NTSE SAT History MCQs Set B

Refer to NTSE SAT History MCQs Set B provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus History with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NTSE, NCERT and KVS. All Chapters Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus History and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NTSE Full Syllabus History and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Full Syllabus History All Chapters

Full Syllabus History students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for All Chapters in Full Syllabus.

All Chapters MCQ Questions Full Syllabus History with Answers


Question: Who prepared the draft of the Quit India Resolution ?

  • a) Acharya Kripalani
  • b) Jawharlal Nehru
  • c) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
  • d) Pattabhi Sitaramayya

Answer: Jawharlal Nehru

Question: Jammu and Kasmir became an intergral part of India in_____

  • a) October 26, 1948
  • b) Novemver 26, 1947
  • c) October 26, 1947
  • d) None of the above

Answer: October 26, 1947

Question: The Battle of Buzar came to an end in 1765 after the signing of the Treaty of :-

  • a) Allahabad
  • b) Buxar
  • c) Oudh
  • d) Calcutta

Answer: Allahabad

Question: The first major Revolt before 1857 was led by sanyasis and fakirs in

  • a) Bombay
  • b) Bengal
  • c) Madras
  • d) Oudh

Answer: Bengal

Question: Who raised the slogan “No taxation without representation “?

  • a) People of Russia
  • b) American colonies
  • c) Industrial workers of England
  • d) Peasants and workers of France

Answer: American colonies

Question: Under the feudal system in Europe, the peasants who gave a part of the produce of the land to their lords were called -

  • a) Villains
  • b) Serfs
  • c) Cultivators
  • d) Freeholders

Answer: Serfs

Question: The Great Silk Route was -

  • a) To Central Asia, Iran and Byzantine
  • b) To Tibe, Iran, Egypt
  • c) To Mangolia, Greece and Rome
  • d) None of the above

Answer: To Central Asia, Iran and Byzantine

Question: The greatest genus of the Renaissance period was -

  • a) Leonardo da Vinci
  • b) Michelangelo
  • c) Raphael
  • d) Copernicus

Answer: Leonardo da Vinci

Question: The first nation-states where strong monarchies came to power were -

  • a) Italy and France
  • b) Germany and England
  • c) Germany and France
  • d) England and France

Answer: England and France

Question: Glorious Revolution of 1688 in England was so named because -

  • a) It was a bloodless revolution
  • b) It ended military dictatorship without any bloodshed
  • c) It added glory to the king of England
  • d) It completely destroyed feudal system

Answer: It was a bloodless revolution

More Questions.....................

Question: The renaissance began first in Italy, Rome, Florence, Milan and Venice - all Italian cities - that had grown prosperous, played a leading role in it. This property of the Italian cities came to them through wealth obtained because of -

  • a) Trade and commerce
  • b) Conquests of rules
  • c) Adventures of their brace citizens
  • d) The discovery of the hidden treasures of the ancient Roman empire

Answer: Trade and commerce

Question: Martin Luther is famous is history because -

  • a) Of his geographical discoveries
  • b) He was a great scholar
  • c) He was a great poet
  • d) He started the protestant Reformation Movement

Answer: He started the protestant Reformation Movement

Question: In the 18th century England was in the most favorable position for an industrial revolution because -

  • a) She had capital in the form of profits earned through overseas trade
  • b) In the European trade rivalries she had emerged unveiled
  • c) She had colonies for regular supply of raw materials
  • d) All the three above

Answer: All the three above

Question: Russia was the last of the Big European powers to have a Industrial Revolution. This was because -

  • a) She lacked capital and free labor
  • b) She was not rich in mineral resources
  • c) She did not have plenty of natural resources
  • d) She did not possess colonies for providing raw materials and markets.

Answer: She lacked capital and free labor

Question: As a protest against the 1756 Stamp Act, the American colonies -

  • a) Revolted
  • b) Destroyed English ships
  • c) Boycotted English goods
  • d) Suspended all transactions with England

Answer: Boycotted English goods

Question: Who laid the foundation of the Akhil Bharatiya Bahiskirt Parishad ?

  • a) Mahatma Gandhi
  • b) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
  • c) Periyar Ramaswami
  • d) Shri Narayana Guru

Answer: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

Question: According to Marx, economic crises were inevitable under capitalism because -

  • a) Profit motive dominated the system
  • b) Wages of the workers were not equal to the value produced by them
  • c) Of the discrepancy between the purchasing power of workers and total production
  • d) The interests of workers and capitalists were irreconcilable

Answer: The interests of workers and capitalists were irreconcilable

Question: Which of the following is not a communist doctrine ?

  • a) Class was, a basic fact in all social revolution
  • b) Transition from capitalism can be brought about only by revolution
  • c) Workers must get control of the state by force
  • d) Popular sovereignty

Answer: Popular sovereignty

Question: The African slaves were sent to -

  • a) Australia
  • b) Europe
  • c) America
  • d) Asia

Answer: America

Question: In the October 1917 Revolution, the Russia Government collapsed and All-Russia Congress of Sovients assumed full political power. This October Revolution was -

  • a) Violent and bloody
  • b) Completely peaceful
  • c) An armed rebellion
  • d) None of these

Answer: Completely peaceful

Question: The Bolshevik Government of Russia issued the Decree of Peace with proposal to-

  • a) End the war without any annexations and indemnities
  • b) Accept defeat and end the war
  • c) Withdraw from the war
  • d) None of the above

Answer: Withdraw from the war

Question: When the uprise broke in Nasirabad ?

  • a) 1857
  • b) 1858
  • c) 1850
  • d) None

Answer: 1857

Question: In 1857 which revolutionary came to Rajasthan ?

  • a) Queen of Jhansi
  • b) Jeevan Mahal
  • c) Tantya Tope
  • d) Bahadur shah Jafar

Answer: Tantya Tope

Question: For which incident, Dr. Rajendra prasad used the words ‘A marriage without groom’?

  • a) First Round Table Conference
  • b) Second Round Table Conference
  • c) Third Round Table Conference
  • d) Gandhi - Irwin pact

Answer: First Round Table Conference

Question: Who presented the August proposals.

  • a) Wavell
  • b) Irwin
  • c) Linlithgow
  • d) Mountbatten

Answer: Linlithgow

Question: Who started the movement against caste exploitation ?

  • a) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
  • b) Raja Ram Mohan Rai
  • c) Shri Narayan Guru
  • d) Sir Saiyad Ahmad Khan

Answer: Shri Narayan Guru

Question: Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq changd his capital from Delhi to deogiri because he wanted to-

  • a) Improve trade in the Deccan
  • b) Spread Islam in the Deccan
  • c) Punish the people of Delhi
  • d) Close proximity to newly conquered region

Answer: Close proximity to newly conquered region

Question: On the basis of ‘Doctrine of Lapse’ which state was annexed ?

  • a) Jodhpur
  • b) Jaipur
  • c) Gujarat
  • d) Satara

Answer: Satara

Question: Who started the Revolt of 1857 ?

  • a) Mangal Pandey
  • b) Nana Sahib
  • c) Tantya Tope
  • d) Bahadur Shah Zaffar

Answer: Mangal Pandey


Question: During which year the Moplah revolt took place in the Malabar region ?

  • a) 1919
  • b) 1920
  • c) 1921
  • d) 1922

Answer: 1921

Question: Who gave the title of ‘Sardar’ to Sarda Patel ?

  • a) Pt. Nehru
  • b) Moulana Ajad
  • c) Mahatma Gandhi
  • d) Ambedkar

Answer: Mahatma Gandhi

Question: In which year all India Kishan Sobha was formed ?

  • a) 1928
  • b) 1936
  • c) 1942
  • d) 1946

Answer: 1936

Question: In which year ‘Workers Day’ was celebrated for the first time in India ?

  • a) 1927
  • b) 1937
  • c) 1947
  • d) 1957

Answer: 1927

Question: The first session of All India Farmers Union was held at -

  • a) Faizabad
  • b) Lucknow
  • c) Delhi
  • d) Surat

Answer: Faizabad

Question: Which of the following was a saint of the Bhakti movement in Bengal ?

  • a) Kabir
  • b) Chaitanya
  • c) Tulsidas
  • d) Vivekananda

Answer: Chaitanya

Question: Who among the Indian denied to accept the Nehru report ?

  • a) Communists
  • b) Jinnah
  • c) Cogress
  • d) None of the above

Answer: Jinnah

Question: During Lahore sesion in 1929 the Congress president used the following words “We have only one target - complete independece”. Who used these words ?

  • a) Pt. J.N. Nehru
  • b) Mahatma Gandhi
  • c) Moulana Azad
  • d) S.C.Boss

Answer: Pt. J.N. Nehru

Question: One of the founder member os ‘Hindustan Democratic Federatin’ was :-

  • a) Yatindra Mukkherji
  • b) Schindra Sanyal
  • c) Bhagat Singh
  • d) Rajnder Lahiri

Answer: Schindra Sanyal

Question: ‘Death or Vicoty’, who gave this slogan ?

  • a) Indian National Army
  • b) Hindustan Democratic Socialist Party
  • c) Naujawan Sabha
  • d) None of the above

Answer: Hindustan Democratic Socialist Party

Question: Who was the political Guru of Mahatma Gandhi ?

  • a) Lala Lagpat Rai
  • b) Tantya Tope
  • c) Gopal Krishna Gokhele
  • d) Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel

Answer: Gopal Krishna Gokhele

Question: The exquisite workmanship of the people of the Harappan culture is revealed in

  • a) Artistic seals
  • b) The bronze figure of the dancing girl
  • c) The stone images
  • d) All the three above

Answer: All the three above

Question: Under whose region the rock pillers were erected ?

  • a) Chandragupt
  • b) Kanishk
  • c) Ashoka
  • d) None

Answer: Ashoka

Question: The period of Indus civilization -

  • a) 1500 to 1000 B.C
  • b) 2500 to 1500 B.C
  • c) 500 to 2500 B.C.
  • d) 3700 to 200 B.C

Answer: 2500 to 1500 B.C

Question: The sexagesimal counting is related to -

  • a) Egypt
  • b) Mesopotamia
  • c) China
  • d) India

Answer: Mesopotamia

Question: The great depression or the economic crisis began in Europe in the year :

  • a) 1926
  • b) 1927
  • c) 1929
  • d) 1930

Answer: 1926

Question: The first country to introduce tanks in the 1st World War was :

  • a) France
  • b) Britain
  • c) USA
  • d) Japan

Answer: Britain

Question: The Balkan wars broke out in the year :

  • a) 1912
  • b) 1913
  • c) 1914
  • d) 1916

Answer: 1914

Question: Fascists under Mussolini’s leadership came to power in Italy in 1922 -

  • a) After a bloody revolution
  • b) After open declaration of policy of expansion
  • c) After the Italy’s king was overthrown and his palace destroyed
  • d) Without firing a shot

Answer: Without firing a shot

Question: The hero of the American was or Independence was -

  • a) Abraham Lincoin
  • b) Thomas Jafferson
  • c) George Washington
  • d) Franklin

Answer: George Washington

Question: The country invaded by Germany in the 2nd World War under the code name “Sea Lion” was

  • a) Denmark
  • b) Britain
  • c) Poland
  • d) None

Answer: Britain

Question: Which of the following is the term used from Bismark policy ?

  • a) Steel and Iron policy
  • b) Hand Shake policy
  • c) Blood and Iron policy
  • d) Golden Goose policy

Answer: Blood and Iron policy

Question: What was the main reason the first world war ?

  • a) Competition of imperialism
  • b) Extreme Nationalism
  • c) Army Force
  • d) Above all

Answer: Competition of imperialism

Question: When Russia with drew herself from first world war ?

  • a) 1916
  • b) 1915
  • c) 1917
  • d) 1919

Answer: 1917

Question: Renaissance started first in -

  • a) France
  • b) Russia
  • c) Italy
  • d) England

Answer: Italy

Question: When did French revolution took place ?

  • a) 14 July 1789
  • b) 4 July 1776
  • c) 17 October 1917
  • d) 4 March 1917

Answer: 14 July 1789

Question: “I cam, I saw, I conquered” was said by -

  • a) Napoleon
  • b) Chengis Khan
  • c) Julius Caesar
  • d) Alexander the Great

Answer: Napoleon

Question: Who was the king of France the time of French revolution :

  • a) Louis XIV
  • b) Louis XVI
  • c) Louis XV
  • d) Louis Z

Answer: Louis XVI

Question: Egyptian mummy is a proof that the people of Egypt believed in-

  • a) Grand burial
  • b) That both the body and soul live but in a different way after death
  • c) Remembering the dead
  • d) Immortality of body and soul

Answer: That both the body and soul live but in a different way after death

Question: The first center of civilization in China developed in the region of the river

  • a) Yang Tse-kaing
  • b) Hwang-ho
  • c) Yang-she
  • d) Siliang

Answer: Hwang-ho

MCQs for All Chapters History Full Syllabus

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Full Syllabus History to develop the History Full Syllabus MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Full Syllabus test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of History will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Full Syllabus History. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Full Syllabus History so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Full Syllabus History MCQ Test for the same chapter.

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