CBSE Class 12 English The Third Level MCQs

Refer to CBSE Class 12 English The Third Level MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 12 English with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Chapter 1 The Third Level Class 12 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 12 English and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 12 English and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 12 English Chapter 1 The Third Level

Class 12 English students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Chapter 1 The Third Level in Class 12.

Chapter 1 The Third Level MCQ Questions Class 12 English with Answers

Question. Who is the author of The Third Level?
(a) George Orwell
(b) Agatha Christie
(c) James Joyce
(d) Jack Finney

Answer : D

Question. What was Jack's full name?
(a) Walter Braden Jack Finey
(b) Stephen Jone Jack
(c) Ray Douglas Bradbury
(d) None

Answer : A

Question. Why was the author renamed?
(a) to change his name
(b) Priest's suggestion
(c) to honor his mother
(d) as an honor to his father

Answer : C

Question. What are the author's best known works?
(a) English and Science fiction
(b) Science and history fiction
(c) Science fiction and nature
(d) Science fiction and thrillers

Answer : D

Question. What is the meaning of 'Waking dream wish fulfillment"?
(a) a pleasant wish that makes one forget the present
(b) a pleasant wish that takes one to the future
(c) A pleasant wish which inspires to work
(d) a pleasant wish that makes one forget the present

Answer : A

Question. What is the theme of the lesson?
(a) human tendency of escapism because of the harsh realities of the present
(b) time travelling
(c) theory of escapism
(d) a dialogue between a patient and a psychiatrist

Answer : A

Question. How does the story begin?
(a) in a jovial manner
(b) in an aggressive manner
(c) on a happy note
(d) in a serious manner

Answer : D

Question. What does the Third level signify?
(a) a human tendency to escape from the harsh realities of the present to past happy times
(b) A third way on Grand Central station
(c) A third gate on Grand Central Station
(d) None

Answer : A

Question. What is 'Waking dream wish fulfillment" according to the psychiatrist in the lesson?
(a) Charles finding of a Third level at Grand Central Stationand realization of his wish to visit Galesberg Illinois
(b) Charles escapism
(c) Charles escapism from realities
(d) None

Answer : A

Question. Who was Charles' wife?
(a) a woman
(b) a woman with bright top
(c) A woman at The Third Level
(d) Louisa

Answer : D

Question. What is Sam's letter to Charles represent?
(a) A blend
(b) an acceptance to visit
(c) a proof of his fantasy
(d) a blend of reality with fantasy

Answer : D

Question. What is Sam's letter testimony to in the lesson proving?
(a) his acceptance to travel
(b) his refusal to travel
(c) Sam accompanying Charles
(d) Charles' tendency of escapism from the realities

Answer : D

Question. In what way do we try to overcome the insecurities of the present harsh times
(a) by engaging ourselves in practical activities
(b) by talking to friends and family
(c) reading good books
(d) All these

Answer : D

Question. What is the significance of 1894 in the lesson?
(a) it was past
(b) Authors' parents were alive
(c) Author's childhood time
(d) representing a peaceful , romantic living time

Answer : D

Question. Who was sam in The Third Level?
(a) a doctor
(b) a friend
(c) a psychiatrist and a friend of Charley
(d) None

Answer : C

Question. Why did Charley visit Sam?
(a) To consult the incident of Third level incident at Grand Central Station
(b) To invite him
(c) to invite him to accompany at Galesberg
(d) To guide him in Galesberg

Answer : A

Question. Does the Third Level really exist at Grand Station?
(a) Yes
(b) yes, there were 3 levels
(c) No, there were only two levels at the station
(d) None

Answer : C

Question. What unusual thing the narrator sees at the Grand Central Sation?
(a) Trees
(b) motorcars
(c) Third Level
(d) All these

Answer : C

Question. Why was the narrator seeing this Third Level?
(a) as a wish to visit Galesberg
(b) wanted to meet his friends
(c) wanted to take a break from office
(d) As a result of stress and anxiety in his mind

Answer : D

Question. What does the Psychiatrist explain to Charlie?
(a) Third level is a beautiful place
(b) Third level is worthseeing
(c) Third level is well maintained
(d) That it was the result of stress and anxiety of his mind

Answer : D

Question. How did Charlie reach the Third Level?
(a) In his fantasy he takes a subway or a corridor faster than a bus
(b) in a superfast train
(c) in jetways
(d) in an escalator

Answer : A

Question. What was the Third Level?
(a) a third tier on the station
(b) a third storey on the station
(c) an imaginary discovery of the narrator's mind
(d) none

Answer : C

Question. What did Charley see at the Third Level?
(a) flickering gas lights and people with funny mustaches
(b) brass spittoons
(c) men wearing a tan gabardine suit and a straw
(d) All these

Answer : D

Question. Why was Louisa, Charley's wife worried?
(a) Knowing the incident of Third Level
(b) for not getting tickets
(c) tickets were delayed
(d) Sam was scaring

Answer : A

Question. Why does Charley want to visit Galesberg?
(a) to escape from the troublesome world
(b) to enjoy
(c) to see the beautiful landscape
(d) to meet his old friends

Answer : A

Question. Why do you think the Third Level was an escape for Charley?
(a) Because it existed at the third storey
(b) Because Sam knew about it
(c) Because he shared it with Sam
(d) Because it existed only in his fantasy and not in reality

Answer : D

Question. What is First Day Cover?
(a) A new stamp gets the Postmark and date
(b) A gift
(c) A gift wrapper
(d) A gift wrapped in a beautiful wrapper

Answer : A

Question. How does the story interweave fantasy and reality?
(a) For Charle's tendency to treat harsh realities with his imaginary Third Level
(b) It presents imagination
(c) imagination happens on Central Station
(d) None

Answer : A

Question. What specific difference did Charley notice at the Third Level of Central Station
(a) Everything was weird
(b) Everything was old styled and smaller in size
(c) everything was too big
(d) everything was shining

Answer : B

Question. Where was Charley ducked on Central Station?
(a) into a room
(b) into an office
(c) into an arched door heading for subway
(d) into a store

Answer : C

Question. What was the strangest thing at The Third Level?
(a) Beards
(b) Mustaches
(c) dresses
(d) The corridor that led him into the past.

Answer : D

Question. Where was Charley often lost?
(a) from a train
(b) from the footpath
(c) from an escalator
(d) from a subway faster than bus at The Central Station

Answer : D

Question. What did Charley find in his stamp collection?
(a) old addresses
(b) hair styles
(c) old letters
(d) First day cover

Answer : D

Question. What happens when Charley enters the Grand Central Station?
(a) He finds a huge tree like Station
(b) new staircases, corridors and tunnels
(c) tree keeps spreading its roots throwing rooms and windows
(d) All of these

Answer : D

Question. What convinced Charly that he had reached the Third Level Grand Central Station and not the second level?
(a) A different world of gas lights and brass spittoons
(b) beards and mustaches of 1894
(c) newspaper with a date June11, 1894
(d) All of these

Answer : D

Question. Who had sent that 'First Day cover and when?
(a) Sam's father
(b) Sam's uncle
(c) Sam's friend
(d) Sam a psychiatrist in 1894

Answer : D

Question. Whose signatures were there on the letter?
(a) Charle's teacher
(b) Charle's friend
(c) Sam
(d) None

Answer : C

Question. What did the letter state?
(a) That everything is okay
(b) that Sam is joining them
(c) Third level do exist and Charle was advised to keep looking at this worthseeing place
(d) None

Answer : C

Question : What was Sam invited for according to the letter?
(a) for a party
(b) for a tea party
(c) for a bachelor's party
(d) for a lemonade party

Answer : D

Question. What kind of appearances people had at Third level and why did the clerk refuse to accept money?
(a) funny and clerk refused to accept money because it was currency of modern times
(b) weird and notes were big
(c) weird and notes were torn
(d) weird and notes were wet

Answer : A

Question. What do his friends refer to as 'temporary refuge from reality‘?
(a) His visit to Third level
(b) His occupation
(c) Stamp collection, his hobby
(d) Grand Central as an exit

Answer: C

Question. Classify (1) to (4) as Fact (F) or Opinion (O), based on your reading of The Third Level.
1. Charley consulted his psychiatrist friend.
2. Charley‘s visit to third level was a waking dream wish fulfilment.
3. Charley wanted two tickets to Galesburg of 1890s
4. Charley‘s grandfather had a nice collection of stamps
(a) F - 1, 3 & 4; O - 2
(b) F - 1, 2, 3; O - 4
(c) F - 2; O - 1, 3 & 4
(d) F- 3 & 4; O - 1 & 2

Answer: A

Question. Now, I don‘t know why this should have happened to me. Why did Charley say so?
i. He is just like any other men of his times
ii. He wasn‘t trying to escape
iii. He is not like other men at the third level
iv. He was on his way to his uptown apartment
v. He already has a means of escape
(a) i, ii & v
(b) ii, iii & v
(c) i, iii & iv
(d) i, ii & iv

Answer: D

Question. Choose the option that suits the Grand Central Station as seen by Charley.
(a) Station is like a huge tree
(b) Developing fast in an inconspicuous way
(c) New staircases, corridors & tunnels like roots of tree
(d) All the above

Answer: D

Question. What did Sam mean when he said that Charley had a 'waking dream wish fulfilment‘?
(a) a dream that will become reality
(b) a dream that helps him forget his present
(c) a dream that helps him to go to future
(d) a dream that helps him forget the past

Answer: B

Question. 'That made my wife kind of mad.‟ What made Louisa mad/unhappy?
(a) Charley‘s unhappiness
(b) Charley‘s waking dream wish fulfilment
(c) Charley‘s happiness
(d) Charley‘s temporary refuge from reality

Answer: A

Question. Assertion (A) My three hundred dollars bought less than two hundred in old-style bills, but I didn‘t care.
Reason (R) Eggs were just thirteen cents a dozen.
(a) A is true but R is false
(b) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation for A
(c) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation for A
(d) A is false but R is true

Answer: B

Extract Based Questions:

I. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
Of course the money was old-style bills, half again as big as the money we use nowadays, and different-looking. I turned away and got out fast. There’s nothing nice about jail, even
in 1894.

Question. From where did Charley get out fast?
(a) Psychiatrist‘s consulting room
(b) Roosevelt Hotel
(c) Subway
(d) Third Level

Answer: D

Question. Why did Charley turn away and get out fast?
(a) Clerk refused to give tickets for he was looking strange
(b) Clerk refused to give tickets for he did not have change
(c) Clerk refused to give tickets for there were no trains to Galesburg
(d) Clerk refused to give tickets because he thought that Charley was trying to cheat him.

Answer: D

Question. What made Charley think about jail?
(a) For trespassing into the third level
(b) Clerk‘s threat that he can‘t escape
(c) His failure to get tickets
(d) His failure to keep change

Answer: B

Question. Why was Charley unable to get tickets from the Third level to go to Galesburg?
(a) Didn‘t have enough money
(b) Didn‘t have new style currency
(c) Didn‘t have old style currency
(d) Couldn‘t communicate to clerk

Answer: C

II. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
Sometimes I think Grand Central is growing like a tree, pushing out new corridors and staircases like roots. There’s probably a long tunnel that nobody knows about feeling its way under the city right now, on its way to Times Square, and maybe another to Central Park. And may be — because for so many people through the years Grand Central has been an exit, a way of escape — maybe that’s how the tunnel I got into... But I never told my psychiatrist friend about that idea.

Question. The development of the station seems to be inconspicuous. How do we know?
(a) Growing like branches of tree
(b) Can accommodate any number of passengers
(c) New tunnels are being developed without causing disturbance
(d) a third level to the station is added

Answer: C

Question. What is it that Charley did not disclose to his friend?
(a) Grand Central is an exit
(b) Grand Central has many exits
(c) Many people enter Grand Central
(d) None of the above

Answer: A

Question. Why didn‘t Charley disclose 'that idea‟ to his psychiatrist?
(a) Psychiatrist wouldn‘t maintain its secrecy
(b) Psychiatrist wouldn‘t believe him
(c) Psychiatrist would want to visit the third level
(d) Psychiatrist would convey to the presidents of railroads

Answer: B

Question. Identify the figure of speech used that conveys the growing/developing nature of the Grand Central station?
(a) Metaphor
(b) simile
(c) synecdoche
(d) transferred epithet

Answer: B

Question. Why does the writer talk about the tunnels to Times Square and Central Park?
(a) To tell us that these two places are in New York.
(b) Both these places are accessible
(c) These are exits of Grand Central
(d) Grand Central is ever growing

Answer: D

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question. Do you think that the third level was a medium of escape for Charley? Why? /How did Charley‘s psychiatrist friend interpret his unique experience?
Answer: Yes, the third level was a medium of escape for Charley from the unhappy modern world that is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry and the like. He could never find it again at the Grand Central Station. Charley did not agree with his psychiatrist friend when the latter called his experience of visiting the third level 'a waking-dream wish fulfillment.‘ His friend tried in vain to make him realise that his hallucinations are a result of his strong desire to escape to the peaceful times of the 1890s.

Question. What is a first day cover?
Answer: When a new stamp is issued, on the first day, people mail a blank paper to themselves and then retain that unopened letter with the date on the postmark. Such an envelope is known as a 'first day cover‘.

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question. Would Charley ever go back to the ticket-counter on the third level to buy tickets to Galesburg for himself and his wife?
Answer: After reading the story we get to know that Charley was interested in travelling to Galesburg with his wife Louisa. However, he couldn‘t locate the third level again. The first time round, he found the third level by accident. When he reached the ticket-counter, he realised that the currency he had with him was not useful as it belonged to a different period. He went back to convert his three hundred dollars into the "old-style currency" that could enable him to buy two tickets to Galesburg. However, when he returned to the Grand Central, he could not find the corridor leading to the third level. He couldn‘t go back looking for the third level as his wife was too worried about him. Moreover, he himself had stopped looking for it after sometime.

Question. What does the third level refer to?
Answer: The Grand Central Station of New York has subways on two levels from where the commuters take trains to different destinations. No third level was ever built. However, the protagonist of the story, Charley, believes in the existence of a third level, operating in a timeframe of 1890s. The third level signifies an escape from the modern world that is "full of insecurity, fear, war, worry and all the rest of it...." The period of 1890s represents a peaceful life not possible in the present era. From this level, the protagonist wants to travel to Galesburg, Illinois, with his wife Louisa. For him, it is a part of reality while his psychiatrist friend calls it a "waking-dream wish fulfilment."

Question. What do you infer from Sam‘s letter to Charley?
Answer: The letter was addressed to Charley but mailed to his grandfather in Galesburg, Illinois. It was mailed in 1894 and now appears in his grandfather‘s collection. The letter was suddenly found among the first-day covers where it had never been seen earlier. Moreover, the contents of the letter are exactly what Charley thought about Galesburg of 1890s. Sam's letter to Charley is a mystery that blends together the worlds of reality and fantasy, and thus, needs further exploring.
There are two perspectives from which one can look at the letter. At one level, it proves that Sam has reached Galesburg of 1984. However, if we look at a deeper level, we can infer that the letter is just another instance of his hallucination or dreams of escapism. It is possible that while Charley was looking at the old first-cover letter, he was carried away to a different world where the letter was sent to Charley by Sam. The letter reflects Sam‘s undeterred urge that forces him to keep looking for the third level.

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MCQs for Chapter 1 The Third Level English Class 12

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 12 English to develop the English Class 12 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 12 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of English will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 12 English. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 12 English so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 12 English MCQ Test for the same chapter.

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