Refer to NTSE SAT History MCQs Set A provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus History with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NTSE, NCERT and KVS. All Chapters Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus History and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NTSE Full Syllabus History and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus History All Chapters
Full Syllabus History students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for All Chapters in Full Syllabus.
All Chapters MCQ Questions Full Syllabus History with Answers
Question: Which of the following movement is connected with conservation of trees ?
- a) Appico movement
- b) Ganga Action movement
- c) Mukti Andolan
- d) None
Answer: Appico movement
Question: Which language is the mother of Indian languages ?
- a) Parsi
- b) Sanskrit
- c) Urdu
- d) English
Answer: Sanskrit
Question: Which is not a characteristic of Indian culture ?
- a) Unity in diversity
- b) Segregation
- c) Accommodating
- d) Religions
Answer: Segregation
Question: Which is not the part of value system of Indian culture ?
- a) Vasudhev Kutumbakam
- b) Sarva Dharma Sambhav
- c) Violence
- d) Non-Violence
Answer: Violence
Question: Where is the Gujri place situated ?
- a) Mandal garh
- b) Mt Abu
- c) Golkunda
- d) Gwalior
Answer: Gwalior
Question: The Pandya ruled the southern most state through their capital -
- a) Kanchi
- b) Vataapi
- c) Madurai
- d) Ahol
Answer: Madurai
Question: Where is the Jahaj Mahal (palace) situated ?
- a) Bidar
- b) Jaunpur
- c) Gwaliior
- d) Mandu
Answer: Mandu
Question: Who built be palace of Birbal ?
- a) Humanya
- b) Jahangir
- c) Akbar
- d) Shahjahan
Answer: Akbar
Question: The stupa of Satvahan Ear whose remains are kept in museum are found from -
- a) Valley of Godawari
- b) Gandhar
- c) Rampurva
- d) Loria
Answer: Valley of Godawari
Question: To which lineage the king of Chaul and Pallav belonged ?
- a) Gupta
- b) Mourya
- c) Satvahan
- d) Rajput
Answer: Rajput
More Questions.....................
Question: Where is the temple known as Black Pagoda situated ?
- a) Bhubhneshwar
- b) Konark
- c) Puri
- d) Mt Abu
Answer: Konark
Question: The coin rupia was first issued by
- a) Sher Shah
- b) Alauddin Khiliji
- c) Akbar
- d) Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq
Answer: Sher Shah
Question: The extent of the Delhi Sultanate was the greatest during the reign of -
- a) Balban
- b) Mohammad bin Tughlaq
- c) Alauddin Khilji
- d) Iltutmish
Answer: Alauddin Khilji
Question: Which is the important epic written by Jayasi ?
- a) Mrigawati
- b) Gyaneshwari
- c) Padmawat
- d) Krishna Charit
Answer: Padmawat
Question: Which country called Subhash Chandra Bose as “Netaji”?
- a) Japan
- b) Singapore
- c) Andman
- d) Germany
Answer: Germany
Question: What is the name of collection of Bhakti Music of Alwar Saints ?
- a) Prabandham
- b) Shrinagar Meshdham
- c) Krishan Gatha
- d) None
Answer: Prabandham
Question: Who wrote Vikrama Dev Charit ?
- a) Vilahan
- b) Padam Gupt
- c) Chandar Bardai
- d) Nari Mehta
Answer: Vilahan
Question: What is the name of Rajasthani language ?
- a) Dingal
- b) Sorath
- c) Doha
- d) Chand
Answer: Dingal
Question: For what Jaisalmer is famous ?
- a) Bawri
- b) lake
- c) Haveli
- d) Ponds
Answer: Haveli
Question: When the sun comes in utrayan which festival is celebrated ?
- a) Pongal
- b) Makkar Sankrati
- c) Chamunda
- d) Tejaji
Answer: Makkar Sankrati
Question: With which religion Paryushan parva is related ?
- a) Hinduism
- b) Islam
- c) Sikhism
- d) Jainism
Answer: Jainism
Question: Gandhiji started the Styagraha Movement against the _______ in 1919.
- a) Cripps Mission
- b) Simon Commison
- c) Rowlatt Act
- d) Separate electorate
Answer: Rowlatt Act
Question: 181. Ruins of which culture were found at Kalibangha ?
- a) Sandhav
- b) Egypt
- c) China
- d) None
Answer: Sandhav
Question: To which State Beni Thani painting is related ?
- a) Gujarat
- b) Maharastra
- c) Rajasthan
- d) Bihar
Answer: Rajasthan
Question: Which is famous epic writen by Chandar Vardai ?
- a) Hameer Raso
- b) Prithvi Raj Raso
- c) Veer Vinod
- d) Vansh Bhaskar
Answer: Prithvi Raj Raso
Question: Prime Minister of England sent the_______ to India in March 1946.
- a) Cripps Mission
- b) Cabinet Mission
- c) Simon Commision
- d) None of the above
Answer: Cabinet Mission
Question: Which is the famous idol of Mauryan Era ?
- a) Devmurti
- b) Yaksha murti
- c) Copper
- d) Mrinamurti
Answer: Yaksha murti
Question: A high-ranking government official of China, appointed through competitive examination :
- a) Mandarins
- b) Consuls
- c) Patricians
- d) Satraps
Answer: Mandarins
Question: Which proposals were termed by Gandhiji as “postdated cheque of a drowning bank”?
- a) Siom Commission
- b) Wavell Plan
- c) Cripps Mission
- d) None of the above
Answer: Cripps Mission
Question: During whose regime did the Cripps Mission visit India ?
- a) Lord Mountbatten
- b) Lord Wavell
- c) Lord Linlithgow
- d) Lord Wellington
Answer: Lord Linlithgow
Question: The ancient Chines
- a) Used the decimal system
- b) Made important contribution in seismology
- c) Invented abacus
- d) All of the above
Answer: All of the above
Question: Which of the following is regarded as the Golden Age of China’s history ?
- a) Han period
- b) Chu period
- c) Tsin period
- d) Shang period
Answer: Han period
Question: The Great wall of China was built in -
- a) 214 BC
- b) 600 BC
- c) 315 BC
- d) 230 BC
Answer: 214 BC
Question: The syphnex is related to -
- a) Chinees
- b) Egypt
- c) Indus
- d) Mesopotamia
Answer: Egypt
Question: Which of the following Era is related with Harappa Culture ?
- a) Stone age
- b) Copper age
- c) Bronze age
- d) Iron age
Answer: Bronze age
Question: Which is the main characteristic of Harappa civilazation ?
- a) Holy Baths
- b) Town Planning
- c) Religions palces
- d) Sculpture
Answer: Town Planning
Question: With which civilization the Keilakar script is related ?
- a) Chines civilization
- b) Harappan civilization
- c) Egyptian civilization
- d) Mesopotamian civilization
Answer: Harappan civilization
Question: Who was the main deity of worship of Egypt ?
- a) Sun
- b) Moon
- c) Sea
- d) Mars
Answer: Sun
Question: Which of the following country was not a part of Axis power during the III rd Word War ?
- a) Japan
- b) Italy
- c) Russia
- d) Germany
Answer: Russia
Question: 289. With which revolution Socialism established itself in Russia ?
- a) 1905 Revolution
- b) February Revolution
- c) October Revolution
- d) None of the above
Answer: October Revolution
Question: Which astronomer of ancient India calculated the value of π ?
- a) Varahamira
- b) Apastamba
- c) Aryabhata
- d) Panini
Answer: Aryabhata
Question: The Tradition of pilgrimage to tirthas and dargahs serves as =
- a) Carrier of ideas and beliefs
- b) Boost to spirit of adventrue
- c) Catalyst to economic activities
- d) Travelling experience
Answer: Carrier of ideas and beliefs
Question: What is the ultimate goal of Hindu life style ?
- a) Dharma
- b) Artha
- c) Moksha
- d) Kama
Answer: Moksha
Question: With which palce the fair of Gangaur is related ?
- a) Kota
- b) Bundi
- c) Jaipur
- d) None
Answer: Jaipur
Question: What is the name of painting of Shahpura Bhilwara ?
- a) Pichwai
- b) Bani Thani
- c) Phad
- d) None
Answer: Pichwai
Question: Which of the following is not a medicinal plant ?
- a) Tulsi
- b) Gum
- c) Cuscuta
- d) Amla
Answer: Cuscuta
Question: In which year the Second World War broke out ?
- a) 1939
- b) 1940
- c) 1945
- d) 1942
Answer: 1939
Question: In India the first railway was introduced between Bombay to _____
- a) Delhi
- b) Pune
- c) Thane
- d) Ahmednagar
Answer: Delhi
Question: In which year congress got divided ?
- a) 1905
- b) 1907
- c) 1910
- d) 1915
Answer: 1910
Question: Who started the publication of ‘Common will’ magazine ?
- a) Tilak
- b) Gandhi
- c) Nehru
- d) Anibsant
Answer: Gandhi
Question: Which bill is often termed as ‘Black Bill’ ?
- a) Illbert bill
- b) Rowllet Act
- c) Education Bill
- d) None of the above
Answer: None of the above
Question: Name of the founder of ‘Swarajya Party’.
- a) Mahatma Gandhi
- b) Tilak
- c) C.R. Das
- d) Jawahar Lal Nehru
Answer: C.R. Das
Question: In which year the incident of Chauri-chaura tool place ?
- a) 1921
- b) 1922
- c) 1923
- d) 1924
Answer: 1922
Question: The ‘Two nation theory’ was given by-
- a) M.A Jinnah
- b) Khan Abdul Gafar Khan
- c) Abul Kalam Azad
- d) Agah Khan
Answer: M.A Jinnah
Question: Who gave the slogan ‘Jai Jawan’ Jai Kisan”?
- a) Bhagat Singh
- b) Lal Bahadur Shastri
- c) Ras Bihari
- d) Mohan Singh
Answer: Lal Bahadur Shastri
Question: During which session Congress adopted the resolution of complete independence ?
- a) Lahore
- b) Mumbai
- c) Madras
- d) Surat
Answer: Madras
Question: In which year the first Round Table Conference took place ?
- a) 1930
- b) 1931
- c) 1932
- d) 1933
Answer: 1930
Question: Who is known as the ‘Iron man of India’ ?
- a) Gandhi Ji
- b) Pt. Nehru
- c) Sardar Patel
- d) Moulana Azad
Answer: Sardar Patel
Question: Who ordered the firing at Jallianwala Bagh ?
- a) Dayar
- b) Sounders
- c) Rend
- d) None of the above
Answer: Dayar
Question: For which proposal Gandhi used the words a post dated cheque of a drowning bank ?
- a) Cripps proposal
- b) C.R. Praposal
- c) Wavel proposal
- d) Cabinet mission proposal
Answer: Cripps proposal
MCQs for All Chapters History Full Syllabus
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