1. Which of the following conditions of loading imposes the greatest load on the foundation in case of dry docks? When the dock is empty When the dock is dry and is under construction When the dock is full of water When the dock is empty with the ship of maximum tonnage 2. As compared to wall type breakwater, mound type breakwater Requires skilled labour Requires low maintenance cost Requires less material Results in less damage due to gradual failure 3. A ship strikes the berth generally at an angle 90degree with the face of the dock 45degree with the face of the dock 10degree with the face of the dock 30degree with the face of the dock 4. If H is the height of the wave expected, then the height of the breakwater is generally taken as 1.2 H to 1.25 H above the mean sea level 1.2 H to 1.25 H above the datum 1.2 H to 1.25 H above the low water level 1.2 H to 1.25 H above the high water level 5. Pick up the correct statement from the following Spring tides are caused at new and full moon Neap tides are caused when the moon is in her quarters Spring tides are roughly twice the height of neap tides All of the options 6. The smoothened surface of the front face of the guay walls, is known as fending which is made of Timber Steel Granite stone All of the options 7. The shore line survey includes: Depicting the shore line Depicting the prominent details on shore line Depicting the high water line All of the options 8. Which one of the following statements is not relevant to hydrographic survey? Establishment of a chain of bench marks near the shore line Determination of the sea bed profile Establishment of horizontal control points on the shore None of the options 9. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following: In a dry dock block made of hard wood, Spacing of the blocks is 1.35 m The middle block is 1.6 m long 40 cm x 40 cm in cross-section The lowest block is 1.8 m long 40 cm x 40 cm in cross-section None of the options 10. Littoral drift Is the slow movement of surface water at sea caused by the wind Is the raised line of sand, parallel to the sea coast Is a current parallel to the shore, caused due to tangential component of the wind Is a current perpendicular to the shore line caused due to wind 11. Flow of air from one place to the other is caused due to Velocity head Pressure head The sum of elevation All of the options 12. Which of the following is a fixed type mooring accessory? Cables Buoys Bollard Anchors 13. Which one of the following statements is correct? The soundings are made with respect to the mean low water The spot heights of the features above datum are written in red on the map The soundings which are below the datum are written in black on the map All of the options 14. A ship is berthed in a chamber and lifted by principles of buoyancy, such a chamber is called. Dry dock Floating dock Refuge dock Wet dock 15. According to the recommendations of International Navigational Congress in 1912, the ratio of length to width at the entrance for cargo vessels is 6.2 and 6.8 to 1 5.5 and 6.0 to 1 7.4 and 7.8 to 1 8.2 and 8.5 to 1 16. Pick up the correct statement from the following. For nautical purposes, low water level is generally referred to by the navigators The contour lines on the bed of a water body are called fathoms The depth of the bed of the sea from the surface of water is called sounding All of the options 17. Pick up the correct statement from the following . The average difference in water level between high tide and low tide at a place, is called tidal range The movement of water caused by the action of tide, is called a tidal current The regular periodic rise and fall of the surface of the sea, is called tide All of the options 18. Which of the following structures are constructed parallel to shore line to develop a demarcating line between land area and water area? Bulk heads, revetments and groynes Sea walls, bulk heads and groynes Sea walls, revetments and groynes Sea walls, bulk heads and revetments 19. Due to the impact of water wave on a sea shore structure Internal pressure is developed Hydrostatic pressure coupled with a strong momentary impact is caused Vibrations are subjected All of the options 20. In multiple point mooring system, vessel is secured to minimum of Two points Eight points Six points Four points 21. Pick up the correct statement from the following - The Caspian Sea is considered to be a big harbour The Red sea is considered to be harbour The Mediterranean Sea is considered to be a huge harbour None of the options 22. In tropical regions, The rising tropical air flows towards the polar region in the upper strata The surface gets heated more effectively than the arctic areas After heating, the air becomes lighter and is displaced by cool air from the polar regions All of the options 23. In a wet dock system, Entrance locks are provided with massive gates Minimum required depth of water for the vessels is maintained The cost of construction is quite heavy All of the options 24. A dock: Is a marine structure for berthing of vessels for loading and unloading cargo and passengers Is provided with a dock gate Is provided with an arrangement to pump out water when required All of the options 25. Buoys which support the cables to which vessels are attached are of Spherical shape Cylindrical shape Pear shaped All of the options 26. For large vessels, the buoys are strengthened by connecting it to a number of anchors having Three legged mooring All the types as above One legged mooring Two legged mooring 27. The significant wave height is defined is the average height of the One-fifth highest waves One-tenth highest waves One-third highest waves One-fourth highest waves 28. Which of the following are repair docks? Wet docks, floating docks, lift docks, marine railways Wet docks, lift docks, marine railways, dry docks Marine railways, dry docks, floating docks, wet docks Dry docks, wet docks, floating docks, lift docks 29. Pick up the correct statement from the following- A harbour without any port complex, is called a refuge harbour A harbour used for fishery, is called fishery harbour The terminal building of a commercial harbour consists of an administrative block, customs clearance and ware-houses All of the options 30. If the maximum spring rise is 2 m and height of the waves expected is 4 m , then the breakwater height above the datum will be 5 m 2.5 m 4 m 7 m 31. Pick up the correct statement from the following ? The brick masonry retaining wall which is used for loading and unloading of cargo is called quay wall The breakwater which can be used as a platform for loading and unloading of cargo is called a mole Three types of break waters are generally provided in harbours All of the options 32. A harbour is a place where Port buildings are constructed for commercial purposes Ships get shelter and protection against destructive forces due to sea waves Facilities are provided for receiving cargo and passengers All of the options 33. A roadstead: May be protected by break water walls Is the end of the road at the harbour Is a protected area of water where boats can move safely None of the options 34. The minimum diameter of turning besin, where ships turn by going ahead and without tug assistance should be (L is the length of the ship) 4.0 L 1.5 L 2.0 L L 35. When a ship floats at its designed water line, the vertical distance from water line to the bottom of the ship is known as Depth Beam Draft Freeboard 36. At a given port, the fetch is 400 nautical miles, the maximum height of storm wave will be 9.144 m 2.073 m 8.169 m 6.8 m 37. Which one of the following lines is used for tying a ship with a dock? Spring line Bow line Stern line All of the options 38. Which of the following type of sea walls results in greatest protection of shore structures? Vertical sea wall Sea wall with concave face Stepped sea wall Sea wall with batter 39. Select the incorrect statement. The progress of work in low level method of mound construction is very slow Barge method of mound construction is economical In staging method of mound construction, the work is not interrupted even during stormy weather In low level method of mound construction, the area of working is limited 40. Pick up the correct statement from the following:- The wind vortex results in conical depression in the air surface The maritime structures should be designed to withstand wave motion of air A tube of air rotating at hundreds of kilometres per hour forms a tornado All of the options 41. Which of the following structures protects the shore by trapping of littoral drift? Groynes Moles Sea walls Revetments 42. Pick up the correct statement from the following: An artificial barrier which makes the enclosed area safe for anchorage of ships, is known as break water The length of the quay wall is governed by the length of the largest vessel likely to be berthed The break water whose inside is used as a platform for loading and unloading is called a mole All of the options 43. The width of the entrances of the harbours is restricted to 125 m 150 m 100 m 180 m 44. A lead line or sounding line Is stretched thoroughly when wet before it is graduated Is adjusted at regular interval Should be soaked in water for about one hour prior to taking soundings All of the options 45. The difference in height between highest high water and lowest low water is called Mean rise Mean range Maximum rise Maximum range 46. The fixed mooring does not require Anchors Capstan Mooring post Bollard 47. Surf zone is: The fathom line of 5 m depth The coast line attacked by the waves The fathom line of 10 m depth The swell of the sea breaking on the shore or reefs 48. When a wave strikes a vertical breakwater in deep water, it is reflected back and on meeting another advancing wave of similar amplitude merges and rises vertically in a wall of water. This phenomenon is called Surf Fetch Swell Clapotis 49. Assertion A: Intervention of undulations in the sea bed reduces the depth of wave at the section. Reason R: No wave can have a height greater than the depth of water through which it passes Select your answer based on the coding system given below: Both A and R is true but R is not the correct explanation of A A is false but R is true A is true but R is false Both A and R is true and R is correct explanation of A 50. Assertion A: Marine structures are made specially bulky and strong.Reason R: Sea insects result in undermining of the hardest and the soundest building materialSelect your answer based on the coding system given below: Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A Both A and R is true but R is not the correct explanation of A A is false but R is true A is true but R is false Submit Answers Retake Test More Civil Engineering Study Material › Civil Engineering Mock Tests with AnswersAdvanced Construction and Equipments Mock TestAdvanced Construction Technology Mock TestBasics of Civil Engineering Mock TestBuilding Construction Mock TestBuilding Materials Mock TestBuilding Services Mock TestBuilding Technology and Architectural Planning Mock TestConcrete Technology Mock TestConstruction Management Mock TestConstruction Project Management Mock TestConstruction Quality Control and Monitoring Mock TestConstruction Technology Mock Test Design of Masonry Structures Mock TestDesign of Reinforced Cement Concrete Elements Mock TestDesign of Steel Structures Mock TestDock and Harbour Engineering Mock TestElements of Remote Sensing Mock TestEngineering Geology Mock TestEngineering Graphics Mock TestEngineering Mechanics Mock TestEstimating and Costing Mock TestEstimation, Costing and Valuation Engineering Mock TestFluid Mechanics Mock TestFoundation engineering Mock Test Geotechnical Engineering Mock TestHighway Engineering Mock TestHydraulics and Fluid Mechanics Mock TestHydraulics Machines Mock TestHydraulics Mock TestIrrigation Engineering Mock TestMaintenance and Rehabilitation of Structures Mock TestPrefabricated Structures Mock TestProfessional Ethics in Engineering Mock TestPublic Health Engineering Mock TestRailway Bridge and Tunnel Engineering Mock TestRailway Engineering Mock Test Railways, Airports, Docks and Harbour Engineering Mock TestRCC Structures Design Mock TestSocietal and Global Impact Mock TestSoil Mechanics and Foundations Mock TestStructural Analysis Mock TestStructural Design and Drawing Mock TestStructural Design Mock TestStructural Mechanics Mock TestSurveying Mock TestWaste Water Treatment Mock Test Civil Engineering Mock TestsCivil Engineering MCQ Questions with Answers