Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 7 Social Science Tribes Nomads And Settled Communities Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 7 Social Science can get free printable Worksheets for Class 7 Social Science Our Pasts II Chapter 7 Tribes Nomads and Settled Communities in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 7 students should practice questions and answers given here for Social Science in Class 7 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 7 Social Science Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Social Science books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests
Worksheet for Class 7 Social Science Our Pasts II Chapter 7 Tribes Nomads and Settled Communities
Class 7 Social Science students should download to the following Our Pasts II Chapter 7 Tribes Nomads and Settled Communities Class 7 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 7 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Class 7 Social Science Worksheet for Our Pasts II Chapter 7 Tribes Nomads and Settled Communities
Tribes, Nomad and Settled Societies
Answer the following questions:-
Question. Which was the main occupation of the tribal people?
Ans. Agriculture was the main occupation of the tribal people. Hunting-gathering and animal husbandry were also the occupations of some tribal people.
Question. What do you mean by the Nomad?
Ans. People of some tribes used to migrate from one place to another in search of their livelihood. They are called ‘Nomad’.
Question. Where did the people of tribal society live?
Ans. 1. In the hilly areas of Karnataka and Maharashtra 2. In the forests of Madhya Pradesh, Meghalaya and Nagaland
Question. Which tribes lived in Punjab during the mediaeval period?
Ans. Khokhar, Gakhar, Langah, Bloach etc.
Question. Who was Sufaka?
Ans. Sufaka was first Ahom ruler. He defeated many other rulers and expanded his kingdom. Gurgaon was his capital.
Fill in the Blanks:-
1. Ahom tribe established Kingdom in the territories of present Assam.
2. Gondwana was a prosperous Kingdom from 15th to 18th century.
3. The people of Ahom tribe belonged to Tai-Mongolo-id class of China.
4. Queen Durgawati was famous Gond ruler.
More Question
Fill in the blanks :
1. In Punjab the _______________ tribe was very influential during the 13th and 14th century.
2. In the western Himalaya the shephered tribes of _______________ were lived.
3. _______________ was Akbar’s famous general who defeated Cheros in 1591.
4. The _______________ were the most important trader nomads.
5. In the 1662, the Mughal under _______________ attacked the Ahom kingdom.
6. Rani Durgawati ruled on behalf of their five year old son _______________.
7. Smaller castes or _______________ emerged within varnas.
8. Aman Das, the Gond raja of Garha Katanga assumed the title of _______________.
9. In the reign of _______________ in 1714 to 1744 Hinduism became more prominent religion.
10. _______________ carried grain on their bullocks from different areas and sold it in towns.
His Tribes Nomads And Settled Communities
1.The Gonds lived in a vast forested region called ___________.
(A) Gondwana (B) Koyas (C) Berads (D) Vetars
2.What was the basis of division of a society in the larger parts of the subcontinent?
(A) Rules of Varna (B) Rules of Shudras (C) Rules of God (D) None of them
3.What did a tribal group do?
(A) Controlled land and pastures and divided those amongst households according to its own rules.
(B) Fight with each other
(C) Dance together
(D) All of them
4.Which tribe was very influential during the 13th and the 14th century in Punjab?
(A) Gakkhars (B) Gonds (C) Khokhars (D) Langahs
5.Who was the chief of Gakkhar tribe?
(A) Qutbuddin Aybak (B) Kamal Khan Gakkhar (C) Kamal Hassan (D) Asoka
6.The tribe of Balochis belonged to ___________.
(A) South East (B) North East (C) South West (D) North West
7.What adjective has been used for the Gaddis tribe in the chapter?
(A) Lazy (B) Energetic (C) Weak (D) Shepherd
8.Who was Akbar's famous general?
(A) Raja Rammohan Roy (B) Raja Man Singh (C) Rajarajadeva (D) Rajarajeshvaram
9.Match the following from the code given below-:
Column A Column B
A. Clan (i) Clearing of one piece of land and sowing seeds on another land.
B. Nomads (ii) Wandering People
C. Shifting Cultivation (iii) Group of families claiming descent from a common ancestor.
(A) A(iii),B(ii),C(i) B) A(i),B(ii),C(iii) C) A(ii),B(iii),C(ii) D) None of them
10.Which tribe has followed Islamism?
(A) Tribes of Punjab (B) Tribes of Sind (C) Tribes of North West Frontier (D) All of them
11.According to the Akbar Nama, how many villages did the Gond kingdom have?
(A) 10,000 (B) 20,000 (C) 50,000 (D) 70,000
12.The Gond Kingdom was divided into ________.
(A) Garhs (B) Chaurasi (C) Barhots (D) Villages
13.Fill in the blank-:
GarhChaurasi ________
(A)Houses (B)Barhots (C)Villages (D) None of them
14.How many villages made a 'chaurasi'?
(A) 82 (B) 83 (C) 84 (D) 85
15.Who received land grants from the Gond Rajas?
(A) Brahmans (B) Kshatriyas (C) Shudras (D) Vaishyas
16.Who was Aman Das?
(A) Gond guard of Garha Katanga (B) Gond Raja of Garha Katanga
(C) Gond cook of Garha Katanga (D) None of them
17.Match of the following according to the code given below -:
Column A Column B
A. Dalpat (i) Wife of Dalpat
B. Durgawati (ii) Captain of Mughal Force
C.BirNarain (iii) Son of Aman Das
D.Asaf Khan (iv) Son of Dalpat
(A) A(iii),B(i),C(iv),D(ii) (B) A(ii),B(i),C(iii),D(iv)
(C) A(i),B(ii),C(iii),D(iv) (D) None of them
18.When was Garha Katanga attacked?
(A) 1545 (B) 1555 (C) 1565 (D) 1575
19.Who was Chandra Shah?
(A) Uncle of Bir Narain (B) Husband of Durgawati
(C) Son of Dalpat (D) Brother of Bir Narain
20.What is the meaning of 'bhuiyans'?
(A) Tenants (B) Landlords (C) Nomads (D) Rulers
21.On whom did the Ahom state depend?
(A) Forced labour (B) Weak labour (C) Lazy labour (D) All of them
22.Who were 'paiks'?
(A) People allowed to rest. (B) People of higher class.
(C) Artisans and craftsmen (D) People forced to work for a state.
23.Ahom society was divided into ________.
(A) villages (B) animals (C) khels (D) All of them
24.What was available in the Ahom society?
(A) Poets and Scholars (B) Theatre People
(C) Translators of Sanskrit to local language (D) All of them
25.Which sub-division of Gujjara participated in tripartite struggle?
26.Name of Gujarat was derived from where?
27.Which countries were inhabited by Ahoms in the beginning?
28.Which languages are related with Gondi languages?
29.In which state Kutiya Kond tribes are living?
(A) Karnataka (B) Orissa (C) Kashmir (D) Manipur
30.Match the following
Tribes Their locations
(a) Maravars (i) Tamil Nadu
(b) Kolis (ii) Karnataka
(c) Vetars (iii) Kerala
(d) Ahoms (iv) Assam
(A) A- (i). B-(ii), C - (iii) , D- (iv) (B) A-(ii), B-(i), C-(iii), D-(iv)
(C) A-(ii), B-(iii), C-(iv), D-(i) (D) A-(iv), B-(iii), C-(i), D-(ii)
31.Peter Mundy, an English trader, visited India during wich of the following century?
(A) Seventeenth century (B) Sixteenth century
(C) Eighteenth century (D) nineteenth century
32.Which of the following uler used Banjara tribes to carry grains?
(A) Sultan Alauddin Khalji (B) Akbar (C) Jahangir (D) Shahjahan
33.What do you understand by the term' Rajput'?
34.When and from where Sakas and Kushanas came to India?
35.What was the claim of Pratiharas about themselves?
36.Who were Chandelas?
37.Who were 'Kayasthas'?
38.Give the list of chief Nomadic tribes which invaded India during the Gupta period.
39.Who were 'Ahoms'?
40.Why did pastoral nomadism decline in South India after Harsha's reign?
41.What kinds of exchanges took place between nomadic pastoralists and settled agriculturalists?
42.What does 'Nomad" mean?
43.Write a noteon Pratiharas.
44.What were the four divisions of the society during the Vedic period?
45.Mention the classes described by Megasthenes?
46.Who is considered as one of the builders of the Ahom states and how?
47.Give the characteristic features of India in early ages?
48.Describe briefly the origin of Rajput.
49.What were features of the society of Chola period?
50.What were the rules of castism in India?
51.How foreigners assimilated into the Indian society?
52.Give some details of Sukapha administrative steps?
53.Describe 'Gondwana'.
54.What changes took place in Varna based society? (any 4)
55.How was the administration of the Ahom state organized?
56.How did tribal society change after begging organized into a state?
57.In what ways the history of Ghonds different from that of the Ahom.
Q1) Define the terms:
a) Clan
b) Tanda
c) Itinerant group
d) Paik
Q2 Complete the following sentences
a) The society was divided in the early medieval period in India according to_____________________.
b) ______________ tribe was defeated by Raja Man Singh.
c) ___________ was an important Gond kingdom according to Akbar Nama.
d) The Mughals were interested in the land of Gonds because _______________.
e) As tribal states became bigger and stronger they gave land grants to _______ and _________.
Q3) Give short answer
a) How do we get information about the tribes?
b) What is shifting cultivation? Who practiced it?
c) Define ‘tribe’? Where did the large tribes live?
d) Who were the Bhils?
e) Who were the Nomadic Pastoralists? What kind of exchanges took place between nomadic pastoralists and the settled agriculturalists?
f) Mention some special featues of tribal societies.
g) Write in brief about Rani Durgawati.
h) Name any four tribes and their area of influence.
Q4) Long answer questions:.
a) Give an account on the administrative system of the Gond Kingdom
b) Who were Ahoms? How did they build a large state?
c) What changes took place in Varna based society?
d) How was the administration of Ahom state organized?
e) Write a short note on Banjaras.
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Worksheet for CBSE Social Science Class 7 Our Pasts II Chapter 7 Tribes Nomads and Settled Communities
We hope students liked the above worksheet for Our Pasts II Chapter 7 Tribes Nomads and Settled Communities designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 7 Social Science released by CBSE. Students of Class 7 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 7 Social Science on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Social Science by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 7 Social Science to develop the Social Science Class 7 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 7 Social Science designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 7 Social Science in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.
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