CBSE Class 10 English IEO Olympiad MCQs with Answers Set E

Refer to CBSE Class 10 English IEO Olympiad MCQs with Answers Set E provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 10 English with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. IEO Olympiad Class 10 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 10 English and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 10 English and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 10 English IEO Olympiad

Class 10 English students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for IEO Olympiad in Class 10.

IEO Olympiad MCQ Questions Class 10 English with Answers




1. More people have than we expected.
A. cast aside
B. turned up
C. carried out
D. came about
Answer : B

2. I was in traffic for over two hours.
A. held up
B. broke down
C. made up
D. carried on
Answer : A

3. yoga is a means of remaining calm even in disturbing situations.
A. Practise
B. To practising
C. Having practised
D. Practising
Answer : D

4. very sharp. Use them carefully.
A. This scissors is
B. They are scissors
C. These scissors are
D. Those scissors is
Answer : C

5. They were surprised to know that Ajay for the team.
A. has selected
B. had selected
C. had been selected
D. have been selected
Answer : C

6. Our country sent a strong of 120 athletes to the Rio 2016 Olympics.
A. contestant
B. contribution
C. contingent
D. convention
Answer : C

7. They played well last night. They the cup.
A. deserved
B. have deserved
C. qualified
D. rewarded
Answer : A

8. The train yet. We can have a quick cup of coffee.
A. hasn’t arrived
B. doesn’t come
C. isn’t coming
D. wasn’t arrived
Answer : A

9. My granny was ___________ ; she started her own business when many girls were going to school.
A. behind the times
B. racing against time
C. ahead of her times
D. in the nick of time
Answer : C

10. I had a heavy lunch. I am feeling .
A. despondent
B. drowsy
C. desperate
D. mundane
Answer : B

11. It is important to the water bodies in our area.
A. replenish
B. renounce
C. recount
D. repel
Answer : A

12. It’s reported that human beings’ lives prolonged by a new wonder drug.
A. has been
B. will have been
C. is being
D. will be
Answer : D

13. You (i) watch sports on TV (ii) ?
       (i)            (ii)
A. Can        isn’t it
B. do          don’t you
C. –               yes
D. would          –
Answer : B


14. Her haughty behaviour
A. frantic
B. animated
C. arrogant
D. soothing
Answer : C

15. Their oppressive act
A. temperate
B. onerous
C. desperate
D. destitute
Answer : B

16. His perseverant nature
A. prestigious
B. perceptive
C. persistent
D. pacifist
Answer : C

17. The study of heavenly bodies
A. anthology
B. anthropology
C . astronomy
D. aetiology
Answer : C

18. Someone who travels and visits a lot of different countries
A. athletic
B. jet-setter
C. cosmologist
D. masochist
Answer : B


19. Though we were late, yet we entered the classroom.
A. Though
B. we were late,
C. yet we entered
D. the classroom.
Answer : C

20. The two first lessons in the English reader are interesting to read.
A. The two first
B. lessons in the English reader
C. are interesting
D. to read.
Answer : A

21. The children were laying in bed for a long time.
A. The children
B. were laying in
C. bed for
D. a long time.
Answer : B



When people first started taking selfies or a portrait-photograph themselves, they came under a lot of criticism. While smartphones and digital cameras have made selfies quite popular, the first self-portrait is said to have been taken in 1839 by Robert Cornelius who was considered a pioneer in photography.
Taking pictures was no child’s play in those days. The whole process was so slow that Cornelius had time to uncover the lens, run into the shot and then go back to cover the lens. This was before the self-timer came into the picture.
More advanced versions of smartphones, especially those with front cameras made it quite easy to take one’s own pictures. Before that, people were usually taking their pictures by standing in front of a mirror. But now they just had to extend their hand and viola! They had a photo that captured the moment instantly. Soon people became interested in recording each remarkable and not so remarkable moment of their lives. While this started as a phenomena more suited to the tastes of the young, it soon gained wider popularity with men and women of all ages who started showing their love of themselves.
Selfies caught the world’s attention in the mid 2000’s when social networking sites such as Facebook made it quite popular. People’s growing obsession with themselves, more importantly with their physical appearances did not go unnoticed by the scientific community also. Dr Rutherfield, faculty director at one of the premier schools of psychology in the US observes that now there are more pictures available of real people than of models. Also, posting selfies online acts as an empowering act as it allows a person to control how the online world sees him. Feeling good about oneself and then having someone else endorse that feeling through likes and comments acts as an immediate self-confidence booster. It is normal for people to work for rewards and to repeat behaviour that would fetch them more rewards. However psychologist Webber warns against the danger of how easily and intertwined our self-esteem may get to approval on social media. After all, selfies are only based on our physical appearance; they do not define who we are. The problem is that many teenagers and youngsters are seeking validation through positive responses on their selfies. Some people are fine with sharing their selfies and getting a few compliments but others check their social media accounts repeatedly to see how many comments and likes they have got.
Webber says that often people who post selfies throughout the day have low selfesteem and are looking for social approval. In some countries, the public health departments have issued warnings to the public to highlight the negative effects of spending too much time obsessing about selfies. While opinions vary on the effects of taking selfies, it is up to the people to shape their habits and perspectives. Dr Rutherfield recommends that if one is posting selfies only for comments, they should cut down on the number of posts. Our social media profile reveals something about us and what we share depends entirely on us. The bottom line is that we control how the world perceives us.

22. Why was it difficult to take selfies in the early 20th century?
A. People didn’t have time to take pictures.
B. Taking pictures was not fashionable.
C. There were lot of adjustments to be made.
D. Taking selfies was the latest trend.
Answer : C

23. Why did people of all ages start taking selfies?
A. They wanted to compete with youngsters.
B. Smartphones made it easy for them.
C. They were bored of their lives.
D. Everybody thought it was important.
Answer : B

24. Why does the author say that taking selfies is self-obsessive?
A. She doesn’t understand the process of taking selfies.
B. She doesn’t like to network on social media sites.
C. She thinks people spend too much time on themselves.
D. She suffers from low self-esteem and jealousy.
Answer : C

25. According to the author, why do people post their pictures online?
A. To share their lives with others
B. To make their friends jealous
C. To get appreciation from others
D. To while away their times
Answer : C

26. What do psychologists say about people posting too many selfies online?
It indicates that people ___________.
A. lack confidence in their own worth
B. have few friends in real life and more online
C. like spending many hours online with others
D. do not want to see more pictures of celebrities
Answer : A

27. Why are public health departments talking about selfies?
A. This is the latest topic of discussion.
B. It is becoming a psychological issue.
C. Internet is an important source.
D. It is their job to discuss everything.
Answer : B

28. What should people keep in mind while posting online?
A. To be mindful of managing their image and themselves.
B. The latest trends that are going on.
C. Everyone’s opinion about their personality.
D. The announcements made by health department.
Answer : A


Travelling has long been considered one of the best ways of learning. In fact, some societies sent their youngsters on long (29) before they could be formally welcomed into adult life. Humans have a desire to explore, discover and experience (30) things. While many are afraid of admitting that they are wanderers or pilgrims at heart, some give in to the (31) of the unknown. They travel, not as tourists, but as travellers, (32) in the new adventures and soaking up the local culture. They are (33) with their phones and cameras clicking pictures of every moment. But they can be found taking in each memory in their hearts.
Where are such people found? They are seldom seen browsing the museums or libraries; they hang (34) around local parks and cafes, chatting with people and living life. Because they don’t consider life is a page out of a glossy travel magazine, they aren’t interested in picture perfect moments but in real life that may be quite uneventful but (35) .

A . walks
B . saunters
C . voyages
D. sessions
Answer : C

A . dull and boring
B . unique and unusual
C . unique but usual
D. strange and dark
Answer : B

A . temptations
B . gloom
C . knowledge
D. plain
Answer : A

A . liking
B . charming
C . laying
D. revelling
Answer : D

A . to be seen
B . not to be seen
C . seen
D. found
Answer : B

A . out
B . on
C . in
D. with
Answer : A

A . depressive
B . depleting
C . enriching
D. ignorant
Answer : C



36. Harry : One veggie burger, one sandwich, two small fries and two cokes, please.
Café boy : Sir, would you like it _______?
A . here or to go
B . hot or cold
C . in a box
D. for one or two
Answer : A

37. Satish : What are you doing here? I thought you would not come today.
Tim : _____________.
A . M aybe. But before you know it, I was there
B . Yes, I am a really nice guy. You know that
C . You talked me into it. I’ll take it from here
D. I changed my mind since I finished my work early
Answer : D

38. Kamal : Why do you look so happy?
Rita : ___________
A . Why do you think? We are all like that.
B . You look great. Where have you been?
C . M y exams are over and I think I did quite well.
D. I guess you are right but everyone doesn’t agree.
Answer : C

39. Nicky : Has the movie started? Am I late?
Meera : ___________
A . I ran all the way. I don’t know.
B . You can say that again!
C . You are lucky. You’re here in the nick of time.
D. You are always like this. It’s high time.
Answer : C

40. Olly : Some people say ‘don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today’. But I don’t really believe in that.
Amrit : I don’t agree with you. When I have to do something I don’t like, I like to _______.
After that I feel comfortable.
A . get it over with
B . put it that way
C . talk about it aloud
D. change my mind
Answer : A

41. Anjali : Remember Akash and Riya?
Chinu : ______________.
A . Speak of the devil. There he is now
B . Tough luck to you
C . Yeah, I heard they are working at OCL
D. Of course! Let’s see what she’ll do
Answer : C

42. Anu : Why do you look so upset?
Jack : ______________
Anu : Is there anything that I can do?
A . Why don’t you talk to me?
B . There’s a lot on my mind.
C . I can’t believe it is true.
D. I was paying for dinner last night.
Answer : B

43. Parul : My cousin is in town next week.__________?
Sana : Of course. I always have room in my apartment.
A . Shall we see her off at the airport
B . Who shall see about the stay
C . C ould you put her up for two days
D. Shall I put down your name
Answer : C

44. Minny : Look, how the flowers grow untended!
Ria : __________.
A . They are growing here
B . That’s nature’s beauty
C . We can’t stop the process
D. It’s quite early in the day
Answer : B

45. Kittu : Mom, I’ve set an alarm for five in the morning.
Mom : ______________?
A . What time would you be back
B . When did you last set the alarm
C . Do you still want me to wake you up
D. Why do you always do that
Answer : C



46. Learning to drive can be ______ but you’ll begin to enjoy it over time.
A . rousing
B . eventful
C . daunting
D. stimulating
Answer : C

47. You may need a permit to carry ______ from one state to another.
A . customs
B . freight
C . licence
D. contraband
Answer : B

48. Choose the word closest in meanin g to the under lined word.
His recreant reaction
A . recreational
B . scanty
C . primordial
D. cowardly
Answer : D

49. Choose the part of the senten ce that has an error.
He brushed about on the history of Mughals but no question on them came up in the exam.
A . H e brushed about
B . on the history of Mughals
C . but no question on them
D. came up in the exam.
Answer : A

50. Choose the best response to complete the conversation.
Raman : Could I drive your car, Jeena?
Jeena : ______________.
A . That’s a good question
B . I’d rather you didn’t
C . You got me there
D. L et me understand
Answer : B

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MCQs for IEO Olympiad English Class 10

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 10 English to develop the English Class 10 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 10 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of English will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 10 English. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 10 English so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 10 English MCQ Test for the same chapter.

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How can I prepare for IEO Olympiad Class 10 MCQs?

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Yes, there are many online resources that we have provided on available such as practice worksheets, question papers, and online tests for learning MCQs for Class 10 English IEO Olympiad