1. A Pelton wheel is outward flow impulse turbine inward flow impulse turbine inward flow reaction turbine tangential flow impulse turbine 2. The gross or total head of the turbine is the difference sum product none of the options 3. The Thomsons turbine is an inward flow an axial flow an outward flow a mixed flow 4. Slip of a reciprocating pump is defined as the ratio of actual discharge to the theoretical discharge sum of actual discharge and the theoretical discharge difference of theoretical discharge and the actual discharge product of theoretical discharge and the actual discharge 5. By fitting an air vessel to the reciprocating pump, there is always a saving of work done and subsequently saving of power. This saving in case of a single acting reciprocating pump is 39.20% 48.80% 84.80% 88.40% 6. The static head of a centrifugal pump is equal to the product D.multiply difference sum 7. The mechanical efficiency of an impulse turbine is ratio of the actual work available at the turbine to the energy imparted to the wheel ratio of the work done on the wheel to the energy of the jet ratio of the actual power produced by the turbine to the energy actually supplied by the turbine none of the options 8. The working of which of the following hydraulic units is based on Pascals law? Hydraulic press Jet pump Hydraulic coupling Air lift pump 9. A hydraulic ram is a device used to increase the pressure of water to lift small quantity of water to a greater height when a large quantity of water is available at a smaller height store the energy of water to lift water from deep wells 10. Dynamic similarity is said to exist between the model and the prototype, if both of them are equal in size and shape are identical in shape, but differ only in size have identical velocities none of the options 11. Kinematic similarity is said to exist between the model and the prototype, if both of them are identical in shape, but differ only in size have identical forces have identical velocities are equal in size and shape 12. Which of the following statement is correct? The centrifugal pump required less floor area and simple foundation as compared to reciprocating pump The efficiency of centrifugal pump is less as compared to reciprocating pump. The centrifugal pump is suitable for large discharge and smaller heads All of the options 13. Which of the following pump is suitable for small discharge and high heads? Axial flow pump Mixed flow pump Centrifugal pump Reciprocating pump 14. The hydraulic efficiency of a reaction turbine, is the ratio of actual work available at the turbine to energy imparted to the wheel power produced by the turbine to the energy actually supplied by the turbine workdone on the wheel to the energy (or head of water) actually supplied to the turbine none of the options 15. Which of the following statement is correct as regard to water wheels? They have slow speeds. They give constant efficiency, even if the discharge is not constant. They are suitable even for low water heads All of the options 16. The specific speed from 160 to 500 r.p.m. of a centrifugal pump indicates that the pump is medium speed with radial flow at outlet high speed with axial flow at outlet slow speed with radial flow at outlet high speed with radial flow at outlet 17. The runaway speed of a hydraulic turbine is the speed at full load at which the turbine will run freely without load corresponding to maximum overload permissible at which there will be no damage to the runner 18. In the above question, the saving in case of a double acting reciprocating pump is 48.80% 84.80% 88.40% 39.20% 19. The type of centrifugal pump preferred for a specific speed of 20 r.p.m. is high speed pump with axial flow at outlet medium speed pump with radial flow at outlet high speed pump with radia flow at outlet slow speed pump with radial flow at outlet 20. The speed of an imaginary turbine, identical with the fiven turbine, which will develop a unit power under a unit head, is known as normal speed unit speed specific speed none of the options 21. In a Kaplan turbine runner, the number of blades are generally between 4 to 8 2 to 4 8 to 16 16 to 24 22. The overall efficiency of a reaction turbine is the ratio of power produced by the turbine to the energy actually suppied by the turbine workdone on the wheel to the energy (or head of water) actually supplied to the turbine actual work available at the turbine to the energy imparted to the wheel none of the options 23. In a Francis turbine runner, the number of blades are generally between 8 to 16 2 to 4 16 to 24 4 to 8 24. The cavitation in a hydraulic machine is mainly due to low pressure high pressure low velocity high velocity 25. The discharge through a reaction turbine remains same decreases increases none of the options 26. Power required to drive a centrifugal pump is directly proportional to cube of diameter diameter fourth power of diameter square of diameter 27. The specific speed of a centrifugal pump, delivering 750 litres of water per second against a head of 15 metres at 725 r.p.m., is 82.4 r.p.m. 24.8 r.p.m. 48.2 r.p.m. 248 r.p.m. 28. A Pelton wheel working under a constant head and discharge, has maximum efficiency when the speed ratio is 0.56 0.36 0.26 0.46 29. The undershot water wheels are those in which the wheel runs partly by the weight of water and partly by the impulse of water the wheel runs entirely by the impulse of water the wheel runs entirely by the weight of water none of the options 30. The flow ratio of Francis turbine is defined as the ratio of the velocity of flow at inlet to the theoretical jet velocity velocity of runner at inlet to the velocity of flow at inlet theoretical velocity of jet to the velocity of flow at inlet none of the options 31. Geometric similarity is said to exist between the model and the prototype, if both of them have identical velocities have identical forces are identical in shape, but differ only in size are equal in size and shape 32. A hydraulic coupling belongs to the category of energy generating machines power absorbing machines energy transfer machines power developing machines 33. Which type of the pump is defferent from others in the same group? Screw pump Cam and piston pump Plunger pump Gear pump 34. Which of the following is not a reaction turbine? Pelton wheel Thomsons turbine Furneyron turbine Jonval turbine 35. Which of the following trubine is preferred for 0 to 25 m head of water? Kaplan turbine Pelton wheel Francis turbine none of the options 36. The ratio of actual work available at the turbine to the energy imparted to the wheel is known as overall mechanical hydraulic none of the options 37. In order to avoid cavitation in centrifugal pumps the delivery pressure should be low the delivery pressure should be high the suction pressure should be low the suction pressure should be high 38. The maximum efficiency of jet propulsion of a ship with inlet orifices at right angles to the direction of motion of ship, is 80% 60% 50% 40% 39. Which of the following hydraulic unit is used for transmitting increased or decreased torque to the driven shaft? Hydraulic intensifier Hydraulic torque converter Hydraulic accumulator Hydraulic ram 40. In an outward flow reaction turbine the flow of water is partly radial and partly axial the water enters the wheel at the outer periphery and then flows towards the centre of the wheel the water flows parallel to the axis of the wheel the water enters at the centre of the wheel and then flows towards the outer periphery of the wheel 41. Overall efficiency of a centrifugal pump is the ratio of energy available at the impeller to the energy supplied to the pump by the prime mover actual workdone by the pump to the energy supplied to the pump by the prime mover energy supplied to the pump to the energy available at the impeller manometric head to the energy supplied by the impeller per kN of water 42. Which of the following pump is sucessfully used for lifting water to the boilers? Reciprocating pump Air-lift pump Centrifugal pump Jet pump 43. The centrifugal pump preferred for a specific speed between 80 to 160 r.p.m. is medium speed with radial flow at outlet high speed with radial flow at outlet high speed with mixed flow at outlet slow speed with radial flow at outlet 44. Which of the following pump is sucessfully used for lifting water to the wells? Jet pump Air-lift pump Centrifugal pump Reciprocating pump 45. A double overhung Pelton wheel has four runners two jets two runners four jets 46. In a reciprocating pump, air vessels are used to smoothen the flow reduce suction head reduce acceleration head increase delivery head 47. If the net positive suction head (NPSH) requirement for the pump is not satisfied, then no flow will take place excessive power will be consumed efficiency will be low cavitation will be formed 48. A turbine is required to develop 1500 kW at 300 r.p.m. under a head of 150 m. Which of the following turbine should be used? Pelton wheel with one nozzle Pelton wheel with two or more nozzles Francis turbine Kaplan turbine 49. Which of the following pump is preferred for flood control and irrigation applications? Centrifugal pump Mixed flow pump Axial flow pump Reciprocating pump 50. The function of guide vanes in a reaction turbine is to allow the required quantity of water to enter the turbine allow the water to flow over them, without forming eddies allow the water to enter the runner without shock All of the options Submit Answers Retake Test More Civil Engineering Study Material › Civil Engineering Mock Tests with AnswersAdvanced Construction and Equipments Mock TestAdvanced Construction Technology Mock TestBasics of Civil Engineering Mock TestBuilding Construction Mock TestBuilding Materials Mock TestBuilding Services Mock TestBuilding Technology and Architectural Planning Mock TestConcrete Technology Mock TestConstruction Management Mock TestConstruction Project Management Mock TestConstruction Quality Control and Monitoring Mock TestConstruction Technology Mock Test Design of Masonry Structures Mock TestDesign of Reinforced Cement Concrete Elements Mock TestDesign of Steel Structures Mock TestDock and Harbour Engineering Mock TestElements of Remote Sensing Mock TestEngineering Geology Mock TestEngineering Graphics Mock TestEngineering Mechanics Mock TestEstimating and Costing Mock TestEstimation, Costing and Valuation Engineering Mock TestFluid Mechanics Mock TestFoundation engineering Mock Test Geotechnical Engineering Mock TestHighway Engineering Mock TestHydraulics and Fluid Mechanics Mock TestHydraulics Machines Mock TestHydraulics Mock TestIrrigation Engineering Mock TestMaintenance and Rehabilitation of Structures Mock TestPrefabricated Structures Mock TestProfessional Ethics in Engineering Mock TestPublic Health Engineering Mock TestRailway Bridge and Tunnel Engineering Mock TestRailway Engineering Mock Test Railways, Airports, Docks and Harbour Engineering Mock TestRCC Structures Design Mock TestSocietal and Global Impact Mock TestSoil Mechanics and Foundations Mock TestStructural Analysis Mock TestStructural Design and Drawing Mock TestStructural Design Mock TestStructural Mechanics Mock TestSurveying Mock TestWaste Water Treatment Mock TestWater Supply Engineering Mock TestWater and Wastewater Engineerin Mock Test Civil Engineering Mock TestsCivil Engineering MCQ Questions with Answers