Explain Summer Solstice? Why do seasons change? 4+1=5

28 · On 21stJune, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun.

· The rays of the sun fall directly on the Tropic of Cancer and the North Pole is also inclined towards the sun.

· Since a large portion of the Northern Hemisphere is getting light from the sun, it is summer in the regions north of the equator.

· The longest day and the shortest night at these places occur on 21st June. This position of the earth is called the Summer Solstice. Seasons change due to the change in the position of the earth around the sun which is caused due to revolution

29 Look around yourself and find out any three threats to the environment. Suggest any two ways to overcome this problem.

30 On a political map of India show the following sites of Indus Valley civilization

a. Harappa b. Lothal

31 On a physical map of world locate the following continents and oceans

a. Europe b. Indian Ocean c.Atlantic Ocean



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How to download CBSE Class 6 Social Science Sample Paper Set F in PDF?

We hope you liked the above provided CBSE Class 6 Social Science Sample Paper Set F. To get an understanding of the type of questions which were asked in exams, it is important for Class 6 students to understand the way sample Paper are set by teachers. Students can download the Sample Paper for Class 6 Social Science which will be coming in the exams so that you can practise them and solve all types of questions that can be asked in exams. By doing CBSE Class 6 Social Science Sample Paper Set F you will understand the regular questions and MCQ questions for Class 6 Social Science which are always asked. You can download CBSE Class 6 Social Science Sample Paper and Class 6 Social Science Question Papers in PDF. You should attempt all the last year question paper for Class 6 and Class 6 Social Science MCQ Test in examination conditions at home and then compare their answers with the solutions provided by our teachers.

Why should you solve CBSE Class 6 Social Science Sample Paper Set F?

a) This is new Set from Class 6 Social Science Sample Papers and has questions which are different from other sets.
b) As you will do more sets and also refer to Class 6 Social Science Question Papers, then it will help you understand the type of questions asked in exams.
d) Compare your score of each set to understand your weak areas in Class 6 Social Science.
e) Solving this paper which also has MCQ questions for Class 6 Social Science will make you faster and better at answering questions.

What should you do after solving CBSE Class 6 Social Science Sample Paper Set F?

a) Check your answers with the solutions given in the downloaded sample paper in PDF of Class 6 Social Science.
b) Class 6 students should try to find where you made mistakes and learn from them.
c) If a question was hard, read the concepts in NCERT book for Class 6 Social Science and then practice it again to get better.
d) Solve more sets of sample papers for Class 6 Social Science to improve even more.

Where can I download CBSE Class 6 Social Science Sample Paper Set F in Pdf

You can download CBSE Class 6 Social Science Sample Paper Set F from

How can I improve my scores by solving CBSE Class 6 Social Science Sample Paper Set F

Regular practice of sample question paper given on studiestoday for CBSE Class 6 Social Science Sample Paper Set F can help you to score better marks in exams

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Yes, provides all latest CBSE Class 6 Social Science Sample Papers with answers based on the latest format issued for current academic session

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Yes, mock CBSE Class 6 Social Science Sample Paper Set F are available in multiple languages, including English, Hindi