NTSE SAT History MCQs Set C

Refer to NTSE SAT History MCQs Set C provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus History with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NTSE, NCERT and KVS. All Chapters Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus History and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NTSE Full Syllabus History and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Full Syllabus History All Chapters

Full Syllabus History students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for All Chapters in Full Syllabus.

All Chapters MCQ Questions Full Syllabus History with Answers


Question: From where the uprise of 1857 started ?

  • a) Kanpur
  • b) Meerut
  • c) Delhi
  • d) Lucknow

Answer: Meerut

Question: Who led the revolt of 1857 at Arra (Bihar) ?

  • a) Tantya Tope
  • b) Kunwar Singh
  • c) Bahadurshah Jaffer
  • d) Bakhat Khan

Answer: Kunwar Singh

Question: Which was the center of mass movement of 1857 ?

  • a) Awadh
  • b) Bengal
  • c) Rajasthan
  • d) Bihar

Answer: Awadh

Question: Who wrote the book ‘Mahan Vidorh’?

  • a) Mahatma Gandhi
  • b) Pr Nehru
  • c) Ashok Mehta
  • d) R.C. Majumdar

Answer: Ashok Mehta

Question: Who among the following INA officers was to tried of the charge of treason ?

  • a) Shahnawaj Khan
  • b) Prem Shehgal
  • c) Gurubhaksh Singh
  • d) Mohan Singh

Answer: Mohan Singh

Question: Under whose leadership the army denied to fire on freedom fighters are Peshawar in 1930 ?

  • a) Mohan Singh
  • b) Chandan Singh Gadhwali
  • c) Subhash Chandra Bose
  • d) None of these above

Answer: Chandan Singh Gadhwali

Question: Mahatma Gandhi’s first experience with styagraha movement in India was at -

  • a) Champaran
  • b) Bardoli
  • c) Chauri-chaura
  • d) Gujarat

Answer: Champaran

Question: The theory of politically begging was followed by -

  • a) Extremists
  • b) Moderates
  • c) Revolutionaries
  • d) Britishers

Answer: Moderates

Question: Name the Viceroy of India, who divided Bengal :

  • a) Lyton
  • b) Ripon
  • c) Curzon
  • d) Minto

Answer: Curzon

Question: During which session congress got divided ?

  • a) Nagpur
  • b) Surat
  • c) Lahore
  • d) Bombay

Answer: Surat

More Questions.....................

Question: Why the Britisher developed railways in India ?

  • a) For the maximum exploitation of India
  • b) For effective traveling in India
  • c) To develop tourism in India
  • d) For economic progress of India

Answer: For the maximum exploitation of India

Question: ‘Kamagatamaro’ was the name of a-

  • a) Place
  • b) Human being
  • c) Ship
  • d) River

Answer: Ship

Question: When was the Communal Electorate introduced in India ?

  • a) 1961
  • b) 1892
  • c) 1909
  • d) 1919

Answer: 1909

Question: Because of which conspiracy, Khudiram Bose was sentenced death penalty ?

  • a) Meerut conspiracy
  • b) Lahore conspiracy
  • c) Kanpur conspiracy
  • d) Alipur conspiracy

Answer: Alipur conspiracy

Question: Name the revolutionary who was sentenced to death on the charges of murder of Curzon Vayli -

  • a) Savarkar
  • b) Madanlal Dhingra
  • c) Bhagat Singh
  • d) Udham Singh

Answer: Madanlal Dhingra

Question: How Islamic terrorists justify terrorism ?

  • a) Taslim
  • b) Jehad
  • c) Jalal
  • d) Halal

Answer: Jehad

Question: Which factors is the most important for global terrorism ?

  • a) Advancement of information technology
  • b) Weapons of mass destruction
  • c) Proverty and unemployement
  • d) All of the above

Answer: All of the above

Question: Which extremist leader was sentenced for six years imprisonment in the year 1908 -

  • a) Vipinchandra Pal
  • b) Lala Lajpat Rai
  • c) Bal Gangdadhar Tilak
  • d) Arvind Ghosh

Answer: Bal Gangdadhar Tilak

Question: Name the leader of the revolutionary party ‘Yugantar Dal’ -

  • a) Bhupendra Dutt
  • b) Ras Bihari Boss
  • c) Barindra Ghsoh
  • d) Hardayal

Answer: Barindra Ghsoh

Question: Which political Leader died after receiving lathi blows while opposing the Siom Commission ?

  • a) Govind Ballabh Pant
  • b) Bhagat singh
  • c) Lala Lajpat Rai
  • d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Answer: Lala Lajpat Rai

Question: Who gave the slogan ‘Delhi Chalo’ ?

  • a) Bhagat singh
  • b) Subhash Chandra Bose
  • c) Ras Bihari
  • d) Mohan Singh

Answer: Subhash Chandra Bose

Question: The women regiment in the Indian National Army was known as -

  • a) Rani Jhansi Brigade
  • b) Razia Sultan Brigade
  • c) Tarabai Brigade
  • d) Putlibai Brigade

Answer: Rani Jhansi Brigade

Question: Why Indian’s opposed the Siman Commission ?

  • a) Indian were not included in the commission
  • b) The commission committed atrocities
  • c) Because of its large size
  • d) None of the above

Answer: Indian were not included in the commission

Question: Who presided over the Lahore session ?

  • a) Gandhiji
  • b) J.L. Nehru
  • c) Subhash Chandra Bose
  • d) C.R. Das

Answer: J.L. Nehru

Question: Who founded ‘Noujawan Sabha’ ?

  • a) Chandra Shekhar Azad
  • b) Udham Singh
  • c) Bhagat Singh
  • d) Ras Bihari

Answer: Bhagat Singh

Question: In which session of Congress, Subhash Chandra Bose become its president ?

  • a) Nagpur
  • b) Lahore
  • c) Haripur
  • d) Calcutta

Answer: Haripur

Question: Name the ship from which the revolt of the Navy Started.

  • a) Talwar
  • b) Komagatamaru
  • c) Padmini
  • d) None of the above

Answer: Talwar

Question: Who led the ‘Red Shirt’ movement ?

  • a) Mahatma Gandhi
  • b) Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan
  • c) Pt. Nehru
  • d) Moulana Azad

Answer: Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan

Question: Name the author of ‘The Indian Muslims’

  • a) Dizrelli
  • b) Shakespear
  • c) Sir Sayyed Ahmed Khan
  • d) Willium Hunter

Answer: Sir Sayyed Ahmed Khan

Question: In which year Muslim League was established ?

  • a) 1900
  • b) 1905
  • c) 1906
  • d) 1916

Answer: 1906


Question: Which Indian started mutiny of 1857 ?

  • a) Tantya Tope
  • b) Rani Laxmi Bai
  • c) Mangal Pandey
  • d) Bahadurshah Jaffar

Answer: Mangal Pandey

Question: Who introduced the system of Permanent settlement in Bengal and Bihar in 1793 ?

  • a) Cornwallis
  • b) Willian Bentick
  • c) Clive
  • d) Wellesley

Answer: Cornwallis

Question: Vande Mataram was written by_____

  • a) Mohd. Iqbal
  • b) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
  • c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
  • d) Rabindranath Tagore

Answer: Bankim Chandra Chatterjee

Question: Which of the following places in not associated with the Revolt of 1857 ?

  • a) Avadh
  • b) Rohilkhand
  • c) Hyderabad
  • d) Bundelkhan

Answer: Hyderabad

Question: Who was the first Governor General of India ?

  • a) Lord Hasting
  • b) Lord Minto
  • c) Lord Cornwallis
  • d) Lord Willian Bentick

Answer: Lord Willian Bentick

Question: The last Governor General of India was :

  • a) Lord Dalhousie
  • b) Lord Mountbatten
  • c) C. Rajagopalachari
  • d) Lord Canning

Answer: C. Rajagopalachari

Question: The Vernacular Press Act was passed by :

  • a) Lord Curzon
  • b) Lord Wellesley
  • c) Lord Lytton
  • d) Lord Hardinge

Answer: Lord Lytton

Question: ‘Suddhi Movement’ was started by :

  • a) Theosophical Society
  • b) Prathana Samaj
  • c) Arya Samaj
  • d) Brahmo Samaj

Answer: Arya Samaj

Question: Sati was made illegal by -

  • a) William Bentinck
  • b) Lord Curzon
  • c) Raja Rammohan Roy
  • d) Lord Welesley

Answer: William Bentinck

Question: During the Lahore session, which day was declared to the celebrated as Independence Day every year ?

  • a) 26 Jan. 1930
  • b) 15 Aug. 1947
  • c) 26 Jan. 1950
  • d) 15 Aug. 1950

Answer: 26 Jan. 1930

Question: Who painted the first picture of “Bharat Mata”?

  • a) Jawahar Lal Nehru
  • b) Rabindranath Tagore
  • c) Gandhi Ji
  • d) Abanindranath Tagore

Answer: Abanindranath Tagore

Question: The duel government in Bengal was introduced by :

  • a) Robert Clive
  • b) William hastings
  • c) Lord Cornwallis
  • d) Lord Macaulay

Answer: Robert Clive

Question: Who started English education in India ?

  • a) Lord Clive
  • b) Macualey
  • c) Dupley
  • d) Warren Hestings

Answer: Macualey

Question: Indian National congress was founded in-

  • a) 1880
  • b) 1884
  • c) 1881
  • d) 1884

Answer: 1884

Question: The arms act was formed in -

  • a) 1911
  • b) 1878
  • c) 1909
  • d) 1884

Answer: 1878

Question: For which law the term “No Appeal, No Vakil and No Trial” is appropriate ?

  • a) Vernacular Act
  • b) Act of 1909
  • c) Act of 1919
  • d) Rowlett Act

Answer: Rowlett Act

Question: The Forward Bloc was formed by -

  • a) P.C. Joshi
  • b) Acharya Narendra Dev
  • c) B.R. Ambedkar
  • d) Subhas Chandra Bose

Answer: Subhas Chandra Bose

Question: A resolution passed in the Calcutta session of the Indian national Congress in 1920 led to

  • a) Civil Disobedience Movement
  • b) Non - Cooperation Movement
  • c) Khilafat Movement
  • d) Quit India Movement

Answer: Non - Cooperation Movement

Question: In which year congress got divided ?

  • a) 1905
  • b) 1907
  • c) 1910
  • d) 1915

Answer: 1910

Question: Who was called the ‘Frontier Gandhi “

  • a) Subhas Chandra Bose
  • b) Abdul Gaffar Khan
  • c) Jawaharlal Nehru
  • d) M.A. Jinnah

Answer: Abdul Gaffar Khan

MCQs for All Chapters History Full Syllabus

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Full Syllabus History to develop the History Full Syllabus MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Full Syllabus test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of History will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Full Syllabus History. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Full Syllabus History so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Full Syllabus History MCQ Test for the same chapter.

Where can I download latest NTSE MCQs for Full Syllabus History All Chapters

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You can find NTSE Full Syllabus History All Chapters MCQs on educational websites like studiestoday.com, online tutoring platforms, and in sample question papers provided on this website.

How can I prepare for All Chapters Full Syllabus MCQs?

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Yes, there are many online resources that we have provided on studiestoday.com available such as practice worksheets, question papers, and online tests for learning MCQs for Full Syllabus History All Chapters