1. Thickness of the concrete bed in reinforced concrete footing is ________ 7 to 8 cm 15 cm 10 to 12 cm 8 to 10 cm 2. Which type of pile used for the extremely loose soil? Frication pile Compaction pile End bearing pile Tension pile 3. Which one is not a part of the lift? control room hoist rope power supply buffer 4. Pitch of the roof is rise of roof span of roof ratio of rise to span None of the options 5. What is the vibration frequency of the surface vibrator? (in cycles per min.) 1000 to 6000 3000 to 6000 2500 to 6500 2000 to 6000 6. Which admixture is used for speed up setting in grouting? gypsum clay stone dust calcium chloride 7. False ceiling is used for heat insulation sound insulation reduce headroom all of the options 8. What are causes of dampness? rising of moisture from ground condensation action of rain all of the options 9. Bed is Side which is exposed to the weather Inside of the wall Top side of the brick Bottom side of the brick 10. Upper most course of plinth masonry is known as________ Plinth course Stretcher course Header course None of the options 11. What is normal vibration time in the case of internal vibrator? (in sec.) 5 to 20 10 to 20 10 to 30 10 to 40 12. Which material is not used for in false ceiling? plywood slates wooden planks all of the options 13. Which type of footing is used for the steel columns? Combined footings Strap footings Raft footings Grillage footings 14. Which metal is used for the construction of plug joints in stone masonry? Lead Aluminum Copper Iron 15. Size of fine aggregate is________ 4.75 mm Smaller than 4.75 mm Bigger than 4.75 mm None of the options 16. Dry rubble masonry is used for the construction of the______ Canal slops Pitching earthen dams Retaining walls all of the options 17. Which type of footing used for supporting the individual columns? Column footing Combined footing Inverted arch footing Wall footings 18. Ideal water-cement ration in concrete is__________ 40% 50% 35% 38% 19. Queen closer is the portion of brick obtained by cutting a brick____ wise into two portion. Height Width Length None of the options 20. Which material not used for the damp proofing? stones mortar hot bitumen mud 21. North light roof truss used in warehouses workshops factories all of the options 22. Box caissons are used when depth of water is _______ 6 to 10 m 10 to 12 m 4 to 6 m 6 to 8 m 23. What is maximum services life of ripper tips? ( in hours) 1000 100 200 4000 24. Concentration of DDT in termite treatment solution is___ (by weight) 20% 12% 5% 10% 25. Bull dozer used for prepare pilot roads make the land level clear site of work all of the options 26. In stretcher bond......... All the brick are laid in alternate courses One brick in stretcher position and other brick in header position in same course All the brick are laid in stretcher courses All the brick are laid in header courses 27. Flaking in plaster occurs due to corrosion in metal laths dust trap inside the plaster layers poor bonding all of the options 28. What is maximum capacity of the scraper? (in cu.m) 30 9 25 18 29. Which ground treatment is adopted before the foundation on the loose soil? Deep vibration Cement injection grouting Pre-loading all of the options 30. Dumpers are used for transporting the concrete up to _______. 25 km 5 km 10 km 15 km 31. Which is not a type of flat roof? king post roof truss mud terrace roofing lime concrete terracing bangle terrace roofing 32. Which type of pile used for protect front of structure against the impact from ship and other floating objects? Tension pile End bearing pile Frication pile Fender pile 33. Window sills are provided at top of the window side of the window any one of the above bottom of the window 34. Dry rubble masonry used in Canal slop Retaining wall Pitching earthen dam all of the options 35. Which one is not suitable for goof stairs? it should isolate from light and ventilation wide in dimension fire resistance all of the options 36. Main use of scraper is loosen hard soil back filling of trenches trenching work leveling of soil 37. What is purpose of foundation To support a structure To distribute the structure weight To distribute non uniform load of the structure all of the options 38. Face of the wall is Top side of the brick Side which is exposed to the weather Inside of the wall Bottom side of the brick 39. Which one is used in AC sheet roof covering? crank bolt L bolt hook bolt all of the options 40. Plinth course is Center course of the plinth Lower most course of the plinth Upper most course of the plinth None of the options 41. Which metal is used in cramped joint Iron Lead Copper Aluminum 42. What is a requirement of good formwork? economical easy removal less leakage all of the options 43. Which factor affects the selection of the floorings? durability initial cost appearance all of the options 44. Which one of this is not a shallow foundation? Pile foundation Spread footing Strap footing Combined footing 45. Mullion in door frame used for any one of the above dividing door in inclined direction dividing door horizontally dividing door vertically 46. Which type of cofferdam is used for the depth of water in rang of 18 to 21m? Cellular cofferdam Single wall cofferdam Earth fill cofferdam Rock fill cofferdam 47. Coping is provided at to of plinth level top of parapet bottom of parapet None of the options 48. Raft footing is used for Heavy loads Low soil pressure Large variation in load on the column all of the options 49. Length of the under reamed pile is 2 to 3 m 2 to 9 m 10 to 20 m 3 to 9 m 50. Which material not used for the flooring? bricks plastic stones concrete Submit Answers Retake Test More Civil Engineering Study Material › Civil Engineering Mock Tests with AnswersAdvanced Construction and Equipments Mock TestAdvanced Construction Technology Mock TestBasics of Civil Engineering Mock TestBuilding Construction Mock TestBuilding Materials Mock TestBuilding Services Mock TestBuilding Technology and Architectural Planning Mock TestConcrete Technology Mock TestConstruction Management Mock TestConstruction Project Management Mock TestConstruction Quality Control and Monitoring Mock TestConstruction Technology Mock Test Design of Masonry Structures Mock TestDesign of Reinforced Cement Concrete Elements Mock TestDesign of Steel Structures Mock TestDock and Harbour Engineering Mock TestElements of Remote Sensing Mock TestEngineering Geology Mock TestEngineering Graphics Mock TestEngineering Mechanics Mock TestEstimating and Costing Mock TestEstimation, Costing and Valuation Engineering Mock TestFluid Mechanics Mock TestFoundation engineering Mock Test Geotechnical Engineering Mock TestHighway Engineering Mock TestHydraulics and Fluid Mechanics Mock TestHydraulics Machines Mock TestHydraulics Mock TestIrrigation Engineering Mock TestMaintenance and Rehabilitation of Structures Mock TestPrefabricated Structures Mock TestProfessional Ethics in Engineering Mock TestPublic Health Engineering Mock TestRailway Bridge and Tunnel Engineering Mock TestRailway Engineering Mock Test Railways, Airports, Docks and Harbour Engineering Mock TestRCC Structures Design Mock TestSocietal and Global Impact Mock TestSoil Mechanics and Foundations Mock TestStructural Analysis Mock TestStructural Design and Drawing Mock TestStructural Design Mock TestStructural Mechanics Mock TestSurveying Mock TestWaste Water Treatment Mock Test Civil Engineering Mock TestsCivil Engineering MCQ Questions with Answers