Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 7 Civics On Equality Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 7 Social Science can get free printable Worksheets for Class 7 Social Science Social and Political Life II Chapter 1 On Equality in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 7 students should practice questions and answers given here for Social Science in Class 7 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 7 Social Science Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Social Science books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests
Worksheet for Class 7 Social Science Social and Political Life II Chapter 1 On Equality
Class 7 Social Science students should download to the following Social and Political Life II Chapter 1 On Equality Class 7 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 7 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Class 7 Social Science Worksheet for Social and Political Life II Chapter 1 On Equality
Q.1) Define the Following Terms:-
a) Universal Adult Franchise.
b) Dignity
c) Constitution.
Q.2) Answer the following Questions :
a) Why is Universal Adult Franchise important in a democracy?
b) What are the different kinds of inequalities that exist in India?
c) Who are Dalits ? Why are they called so?
d) Name a famous Dalit writer and an autobiography written by him.
e) List a few constitutional provisions which states that all citizens of India are equal.
f) Enumerate any two laws which aim at ensuring equality in India.
g) What are the two ways by which the government of India has tried to implement equality in our county?
h) What is the Mid- Day meal program? List out any three of its benefits.
i) What were the provisions of the Civil Rights act of 1964? How did it bring about a change in the American Society?
Q.3) Give one word answer for the following:-
a. The first state to implement Mid Meal scheme was ______________.
b. An American- African woman who became instrumental in starting an agitation against the discriminatory practice of the whites ___________________.
c. The Indian constitution recognizes every person as ______________.
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question. What do you mean by Universal Adult Franchise?
Answer : When every citizen of the country has the right to vote, it is known as Universal Adult Franchise.
Question. Which government is known as representative government?
Answer : In democracy, citizen elect their representatives to run government. This government is called representative government.
Question. Who is authorised to cast vote in India?
Answer : One who is above 18 years of age, is authorised to cast his/her vote in India.
Short Answer Type Questions
Question. What is the importance of representative system?
Answer : In a large country like India, people can not directly participate in the state governance. People’s representatives participate directly. All the policies are framed by the representatives of the people.
Question. Write a short note on the importance of opposition party in democracy.
Answer : Democracy cannot be successful without the presence of a strong opposition party. It points out to the shortcomings and bad policies of the ruling party. The opposition check the government becoming irresponsible and dictatorial.
Question. Write any two functions of the opposition party.
Answer :
1. To point out the shortcomings and bad policies of the government.
2. To check the government becoming irresponsible and dictatorial.
Fill in the Blanks
1. There is representative democracy in India.
2. An independent institution which conducts elections in our country is known as Election Commission.
3. An adult of 18 years has the right to vote in India.
4. England and America countries have dual party system.
5. One citizen one vote is based on the principle of equality.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What is the age of adulthood in India?
A. 18 years
B. 24 years
C. 22 years
Answer: A
2. For how many years Lok Sabha members are elected?
A. 4 years
B. 2 years
C. 5 years
Answer: C
3. When was Indian National Congress established?
A. 1920
B. 1885
C. 1960
Answer: B
Fill in the blanks:
1. Thinking of oneself and other persons as worthy of respect is called ________________.
2. __________________ is a key feature of democracy.
3. The idea of _________________________________ is based on the idea of equality.
4. One of the more common forms of inequality in India is the ___________.
5. _______________ is a famous Dalit writer.
6. _________ is the autobiography of Omprakash Valmiki.
7. ________ means broken.
8. When persons are treated unequally, their ___________ is violated.
9. ______________ recognizes every person as equal.
10. _________ was the first state in India to introduce midday meal scheme in 2001.
11. _______ was an African – American woman.
12. A huge agitation against the unequal ways in which African – American were treated and which came to be known as the _____.
13. ___________ prohibited discrimination on the basis of race, religion or national orgin, among the citizens in USA.
Fill in the blanks.
1. Thinking of oneself and other persons as worthy of respect is called ..............
2. .............. is a key feature of democracy.
3. The idea of .............. is based on the idea of equality.
4. One of the more common forms of inequality in India is the ..............
5. .............. is a famous Dalit writer.
6. .............. is the autobiography of Omprakash Valmiki,
7. .............. means broken.
8. When persons are treated unequally, their .............. is violated.
9. .............. recognizes every person as equal.
10. .............. was the first state in India to introduce midday meal scheme in 2001.
11. .............. was an African-American woman.
12. A huge agitation against the unequal ways in which African-American were treated and which came to be known as the..............
13. .............. prohibited discrimination on the basis of race, religion or national orgin, among the citizens in USA.
Answer the following questions
Question. What do you understand by democracy?
Ans. Democracy is a form of government which is elected by the people.
Question. What do you know about the ‘Rule of law’?
Ans. ‘Rule of law’ means that the administration is run by certain laws and rules.
Question. What is the importance of ‘Universal Adult Franchise’?
Ans. People elect the Govt. by casting their votes. If a Govt. does not work as per the will of the citizens, they can change the Govt.
Question. What do you mean by Presidential form of government?
Ans. In Presidential form of government, President is the real head of state. It is like king’s rule.
Question. What is the importance of public opinion in democracy?
Ans. Public opinion is the will of the citizens of a country. If a Govt. does not work as per the will of the citizens, they can change the Govt.
Question. In which country there is still ‘Direct Democracy’?
Ans. Switzerland.
Question. Write short note on the emergence of democracy.
Ans. Democracy originated in Greek city of Athens around 2500 years ago. People of Athens used to get together at one place, many times in a year where they used to frame laws.
Question. Write about the emergence of the principle of equality.
Ans. Principle of Equality emerged with the English revolution in 17th century and French Revolution in 18th century. Earlier, only some persons had the political power. But provision of ‘Universal Adult Franchise’ established the Principle of Equality.
Question. Where and when democracy emerged?
Ans. Democracy emerged in Greek city of Athens around 2500 years ago.
Question. Write name of four types of democracy on the basis of classification.
Ans. 1. Parliamentary- In this form of govt. Parliament is more powerful. Prime Minister is the real head of govt.
2. Presidential:- In this form of govt. President is more powerful. He is the real head of govt.
3. Federal: - In this form, powers are divided into Central govt. and state govt.Every state has its own govt. and constitution is written and rigid.
4. Unitary: - In this form, although powers are divided into Central govt. and state govt. but central govt. is more powerful.
Question. What do you mean by parliamentary democracy?
Ans. In this form of govt. Parliament is more powerful. President is the nominal head whereas Prime Minister is the real head of govt. There is a council of ministers to help in the administration.
Question. Write about any two features of the democracy.
Ans. 1. Enlightened citizens: - Only enlightened and educated citizens can elect a good govt.
2. Matured leadership: - Mature and honest leaders are must for the success of democracy.
Question. Write your views about Economic and Social equality.
Ans. There should be no discrimination in the Social- Economic field on the basis of caste, creed and languages. All the Social- Economic sources should be equally shared by all the citizens.
Question. Why democracy is the most popular form of government in modern times?
Ans. 1. In democracy, there is rule of law.
2. People are free from any type of pressure. They can adopt any profession.
3. People participate actively in the working of the govt.
Fill in the Blanks
1. India is a democratic Republic.
2. The nominal executive head of Central Govt. is President and heads of state Govt.’s are Governors.
3. Democracy originated in city of Athens.
4. Switzerland is the country where there is Direct Democracy.
5. The basic principle of democracy is Equality and Freedom.
Write true (√) or false (X) for each statement
1. India is a democratic republic. (√)
2. Switzerland is the only country where there is direct democracy. (√)
3. To cast vote is a universal adult franchise to only some persons. (X)
4. In a democratic country rule of law prevails. (√)
5. Modern democracy has emerged firstly in France. (X)
Multiple choice questions
(Pick the right option from following questions):-
1. Democracy is a government “of the people, by the people and for the people” who spoke these words?
A. Abraham Lincoln
B. Laski
C. David Easton
Ans.A. Abraham Lincoln
2. Which is the most popular form of government in modern Times?
A. dictatorship
B. democracy
C. Military Rule
Ans.B. democracy
3. How many types of heads of state are there in democratic countries?
A. Four
B. Five
C. Two (√)
Assess your understanding!
I. Do people such as domestic workers and hawkers enjoy an equal status in society or social
equality? Think about three reasons why they are not treated equally?
II. Imagine yourself as President of India for a day and the one task assigned to you is abolishing social inequality (discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, race, and colour). As a President
you would have access to resources and tremendous powers over several matters.
a) How would you go about it?
b) Suggest ways that you think would abolish social inequality?
1. ............... is the key feature of democracy. [ Equality, Justice, Right to vote]
2. The most common form of inequality in India is ............... [racial discrimination, caste system, right to vote]
3. ............... is the term used to call lower castes use to address themselves. [Dalit, Brahmin, Kshatriyas]
4. Dalit means ............... [poor, broken, caste]
5. Ansaris were being treated unequally on the basis of difference in ............... [caste, religion, racial discrimination]
6. When persons are treated unequally, their ............... is violated. [economic,dignity,job]
7. The Indian Constitution recognizes every persons as ............... [unequal, equal, noneof these]
8. ............... means all adult citizens have the right to vote. [Universal adult franchise, equality, dignity]
1. is the autobiography written by Omprakash Valmiki.
2. is the first state in India to introduce Midday Meal Scheme
3. were treated unequally in USA.
4. The Civil Rights Act was passed in the year,
5. an African-American woman who changed the course of American history with one defiant act.
II. Find out at least five examples of the facilities and provisions made in transportation, architecture and physical environment for the Differently abled people to help them secure equal rights, opportunities and access to education, healthcare and jobs.
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Worksheet for CBSE Social Science Class 7 Social and Political Life II Chapter 1 On Equality
We hope students liked the above worksheet for Social and Political Life II Chapter 1 On Equality designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 7 Social Science released by CBSE. Students of Class 7 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 7 Social Science on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Social Science by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 7 Social Science to develop the Social Science Class 7 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 7 Social Science designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 7 Social Science in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.
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