CBSE Class 7 Geography The Medieval India Worksheet

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 7 Geography The Medieval India Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 7 Social Science can get free printable Worksheets for Class 7 Social Science The Medieval India in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 7 students should practice questions and answers given here for Social Science in Class 7 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 7 Social Science Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Social Science books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 7 Social Science The Medieval India

Class 7 Social Science students should download to the following The Medieval India Class 7 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 7 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 7 Social Science Worksheet for The Medieval India

The Medieval India


Question. The Period between 1206 CE and 1526 is known as the age of ?
1] Delhi Sultanate
2] Mughal Sultanate
3] Muslim Sultanate
4] Turkish Sultanate
Answer: [ 1 ]

Question. During the Sultanate Period , the finance minister was known as?
1] Amir
2] Muqti
3] Diwan
4] Wazir
Answer: [ 4 ]

Question. Who founded the Sayyid dynasty in Delhi ?
1] Raziyya Sultan
2] Khizr Khan
3] Ala-ud-din Khalji
4] Ibrahim Lodhi
Answer: [ 2 ]

Question. Arabic word Mamluk means?
1] army chief
2] sultan
3] slave
4] finance minister
Answer: [ 3 ]

Question. The only Muslim woman to sit on the throne of Delhi was ?
1] Nur Jahan
2] Raziyya
3] Jodha Bai
4] Mumtaz Mahal
Answer: [ 2 ]


Question.………… was the most powerful ruler of slave dynasty.
Answer : Iltutmish 

Question. workshop called ………………were set up to meet the needs of the Royal household.
Answer : karkhanas 

Question. Slave commander…………………..became the first sultan of Delhi.
Answer : Qutb-ud-din-Aybak

Question…………………..was the first ruler of Lodhi dynasty.
Answer : Bahlul Lodi

Question. Before leaving Delhi …………..appointed Khizr khan as his deputy in India .
Answer : Timur


Question. Name two historians ,authors of Tawarikh of Sultanate Period ?
Answer : The two historians authors of Tawarikh are Minhaj-ur-Sira and Zia-ud-din Barani of Sultanate period.

Question. Which country did Ibn Battuta travel to India ?
Answer : Ibn Battuta travelled to India from Morocco, Africa.

Question. What do you mean by Iqta system ?
Answer : The Khalji and Tughluq monarchs appointed military comma- nders as governors of territories of varying sizes.These lands were called Iqtas.

Question. Name two Persian customs introduced by Balban ?
Answer : Ghiyasudddin Balban introduced the customs of Sijdah and Paibos.

Question. Who was the founder of Turkish dominion in India ?
Answer : Qutb-ud-din Aibak was the first ruler of slave dynasty ,was the fo- under of Turkish dominion in India.


Question. What were the administrative measures taken by Alauddin Khalji to check the prices and supply of goods for his large standing army?
Answer : Alauddin Khalji executed the following administrative measures, He fixed at 50% of the peasants yield for the ganga Yamuna lands. The soilders were paid salaries instead of iqtas. The soilders would buy their supplies from merchants in Delhi. The prices of the goods were regulated in Delhi.The merchants were asked to sell at presc- ribed rates , who didn’t sell at prescribed rates were punished.

Question. What is meant by the internal and external frontiers of the Sultanats?
Answer : The internal frontiers of the sultanate refers to the hinterlands of the garrison towns and the external frontiers of the Sultanate meant the military expeditions parts of India.Which also refers to unconquered territories. Which started during the reign Alauddin Khalji and ended with the reign of Muhammad Tughluq.


Question. What was the impact of the Mongol invasions on the Delhi Sultanate ?
Answer : Delhi Sultanate was under constant threat from Mongols. Genghis Khan invaded Delhi in 1219 and Sultanate faced their destructive attack soon after. The Sultans had to mobilise a large standing army in Delhi which posed a huge administrative challenge. They had to take various admin- istrative measures to check prices and efficient supplies of goods to feed their armies. Alauddin Khalji was successful in controlling these challenges while Muhammad Tughluq’s measures were an utter failure .

Answer these questions

Question. What were the terms used for the Indian subcontinent in the history of India?
Answer : In Vedic period India was known as Aryavarta; Iranian called it Hindu; Greeks Indus and Chinese called it Tien Chu.

Question. In how many parts Indian history is divided by the historians?
Answer : Indian history is divided into three parts: - 1. Ancient 2. Medieval 3. Modern

Question. How many types are sources of Indian history?
Answer : These sources are of two types: - 1. Archaeological 2. Literary1

Question. Who was Ibn Battuta?
Answer : Ibn Battuta was a Muslim Traveller. He visited India during the reign of Mohammad- bin- Tughluq.


Fill in the blanks

1 Indian subcontinent was known as Hindustan or Bharatavarsha in the past.
2. The eighth century is considered as a century of change.
3. The Chinese used the term Tien Chu for India.
4. Monuments inscriptions and coins are archaeological sources while autobiographies and biographies are literary sources.


Write true or false for each statement

1. The medieval period was divided into two parts- Early medieval period and later medieval period. True (√)
2. Many social customs and traditions were not come in existence. False (X)
3. During the medieval period many special reforms performed for the development of trade and commerce. True (√)
4. During the medieval period there was not a lot of interaction between Hindus and Muslims. False (X)


More Question

(i) Sahara is located in which part of Africa?

(a) Eastern

(b) Northern

(c) Western

(ii) Sahara is what type of desert?

(a) Cold

(b) Hot

(c) Mild

(iii) The Ladakh desert is mainly inhabited by

(a) Christians and Muslims

(b) Buddhists and Muslims

(c) Christians and Buddhists

(iv) Deserts are characterised by

(a) Scanty vegetation

(b) Heavy precipitation

(c) Low evaporation

(v) Hemis in the Ladakh is a famous

(a) Temple

(b) Church

(c) Monastery

vi) Lamayuru is an example of _________ found in Ladakh

a) Animal b) Monastery c) Oasis d) Tree

vii) The Tibetan antelope found in Ladakh is

a) Chiru *** b) Cheetah c) Shahtoosh d) Khap-chan

viii) Other name of Ladakh is

a) Drass b) Thicksey c) Khapa-chan *** d) Kargil

ix) Example of a large oasis is

a) Sahara Oasis b) Al Azizia oasis c) Tafilalet oasis *** d) Gompas oasis

x) Egypt is famous worldwide especially for its

a) Cotton *** b) Rice c) Oil d) Date palms



Chapter 10

(i) Sahara is located in which part of Africa?

(a) Eastern

(b) Northern

(c) Western

(ii) Sahara is what type of desert?

(a) Cold

(b) Hot

(c) Mild

(iii) The Ladakh desert is mainly inhabited by

(a) Christians and Muslims

(b) Buddhists and Muslims

(c) Christians and Buddhists

(iv) Deserts are characterised by

(a) Scanty vegetation

(b) Heavy precipitation

(c) Low evaporation

(v) Hemis in the Ladakh is a famous

(a) Temple

(b) Church

(c) Monastery

vi) Lamayuru is an example of _________ found in Ladakh

a) Animal

b) Monastery

c) Oasis

d) Tree

vii) The Tibetan antelope found in Ladakh is

a) Chiru ***

b) Cheetah

c) Shahtoosh

d) Khap-chan

viii) Other name of Ladakh is

a) Drass

b) Thicksey

c) Khapa-chan ***

d) Kargil

ix) Example of a large oasis is

a) Sahara Oasis

b) Al Azizia oasis

c) Tafilalet oasis ***

d) Gompas oasis

x) Egypt is famous worldwide especially for its

a) Cotton ***

b) Rice

c) Oil

d) Date palms


Chapter 9

(i) River Mississippi drains

(a) Canada

(b) Africa

(c) USA

(ii) Drakensberg Mountains are to the west of

(a) Prairies

(b) Velds

(c) Pampas

(iii) Merino is a species of

(a) fish

(b) elephant

(c) sheep

(iv) Kimberley is famous for

(a) diamonds

(b) silver

(c) platinum

v) The shepherds of Prairies are known as

a) Tomboys

b) Cowboys ***

c) Lifeboys

d) Shepherdboys

vi) Who gave the name VELD to the grasslands of South Africa ?

a) British

b) Dutch ***

c) Americans

d) South Africans

vii) Johannesburg is famous for

a) Diamonds

b) Gold ***

c) Rice

d) Apples

viii) The original people of Prairies were known as

a) Blackfoot Indians / Red Indians ***

b) West Indians

c) Brown Indians

d) White Indians

ix) The hot wind that blows in winter across the Prairies is the

a) Loo

b) Chinook ***

c) Combine

d) Ranches

x) Large cattle farms of the Prairies are called

a) Tranches

b) Sheds

c) Velds

d) Ranches ***

xi) The word Prairie is derived from Latin word ‘Priata’ which means

a) Meadow ***

b) Mountain

c) Trees

d) Wind

xii) The American buffalo is called the

a) Bison ***

b) Jersey

c) Chinook

d) Chiru

Chapter 8

1. Lucknow is famous for its ____________

2.------------- is the staple food of the Amazon basin.

3. ------------ and ---------------- are the staple food of people in the Ganga-Brahmaputra.

4. -------------- city is located on the confluence of river Ganga and Yamuna.

5. The Amazon is the ------------- river.

6. Toucan are a type of ------------.

7. Deodars and Firs are a type of --------------- trees.

8. Bengal tigers are found in ------------ basin.

9. Smaller stream that flows into a larger stream -------------.

10. Commonly practiced occupation in Ganga-Brahmaputra region.

11. People in Amazon practice this type of agriculture.

12. The Ganga-Brahmaputra river form this delta--------------.

13. The Ganga- Brahmaputra basin has a ------------ climate.

14. The Amazon basin has ----------- and ----------- climate through out the year.

15. One- horned Rhinoceros are found in --------------.

16. Manas wild life sanctuare is located in ------------.

17. The place where a river flows into another body of water -----

18. Agra is famous for the ___________

19. Allahabad is famous for ______________________________

20. Assam is famous for ___________ and ____________

21. Arunachal Pradesh is famous for its ____________

22. _____________ is an important port on the river Hooghly.

23. The presence of ___________ indicates the health of the river Ganga.

24. _________ cultivation is done on the mountain slopes.

25. Other name of river Brahmaputra is _____________

26. Population Density means __________________________

27. ______________ made it possible to reach all the parts of the rainforest in Amazon Basin.

28. ________________ was the method followed by the people of Amazon Basin to obtain agricultural land.

29. _________ are parasitic plants that store water in their leaves.

30. Tributaries are _____________________________

Chapter 7

Q1.Match Column (answers)
a) Rural settlement                 Agriculture
b) Urban settlement                Industry
c) Air transport hub                 New York
d) Communicationsystem         Aryabhatt
e) Trans-siberian railway         Russia

Q2. Write true or false:-

a) Settlements existed on the earth and man started living on it. FALSE
b) Urban settlements extend from small town to metropolis. TRUE
c) In rural settlements people face problems of pollution. FALSE

d) Pipeline is appropriate method of carrying mineral oil. TRUE

Q3. ____________ is the seasonal movement of people who rear animals.

Q4. World’s largest railway system is the __________

Q5. An example of waterways is ___________________

Q6. Why Road transport is advantageous than Air transport ______________

Q7. Why waterways are the cheapest _____________

Q8. In villages, ___________ roads are common.

Q9. ____________ is the process of conveying messages to others.

Q10. Newspapers, Radio and TV are examples of _______ media.

Q11. Which is not a means of communication?

(a) Telephone

(b) Books

(c) Table

Q12.Which type of road is constructed under the ground?

(a) Fly over

(b) Expressways

(c) Subways

Q13.Which mode of transport is most suitable to reach an island?

(a) Ship

(b) Train

(c) Car

Q14.Which vehicle does not pollute the environment?

(a) Cycle

(b) Bus

(c) Aeroplane

Q15. Match Column (solved)
(i) Internet                                     (e) A means of communication
(ii) Canal route                             (d) Inland waterway
(iii) Urban areas                           (a) Areas where people are engaged in manufacturing, trade and services
(iv) Compact settlement               (b) Closely-built area of houses

Chapter 6

Q1. The factors on which the changes in natural vegetation occur on Earth : -
1) Change in height 2) Change in climate 3) Change in slope of the land 4) Change in thickness of soil

Q2. Broadly speaking, the 3 categories of natural vegetation are :
1) forests
2) Grasslands 3) Shrubs

Q3. Which forest is known as the LUNGS of the Earth : - Tropical Evergreen Forest in Brazil (because its so dense)

Q4. The world’s largest snake is the Anaconda which is found in Tropical rainforest.

Q5. Another name of Tropical Evergreen Forest is :- Rain forests

Q6. Tropical Evergreen forest / tropical rainforest are found in areas :-
1) near Equator 2) close to the Tropics

Q7. The climate suitable for Tropical Evergreen forest / tropical rainforest is : hot and wet climatic condition throughout the year.

Q8. The trees of Tropical Evergreen forest / tropical rainforest are so dense and closely spaced that :- the sunlight cannot penetrate to the ground.

Q9. The trees of Tropical Evergreen forest / tropical rainforest have :- hardwood

Q10. Examples of trees of . Tropical Evergreen forest / tropical rainforest are :-
1) Rosewood 2) Ebony 3) Mahogony

Q11. Examples of animals of . Tropical Evergreen forest / tropical rainforest are :-
1) monkeys 2) tigers 3) kangaroos

Q12. Tropical deciduous forests are also called monsoon forest.

Q13 Tropical deciduous forests are present in those areas that experience seasonal changes.

Q14. Examples of trees of . Tropical deciduous forest / tropical monsoon forest are :-
1) sal 2) teak 3) shisham

Q15. Examples of animals of Tropical deciduous forest /tropical monsoon forest are :-
1) _tigers 2) _lions 3) monkeys

Q16. Which type of forest dominates most of India ? Tropical deciduous forests

Q17. Temperate Evergreen forests are located in the mid latitudinal coastal region.

Q18. Temperate Evergreen forests are commonly found in eastern margin of the continents (South east USA, South China, South east Brazil )

Q19. Temperate Evergreen forests consists of both Hard wood and Softwood trees.

Q20. Examples of trees of . Temperate Evergreen forests are :-
1) Oak 2) Pine 3) Eucalyptus

Q21. Temperate deciduous forests are found in higher latitudes

Q22. Temperate deciduous forests are found in north eastern part of USA, China, New Zealand, Chile, and coastal regions of Western Europe.

Q23. Examples of trees of Temperate deciduous forests are :-
1) Oak 2) Ash 3)Beech

Q24. Examples of animals of Temperate deciduous forests are :
1) Deer 2) Fox 3) ____________

Q25. Mediterranean forests are present in the west and south west margins of the continents

Q26) Mediterranean forests are found in the areas around the Mediterranean sea.

Q27) Mediterranean forests are present outside the Mediterranean region like :
1) California in USA 2) South west Africa 3) South western South America 4) South West Australia.

Q28) Climatic conditions needed by Mediterranean forests are :- hot dry summers and rainy winters

Q29) Examples of trees of Mediterranean forests are :-
1) _________  2) _________ 3) ___________

Q30) Very little animal life is present in Mediterranean forests because most of the natural forest cover has been removed to cultivate what the people want.

Q31. Citrus fruits trees like ___, ____, and _______grow in the Mediterranean forests

Q32. Coniferous forests are present in higher latitudes (50 to 70 degrees) of the northern hemisphere

Q33.. Coniferous forests are also called Taiga.

Q34. Taiga means pure or untouched in Russian languge.

Q35. Coniferous forests are also seen at higher altitudes.

Q36. The Coniferous forests are called so because :
The trees are conical in shape, have needle shaped leaves, are tall softwood evergreen trees.

Q37. The trees of the Coniferous forests supply wood for ________

Q38. Examples of trees of Coniferous forests are :
1) ___________ 2) _______ 3) _________

Q39. Examples of animals found in Coniferous forests are :
1) ___________ 2) _______ 3) _________

Q40. . Tropical Grasslands are present in either sides of Equator and the Tropics.

Q41 The grass .of Tropical Grassland can grow upto 3 to 4 metres.

Q42. . Examples of animals found in Tropical Grassland forests are :-
1)_______  2) ________ 3) ____________

Q43. Savannah is an example of Tropical Grasslands

Q44. Temperate Grasslands are present in mid latitudinal zones and the interior parts of continents.

Q45. Grasses are shorter and nutritious in the Temperate Grasslands

Q46. Thorny bushes are the vegetation found in areas where almost no rainfall occur and its very.very hot.

Q47. Thorny bushes are also called Tropical deserts / Hot deserts

Q48. Tropical deserts (Hot desert) are found in the western margins of continents.

Q49. Deserts found in cold climatic conditions, are known as Tundra.

Q50.Tundra type of vegetation is present in polar areas of Europe, North America and Asia.

Q51.Examples of animals found in Cold deserts are :- 1)_______
2) ________
3) ____________

Q52. Examples of vegetations found in Cold deserts are :-
2) ________

Q53. Match Column    :-       (unsolved)
1. Campos                      a) South Africa
2. Down                          b) Venezuela
3. Veld                            c) Brazil
4. Steppe                        e) Argentina
5. Llanos                         f) C. Asia
6. Pampas                      g) Australia
7. Savanna                     h) N. America
8. Prairie                         i) .E. Africa

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Worksheet for CBSE Social Science Class 7 The Medieval India

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