CBSE Class 6 Science NSO Olympiad MCQs with Answers Set D

Refer to CBSE Class 6 Science NSO Olympiad MCQs with Answers Set D provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 6 Science with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. NSO Olympiad Class 6 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 6 Science and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 6 Science and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 6 Science NSO Olympiad

Class 6 Science students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for NSO Olympiad in Class 6.

NSO Olympiad MCQ Questions Class 6 Science with Answers


Question. How many 7’s are there in the given series which are immediately preceded by 6 but not immediately followed by 4?
7 4 2 7 6 4 3 6 7 5 3 5 7 8 4 3 7 6 7 2 4 0 6 7 4 3
A. One
B. Two
C. Four
D. Six
Answer : B

Question. Which of the following Venn diagrams best represents the relationship amongst “Mammals, Cows, Crows”?


Answer : B

Question. Select a figure from the options which satisfies the same condition of placement of the dots as in Fig. (X).


Answer : D

Question. If P is 40 m South-West of Q and R is 40 m South-East of Q, then what is the direction of R with respect to P?
A. East
B. West
C. North-East
D. South
Answer : A

Question. A square transparent sheet with a pattern is given.
Find the figure from the options as to how the pattern would appear when the transparent sheet is folded along the dotted line



Answer : A

Question. If ‘+’ stands for multiplication, ‘×’ stands for division, ‘–’ stands for addition and ‘÷’ stands for subtraction.
Then, the value of 20 – 8 × 4 ÷ 3 + 2 = ?
A. 41
B. 19
C. 16
D. 18
Answer : C

Question. Select the mirror image of Fig. (X) from the given options, if the mirror is placed along PQ.


Answer : B

Question. In a certain code language, DIPLOMA is written as FERHQIC, then what is the code for PENCILS in the language?
Answer : B

Question. Select a figure from the options, which when placed in the blank space of Fig. (X) would complete the pattern.



Answer : C

Question. Pointing towards a boy, Namrata says, “He is the son of my grandfather’s only child.” How is the boy related to Namrata?
A. Brother
B. Cousin
C. Uncle
D. Data inadequate
Answer : A


Question. Which of the following pairs relating different units are incorrect?
(i) 10 cm = 1 dm
(ii) 20 m = 2000 km
(iii) 30 mm = 3000 cm
(iv) 40 m = 400 dm
A. (i) and (ii)
B. (ii) and (iii)
C. (iii) and (iv)
D. (i) and (iv)
Answer : B

Question. Four light bulbs are concealed from an observer by an opaque wall as shown in the figure. Without shifting the positions of the observer and the bulbs, how many bulbs can the observer see from the mirror 


A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer : C

Question. Which of the following statements about energy is/are true?
(i) Energy cannot be stored or transmitted.
(ii) Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.
(iii) Energy cannot be converted from one form to another.
A. (ii) only
B. (ii) and (iii)
C. (i) and (ii)
D. (i) and (iii)
Answer : A

Question. Which of the following statements are correct?
(i) Venus is the second brightest object in the night sky.
(ii) Comet is a small heavenly body made up of ice and dust.
(iii) Asteroids are commonly known as shooting stars.
(iv) Saturn is surrounded by several flat rings.
A. (i) and (ii)
B. (i), (ii) and (iii)
C. (i), (ii) and (iv)
D. (i), (iii) and (iv)
Answer : C

Question. Match the column I with column II and select the correct option from the given codes.


       (a)           (b)         (c)
A. (i), (iii)    (ii), (iii)    (i), (ii)
B. (i), (ii)     (i), (iii)    (ii), (iii)
C. (i), (ii)     (i), (ii)     (ii), (iii)
D. (ii), (iii)   (i), (iii)     (i), (iii)
Answer : C

Question. An electrical circuit is shown here. When the switch S is opened, which of the following lamp(s) will switch off?


A. 1 only
B. 3 only
C. 2 and 3 only
D. 1, 2 and 3
Answer : C

Question. A solid, transparent sphere has a small, opaque dot at its centre. When observed from outside, the apparent position of the dot will be
A. Closer to the eye than its actual position
B. The same as its actual position
C. Farther away from the eye than its actual position
D. None of these.
Answer : B

Question. Read the given statements and select the correct option.
Statement 1 : In an electric circuit, the direction of current is taken to be from the negative to the positive terminal of the electric cell.
Statement 2 : A current can flow only when its path forms a closed loop.

A. Both statements 1 and 2 are true and statement 2 is the correct explanation of statement 1.
B. Both statements 1 and 2 are true but statement 2 is not the correct explanation of statement 1.
C. Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.
D. Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true.
Answer : D

Question. Four plotting compasses are placed near a bar magnet.
One compass appears like this ↓.
What is a possible position for the compass?
(Ignore any effects of the Earth’s magnetic field.)


A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer : C

Question. A pendulum bob pivoted at point A, starts swinging from point B. Assuming that there is no loss of energy to the surroundings, at which position will the bob next come to a momentary rest?


A. W
B. X
C. Y
D. Z
Answer : C

Question. Match the column I with column II and select the correct option from the given codes.

Column IColumn II
P. Water in an icetray  turning into ice cubes.(i) Evaporation
Q. Perfume gradually  losing its smell(ii) Boiling
R. Water droplets forming  on the windowpanes
of an air conditioned bus
(iii) Freezing
S. Bubbles appearing in a liquid when it is heated.(iv) Condensation

      P         Q         R        S
A. (ii)        (i)       (iv)      (iii)
B. (iii)       (i)       (iv)      (ii)
C. (iii)       (ii)       (i)       (iv)
D. (iv)      (iii)       (i)       (ii)
Answer : B

Question. The given diagram shows a method by which a solid can be separated from solid-water mixture. Which one of the following could be that solid?


A. Salt
B. Sugar
C. Sand
D. Ice crystals
Answer : C

Question. Read the given statements and select the correct option.
Statement 1 : All physical changes are reversible changes.
Statement 2 : In a physical change, the substance remains same but shape and size of the substance changes.
A. Both statements 1 and 2 are true and statement 2 is the correct explanation of statement 1.
B. Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.
C. Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true.
D. Both statements 1 and 2 are false.
Answer : C

Question. Study the given flowchart carefully


Identify the four groups of materials P, Q, R and S.
         P                   Q                    R                  S      

A. Metals          Ceramics       Plastics         Glass
B. Ceramics     Glass             Metals            Plastics
C. Plastics        Metals           Glass             eramics
D. Metals         Glass             Ceramics       Plastics
Answer : D

Question. Study the given diagram carefully and select the correct option.


A. X – Solid, Y – Liquid, R – Heating
B. Y – Gas, Z – Liquid, T – Heating
C. X – Solid, Z – Gas, P – Freezing
D. Y – Gas, X – Liquid, Q – Cooling
Answer : C

Question. Which of the following is correctly matched?
I. No more salt can be dissolved – Saturated solution
II. Milk and water can be separated – Filtration
III. To separate heavier and lighter components – Winnowing
IV. To obtain butter from milk – Sieving
A. I and III
B. II and IV
C. I, III and IV
D. All of these
Answer : A

Question. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Setting of milk to form curd is a chemical and reversible change.
B. Spoiling of food is a chemical and irreversible change.
C. Burning of paper is a physical and reversible change.
D. Boiling of an egg is a physical and reversible change.
Answer : B

Question. Study the given Venn diagram.

Centre point (•) represents
A. Making paper boat
B. Burning crackers
C. Blowing a balloon
D. Rusting of a bicycle.
Answer : D

Question. Which of the following affects the solubility of a substance?
I. Type of solvent
II. Temperature
III. Size of the particles
A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. I, II and III
Answer : D

Question. Select the option that is not true regarding the type of seed dispersal shown in figure.

A. Seeds dispersed by this method are small and light in weight.
B. This type of seed dispersal is found in cotton and dandelion.
C. Seeds dispersed by this method may possess hair or wing like structures.
D. This type of seed dispersal cannot carry the seeds to far off places.
Answer : D

Question. Which out of the following features is common to both the frog and the earthworm?
A. Both live in burrows to keep themselves cool.
B. Both possess scales on their bodies.
C. Both breathe through their moist skin.
D. Both of them do not possess a backbone.
Answer : C

Question. In a cage with plenty of plants, three organisms P, Q and R were kept together. Out of these three, two are herbivores while one is carnivore. The changes in their population over time were plotted in the graph as shown here. Which of the following conclusions can be made about their eating habits?


A. Q is a carnivore that feeds on P.
B. Q is a herbivore that feeds on the available plants and is also not eaten by P.
C. R is a herbivore that does not feed on the available plants and is also not eaten by P.
D. Q is a carnivore that feeds on R.
Answer : C

Question. Read the given statements and select the correct option.
Statement 1 : Woollen clothes provide us warmth in cold weather.
Statement 2 : Woollen fibres trap air in the pockets formed between the individual fibres.
A. Both statements 1 and 2 are true and statement 2 is the correct explanation of statement 1.
B. Both statements 1 and 2 are true but statement 2 is not the correct explanation of statement 1.
C. Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.
D. Statement 2 is true and statement 1 is false.
Answer : A

Question. A funnel is fitted into a stopper that closes the mouth of a flask as shown in the given diagram.


Sonu wants to fill the flask with water but water does not flow in when it is poured into the funnel. This is because _______.
A. The air pressure inside the flask is lower than the
pressure of water in funnel.
B. The space in the flask is occupied by air.
C. The funnel is too small for water to flow through.
D. The mouth of the flask is not sealed tightly enough.
Answer : B

Question. Refer to the given flow chart and select the option that correctly identifies the fibres P, Q and R.


        P                  Q                  R
A. Cotton          Jute              Flax
B. Flax             Coir               Cotton
C. Jute             Cotton           Coir
D. Cotton         Terylene        Jute
Answer : C



Identify the joints labelled as P, Q, R and S in the given figure, and select the correct option.

 Gliding  jointBall and  socket jointHinge  jointPivot  joint

Answer : C

Question. Select the incorrect statement out of the following.
A. Weaving and knitting are the two methods of converting yarn into fabric.
B. Synthetic fibres have less water absorption capacity than natural fibres.
C. Jute plants are harvested at flowering stage to obtain fibres.
D. Cotton fibres are sourced from seed hair and thus burn with smell like that of a burning hair.
Answer : D

Question. Select the correct statement about skeletal system in some animals.
A. Earthworms have liquid skeleton i.e., the liquid trapped in body spaces keeps the body firm.
B. Snails and sharks have only a skeleton outside their body i.e., an exoskeleton.
C. Snakes and birds have hollow bones which reduces their body weight and makes movement easier.
D. Cockroaches have an endoskeleton made of chitin.
Answer : A

Question. Given below are some adaptations shown by animals.
(i) Large sized ears
(ii) Thick fur on the body
(iii) Waterproof fur or feathers
(iv) Thick layer of fat under the skin
(v) Aestivation (vi) Hibernation
Which of these adaptations can be found in animals living in polar regions?
A. (i), (ii), (iii) and (v)
B. (iii), (iv), (v) and (vi)
C. (ii), (iii), (iv) and (vi)
D. (ii), (v) and (vi)
Answer : C

Question. Which of the following activities will not help to reduce pollution?
A. Restricting littering and dumping of waste in water bodies.
B. Restricting smoking in public areas.
C. Spraying pesticides on plants to kill pests.
D. Treating waste water before discharging it into rivers.
Answer : C

Question. Study the given table.

VitaminSourceDeficiency causes
B2Whole cereals(ii)
(iv)Green vegetablesExcessive bleeding
from wounds

Select the correct option for (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv).

ANight blindnessPellagraMushroomsK
BNight blindnessBeri-berMushroomsK
DBeri-beriNight blindnessEggs B12

Answer : A

Question. Sumit performed the scratch test with three types of minerals X, Y and Z and the results are shown here.


Select the option that correctly arranges these minerals in ascending order of hardness.
A. X < Y < Z
B. Z < Y < X
C. Z < X < Y
D. Y < Z < X
Answer : C

Question. Study the given flow chart


Which of the following letters represents nitrogen gas?
A. P
B. Q
C. R
D. S
Answer : D

Question. Which of the following statements is incorrect for the organisms shown in the picture?


A. They are adapted to reduce evaporative loss of water from their body.
B. The outermost layer of their body is thick and protective.
C. They can store a large amount of water in their body.
D. None of these
Answer : C

Question. Match column - I with column - II and select the correct option from the given codes.
      Column I                     Column II
(a) Floods                     (i) Aquifers
(b) Ground water         (ii) Salt water
(c) Ocean                    (iii) Rain
(d) Precipitation          (iv) Dirt and water vapour
(e) Clouds                   (v) Excess rain
A. (a) - (i), (b) - (ii), (c) - (iii), (d) - (iv), (e) - (v)
B. (a) - (v), (b) - (i), (c) - (ii), (d) - (iii), (e) - (iv)
C. (a) - (i), (b) - (v), (c) - (iii), (d) - (ii), (e) - (iv)
D. (a) - (v), (b) - (i), (c) - (iii), (d) - (ii), (e) - (iv)
Answer : B


Question. The given figure shows a bar magnet. If this magnet is placed on a sheet of paper containing iron filings, then which of the following graphs best shows the number of iron filings sticked to it as its length increases from point P to point Q?


Answer : A

Question. Abhinav observed the solubility of common salt in water under different sets of conditions as given in the table.

Set-upVolume of
water (mL)
15010 g rock
25010 g finely
310010 g rock
410010 g finely

Study the given data carefully and fill in the blanks by choosing an appropriate option. 
Abhinav concluded that salt dissolved fastest in set-up (i) and slowest in set-up (ii) . This is because the solubility increases with (iii) in temperature, (iv) in particle size of salt and (v) in volume of water.
    (i)   (ii)        (iii)               (iv)              (v)
A. 4     1     decrease     increase     decrease
B. 2     3     increase     decrease     increase
C. 4     1     increase     decrease     increase
D. 1     4     increase     decrease     increase
Answer : C

Question. Read the given passage.
To test the presence or absence of proteins in a food sample, take some mashed eggs in a test tube, add few drops of water into it and shake it. Then add two drops of Benedict’s reagent and ten drops of ethanol to the test tube. Shake well and let the test tube stand for a few minutes. Violet colouration indicates the absence of proteins in the food sample.
Some of the words have been italicised in the passage.
Select the correct statement regarding them.
A. Benedict’s reagent should not be replaced.
B. Ethanol should be replaced by caustic soda solution.
C. Violet should be replaced by red.
D. Absence should not be replaced.
Answer : B

Question. Read the given passage and answer the accompanying question.
X is the part of the plant which generally grows towards light. It transports water, minerals and food to all parts of the plant. In some plants, X is modified to prepare food, e.g., in Y. In some other plants, X grows underground and stores food, e.g., in Z.
Which of the following statements is correct regarding X, Y and Z?
A. The main function of X is to absorb water from the soil.
B. Y can be a plant that is adapted to live in desert areas.
C. Z can be a sweet potato plant.
D. In plant Z, X changes into fruit after pollination.
Answer : B



Refer to the given diagram representing water cycle.
Different processes of the water cycle have been labelled as 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Select the incorrect option regarding these.
A. Process 5 will increase when humidity of air decreases while process 2 will decrease.
B. Process 3 can involve change from gaseous to liquid state or from gaseous to solid state depending upon the ambient temperature.
C. An increase in process 4 can gradually lead to a decrease in process 1.
D. Process 5 and 2 are interrelated and an increase in process 5 leads to an increase in process 2.
Answer : C

Chapter 01 Food Where Does It Come From
CBSE Class 6 Science Food Where does it Come from MCQs
Chapter 02 Components of Food
CBSE Class 6 Science Components of Food MCQs
Chapter 04 Sorting Materials Into Groups
CBSE Class 6 Science Sorting Materials into Groups MCQs
Chapter 05 Separation of Substances
CBSE Class 6 Science Separation of Substances MCQs
Chapter 06 Changes Around Us
CBSE Class 6 Science Changes Around Us MCQs
Chapter 07 Getting to Know Plants
CBSE Class 6 Science Getting to Know Plants MCQs
Chapter 09 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings
CBSE Class 6 Science The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings MCQs
Chapter 10 Motion and Measurement of Distances
CBSE Class 6 Science Motion and Measurement of Distances MCQs
Chapter 11 Light Shadows and Reflection
CBSE Class 6 Science Light Shadows and Reflections MCQs
Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits
CBSE Class 6 Science Electricity and Circuit MCQs
Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets
CBSE Class 6 Science Fun with Magnets MCQs
Chapter 16 Garbage In Garbage Out
CBSE Class 6 Science Garbage in Garbage Out MCQs

MCQs for NSO Olympiad Science Class 6

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 6 Science to develop the Science Class 6 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 6 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Science will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 6 Science. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 6 Science so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 6 Science MCQ Test for the same chapter.

Where can I download latest CBSE MCQs for Class 6 Science NSO Olympiad

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You can find CBSE Class 6 Science NSO Olympiad MCQs on educational websites like, online tutoring platforms, and in sample question papers provided on this website.

How can I prepare for NSO Olympiad Class 6 MCQs?

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Yes, there are many online resources that we have provided on available such as practice worksheets, question papers, and online tests for learning MCQs for Class 6 Science NSO Olympiad