CBSE Class 12 English Indigo MCQs

Refer to CBSE Class 12 English Indigo MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 12 English with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Chapter 5 Indigo Class 12 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 12 English and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 12 English and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 12 English Chapter 5 Indigo

Class 12 English students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Chapter 5 Indigo in Class 12.

Chapter 5 Indigo MCQ Questions Class 12 English with Answers

Question. Who is the author of Indigo?
(a) Louis Fischer
(b) Leo Tolstoy
(c) Mark Twain
(d) Charles Dickens

Answer : A

Question. Where was the author born?
(a) in Philadelphia.
(b) In Yugoslavia
(c) In Scotland
(d) None

Answer : A

Question. When did the author serve in the British army?
(a) 1918 - 1920
(b) 1909 - 1910
(c) 1912-1913
(d) 1900-1902

Answer : A

Question. Which University was the author a member of?
(a) Harvard University
(b) Princeton University
(c) University of Columbia
(d) Oxford University

Answer : B

Question. Indigo is an excerpt from which book of the author?
(a) Men and Politics
(b) life of Lenin
(c) The Life of Mahatma Gandhi.
(d) None

Answer : C

Question. What is the message conveyed in the lesson Indigo?
(a) efficient lawyers
(b) speak aloud
(c) wise and courageous leadership can resolve any problem.
(d) None

Answer : C

Question. Why did M.K. Gandhi fight in Champaran?
(a) to secure justice for the oppressed
(b) to get popularity
(c) to show power
(d) to boast of his intelligence

Answer : A

Question. What does Gandhi's fight in Champaran signify?
(a) The power of effective leadership
(b) The power of lawyers
(c) The power of farmers
(d) The power of money

Answer : A

Question. Why was Motihari back with peasants?
(a) Because of people's rights
(b) because of the oppression of the British
(c) Because their champion was in trouble
(d) None

Answer : C

Question. How did Gandhi address the actions of  the people of Motihari ?
(a) As liberation from the fear of the British
(b) by calling them courageous
(c) by chiding the lawyers
(d) none

Answer : A 

Question. What was Gandhiji's demand from the British landlords?
(a) 30% refund as repayment
(b) 40% refund as repayment
(c) 50% refund as repayment
(d) 10% refund as repayment

Answer : C

Question. How much did Gandhi ji ask the Indigo planters to pay to the farmers?
(a) 20%
(b) 40%
(c) 30%
(d) 50%

Answer : D

Question. How much  did Indigo planters offer to pay?
(a) 30%
(b) 10%
(c) 25%
(d) 40%

Answer : C

Question. What was the condition of the  Sharecroppers?
(a) were forced to give 10% of land for Indigo plantation
(b) were forced to give 20% of land for Indigo plantation
(c) were forced to give 15% of land for Indigo plantation
(d) were forced to give 5% of land for Indigo plantation

Answer : C 

Question. How did Gandhiji help peasants of Champaran?
(a) by fighting and securing justice for them
(b) by hiring lawyers for them
(c) by educating them
(d) by teaching them cleanliness

Answer : A 

Question. What problems were faced by the Champaran Indigo sharecroppers?
(a) poverty
(b) were forced to grow Indigo
(c) unable to raise voice
(d) illiteracy

Answer : B

Question. Why did Gandhiji decided to go to Muzaffarpur?
(a) to have detailed information of the sharecroppers of Champaran
(b) to have information about lawyers
(c) to know different capacities of the people
(d) to have a personal bond with the people

Answer : A

Question. Who briefed Gandhiji at Muzaffarpur?
(a) Government officers
(b) politicians
(c) farmers
(d) lawyers

Answer : D 

Question. Who was Raj Kumar Shukla?
(a) a lawyer
(b) a government official
(c) a politician
(d) a poor peasant

Answer : D 

Question. Where was the annual congress party session held?
(a) at Varanasi
(b) at Mumbai
(c) at Bangalore
(d) at Lucknow

Answer : D

Question. Why did Raj Kumar Shukla come to Lucknow at Annual Congress party session?
(a) to be rich
(b) to be famous
(c) to fight and get money
(d) to complain against injustice of landlord system in Bihar

Answer : D

Question. Why did Mr. Shukla meet Gandhiji?
(a) to seek his guidance for his own upliftment
(b) to get ideas to be famous
(c) to learn the art of speaking
(d) to seek his help for the poor sharecroppers

Answer : D

Question. Why is Champaran famous?
(a) for fighting
(b) for Indigo
(c) because Gandhi ji visited
(d) for the first Satyagrah movement in 1917

Answer : D

Question. Why was Satyagrah Movement launched in Champaran?
(a) for Gandhiji's upliftment
(b) for raising funds
(c) for getting business
(d) for the upliftment of the farmers

Answer : D

Question. Where was Champaran?
(a) In Lucknow
(b) In Delhi
(c) In Uttarpradesh
(d) a district of Bihar in British India

Answer : D

Question. What did the peasants pay the British landlords?
(a) 10% of landholding and 15% of harvest
(b) 20% of landholding and 15% of harvest
(c) 10% of landholding and 25% of harvest
(d) 15% of landholding and entire Indigo harvest

Answer : D

Question. Why did the British want the peasant to pay compensation?
(a) because they freed them
(b) because they got orders from the British headquarters
(c) because of15% of landholding and entire Indigo harvest
(d) 15% of landholding and entire Indigo harvest

Answer : D

Question. Why did Gandhiji agree to  the planter's offer of 25% refund to the farmers?
(a) because of money
(b) because of fear of loss
(c) because of fear of power
(d) because more than money prestige of farmers was important

Answer : D

Question. Who was Sir Edmund in Indigo?
(a) a British lawyer
(b) A british Businessman
(c) a British Politician
(d) An Administrator in Indian Civil Services

Answer : D

Question. Where was Sir Edmund posted?
(a) In East India
(b) In Purvanchal
(c) In Uttarpradesh
(d) at  Bihar & Orissa Province in Bengal Presidency of British India

Answer : D

Question. What was the statement that Gandhiji read pleading himself guilty?
(a) that he was a law breaker
(b) that he wanted to command res
(c) He was not a law braker and came to render humanitarian and national service
(d) None

Answer : C

Question. Why did Gandhi protest at Motihari court house?
(a) to be famous
(b) to show his power
(c) to humiliate the British
(d) to protest the courts' order to postpone the trial

Answer : D

Question. Why did Gandhi consider the Champaran episode a turning point?
(a) its voice spread far and wide
(b) it became famous
(c) The British were scared
(d) to protest the courts' order to postpone the trial

Answer : A

Question. How did Kasturba help Gandhiji?
(a) by speaking to the people
(b) by walking with him
(c) by moving here and there
(d) by teaching Ashram Rules and cleanliness

Answer : D 

Question. What was the attitude of the  average Indian in smaller localities towards advocates of home rule?
(a) very welcoming
(b) very courageous
(c) pleasing
(d) very fearful and indifferent

Answer : D

Question. What was the purpose of the advocates of home rule?
(a) to get money
(b) to be popular
(c) to instigate the people
(d) to encourage people to participate in the freedom movement

Answer : D

Question. What was the condition of the peasants in Champaran?
(a) very happy
(b) independent
(c) very rich
(d) terror stricken and opressed

Answer : D

Question. Whom did Gandhiji send a telegram to ?
(a) Sir Edmund
(b) British Government
(c) peasants
(d) Prof. J.B Kriplani

Answer : D

Question. Where did Gandhiji stay for two days?
(a) At a peasant's house
(b) at a lawyer's house
(c) in a guest house
(d) at Prof. Malkani's house

Answer : D

Question. Why was the government baffled?
(a) Because of lawyer's power
(b) because of farmers
(c) because of sharecroppers
(d) because of the success of Satyagrah movement by peasants 

Answer : D

Question. Where was the ashram of Gandhi ji situated?
(a) Central India
(b) Central Asia
(c) Lucknow
(d) Nalanda 

Answer : A 

Question. When was annual convention of the Congress Party held?
(a) 1916
(b) 1917
(c) 1947
(d) 1942 

Answer : A 

Question. Rajkumar Shukla was…….
(a) an illiterate
(b) educated young man
(c) a doctor
(d) a teacher 

Answer :  A 

Question. Where was annual convention of Indian National Congress take place?
(a) Mumbai
(b) Lucknow
(c) Nagpur
(d) Jaipur 

Answer : B 

Question. Rajkumar Shukla belonged to ……………….
(a) Patna
(b) Ranchi
(c) Champaran
(d) Delhi 

Answer : C 

Question. Where did Champaran situate?
(a) nn Central India
(b) in Southern India
(c) foothills of Himalayas
(d) in Western India 

Answer : C 

Question. Who is the writer of chapter ‘Indigo’?
(a) William Douglas
(b) RavinderNath Tagore
(c) Louish Fischer
(d) Rajendra Prasad 

Answer : C 

Question. Who were waiting at the station with Kripalani?
(a) share Croppers
(b) home rule supporters
(c) lawyers
(d) college students 

Answer : D 

Question. Who did Gandhi Ji inform telegraphically?
(a) Professor Kripalani
(b) Rajendra Prasad
(c) Professor Malkani
(d) The British Officials 

Answer : A 

Queestion. Where did Gandhi Ji decide to go first?
(a) Sevagram
(b) Lucknow
(c) Patna
(d) Muzzafarpur 

Answer : D 

Question. Why did Gandhi Ji decide to stay in the home of Malkani?
(a) to meet old friends
(b) to meet the sharecroppers
(c) to find the official version
(d) to obtain complete information 

Answer : D 

Question. Which news about Gandhi Ji spread quickly?
(a) his arrival in Bihar
(b) the nature of his mission
(c) both (a) & (b)
(d) none of the above 

Answer : C 

Question. From where did the share croppers come to see Gandhi Ji?
(a) Champaran
(b) Patna
(c) Ranchi
(d) Lucknow 

Answer : D 

Question. According to Gandhi Ji what was real relief for the share croppers?
(a) end of sharecropping
(b) return of advance money
(c) freehold rights
(d) freedom for fear

 Answer: D 

Question. Who owned large estates in the Champaran district?
(a) the Indian tenants
(b) the English man
(c) the Government
(d) none of the above 

Answer : B 

Question. Who worked at the estates?
(a) the Indian tenants
(b) the English tenants
(c) the labourers engaged by Government
(d) The English labours 

Answer : A 

Question. What was the chief commercial crop of Champaran?
(a) Wheat
(b) India
(c) Sugarcane
(d) Barley 

Answer : B 

Question. How much of land was planted with the commercial crop?
(a) 15 %
(b) 20 %
(c) 25 %
(d) 50 % 

Answer : A 

Question. What do you mean by ‘arable land’?
(a) land suitable for growing crops
(b) land suitable for giving on rent
(c) land suitable for developing a park
(d) all the above 

Answer : A 

Question. Where did Gandhi Ji go from Tirhut?
(a) to Motihari
(b) to Champaran
(c) to Patna
(d) Agra 

Answer : A 

Question.  Who accompanied Gandhi Ji from Tirhut to Motihari?
(a) many policemen
(b) some English men
(c) several lawyers
(d) several share croppers 

Answer : C 

Question. What had heard the peasants about Gandhi Ji?
(a) he wanted to help you
(b) he was in trouble with authorities
(c) both (a) & (b)
(d) none of the above 

Answer : C 

Question. What did the magistrate announce?
(a) that Gandhi Ji would have to pay a fine of Rs. 100
(b) that he would pronounce sentence after two hours
(c) that Gandhi Ji wouldn’t leave the town
(d) none of the above 

Answer: B 

Question.  did Gandhi Ji refuse to do?
(a) to furnish bail
(b) to go to jail
(c) to leave the town
(d) all the above 

Answer: A 

Question. How much of the money did Gandhi Ji demand which they had illegally extorted?
(a) full
(b) 25%
(c) 50%
(d) 75% 

Answer: C 

Question. How much did Britishers offer to refund?
(a) 25%
(b) 30%
(c) 40%
(d) 45% 

Answer : A 

Question. Who had joined Gandhi Ji as disciples?
(a) Mahadev Desai
(b) Narhari Parikh
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) Rajendra Prasad 

Answer : C 

Question. Who was Gandhi Ji’s youngest son?
(a) Devdas
(b) Mahadev Desai
(c) Narhari Parikh
(d) Kripalani 

Answer : A 

Question. Which type of institution was opened in the Village?
(a) aAhram
(b) School
(c) Primary School
(d) High School 

Answer : C 

Question. What was given to one who showed a coated tongue?
(a) Quinine
(b) Castor Oil
(c) Sulphur Ointment
(d) Quinine and castor oil 

Answer : B


Question. What was given to one with malaria fever?
(a) Quinine
(b) Quinine and sulphur ointment
(c) Quinine and castor oil
(d) Sulphur ointment and castor oil 

Answer : C 

Question. What was given to one with skin eruptions?
(a) Quinine
(b) Quinine and castor oil
(c) Quinine and sulphur ointment
(d) Sulphur ointment and castor oil 

Answer : D 

Question. What did Gandhi Ji do for the sick villagers?
(a) he helped them as a doctor
(b) he got for them a doctor
(c) he asked the doctor to arrange free medicine for the sick
(d) he took the doctor with him to every village 

Answer : B 

Question. What did the magistrate say when the court reconvened?
(a) he acquitted Gandhi Ji for all the charges
(b) he sentenced Gandhi Ji to six months’ imprisonment
(c) he ordered Gandhi Ji to pay a fine of Rs. 100
(d) he would not deliver the judgement for several days 

Answer : B 

Question. How was Gandhi ji’s behaviour towards the officials?
(a) cooperative
(b) polite
(c) friendly
(d) all the above 

Answer : D

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MCQs for Chapter 5 Indigo English Class 12

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 12 English to develop the English Class 12 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 12 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of English will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 12 English. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 12 English so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 12 English MCQ Test for the same chapter.

Where can I download latest CBSE MCQs for Class 12 English Chapter 5 Indigo

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How can I prepare for Chapter 5 Indigo Class 12 MCQs?

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