CBSE Class 6 Social Science Revision Worksheet Set P

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Worksheet for Class 6 Social Science All Chapters

Class 6 Social Science students should download to the following All Chapters Class 6 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 6 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 6 Social Science Worksheet for All Chapters

Early Man −The Stone Age

A. Answer the following questions:

Q.1.What do you know about the Old Stone Age?
Answer : At that time the man was not much different from the other aninals. . He ate fruits that grew wild, caught fish and hunted aninals. He used stones and branches of trees to kill animals

Q.2. Write five important characterstics about the Neolithic Age.
Answer : The third and the last phase of Stone Age is called the New Stone Age or the Neolithic period.
1. Man was now living in huts, growing and cooking food.
2. His tools were sharp and lighter in weight.
3. He also learnt to make vessels of clay to store his food and to cook.
4. He learnt to draw figures on the walls of caves to express himself.
5. He also learnt to make beads and used them as jewellery.

Q.3.What do you know about the Mesolithic Age?
Answer :  The Middle Stone Age period is called Mesolithic period. In place of crude pieces of broken stones he started making stone-weapons like axes, spears etc. that were sharper. He learnt to make small huts and store food-grains.

Q.4. How did the invention of wheel help man?
Answer : 1. With the discovery of wheel, the man learnt to carry loads easily.
2. He learnt making vessels with the help of wheel.

Q.5. Write a note on cave paintings?
Answer : The early man learnt to express his artistic instincts by drawing figures on the walls of caves with sharp stones. He drew the figures of animals, human beings and hunting scenes. Such drawings are found at Bhimbaithaka in Madhya Pradesh.

Match the columns :

1. Paleolithic Age - Cave man

2. Mesolithic Age - Middle Stone Age

3. Bhimbaithaka - Cave paintings

4. Hunter-Gatherer - Old Stone Age

Write ‘true’ (√) or ‘false’ (X) in the brackets given after each statement :

1. Man ploughed field for agriculture in Old Stone Age. (X)

2. Fire was invented by a scientist. (X)

3. Cave paintings of Stone Age are found at many places. (√)

4. Neolithic period means modern times. (X)


Fri – Social Science

Q Imagine youself to be a prince/ princess, living 3000 years ago, you have been invited by a powerful king named - vikramaditya to be present during the ashwanagha yajna.

Describe in your own words, the secence in the palace of vikramaditya, during the performance of the yagya.

How Maps Help Us

Answer the following questions in brief:-

Q 1. What is a map?
Ans. A map is a representation of whole Earth or any part of it, drawn on some particular scale on a flat surface.

Q 2. What is a globe?
Ans. A globe is a small model of the big earth.

Q 3. Write the difference between a map and a globe.
Ans. Globe-Globe is a true model of the earth. It is three dimensional and spherical in shape.Map-A map is drawn on a flat surface. Map is easier to handle than a globe.

Q 4. Why maps were made? Give their importance.
Ans. 1. The positions of the places are shown in the maps.
2. We can find the distance of one place to another with the help of maps.
3. The routes, rivers, physical features etc. can be easily located with the help of maps.

Q 5. Enlist the different types of maps.
Ans. 1. Physical maps   2. Historical maps
3. Distributional maps   4. Topographical maps
5. Atlas maps

Q 6. Make a chart of the conventional symbols.

6th SS Eng.Medium L-20 1

Q 7. In coloured maps with which colour we show mountains, uplands, plains, rivers, forests and snow covered hills?
Physical Feature     Colour
Mountains                  Brown
Uplands                     Yellow
Plains                        Green
Rivers                        Blue
Forests                      Green
Snow covered hills      White

Q 8. What is the use of directions in the maps?
Ans. We locate the places with the help of directions. The top of a map is North direction. By this, we can find the other directions as well.

6th SS Eng.Medium L-20 2

Q 9. How does scale of the map help us to study the maps?
Ans. We cannot show thousand kilometres distance on small maps. So, we show this on small scale. For example we can show 1000 km surface distance in proportion on 10 cm scale.
This scale will be as: - 1cm = 100 Km

Q 10. What is the importance of the key in the map?
Ans. We cannot show roads railways cities, rivers etc. in their actual sizes on maps. So, we use symbols to show these. These signs show natural and manmade features on the maps.


Fri – Social Science

1. On an outline map of India marks and name the following :-

a. A city on the west coast that experiences equable climate.

b. A city in India where it rains in winter

c. A state where western disturbances give rainfall.

d. The wettest place on the earth.


Topic : Studying the Past

I. Fill in the blanks-

1. Mahabharat is a __________ literature.

2. Those who study history as a subject are called __________.

3. ________ is made up of events that occurred in the past.

4.____________ sources are the main source of information of proto-history.

5. _________ plays an important role in the History of India.

6. The first civilization emerged in the fertile valley of river__________.

7.________ are an extremely valuable source of information.

8. The sources can be divided in to two types’ ________ and ________.

II. Tick the correct answer-

1. The religious book which gives information about Buddhism is
a. Jataka tales b. Upanishads 3.Jain Tales 4. None

2. Any building of historical significant is considered to be a-
a. Monuments b. Site 3. Script d. None

3. Inscriptions, monuments, artefacts and coins are examples of ___________.
a. Literary b. Archaeology c. Oral d. Recent

4. The study of family history is –
a. Archaeology b. Genealogy c. Histology d None

III. Project work- Make a genealogical chart of your family starting with the names of your grandparents. Attach photographs if possible .

Our India- In World

Give in brief the answers to the following questions:-

Q 1. Which latitude divides India into two parts? Name the two parts.
Answer : The Tropic of Cancer divides India into two equal parts. Northern part is called as Subtropical India and Southern part is as Tropical India.

Q 2. Name the neighbouring countries of India.
Answer : 1. Pakistan 2. Afghanistan 3. China 4. Nepal 5. Bhutan 6. Myanmar (Burma) 7. Bangladesh 8. Sri Lanka

Q 3. Write down the latitudinal and longitudinal location of India.
Answer : India extends from 804’N to 3706’N Latitudes and 6707’E to 97025’E longitudes.

Q 4. In how many states and Union Territories India is divided from administrative point of view?
Answer : India is divided in 28 states and 8 Union Territories.

Q 5. Write down the name of the three seas or oceans that engulfed Indian Peninsula.
Answer : 1. Indian Ocean 2. Arabian Sea 3. Bay of Bengal

Fill in the blanks:-

1. Rajasthan state is the largest state of India.

2. Goa is the smallest state of India.

3. Indira point is the Southernmost point of India.

4. From Kashmir to Kanyakumari India is one.

5. Arunachal Pradesh is in Eastern part of India.

Make proper pair:-

1. Andaman and Nikobar   -   Indian Island group.

2. Sri Lanka                       -   Connected through oceanic boundary.

3. Myanmar                       -   Our Eastern neighbour.

4. Afghanistan                   -   Northern neighbour.


Fri – Social Science

Q1. Seals are used even today. Find out what are they used for?

Q2. Imagine you are living 4000 years ago and you are travelling from lothal to Mohenjodaro? What do expect to see in Mohenjodaro.

Q3. Identify any one important building in your city. Mention its name and location and the activities that take place in that building.

The Gupta Empire

Answer the following questions:-

Q 1. Write about the conquests of Samudragupta.
Ans. Samudra Gupta is called the Napoleon of India. He defeated 8 kings of Northern India and 12 kings in Southern India. Many border kings and foreign powers also submitted to him by entering into treaties with him.

Q 2. What do you know about Chandragupta Vikramaditya?
Ans. Chandragupta Vikramaditya was the son of Samudragupta. He is also called Chandragupta II. He conquered many states. He had ‘Nine Jewels’ (nine wise men) in his court. He issued a very large number of coins in gold, silver and copper. He was a devotee of lord Vishnu.

Q 3. Write a note on Kalidasa.
Ans. Kalidasa, the great poet, was one of the ‘Nine Jewels’ in the court of king Vikramaditya II. His play Shakuntala and poem Meghaduta are world famous.

Q 4. What do you know about the economic life during the Gupta period?
Ans. 1. During that period, the articles of daily need were cheap and taxes were light.
2. Agriculture was the main occupation of the people.
3. Foreign countries had trade relations with India.

Q 5. Why Gupta period is called the Golden Age of India?
Ans. 1. The administration in Gupta period was good and the kings worked for public welfare.
2. People were prosperous and honest. There was no crime or theft.
3. Science and technology made good progress. Aryabhatta was the famous scientist of that period.
4. Respect was given to all the religions.

Fill in the blanks:-

1. Samudra Gupta was a great conqueror and emperor.

2. Chandragupta-II issued a very large number of coins in gold, silver and copper.

3. Gupta Empire was divided into many provinces which were called Bhuktis.

4. The districts were called Vishayas.

5. The play Shakuntala and poem Meghaduta written by kalidas are very famous.

Match the columns:-

1. Aryavarta           -   Northern India

2. Madrakas           -   Punjab

3. Iron Pillar           -   Delhi

4. Kumaramatyas   -   Officer

Write True (√) or False (X) for each statement:

1. Maharaja Gupta was the first Gupta king.           (√)

2. Vikramaditya was the title of Samudragupta.      (X)

3. Yaudheyas were ruling in South India.                (X)

4. Fa-hein was a Greek writer.                               (X)

5. Guptas issued gold coins.                                  (√)

6. Aryabhatta was a famous scientist.                    (√)


Q. 1 : Complete the following sentences:

a) Vedic literature includes four Vedas named ___________________.

b) The Mahabharata is the struggle between two royal families___________________.

c) Our national emblem has four animals, they are ________________.

Q. 2 : Name them:

a) The book based on the life of Buddha written by Ashvaghosha.

b) This literature was compiled by Tamil scholars.

c) The Buddhist epic named after its heroine?

d) He was a specialised in ayurvedas.

e) This place is often called the ‘cradle of India temple architecture’.

Q. 3 : Define the following terms:

a) Monolithic   b) Stupa   c) Chaityas   d) Jataka stories   e) Monastery

Q. 4 : Distinguish between:

a) Sabha & Nagaram   b) Gandhara & Mathura school of art

Q. 5 : Who wrote the following:

a) Ramayana   b) Mahabharata   c) Meghadoota

f) Ashtadhyayi  e) Charaka Samhita  f) Harshacharita

Q. 6 : Answer the following:

a) The lion capital and the wheel under it are of special significance. Explain.

b) Write about two great works of Aryabhatta.

c) What message does Bhagavadgita give us?

d) The science of metallurgy was advanced during the Gupta period. Give an example to prove the same.

Q. 7 : Identify the pictures.


India and The World

Answer the following questions:-

Q 1. What is Silk Route?
Ans. 1. The route connecting China with Europe was known as the Silk Route. Silk was the major items of trade on this route.

Q 2. Name some important seaports of the Satavahana period.
Ans. 1. Kaveripattnam 2. Mahabalipuram 3. Puhar 4. Korkai.

Q 3. How did India come in contact with Iran?
Ans. In 600 B.C. Rulers of Achimed's dynasty of Iran occupied parts of North-Western India... Thus, India came in contact with Iran.

Q 4. What was exported from India to Rome?
Ans. Spices, Precious stones, clothes, perfumes, ivory, iron, dyes, parrots, peacocks etc.

Q 5. What articles were imported from Europe?
Ans. Gold, silver, coins, metals, wine, glass etc.

Fill in the blanks:-

1. In 600 B.C. rulers of Achimed's dynasty of Iran occupied parts of North-Western India.
2. During the reign of Ashoka and Kanishka, Buddhist missionaries were sent to Sri Lanka, BurmaChina and Central Asia for preaching Buddhism.
3. The Chera, Chola and Pandya rulers encouraged shipbuilding and overseas exploration.
4. The Arabs occupied Sindh in Sindh 712 A.D.
5. The Angkor Vat temple in Kampuchea has sculptures depicting scenes from the Indian epics Ramayana and Mahabharata.

Match the columns:-

1. Gold coins     - Rome
2. Seaport        - Suraparaka
3. China           - Silk
4. Silk Route     - Land route

Write ‘True’ (√) or ‘False’ (X) for each statement:

1. India's culture became the identity of Indians.                                                                        (√)
2. India had no contact with Egypt.                                                                                             (X)
3. Huge rock cut statues of the Buddha were found at Bamiyan in Afghanistan.                       (√)
4. Indian products fetched high prices in Roman markets.                                                         (√)
5. The Chera, Chola and Pandya rulers encouraged shipbuilding and overseas exploration.   (√)


1. The __________________ is the only planet which has life.

2. The gaseous layer that surrounds the earth is the ____________________________.

3. The ______________________ is a narrow zone where we find land, water, air.

4. The highest mountain peak is ____________________________.

5. ________________________ (N.Z) and ________________________ (India) were the men to climb the highest mountain peak Mount Everest on the planet Earth on 29th May, 1953.

6. Air moves from _____________________ pressure to ________________ pressure.

7. The Arctic Circle passes through ____________________________.

8. ______________________ is the only continent through which the Tropic of Cancer, the Equator and Tropic of Capricorn passes.

9. ______________________ is the smallest continent that lies entirely in the Southern Hemisphere.

10. __________________________ is the continent permanently covered with thick ice sheets, located in the South Polar Region.

11. ______________________ and __________________________ are the India research stations in Antarctica.

12. ____________________ is an Island continent.

13. _____________________ is the largest Ocean.

14. The three chief movements of Ocean water’s are the waves , the __________________ and the ________________________.

15. The Organisms in the biosphere may broadly be divided into the __________________ and ______________________ kingdoms.

16. Elevation of land is measured from the level of the sea , which is taken as _____________.

17. There are no permanent human settlements in ____________________________ continent.

18. The _________________ is called the blue planet.

19. The four major Oceans are the ____________________, the _____________________, the _______________________ and the ______________________________.

20. _______________________ Ocean is “S” in shape.

21. ______________________ is the second largest Ocean in the world.


Topic : The First Cities

A. Fill in the blanks:-

a. Great Bath has been discovered in _____________.

b. People living in the ____________ grew crops and reared animals.

c. The alloy of tin and copper is called _____________.

d. Usually in the Harappan cities, the part to the west was smaller but higher and was known as _____________.

e. Gold and silver were used to make ________________ and vessels.

f. _________ are the impression of seals on clay.

B. Write True/False:-

a. Many cities were divided into two or more parts.

b. The city of Lothal stood beside a tributary of Ganga, in Gujarat.

c. Great Bath was made of water tight with a layer of natural tar.

d. The Harappan cities also made seals out of stone.

e. All the raw materials that tha Harappan used were available locally.


1. India has an area about _____________.

2. The USA and Canada have ______________time zones.

3. _______________ and ______________ are India’s island neighbours.

4. ______________ is the national capital.

5. __________________ and ___________________ west flowing rivers.

6. Where rivers enter into the sea is known as the ___________of the river.

7. ___________________island is also known as coral island.

8. Corals are skeletons of tiny marine animals called __________________.

9. _____________ and ______________ islands are also a part of India.

10. _______________________ are located in the Bay of Bengal.

11. _____________________latitude runs almost halfway through India.

12. Great Himalayas are also known as _____________________.


1. ______________________ was the court poet of Samudragupta.

2. Prayaga was the old name for _______________________.

3. Chandragupta II was the son of_________________.

4. _______________________ is the most famous play of Kalidasa.

5. ____________________was one of the best ruler of the Vardha Dynasty

6. Harsha Vardhana’s biography is called___________________ which was written by______________________.

7. The_______________and _________________ were the most important ruling dynasties in South India.

8. _________________ was the capital of the Pallavas.

9. _______________________ was considered as the basic unit of administration.

10. The _______________________ was the chief judicial officer.

11. The military leaders under the king were called ______________________.

The Period of Harshavardhana (600-650 A.D.)

Answer the following questions:-

Q 1. What do you know about Hieun Tsang?
Ans. Hieun Tsang was a famous Chinese Buddhist scholar. He visited India during the time of Harsha. He wrote the book 'Si- yu- ki'.

Q 2. Write a note about Harshavardhana.
Ans. Harshavardhana was the most important king of the Pushyabhuti dynasty. He became the king in 606 A.D. He was a great conqueror, a great scholar and a writer. He had special respect for Buddhism.

Q 3. What do you know about the society of this period?
Ans. People of this period were peaceful and simple. Most of the people were vegetarian. The caste system was rigid. Nalanda in Bihar was the famous university.

Q 4. Write about the administration of Harshavardhana.
Ans. 1. The king was the highest authority. There were many ministers to help the king.
2. The empire was divided into provinces, districts and villages.
3. Justice was imparted to all. Taxes were light.

Fill in the blanks:-

1. Harshavardhana made Kanauj his capital.
2. Hieun Tsang, famous Chinese visited India during the reign of Harshavardhana.
3. An account of Harshavardhana tells us that he donated the income of about 200 villages to Nalanda University.

Match the columns:-
1. Pushyabhutis - Kurukshetra
2. Hieun Tsang - Chinese Traveller
3. Banabhatta - Writer
4. Dutaka - Messenger

Write ‘True’ (√) or ‘False’ (X) for each statement:
1. Harshavardhana ascended the throne in 606 A.D.    (√)
2. Pulakesin-II was king of Bihar.                                   (X)
3. People did not pay any taxes to the king.                   (X)
4. Most of the people were vegetarian.                          (√)
5. Rajyavardhana was the father of Harsha.                  (X)


Diversity and Discrimination

1.What does 'mahar' mean?
(A) Community treated as untouchables in the Bombay presidency.
(B) A mountain.
(C) Traditional dance form.                                                             
(D) Sober and decent attitude.

2.How many major religions of the world are followed in the India?

3.Why Muslim girls do not attend school?
(A) Stingy and lazy           
(B) Lazy and dump
(C) Stingy and generous   
(D) They are poor to attend school.

4.Who are rich people?
(A) People who do not have the resources.   
(B) A person lives in hut.
(C) People with more money and resources.   
(D) Person spending money on poor people.

5.Distinguish between discrimination and stereotypes?
(A) Discrimination is to judge other people as inferior but stereotypes are conventional opinion.
(B) Stereotypes are to judge people and discrimination is to support.
(C) Stereotypes are to discriminate people and discrimination is to untouchability.
(D) Discrimination happens when people act on their stereotypes.

6.How many major religions are in the world?
(A) Five.
(B) Six.   
(C) Seven.   
(D) Eight.

7.Say whether the following statement is true or false.
There are 1600 languages spoken in India.

(A) Many languages are spoken.   
(B) In some areas many languages are spoken.
(C) Yes                                         
(D) No

8.The first page of the Indian constitution clearly states:
(A) That all Indians are entitled to equality of status and opportunity.
(B) That all Indians are allowed to move freely anywhere in India.
(C) That all Indians are entitled to have free education.
(D) That all Indians should speak only in Hindi language.

9.According to the constitution of India, no one language, religion or festival should become_________________ for all to follow.
(A) Compulsory.  
(B) Optional   
(C) Ritual
(D) Problematic

10.What is equality?
(A) The constitution of Indiagrants equal rights to all its citizen.(B)
Something which will happen automaticall
(C) Name of an English writer
(D) None of them

11.Why some people have prejudice against rural people?
(A) It is because of the colour, the accent they speak, and the clothes the rural people wear.
(B) Because the rural people are rich.
(C) Because the rural people speak only English.
(D) Because the rural people are illiterates.

12.What does caste based discrimination lead to?
(A) Prevents dalits from undertaking certain economic activities.
(B) Denies dalits the respect and dignity given to others.
(C) Both '1' and '2'
(D) None of them

13.Identify the person who is considered as the 'father of Indian Constitution' and also the leader of the Dalits.
(A) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.
(B) Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi
(C) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
(D) Mahatma Gandhiji

14.Where is Koregaon?
(A) U.P
(B) Maharashtra.
(C) Orissa.
(D) Punjab.

15.Which social class did Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar belong to?
(A) Rich
(B) Poor
(C) Dalit
(D) Economy

16.The government refers to dalits as _________.
(A) Schedule castes.
(B) Economy class.
(C) Business class.
(D) Priest.

17.What do you mean by 'Dalit'?
(A) Foreigners
(B) Untouchables.
(C) Middle class.
(D) Upper class.

18.What is the common stereotype about Muslims?
(A) Muslims do not send their girls to school.
(B) They are pure vegetarian.
(C) They do not sleep at all at the time of Roza.
(D) All of them.

19.What does a stereotype do?
(A) Stops us from looking at each person as an unique individual.
(B) Fits large number of people into only one pattern or type.
(C) Prevents us from doing a certain things.
(D) All of them

20.How do we create a stereotype?
(A) By making fun of others.
(B) By looking a person with disgust
(C) By fixing people into one image.
(D) All of them

21.What do you mean by prejudice?
(A) To judge people negatively/ negative approach
(B) To feel inferior to others
(C) To make people around you happy
(D) None of them

22.What does Indian constitution ensure to its citizen?
(A) Justice and Liberty.
(B) Equality.
(C) Fraternity.
(D) All of them

23.Who was the first person from his caste to go to England for his higher education?
(A) Bankim Chandra Chaterjee.
(B) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
(C) Mahatma Gandhiji
(D) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

24.Who were the people fought for their rights and equalities?
(A) The framers of the Indian Constitution.
(B) The upper-caste people
(C) Dalits, Women, tribals and peasants.
(D) All of them

25.Why India is called a 'Secular' country?
(A) All Indians are entitled to equality.
(B) People of different religion and faiths have freedom to practice and follow their religion.
(C) It is mentioned in the Indian Constitution.
(D) The Indian people fought against the British.

26.In ancient days children belong to lower caste were made to sit separately in the classroom. because of:
(A) They are soft and gentle.
(B) They are talkative in the classroom.
(C) They are disobedient.
(D) They belong to lower caste.

27.Who was the chairman of Constitutional Drafting Committee?

28.What are the things which made us to know what we ate?

29.When did we adopt our Constitution?

30.How many languages are spoken as mother tongue in India ?

31.Write the main reason behind Muslim girls not attending school?

32.How many Indians live in villages?

33.What is the important element of our unity?

34.What do you mean by equality?

35.Explain 'Dalit'.

36.What do you mean by "Mahars"?

37.Write a short note on Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar.

38.Define the term "untouchable''

39.Write notes on Rural and Urban people.

40.What do you mean by prejudice? Explain it.

Topic : Globes and Maps

I. Fill in the blanks-

1. Distance means the ________ between any two places.

2. A map without a scale is called a _______.

3. The four ______ direction are north, south, east and west.

4._________ and _______ were the first to publish a collection of maps in the form of book.

5. A _______ shows a very small area in detail.

6. The standard symbols used universally are called _________ symbols.

7. The ______ is located vertically above the North Pole.

8. The constellation known as the _________ keeps revolving around the Pole Star.

9. _________ sale helps to show the distance directly from the map.

10. A ________ is a simple and accurate way of representing the earth.

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Our Past I Chapter 10 New Empires and Kingdoms
CBSE Class 6 History New Empires And Kingdoms Worksheet
Our Past I Chapter 11 Buildings, Paintings and Books
CBSE Class 6 History Buildings Paintings And Books Worksheet
Social and Political Life-I Chapter 01 Understanding Diversity
CBSE Class 6 Social Science Understanding Diversity Worksheet
Social and Political Life-I Chapter 03 What is Government
CBSE Class 6 Social Science What Is Government Worksheet
Social and Political Life-I Chapter 04 Key Elements of a Democratic Government
CBSE Class 6 Social Science Key Elements Of A Democratic Government Worksheet
Social and Political Life-I Chapter 05 Panchayati Raj
CBSE Class 6 Social Science Panchayati Raj Worksheet
Social and Political Life-I Chapter 06 Rural Administration
CBSE Class 6 Social Science Rural Administration Worksheet
Social and Political Life-I Chapter 08 Rural Livelihoods
CBSE Class 6 Social Science Rural Livelihoods Worksheet
Social and Political Life-I Chapter 09 Urban Livelihoods
CBSE Class 6 Social Science Urban Livelihoods Worksheet
The Earth our Habitat Chapter 01 The Earth in the Solar System
CBSE Class 6 Geography The Earth In Our Solar System Worksheet
The Earth our Habitat Chapter 02 Globe Latitudes and Longitudes
CBSE Class 6 Social Science Latitudes And Longitudes Worksheet
The Earth our Habitat Chapter 03 Motions of the Earth
CBSE Class 6 Social Science Motions Of The Earth Worksheet
The Earth our Habitat Chapter 04 Maps
CBSE Class 6 Social Science Geography Maps Worksheet
The Earth our Habitat Chapter 05 Major Domains of the Earth
CBSE Class 6 Social Science Major Domains Of The Earth Worksheet
The Earth our Habitat Chapter 06 Major Landforms of the Earth
CBSE Class 6 Geography Major Land Forms Of The Earth Worksheet
The Earth our Habitat Chapter 07 Our Country India
CBSE Class 6 Geography Our Country India Worksheet
The Earth our Habitat Chapter 08 India Climate Vegetation and Wildlife
CBSE Class 6 Geography India Climate And Natural Vegetation Worksheet
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CBSE Class 6 Civics All Chapter Worksheets
CBSE Class 6 Geography All Chapter Worksheet Set
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CBSE Class 6 Social Science Political Developments Worksheet
CBSE Class 6 Social Science Project Work Worksheet
CBSE Class 6 Social Science Reconstruct History Worksheet
CBSE Class 6 Social Science Religious Ideas And Development Worksheet
CBSE Class 6 Social Science Revision Worksheet Set N
CBSE Class 6 Social Science Revision Worksheet Set O
CBSE Class 6 Social Science Revision Worksheet Set P
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CBSE Class 6 Social Science The Earliest Societies Worksheet
CBSE Class 6 Social Science The First Cities Of The Indian Subcontinent Worksheet
CBSE Class 6 Social Science The First Empire The Mauryas Worksheet
CBSE Class 6 Social Science The First Farmers And Herders Worksheet
CBSE Class 6 Social Science The Vedic Age Worksheet
CBSE Class 6 Social Science Trail Of The Earliest People Worksheet

Worksheet for CBSE Social Science Class 6 All Chapters

We hope students liked the above worksheet for All Chapters designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 6 Social Science released by CBSE. Students of Class 6 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 6 Social Science on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Social Science by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 6 Social Science to develop the Social Science Class 6 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 6 Social Science designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 6 Social Science in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

Where can I download latest CBSE Printable worksheets for Class 6 Social Science All Chapters

You can download the CBSE Printable worksheets for Class 6 Social Science All Chapters for latest session from

Is there any charge for the Printable worksheets for Class 6 Social Science All Chapters

There is no charge for the Printable worksheets for Class 6 CBSE Social Science All Chapters you can download everything free

Are there any websites that offer free test sheets for Class 6 Social Science All Chapters

Yes, provides all latest NCERT All Chapters Class 6 Social Science test sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session

What topics are covered in CBSE Class 6 Social Science All Chapters worksheets?

CBSE Class 6 Social Science All Chapters worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

How can I use worksheets to improve my Class 6 Social Science scores?

Regular practice with Class 6 Social Science worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.