Question : Who is the author of the lesson?
a) John Updike
b) John Donne
c) William Blake
d) John Williams
Answer : A
Question : What is this story about?
a) Worldview of a little girl and her curious questions to her father
b) worldview of children
c)world of wizars
d) All these
Answer : A
Question : How did the wizard help Roger Skunk?
a) by using magic wand
b) by chanting
c) by helping him get rid of foul smell
d) All these
Answer : D
Question : What did the Wizard ask Roger?
a) what did he want to have
b) what did he want to eat
c) what did he want to smell like?
d) None
Answer : C
Question : How did Jo want the story of Roger Skunk to end?
a) wanted to punish Roger's mother
b) wanted to hit her
c) wanted to kill her
d) wanted to beat her
Answer : A
Question : Who hit whom in the original story?
a) roger hit his mom
b) Roger hit the wizard
c) Wizard hit Roger's mom
b) Roger's mom hit the wizard
Answer : D
Question : Why does Jo call Roger's mom stupid?
a) because she doesn't listen
b) because she is stupid
c) because it is because of her action that Roger start smelling bad again
d) none
Answer : C
Question : Why did Jo think that Roger Skunk was better with new smell off?
a) because she was able to bear him now
b) she was able to be with him now
c) because of pleasant smell now people were able to be friends with him
d) All these
Answer : C
Question : What did Roger want to smell like?
a) marigold
b) Sunflower
c) Jasmine
d) Rose
Answer : D
Question : What kind of end Jo did want for Roger's story?
a) pathetic
b) sad
c) Happy note
d) All these
Answer : C
Question : How could Roger find so many new friends to play happily?
a) because of new dishes
b) because of new clothes
c) because of new appearance
d) because of new rosy smell
Answer : C
Question : Why was Roger's Mom angry with him?
a) because of new rosy smell
b) because of new dress
c) because of new appearance
d) none
Answer : A
Question : Why does Roger's mother not want him to smell like a rose?
a) becase she didn't like it
b) because she is allergic to it
c) because he is a skunk and he should smell bad
d) none
Answer : C
Question : What did Roger's mother decide finally?
a) to take him back to awful wizard and get his bad smell back
b) to take him with her
c) to get him new smell
d) none
Answer : A
Question : How does Jo want the wizard to behave with Roger's mother?
a) nicely
b) politely
c) rudely
d) She wants the wizard to hit her
Answer : D
Question : Why does Jo want the Wizard to hit Roger's mother?
a) because she speaks rudely
b) because she behaves rudely
c) because she doesn't let her son have new smell
d) none
Answer : C
Question : What idea does Jo not approve?
a) Roger's mother have rosy smell
b) Wizard hit Roger's mother
c) Roger's mother hit the wizard
d) None
Answer : C
Question : Why did Roger Skunk visit the owl?
a) to be his friend
b) to talk to him
c) to learn the art of flying
d) to seek his advice to solve his problem
Answer : D
Question : What advice did the wise owl give to Roger Skunk?
a) to visit his friends
b) to think deeply
c) to consult his mother
d) to consult the wizard
Answer : D
Question : What did the wizard demand to make Roger smell like a rose?
a) 10 pennies
b) 4 pennies
c) 5 pennies
d) 7 pennies
Answer : D
Question : How many pennies did Roger have to pay?
a) 7 pennies
b) 6 pennies
c) 8 pennies
d) 4 pennies
Answer : D
Question : Where did the wizard suggest Roger to get rest three pennies?
a) from a tree
b) from a river
c) from the ocean
d) from a magic well
Answer : D
Question : What part of the story did Jack himself enjoy the most?
a) when mother hits the wizard
b) when Roger finds pennies from the mgic well
c) when at the wizard's house, Roger imitates wizard's voice
d) none
Answer : C
Question : Why did Jack enjoy Roger's imitation of wizard's voice?
a) he recalls his past
b) he recalls his childhood
c) he relates his own childhood experiences with it
d) none
Answer : C
Question : Why did Roger visit the wizard?
a) to learn magic
b) to gossip
c) to get rid of his mother
d) to seek advice to get rid of foul smell
Answer : D
Question : Who advised Roger to go to the wizard?
a) His mother
b) Jo
c) Jack
d) Owl
Answer : D
Question : Why does Jo want her father to tell her story in a different way?
a) to give the story a sad ending
b) to understand the story better
c) to complete the story
d) to give the story a happy ending with an adult and mature understanding
Answer : D
Question : What kind of a person is Roger's mother is in Jo's opinion?
a) wise
b) pleasing
c) wicked and stupid
c) All these
Answer : C
Question : Where does Jo prefer to live?
a) in the world of friends
b) in the school of swings
c) in her world of dreams and fantasies
d) none
Answer : C
Question : Why does Jo's father want to punish the wizard?
a) as a mature person he thinks that wizard has tried to interfere with nature so it must be punished
b) because he doesn't like the wizard
c) he thinks that wizard spoil chidren
d) none
Answer : A
Question : Why did Roger want to change his smell?
a) because no one liked him
b) none was ready to play with him
c) he smelt very badly and it made people cry
d) All these
Answer : D
Question : Why did Mother Skunk want her son to retain his identity?
a) she is an adult
b) has a mature thinking
c) wanted her son to be accepted as it is
d) All these
Answer : D
Question : Why does Jo's father has a different opinion from Jo?
a) because Jo is a child
b) because he has a mature thought
c) he doesn't go by facial expression
d) All these
Answer : D
Question : What is different about Roger's story ?
a) Jo had a different opinion from her father
b) this was more interesting
c) it had a wizard
d) none
Answer : A
Question : Why did Jo have a different opinion from her father?
a) because she was a child
b) because she was unable to see beyond facial expressions
c) because she wanted a happy ending
d) All these
Answer : D
Question : What is the moral of the story?
a) Parents are wise and know what is best for them
b) mothers should not interfere in their children's affairs
c) mothers are cruel
d) chidren are cute and right
Answer : A
Question : Who is Jo?
a) A 4 years old girl who is curious to find unknown aspects of the stories told by her father
b) a girl child
c) a naughty girl
d) A 4 years old girl who is curious to find unknown aspects of the stories told by her fathe
Answer : D
Question : Why did Jack start finding storytelling telling ritual a chore ?
a) because it became a routine to make Jo sleep
b) because it was becoming interesting day by day
c) friends were liking it
d) none
Answer : A
Question : What does a 4 year old child symbolise in the story?
a) innocence
b) smartness
c) obstinacy
d) none
Answer : A
Question : What do adult people signify in the story?
a) maturity and experience
b) wise words
c) cruelty
d) indifference
Answer : A