Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 7 Geography Eighteenth Century Political Formations Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 7 Social Science can get free printable Worksheets for Class 7 Social Science Our Pasts II Chapter 10 Eighteenth Century Political Formations in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 7 students should practice questions and answers given here for Social Science in Class 7 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 7 Social Science Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Social Science books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests
Worksheet for Class 7 Social Science Our Pasts II Chapter 10 Eighteenth Century Political Formations
Class 7 Social Science students should download to the following Our Pasts II Chapter 10 Eighteenth Century Political Formations Class 7 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 7 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Class 7 Social Science Worksheet for Our Pasts II Chapter 10 Eighteenth Century Political Formations
Very Short/Short Answer Type Questions
Question. Name any four regional powers which rose in the 18th century.
Answer : 1. The Marathas 2. The Nizams of Hyderabad 3. Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan of Mysore 4. The Bengal State.
Question. How did the Sikhs rise to power in the 18th century?
Answer : Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji founded Khalsa Panth in 1699 AD. He fought two wars against Mughals. Thereafter, Banda Singh Bahadur led the Sikhs. He conquered Karnal, Panipat, Amritsar, Gurdaspur, Samana etc. He was executed in 1716 AD. Later on, Maharaja Ranjit Singh united all the Sikh misls and established an independent Kingdom in Punjab.
Question. Discuss the role of Shivaji in establishing the Maratha Empire.
Answer : Shivaji was a great patriot. He wanted to put an end of the Mughal rule and to establish an independent Hindu state. He fought many wars against Mughals and established an independent Maratha state. He took the title of 'Chhatrapati'. He occupied the forts of Purandar, Konkan and Singhgar etc. He died in 1680 AD.
Fill in the Blanks:-
1. Mohammad Shah ruled from 1719 to 1748 AD.
2. Murshid Quli Khan was the Subedar of Bengal and Orissa.
3. Hyder Ali was the ruler of Mysore.
4. Saadat Khan became the Subedar of Avadh in 1722 A.D.
5. Shivaji was the founder of Maratha Empire.
6. Gokul was the leader of Jats.
7. Banda Singh Bahadur's original name was Lachhman Das.
Match the columns:-
Column A | Column B |
1. Bahadur Shah | died in 1712 AD. |
2. Shuja-ud-din | died in 1739 AD. |
3. Hyder Ali | died in 1782 AD. |
4. Tipu sultan was known | as the Tiger of Mysore. |
5. Shivaji was born on | April 20th 1627 AD. |
6. Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji | on 13th April 1699 founded Khalsa Panth. |
7. Banda Singh Bahadur was born | on 27th October 1670 AD. |
1.Who were Kunbis?
(A) Revenue farmers
(B) Nobles
(C) Maratha peasant warriors
(D) Mughal or Sikh warrior
2.The entire body of Sikhs used to meet at Amritsar at the time of Baisakhi and Diwali to take collective decisions known as "_________________ of the Guru"
(A) gyan bani
(B) gurumatas
(C) faisla
(D) gyan
3.Which town(s) became important trading centres in the areas dominated by the Jats?
(A) Ballabhgarh
(B) Surat
(C) Kanpur
(D) Poona
4.Who was the founder of Awadh after the decline of the Mughal empire?
5.Who was the founder of the state of Bengal?
6.When was Banda Bahadur executed?
7.Under whose rule did Poona become the capital of the Maratha kingdom?
8.Who was the famous leader ofthe Jats?
9.Who was a Naib?
(A) Commissioner
(B) Deputyto the Governor ofthe province
(C) Principal
(D) Teacher
10.What were the two taxes imposed by the Peshwas?
11.Who were ijaradars?
(A) Revenue farmers
(B) Transporters
(C) Traders
(D) None of them
12.Under whose leadership did Khalsa rose in revolt against the Mughal authority?
(A) Guru Gobind Singh
(B) Banda Bahadur
(C) Guru Nanak
(D) Guru Teg Bahadur
13.How did the Marathas become a successful military organisation?
(A) By bypassing the fortified areas of the Mughals
(B) By raiding cities
(C) By engaging Mughal armies in areas where their supply lines and reinforcements could be easily disturbed
(D) All of them
14.When did the third battle of Panipat take place?
(A) 1760
(B) 1761
(C) 1762
(D) 1763
15.Where is Bharatpur fort?
(A) Dig
(B) Kutch
(C) Surat
(D) Meerut
16.Match the following from the codes given below:
Column A Column B
A. Governors (i) Turanis
B. Offices of Revenue (ii) Faujdari
C. Military Administration (iii) Subedars
D. Nobles of Turkish descent (iv) Diwani
(A) A (ii),B (i),C (iv),D (iii) (B) A (iii),B (iv),C (ii),D (i)
(C) A (i),B (ii),C (iii),D (iv) (D) A (iv),B (i),C (iii),D (ii)
17.Which were the two groups of nobles in first half of the 18th century?
(A) Iranis and Turanis
(B) Islam and Japanese
(C) Hindus and Muslims
(D) None of them
18.Match the following from the codes given below:
Column A Column B
A. Nadir Shah invaded and plundered Delhi (i) 1739
B. Burhan-ul-mulk Sa'adat Khan was appointed as the subedar of Awadh (ii) 1722
C. Some offices were renewed by Emperor JahandarShah (iii) 1713
D. Guru Gobind Singh died (iv) 1708
(A) A (i), B (ii), C (iii), D (iv)
(B) A (ii), B (iv), C (iii), D (i)
(C) A (iv), B (i), C (ii), D (iii)
(D) A (iii), B (ii), C (i), D (iv)
19.What are the groups in which the states of 18th century can be divided?
(i) States that were old Mughal provinces like Awadh, Bengal and Hyderabad
(ii) States that had enjoyed considerable independence under the Mughals as watan Jagirs
(iii) States under the control of Marathas, Sikhs and others likeJats
(A) Only (i) and (ii) B) Only (iii) and (i) C) Only (ii) and (iii) D) All of them
20.Who were the founders of Awadh, Bengal and Hyderabad respectively?
(A) Saadat Khan, Murshid Quli Khan and Asaf Jah
(B) Tipu Sultan, Burhan-ul-mulk and Begum Hazrat Mahal
(C) Murshid Quli Khan, Laxmi Bai and Asoka
(D) None of them
21.In the revolt of Sikhs against the Mughal authority, what was the end result?
(A) Sikhs declared their sovereign rule
(B) Sikhs issued coins in name of Guru Nanak and Guru Gobind Singh
(C) Sikhs established their own administration between the Sutlej and the Yamuna
(D) All of them
22.When was Banda Bahadur executed?
(A) 1712
(B) 1714
(C) 1716
(D) 1718
23.A system called rakhi was introduced. What happened in that?
(A) Protection to cultivators was offered on the payment of a tax of 20% of the produce
(B) Food was given to the peasants to avoid starvation
(C) People were protected from wild animals
(D) None of them
24.Who had seized the rich province of the Punjab and the Sarkar of Sirhind from the Mughals in mid of the 17th century?
(A) Nadir Shah
(B) Ahmed Quli
(C) Ahmed Shah Abdali
(D) Banda Bahadur
25.Who established his capital at Lahore in 1799?
(A) Ranjit Singh
(B) Shivaji
C) Jai Singh
(D) Ajit Singh
26.What was the capital of Maratha kingdom?
(A) Poona
(B) Nagpur
(C) Bombay
(D) Nasik
27.Who was Churaman?
(A) Sikh leader
(B) Jat leader
(C) Maratha leader
(D) Muslim leader
28.Match the following from the codes given below-:
Column A Column B
A. Sindhia (i) Baroda
B. Gaekwad (ii) Nagpur
C. Bhonsle (iii) Indore
D. Holkar (iv) Gwalior
(A) A (i),B (ii),C (iii),D (iv) (B) A (iv),B (i),C (ii),D (iii)
(C) A (i),B (iv),C (ii),D (iii) (D) A (ii),B (iii),C (iv),D (i)
29.What do you mean by Chauth?
(A) Tax levied by Muslims (B) Tax levied by Jats
(C) Tax levied by Sikhs
30.Who was the son of Nadir Shah?
(A) Ahmed Shah (B) Jawahir Shah (C) Tansil Shah (D) Nawab Shah
31.Match the following
The Mughal nobiliity provinces
(a) Sa'adat Khan (i) Awadh
(b) Murshid Quli Khan (ii) Bengal
(c) Asaf Jah (iii) Hyderabad
(d) Raj Ajit Singh (iv) Jodhpur
(A) A- (i). B- (ii), C - (iii) , D- (iv) (B) A- (ii), B- (i), C- (iii), D- (iv)
(C) A- (ii), B- (iii), C- (iv), D- (i) (D) A- (iv), B- (iii), C- (i), D- (ii)
32.The state of Hyderabad was constantly engaged in a struggle with ____
(A) the Marathas (B) Telugu warrior chiefs
(C) only a (D) a& b
33.Match the following
(a) Gurmatas (i) resolutions of the Sikh gurus
(b) rakhi (ii) protection for 20% tax
(c) Kunbis (iii) Peasant - pastoralists
(d) Peshwa (iv) Principal minister
(A) A- (i). B- (ii), C - (iii) , D- (iv) (B) A- (ii), B- (i), C- (iii), D- (iv)
(C) A- (ii), B- (iii), C- (iv), D- (i) (D) A- (iv), B- (iii), C- (i), D- (ii)
34.Which Rajput ruler founded his new capital in Jaipur ?
(A) Raja Man Singh (B) Sawai Raja Jai Singh
(C) Raja Ajit ingh (D) Jahandar Singh
35.Who was the Governor of Malwa during the rule of Mughal ?
(A) Raja Man Singh (B) Sawai Raja Jai Singh (C) Raja Ajit ingh (D) Jahandar Singh <2M>
36.Who was the founder of Hyderabad?
37.Name the states with which the state of Hyderabad was in struggle?
38.When did Kalsa declare its sovereign rule and mint its own coin?
39.Who ruled the Maratha kingdom after the death of Shivaji?
40.What was the system of rakhi?
41.How did Guru Gobind inspire the Khalsa? <3M>
42.What were three prominent states that emerged after the decline of the Mughal empire?
43.What were the offices held by sa-adat khan?
44.What were the policies adopted by Asafjah to strengthen his position?
45.What was the gurumatas?
46.With whose support did the Marathas face the Mughals?
47.What were the developments ofMaratha kingdom under the Peshwa? <4M>
48.What were the reasons for the decline ofMughal empire?
49.What were the three groupsin the states ofeighteenth century?
50.Name three common features of the statesin the eighteenth century.
51.How did Nawab of Awadh and Bengal try to do away with the jagirdari system?
52.How were Sikhs organized in 18th century?
53.Why did Marathas want to expand beyond Deccan
Q1) Fill in the blanks:
a) Two groups of nobles in the court of later mughals were ______________ and_______________.
b) The Afghan ruler who invaded India 5 times between 1748-61 was __________ .
c) The states which emerged with the decline of Mughal authority were __________, __________ and ___________.
d) The Mughal emperor who is mainly held responsible for decline of the Empire was ________.
e) Nadir Shah , the ruler of __________ invaded Delhi in ________.
f)The Khalsa rose in revolt against the Mughal authority under the leadership of ____________.
g) The Jats were prosperous ____________.
h) Aurangzeb fought a protracted war in the _____________.
i) The Jats became powerfiul under the leadership of __________.
j) Khalsa was instituted in __________________.
k) ______________ was an important leader of Marathas.
Q2) Short questions:-
a) List the reasons for the revolt of peasants and zamindars iin the Northern and Western India.
b) Explain the terms Chauth and Sardeshmukhi.
c) Why did the Nawab of Awadh and Bengal try to do away with the Jagirdari system?
d) What was the geographical and economic importance of Awadh?
e) What were the offices held by Sa’adat Khan of Bengal ?
Q3 ) Long questions:-
a) Give reason for the decline of the Mughal empire.
b) Explain the administrative system under the Marathas?
c) What was the role of Guru Gobind Singh in the prosperity of Khalsa?
d) How did the following states emerge?
i) Awadh ii) Bengal iii) Hyderabad
e) Write a short note on Watan Jagirs of Rajputs
Very Short /Short Answer Type Questions
Question. Give an account of the rise of Avadh in 18th century.
Answer : Saadat Khan declared Avadh an independent state. He brought reforms in agriculture and economy of the kingdom. After the death of Saadat Khan, British government posted British army in Avadh and compelled the rulers of the state to pay for that.
Question. How did Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan make Mysore powerful?
Answer : Hyder Ali made Mysore a powerful state by conquering many regions. He adopted the policy of tolerance towards other religions. He defeated the British army in first Anglo-Mysore war. After his death, Tipu sultan became the ruler. He was known as the 'Tiger of Mysore'. He was a great patriot. He also encouraged trade and industry. He died in the fourth battle of Mysore against the British.
Write True True or False False for each statement:
1. Farrukhsiyar became the ruler of Delhi. True
2. Murshid Quli Khan was Subedar of Avadh. False
3. Nizam-ul-Mulik founded the state of Hyderabad. True
4. Shivaji was succeeded by his brother Raja Ram. False
5. Balaji Rao became the third Peshwa in 1740 A.D. True
6. Badhan Singh was the successor of Gokul. False
7. Banda Singh Bahadur established a Sikh state in Punjab. True
Fill in the blanks :
1. The third battle of Panipat was fought between Marathas and Ahmed Shah Abdali in ______________.
2. ______________ was the ruler of Jodhpur.
3. Nobles appointed as Governors are called ______________.
4. The ruler of Iran ______________ sacked and plundered in 1739.
5. The Afghan ruler Ahmed Shah Abdali invaded North India five times between ______________ and ______________.
6. ______________ was appointed as naib or Deputy Governor of the Province Bengal.
7. ______________ founded his new Capital at Jaipur.
8. ______________ was the tenth guru of Sikhs.
9. ______________ become the capital of Marathas in 18 the Century.
10. The Jats consolidated their power under their leader ______________.
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Worksheet for CBSE Social Science Class 7 Our Pasts II Chapter 10 Eighteenth Century Political Formations
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