CBSE Class 6 Science Light Shadows and Reflections MCQs

Refer to CBSE Class 6 Science Light Shadows and Reflections MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 6 Science with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Chapter 11 Light Shadows and Reflection Class 6 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 6 Science and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 6 Science and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 6 Science Chapter 11 Light Shadows and Reflection

Class 6 Science students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Chapter 11 Light Shadows and Reflection in Class 6.

Chapter 11 Light Shadows and Reflection MCQ Questions Class 6 Science with Answers

Question. August 11, 1999 was a bright, clear day. But in the evening in the town of Dholka in western India, it gradually became very dark for a few minutes and then became bright again. What could have caused this incident?
(a) A comet
(b) A lunar eclipse
(c) A solar eclipse
(d) A power cut

Answer : C

Question. The image formed by a pin hole camera is inverted because


(a) light travels in straight lines through the hole.
(b) light gets diffused as it passes through the hole.
(c) light gets refracted as it passes through the hole.
(d) light gets laterally inverted as it passes through the hole.

Answer : A

Question. On Monday afternoon, Arun has keyboard practice session in his school auditorium. He crosses his school playground and enters the cool and dark auditorium. Initially he is unable to see anything. But after sometime he is able to make out the way between the rows of seats. During this time, in his eyes _________________.
(a) the pupil gets smaller
(b) the pupil gets larger
(c) the cornea gets smaller
(d) the cornea gets larger

Answer : B

Question. Light travels at the speed of 3,00,000 km per second. Light from the sun reaches us in 8 minutes. If a supersonic jet were to travel from the sun at the speed of 1000 km per hour, approximately how long would it take to travel the same distance?
(a) 3 months
(b) 5 years
(c) 17 years
(d) 221 years

Answer : C

Question. The position of the sun in the sky at 3pm in the afternoon_____________________.
(a) will be exactly the same throughout the year as well as across years.
(b) will differ by a small amount through the year as well as on the same day across years.
(c) will be noticeably different through the year, but the same across years on a given day.
(d) will be different through the year and also different on the same day across years.

Answer : C

Question. Which of these correctly shows what a pencil placed in a beaker of water will look like? (The eye is at the level of the water)


Answer : B

Question. Which of these number plates will still show a valid number when seen in a mirror?
(a) 7801
(b) 9204
(c) 1108
(d) 6633

Answer : B

Question. Shruti conducted an experiment using a light source, object and screen. The set up and data she collected are shown below. Study them carefully and answer the question.
Which of these could be the correct values of  X and Y?


(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D

Answer : C

Question. Which of the following was NOT kept constant by Shruti?
Shruti conducted an experiment using a light source, object and screen. The set up and data she collected are shown below. Study them carefully and answer the question.


(a) the size of the object
(b) the nature of the light source
(c) the distance from the object to the screen
(d) the distance from the light source to the object

Answer : D

Question. The pattern of stars we see in the night from a given place.
(a) changes throughout the night with every passing hour.
(b) stays same through the night, but changes every night.
(c) stays almost the same night to night, but changes every year.
(d) hardly changes, stays almost the same over many years.

Answer : A

Question. Which of these number plates will still show a valid number when seen in a mirror?
(a) 3081
(b) 2901
(c) 8011
(d) 3663

Answer : C

Question. The moon looks larger when it is near the horizon and smaller when it is overhead. Why is this?
(a) The moon is farther when it is overhead.
(b) The moon changes its size as it moves.
(c) The atmosphere creates a lens-like effect.
(d) The size difference is simply an optical illusion.

Answer : D

Question. The shadow of a tree at night due to a suspended light P is shown below. 
How will the length of the shadow change if bigger lights Q or R are used instead of P but in the same position?


(a) The shadow will be longer.
(b) The shadow will be shorter.
(c) The shadow length will not change.
(d) The shadow shape and orientation themselves will change.

Answer : C

Question. Two balls, one red and one blue, are seen by Hamid through two lenses P and Q respectively.
Lens P magnifies the object seen through it to DOUBLE, while lens Q makes it look HALF its original size. 
What can we conclude from the picture shown?


(a) The red ball is twice as big as the blue ball.
(b) The red ball is half the size of the blue ball.
(c) The red ball is the same size as that of the blue ball.
(d) The red ball is one-fourth the size of the blue ball.

Answer : D

Question. Observe this figure carefully. 
From which of the positions shown below will a person see a rainbow?


(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D

Answer : A

Question. A shiny, opaque glass containing stones is placed inside a larger jar containing some water as shown. 
Then a dry plastic sheet is tied around the mouth of the jar, which is placed out in the sun on a hot summer day . What will happen?


(a) The stones will become wet.
(b) There will be water outside the plastic sheet
(c) The water level in the larger container will increase.
(d) There will be no change.

Answer : A

Question. We cannot see a Full Moon every night because
(a) the shadow of the Earth falls on part of the Moon.
(b) the shadow of the Earth falls on part of the Moon.
(c) the other planets block the sunlight from reaching the Moon.
(d) the light from the Sun falls only on part of the Moon.

Answer : D

Question. The albedo is a measure of reflectivity of a surface. It is the ratio of the amount of light reflected to the amount incident upon it. The albedo of a perfectly black object is 0 and that of a perfectly white object is 1.  A substance is found to have an albedo of around 9 or 90%. Which of these could it be?


(a) a piece of wood
(b) fresh snow
(c) charcoal
(d) a brightly-coloured butterfly

Answer : B

Question. Which of these objects can make both the shadows above?


Answer : D

Question. Which of these statements is true about the SHADOW of any object?
(a) The shadow cannot be larger than the object itself.
(b) The shadow cannot lie between the object and the source of light causing it.
(c) The shadow always forms on a flat surface.
(d) The larger the size of the source of light, the larger the shadow.

Answer : B

Question. The windows shown in the figure face the west. Which of the following correctly shows the position of the shadow in the morning?


Answer : A

Question. Which of the following is a source of light?
(a) the Earth
(b) a planet
(c) a star
(d) the Moon

Answer : C

Question. Shown here is a CONSTELLATION called Orion. What is a constellation?


(a) A group of stars which are close to each other.
(b) A group of stars which form a pattern when seen from the earth.
(c) A group of stars at the same distance from the earth.
(d) A solar system consisting of a star and many planets

Answer : B

Question. Galaxies have been classified by Edwin Hubble as shown on the figure on the left. Identify to which classification the galaxy shown above belongs.


(a) SO
(b) SBa
(c) SBc
(d) Sc

Answer : A

Question. Mist is a
(a) Translucent medium
(b) Transparent medium
(c) Opaque medium
(d) Homogenous medium

Answer : A

Question. Wool is a
(a) Transparent medium
(b) Opaque medium
(c) Translucent medium
(d) Optical medium

Answer : B

Question. Stars are
(a) Non luminous bodies
(b) Luminous bodies
(c) Artificial sources of light
(d) Opaque bodies

Answer : B

Question. Moons and planets
(a) Radiate light energy
(b) Reflect light energy
(c) Absorb light energy
(d) Split light energy

Answer : B

Question. Vacuum is a
(a) Opaque medium
(b) Transparent medium
(c) Translucent medium
(d) Heterogenous medium

Answer : B

Question. Rectilinear propagation of light means
(a) Light travels in straight lines
(b) Light travels in curved path
(c) Light travels in zig-zag path
(d) Light travels in circular path

Answer : A

Question. A non luminous body can be made luminous by
(a) Cooling it
(b) Melting it
(c) Heating it
(d) Evaporating it

Answer : C

Question. The speed of light is
(a) 300,000 km/s.
(b) 300,000 m/s
(c) 30,000 km/s
(d) 30, 000 m/s

Answer : A

Question. The light from the sun reaches the earth in
(a) 8.33 minutes
(b) 8.33 seconds
(c) 18. 33 minutes
(d) 88.33 seconds

Answer : A

Question. A body which emits light by itself is
(a) Luminous body
(b) Non luminous body
(c) Opaque body
(d) Shadow

Answer : A

Question. The star very bright during early evening
(a) Jupiter
(b) Mercury
(c) Venus
(d) Saturn

Answer : C

Question. The size of a shadow of an opaque object close to the screen and away from the source of light
(a) Increases
(b) Decreases
(c) Remains the same
(d) First decreases and increases.

Answer : B

Question. This takes place from smooth polished surface when a beam of light falls on it
(a) Reflection
(b) Absorption
(c) Refraction
(d) Radiation

Answer : A

Question. The image formed in pinhole camera is
(a) Inverted
(b) Erect
(c) None of these
(d) Both a and b

Answer : A

Question. An optical medium having uniform composition throughout is
(a) Homogenous medium
(b) Heterogeneous medium
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of these

Answer : A

Question. A dark patch formed by an opaque body placed in the path of light is called
(a) Image
(b) Object
(c) Shadow
(d) Screen

Answer : C

Question. Reflection does not takes place from a
(a) Polished metal plate
(b) Mirror
(c) Undisturbed water
(d) Book

Answer : D

Question. The shadow is the dark outline of
(a) An Object
(b) A Source of light
(c) A Screen
(d) An Image

Answer : A

Question. Shadows are formed only when the
(a) Opaque body is in the path of the light
(b) Transparent body is in the path of light
(c) Translucent body is in the path of light
(d) No object in the path of light

Answer : A

Question. This screen is a must to receive the shadow
(a) Transparent screen
(b) Opaque screen
(c) Translucent screen
(d) No screen

Answer : B

Question. Luminous objects are objects
(a) Which get their light from other objects
(b) Which emit their own light
(c) Which do not emit any light
(d) Which absorb light

Answer : B

Question. The smooth polished surface from which reflection takes place is
(a) Mirror
(b) Glass
(c) Wood
(d) Plastic

Answer : A

Question. A red hot iron wire starts emitting light, at this time the temperature of the iron is
(a) Between 600c to 800c
(b) Between 60c to 80c
(c) Between 300c to 400c
(d) Between 150c to 250c

Answer : A

Question. Shadows are
(a) Always smaller than the opaque body
(b) Always bigger than the opaque body
(c) Remains the same size as opaque body
(d) Can be smaller or bigger than the opaque body.

Answer : D

Question. An example for the rectilinear propagation of light is
(a) Formation of clouds
(b) Formation of day and night
(c) Formation of rainbow
(d) Formation of rain

Answer : B

Question. When the moon comes in between the sun and the earth in a straight line, then a solar eclipse is formed This formation of a solar eclipse is based on the concept of the ____. 
(a) formation of a shadow of the earth on the moon 
(b) formation of a shadow of the moon on the earth 
(c)  reflection of light by the earth 
(d) reflection of light by the moon 

Answer : B

Question. Objects which emit light of their own are called ____. 
(a) luminous objects 
(b) non‐luminous objects 
(c)  opaque objects 
(d) transparent object

Answer : A

Question. An inverted image is the characteristic of a ____. 
(a) Shadow 
(b) pin hole camera 
(c)  reflected image 
(d) laterally inverted image

Answer : B

Question. Where is a shadow formed? 
(a) In front of the object 
(b) On the ground either in front or behind the object 
(c)  On a screen behind the object 
(d) Anywhere and every where 

Answer : C

Question. The shadow of a cylinder is a rectangle when light falls in one direction, and a _____ when light falls in the other direction.
(a) Sheet 
(b)  Line 
(c)  Circle 
(d) None of the above 

Answer : C

Question. Shadows are formed because ___. 
(a) Light has lot of energy 
(b) Light is attracted to a magnet 
(c) Light travels in a straight line 
(d) Light cannot travel 

Answer : C

Question. Sharp Shadow is formed by 
(a) Opaque object 
(b) Translucent objects 
(c)  Transparent objects 
(d) Any object  

Answer : A

Question. In a completely dark room, if you hold up a mirror in front of you, will you see 
(a) Your shadow 
(b) A sharp shadow 
(c)  Your image 
(d) No image 

Answer : D

Question. Air, water, a sheet of polythene are  
(a) Transparent 
(b) Translucent 
(c)  Opaque 
(d) Luminous

Answer : A

Question. The flame of a gas burner, firefly are 
(a) Transparent 
(b) Translucent 
(c) Opaque 
(d) Luminous 

Answer : D

Question. Which of the following object is not luminous? 
(a) Fluorescent tube when switched on 
(b) Flame of gas burner 
(c)  Fire fly 
(d) Moon 

Answer : D




CBSE Class 6 Science Light Shadows and Reflections MCQs Set B

Answers Key


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MCQs for Chapter 11 Light Shadows and Reflection Science Class 6

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 6 Science to develop the Science Class 6 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 6 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Science will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 6 Science. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 6 Science so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 6 Science MCQ Test for the same chapter.

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