CBSE Class 12 Physics Magnetism Worksheet Set B

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 12 Physics Magnetism Worksheet Set B. Students and teachers of Class 12 Physics can get free printable Worksheets for Class 12 Physics Chapter 4 Moving Charges and Magnetism in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 12 students should practice questions and answers given here for Physics in Class 12 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 12 Physics Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Physics books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 12 Physics Chapter 4 Moving Charges and Magnetism

Class 12 Physics students should download to the following Chapter 4 Moving Charges and Magnetism Class 12 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 12 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 12 Physics Worksheet for Chapter 4 Moving Charges and Magnetism

Magnetism MCQ Questions with Answers Class 12 Physics

Question- The current in wire is directed towards east and the wire is placed in magnetic field directed towards north. The force on the wire is
(a) vertically upwards
(b) vertically downwards
(c) due south
(d) due east
Ans- (b)
Question-A current of 3 A is flowing in a linear conductor having a length of 40 cm. The conductor is placed in a magnetic field of strength 500 gauss and makes an angle of 30° with the direction of the field. It experiences a force of magnitude
(a) 3 × 10–4 N
(b) 3 × 10–2 N
(c) 3 × 102 N
(d) 3 × 104 N
Question-A charged particle is whirled in a horizontal circle on a frictionless table by attaching it to a string fixed at one point. If the magnetic field is switched on in the vertical direction the tension in the string
(a) will increase
(b) will decrease
(c) may increase or decrease
(d) will remain unchanged
Ans- (c)
Question-A current of 10 ampere is flowing in a wire of length 1.5 metre. A force of 15 newtons acts on it when it is placed in a uniform magnetic field of 2 tesla. The angle between the magnetic field and the direction of the current is
(a) 30°
(b) 45°
(c) 60° 
(d) 90°
Question- A circular loop of area 1 cm2 carrying a current of 10 ampere is placed in a magnetic field of 0.1 T perpendicular to plane of the loop.The torque on the loop due to magnetic field is
(a) 10-4 N.m
(b) 10-2 N.m
(c) 10 N.m
(d) zero
Question- The area of crosssection of three magnets of same length are A, 2A and 6A respectively. The ratio of their magnetic moments will be
(a) 6 : 2 : 1
(b) 1 : 2 : 6
(c) 1 : 4 : 36
(d) 36 : 4 : 1
Question- A magnetic needle has magnetic moment of 6.7×10-2 A.mand moment of inertia 7.5 × 10-6 kgm2.It performs 10 complete oscillations in 6.7 seconds .What is the magnitude of the magnetic field.
(a) 0.01 T
(b) 0.2 T
(c) 0.5 T
(d) 0.9T
Question- The sensitivity of a galvanometer does not depend upon
(a) a very strong magnetic field in the permanent magnet
(b) the current it measures
(c) a very thin, weak suspension
(d) a large number of turns in the coil
Question- The forces existing between two parallel current carrying conductors is F. If the current in each conductor is doubled, then the value of force will be
(a) 2F
(b) 4F
(c) 5F
(d) F/2
Question- Two parallel wires carry currents of 20 A and 40 A in opposite directions. Another wire carrying current of 20 A and antiparallel to 20A is placed midway between the two wires.The magnetic force on this wire will be
(a) towards 20 A
(b) towards 40 A
(c) perpendicular to plane of wires
(d) zero
Question- If a current is passed in a spring, it
(a) gets compressed
(b) gets expanded
(c) oscillates
(d) remains unchanged
Question- Choose the correct statement. There will be no force experienced if
(a) Two parallel wires carry current in same direction
(b) A positive charge is projected along the axis of the solenoid
(c) A positive charge is projected between the pole pieces of a bar magnet
(d) Two protons move parallel to each other with same speed
Question- The deflection in a galvanometer falls from 50 division to 20 when a 12 ohm shunt is applied. The galvanometer resistance is
(a) 18 ohms
(b) 36 ohms
(c) 24 ohms
(d) 30 ohms
Question- A galvanometer of resistance 100 Ω gives a full scale deflection for a current of 10–5 A. To convert it into a ammeter capable of measuring upto 1 A, we should connect a resistance of
(a) 1Ω in parallel
(b) 10–3 Ω in parallel
(c) 105 Ω in series
(d) 100 Ω in series
Question-A thin rectangular bar magnet suspended freely has period of oscillation of 4 seconds. What will be period of oscillation if the magnet is broken into two halves; each having length half of original; and one piece is made to oscillate in the same field.
(a) 2 s
(b) 3 s
(c) 1 s
(d) 4 s
Question-The total intensity of the Earth’s magnetic field at equator is 5 units. What is its value at the poles ?
(a) 5
(b) 4
(c) 3
(d) 2
Question-The angles of dip at the poles and the equator respectively are
(a) 30°, 60°
(b) 90°, 0°
(c) 30°, 90°
(d) 0°, 0°
Question-Agonic line is that curve at which
(a) total intensity of earth ‘s magnetic field is same
(b) the angle of dip is same
(c) angle of declination is same
(d) magnetic declination is zero
Question-The magnetic lines of force due to horizontal component of earth’s magnetic field will be
(a) elliptical
(b) circular
(c) horizontal and parallel
(d) curved
Question- The magnetic induction along the axis of an air cored solenoid is 0.03 T. On placing an iron core inside the solenoid the magnetic induction becomes 1.5T .The relative permeability of iron core will be
(a) 12
(b) 40
(c) 50
(d) 300
Question-A solenoid has core of a material with relative permeability 400.The winding of the solenoid are insulated from the core and carry a current of 2 ampere. If the number of turns is 1000 per meter, what is magnetic flux density inside the core?
(a) 0.4T
(b) 0.5 T
(c) 0.7 T
(d) 1.0T
More question-



Important Questions for NCERT Class 12 Physics Magnetism And Matter 


Question. There are four light-weight-rod samples A, B, C, D separately suspended by threads. A bar magnet is slowly brought near each sample and the following observations are noted     
(i) A is feebly repelled
(ii) B is feebly attracted
(iii) C is strongly attracted
(iv) D remains unaffected 

Which one of the following is true?
(a) B is of a paramagnetic material
(b) C is of a diamagnetic material
(c) D is of a ferromagnetic material
(d) A is of a non-magnetic material  

Answer    A

Question. Magnetic lines of force due to a bar magnet do not intersect because    
(a) a point always has a single net magnetic field
(b) the lines have similar charges and so repel each other
(c) the lines always diverge from a single force
(d) the lines need magnetic lenses to be made to interest 

Answer    A

Question. A 250-turn rectangular coil of length 2.1 cm and width 1.25 cm carries a current of 85 mA and subjected to a magnetic field of strength 0.85 T.   
Work done for rotating the coil by 180° against the torque is   
(a) 4.55 mJ
(b) 2.3 mJ
(c) 1.15 mJ
(d) 9.1 mJ  

Answer    D

Question. If a diamagnetic substance is brought near the north or the south pole of a bar magnet, it is     
(a) repelled by the north pole and attracted by the south pole
(b) attracted by the north pole and repelled by the south pole
(c) attracted by both the poles
(d) repelled by both the poles  

Answer    D


Question. The magnetic susceptibility of an ideal diamagnetic substance is  
(a) –1
(b) 0
(c) +1
(d) ¥ 

Answer    A

Question. If the magnetic dipole moment of an atom of diamagnetic material, paramagnetic material and ferromagnetic material are denoted by md, mp and mf respectively, then    
(a) md = 0 and mp ≠ 0
(b) md ≠ 0 and mp = 0
(c) mp = 0 and mf ≠ 0
(d) md ≠ 0 and mf ≠ 0. 

Answer    A

Question. A bar magnet is hung by a thin cotton thread in a uniform horizontal magnetic field and is in equilibrium state. The energy required to rotate it by 60° is W. Now the torque required to keep the magnet in this new position is    
(a) W√3
(b) 3W
(c) √3W /2
(d) 2W/3 

Answer    B

Question. A magnetic needle suspended parallel to a magnetic field requires 3 J of work to turn it through 60°.    
The torque needed to maintain the needle in this position will be
(a) 2√3J
(b) 3 J
(c) √3 J
(d) 3/2 J 

Answer    B


Question. The magnetic moment of a diamagnetic atom is    
(a) much greater than one
(b) 1
(c) between zero and one
(d) equal to zero  

Answer    D


Question. A short bar magnet of magnetic moment 0.4 J T–1 is placed in a uniform magnetic field of 0.16 T. The magnet is in stable equilibrium when the potential energy is    
(a) 0.064 J
(b) –0.064 J
(c) zero
(d) –0.082 J 

Answer    B

Question. If q1 and q2 be the apparent angles of dip observed in two vertical planes at right angles to each other, then the true angle of dip q is given by    
(a) tan2q = tan2q1 + tan2q2
(b) cot2q = cot2q1 – cot2q2
(c) tan2q = tan2q1 – tan2q2
(d) cot2q = cot2q1 + cot2q2 

Answer    D

Question. Two points A and B are situated at a distance x and 2x respectively from the nearer pole of a magnet 2 cm long. The ratio of magnetic field at A and B is    
(a) 4 : 1 exactly
(b) 4 : 1 approximately
(c) 8 : 1 approximately
(d) 1 : 1 approximately

Answer    C

Question. Imagine rolling a sheet of paper into a cylinder and placing a bar magnet near its end as shown in figure. What can you say about the sign of B.dA for every area dA
on the surface?    
(a) Positive
(b) Negative
(c) No sign
(d) Can be positive or negative

Answer    B

Question. A vibration magnetometer placed in magnetic meridian has a small bar magnet. The magnet executes oscillations with a time period of 2 sec in earth’s horizontal magnetic field of 24 microtesla.
When a horizontal field of 18 microtesla is produced opposite to the earth’s field by placing a current carrying wire, the new time period of magnet will be    
(a) 1 s
(b) 2 s
(c) 3 s
(d) 4 s

Answer    D

Question. A bar magnet having a magnetic moment of 2 × 104 J T–1 is free to rotate in a horizontal plane. A horizontal magnetic field B = 6 × 10–4 T exists in the space. The work done in taking the magnet slowly from a direction parallel to the field to a direction 60° from the field is    
(a) 12 J
(b) 6 J
(c) 2 J
(d) 0.6 J 

Answer    B

Question. According to Curie’s law, the magnetic susceptibility of a substance at an absolute temperature T is proportional to     
(a) 1/T
(b) T
(c) 1/T2
(d) T2 

Answer    A

Question. Domain formation is the necessary feature of :    
(a) ferromagnetism
(b) diamagnetism
(c) paramagnetism
(d) all of these

Answer    A

Question. What happens, when a magnetic substance is heated ?    
(a) It loses its magnetism
(b) It becomes a strong magnet
(c) Does not effect the magnetism
(d) Either (b) and (c)

Answer    A

Chapter 09 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
CBSE Class 12 Physics Ray Optics Optical Instruments Worksheet

Worksheet for CBSE Physics Class 12 Chapter 4 Moving Charges and Magnetism

We hope students liked the above worksheet for Chapter 4 Moving Charges and Magnetism designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 12 Physics released by CBSE. Students of Class 12 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 12 Physics on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Physics by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 12 Physics to develop the Physics Class 12 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 12 Physics designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 12 Physics in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

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Yes, provides all latest NCERT Chapter 4 Moving Charges and Magnetism Class 12 Physics test sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session

What topics are covered in CBSE Class 12 Physics Chapter 4 Moving Charges and Magnetism worksheets?

CBSE Class 12 Physics Chapter 4 Moving Charges and Magnetism worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

How can I use worksheets to improve my Class 12 Physics scores?

Regular practice with Class 12 Physics worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.