Refer to CBSE Class 10 English Arrangement of Sentences MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 10 English with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Arrangement of Sentences Class 10 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 10 English and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 10 English and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Class 10 English Arrangement of Sentences
Class 10 English students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Arrangement of Sentences in Class 10.
Arrangement of Sentences MCQ Questions Class 10 English with Answers
In the following questions, the first and the last part of the sentences are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the sentences are split into four parts and named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the parts and find out which of the four combinations is correct.
1. Many people are afraid of snakes.
P. There may be some truth in this theory,because Monkeys have a deep, instinctive fear of pythons and other tree snakes.
Q. But this fear is as irrational as the fear of ghosts.
R. Any way, snakes have been feared and hated for thousands of years.
S. The fear of snakes, as per some biologists, may be an instinct passed on to us by our ancestors.
6. In the literature of many countries the snake is regarded as a symbol of evil.
(a) PQRS
(b) QPSR
(c) RQSP
(d) QSPR
Answer : D
1. One of the reasons why people wear clothes is to protect their bodies.
P. In cold countries, on the other hand, people wear woollen clothes which keep their body warm.
Q. Besides cotton and wool, new fibres such as nylon and rayon are also used today for clothes.
R. In hot countries like India, people wear clothes made of cotton which are cool.
S. The body must be protected from cold and heat.
6. Therefore, we can say that all our clothes are made from three different materials such as animal fur or skins, plant fibres and artificial fibres.
(a) PQRS
(b) SRPQ
(c) QSRP
(d) PSRQ
Answer : B
1. A man should give the same care to himself that he gives to his car.
P. And sooner or later there comes a complete breakdown.
Q. Everyday tens of thousands of men are trying to work when their bodies and minds need repair work.
R. For worry pulls down the mind and fatigue pulls down the body.
S. He does not try to drive his car when there is something wrong with it, he must put it in order.
6. Man should realize that most worry and fatigue can be prevented.
(a) PSRQ
(b) QPSR
(c) RSQP
(d) SQPR
Answer : D
1. In our home, everyone drinks milk at least once a day.
P. All these we owe to our milkman.
Q. We, the children get milk twice a day.
R. He says, he is 18, but he is not sure.
S. We also eat curd, and enjoy buttermilk.
6. Probably he needs more milk than we.
(a) SRPQ
(b) QSPR
(c) PRQS
(d) PSRQ
Answer : B
1. One of his greatest successes was to improve the water supply.
P. The lepers could obtain it for filling a vessel at a mountain stream.
Q. They carried it to the village on their sore covered shoulders.
R. Water was scarce.
S. They had to go some distance to wash their clothes.
6. That was one reason they remained dirty as often.
(a) RPQS
(b) PQRS
(c) QPRS
(d) RQPS
Answer : A
In the following questions, the first and the last sentence of the passage are numbered (1) and (6). The rest of the passage is split into four parts and named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentences and find out which of the four combinations is correct.
Then find the correct answer.
1. Abraham worked very hard and had no time to feel lonely.
P. Abraham was very fond of books.
Q. When his day’s work in the fields or in the forest was over he settled down in the evening to read by the light of the fire.
R. She used to sit by the fireside in the evenings and tell him stories.
S. His mother had taught him to read when he was very young.
6. Every evening he would spend his time in reading all the books he could find.
(a) QSRP
(b) SPRQ
(c) PSRQ
(d) PRSQ
Answer : C
1. The tiny bacterial plants that live in the soil help to prepare food for the plants we cultivate.
P. The farmer works very hard to make the soil favourable.
Q. But these soil bacteria are very necessary and helpful.
R. There are millions of bacteria in a cubic inch of fertile soil.
S. Some types of bacteria are harmful.
6. They do not need sunlight as do most plants.
(a) SQPR
(b) QSPR
(c) RPSQ
(d) PRQS
Answer : C
1. My uncle Martin went to live in a hamlet.
P. But it was a very lazy parrot.
Q. So martin bought a parrot.
R. Martin’s neighbour told him that he must buy a parrot.
S. Every home there had a parrot as a custom.
6. The parrot did not like to speak.
(a) RSQP
(b) SRPQ
(c) PQSR
(d) QPSR
Answer : A
1. Hailstones consist of many onions like layers of ice.
P. The process continues until the hailstone is too heavy to be lifted and then it drops to the earth.
Q. In certain weather conditions small ice crystals drop to form a crystal.
R. Some of the moisture freezes on to the crystals forming another layer.
S. Updrafts carry the hailstones and when it drops another layer is formed.
6. That is how hailstones are formed.
(a) QPRS
(b) QPSR
(c) QRSP
(d) QSRP
Answer : A
1. I shall tell you about the ways you can see a rainbow.
P. Big rainbows can be seen when the sun is close to horizon.
Q. Or you can notice a rainbow in the spray from a garden hose.
R. You can see a rainbow in the mist from a waterfall.
S. When you stand with a light source behind you and misty water before you, you can see a rainbow.
6. Occasionally, even a full moon on a rainy night will create a faint rainbow.
(a) SPRQ
(b) SRQP
(c) SPQR
(d) SQRP
Answer : A
In the following questions, the first and the last sentence of the passage are numbered 1 & 6. The rest of the passage is split into four parts and named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the passage and find out which of the four combinations is correct.
Then find the correct answer.
1. Take a small glass phial.
P. Close the jar tightly with a plastic cover.
Q. Place this phial inside a glass jar.
R. Fill it with coloured water.
S. Then stopper it tightly.
6. Make a hole in the cover.
(a) PSRQ
(b) QSPR
(c) RSQP
(d) SRQP
Answer : C
1. In China, there is no marl in the moon.
P. They are exchanged between friends while children receive toy pagodas made of clay.
Q. These cakes are circular to symbolise the full moon.
R. Instead, there is a toad in the moon as well as moon rabbits and a goddess.
S. All these appear as decorations on moon cakes, baked to celebrate the moon’s birthday in September.
R. Suddenly, he heard faint noises.
S. When he went to his bedroom later,however, he was shocked by what he saw.
6. They covered everything such as the book case, the shelves, the chest of drawers.
(a) PSRQ
(b) SRPQ
(c) RPSQ
(d) QSRP
Answer : C
In the following passage, the first and the last part of the sentences are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the sentences are split into four parts and named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the parts and find out which of the four combinations is correct. Then find the correct answer.
1. Once a week Deesa led Moti Guj, the elephant, down to the river.
P. After inspection the two would stand up.
Q. Then Deesa looked at his feet and examined his whole body for sores.
R. The animal knew it was time to return.
S. The elephant lay down on his side, while Deesa rubbed him with a coin scrubber.
6. Both the elephant and the trainer would return home.
(a) SQPR
(b) QSRP
(c) QPRS
(d) RQSP
Answer : A
1. Anna had longed to see her son.
P. “He will arrive at the station at 10 O’ clock”, she said to herself.
Q. She prepared herself for it.
R. She looked at the clock.
S. There were only five minutes left.
6. She rushed out of her house and hailed a taxi to reach the station in time.
(a) QPRS
(b) SPRQ
(c) PRQS
(d) QSRP
Answer : A
1. Mr Ramaswamy is a very strict man.
P. He earns nearly three thousand rupees a month.
Q. He also believes that it is foolish to waste one’s time or money.
R. He is not a poor man.
S. He believes that life means work only.
6. But he wants his children to lead a simple life.
(a) PSQR
(b) SQRP
(c) RQPS
(d) SRQP
Answer : B
1. It will be better
P. to a few than enroll
Q. to provide quality education
R. them out as graduates
S. in masses and churn
6. after perfunctory teaching.
(a) QRSP
(b) RSPQ
(c) QPSR
(d) SRQP
Answer : C
1. I was born here in the old city’ the girl told us.
P. her answer suggested that her family has roots
Q. When we inquired
R. as opposed to the modern towns that consist mostly of hotels.
S. and belongs to the traditional part where the temples are
6. Some say people here are more ethnically pure.
(a) QPSR
(b) SRPQ
(c) PSRQ
(d) SRQP
Answer : A
1. Making ourselves
P. our language
Q. part of growing into
R. masters of
S. is an important
6. full manhood or womanhood.
(a) PSRQ
(b) SQPR
(c) RPSQ
(d) PRSQ
Answer : C
1. The very first battle they fought
P. and they had to fall back
Q. cross the border
R. was lost
S. letting the enemy
6. and enter the country.
(a) RQSP
(b) RPSQ
(c) QRPS
(d) QPRS
Answer : B
1. A nation
P. the material assets it possesses
Q. is not made by
R. and collective determination
S. but by the will
6. of the people.
(a) PQRS
(b) QPSR
(c) RSPQ.
(d) SRPQ
Answer : B
1. When the Governor
P. the bell had rung
Q. justice should be immediately
R. he ordered that
S. found out why
6. done to the horse.
(a) RSPQ
(b) PQSR
(c) SPRQ
(d) SQRP
Answer : C
1. When you ponder over
P. that the only hope
Q. you will realize
R. of world peace lies
S. the question deeply
6. in the United Nations.
(a) QRSP
(b) SPQR
(c) SQPR
(d) RSPQ
Answer : C
In the following questions, the first and the last sentence of the passage are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the passage is split into four parts and named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentences and find out which of the four combinations is correct.
Then find the correct.
1. Fighting a fire demands a lot of strength and endurance.
P. The breathing unit may weigh as much as 25 kilograms.
Q. The protective clothing the firefighter wears will weigh about 10 kilograms.
R. The fire-fighter will normally wear an oxygen mask and carry an oxygen tank.
S. Apart from these, he will have to carry the hose and other tools.
6. The weight of the hose and other tools, the fire-fighter carries, will be around 50 kilograms.
(a) QPSR
(b) QRPS
(c) QSPR
(d) SPRQ
Answer : B
1. We were taking tea at the Rathna Tea Stall.
P. We found a tourist bus which had just rammed into a tamarind tree on the roadside.
Q. We rushed out of the tea stall.
R. We helped the passengers to get out of the bus.
S. Suddenly we heard a loud noise followed by a cry for help.
6. We informed the hospital and also the police about accident.
(a) SQPR
(b) QSRP
(c) PRSQ
(d) RSQP
Answer : A
1. Democracy is the primary goal of our Indian Constitution.
P. If representatives do not rule according to the wishes of the people, they are changed in the next election.
Q. In a democracy, the people are the rulers.
R. New representatives who are aware of the needs of the people take their place.
S. They rule through their elected representatives.
6. Thus in a democracy, the responsibilities of the people are great.
(a) SQPR
(b) QPSR
(c) QSPR
(d) QSRP
Answer : C
1. Satellites have been launched into space for various purposes.
P. The other satellites we have launched are the Bhaskara, Apple and Insat IA, IB, IC.
Q. We have launched our first satellite Aryabhatta on 19 April 1975.
R. Our latest achievement is the launching of PSLV rocket.
S. Therefore, in satellite technology, we are able to compete with other developed countries.
6. Only a few other countries have developed satellite technology.
(a) QPRS
(b) QRPS
(c) SQPR
(d) SQRP
Answer : A
1. National Integrity means National Unity for all.
P. They are the evils of Communalism and Regionalism.
Q. Our Government is taking steps to remove such tendencies.
R. But there are some evil tendencies in our society to hamper our unity.
S. The feeling of Indianness should be achieved to preserve our unity.
6. And this is what every Indian should aim at.
(a) SRQP
(b) QPRS
(c) QRPS
(d) QSPR
Answer : A
In the following questions, the first and the last part of the sentences are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the sentences are split into four parts and named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentences and find out which of the four combinations is correct.
Then find the correct answer.
1. One of the most widely spread bad habits
P. which is now smoked or chewed by men
Q. and even by children
R. often by women
S. is the use of tobacco
6. almost all over the world.
(a) SPRQ
(b) PQRS
(c) SRQP
(d) PQSR
Answer : A
1. The landscape
P. with Nature displaying
Q. here is awesome
R. that are seldom
S. a range of delights
6. seen together.
(a) PSRQ
(b) QPSR
(c) RSPQ
(d) QRSP
Answer : B
1. Smoke billowed up between the plants.
P. Passengers were told to be ready to quit the ship.
Q. The rising gale fanned the smouldering fire.
R. Everyone now knew there was a fire on board.
S. Flames broke out here and there.
6. Most people bore the shock bravely.
(a) SRQP
(b) QPSR
(c) RSPQ
(d) QSRP
Answer : D
1. It is far better to live for a short while
P. contribution to the world
Q. and make some significant
R. that is just idled away
S. than spend a long life
6. in gossiping and playing.
(a) RQSP
(b) SQPR
(c) QPSR
(d) RQPS
Answer : C
1. The salmon fish pushed themselves
P. to return to their spawning grounds
Q. and fertilized them
R. but once they laid their eggs
S. to their limits
6. they died.
(a) SQPR
(b) RSQP
(c) SPRQ
(d) RPSQ
Answer : C
In the following questions, the first and the last part of the sentences are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the sentences are split into four parts and named P. Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the parts and find out which of the four combinations is correct.
Then find the correct answer.
1. Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
P. But for the morning tea, I had to wait for someone to get up before me.
Q. This saying inspired me to rise early.
R. That day I was the first to get up.
S. One day I got up early in the morning.
6. One day I realised that it was a waste of time to get up early and wait for the morning tea.
(a) QSRP
(b) QPRS
(c) PQRS
(d) SPQR
Answer : A
1. A woodcutter was cutting a tree on a river bank.
P. He knelt down and prayed.
Q. His axe slipped and fell into the water.
R. God Mercury appeared before him and asked about the matter.
S. He could not get it back as the river was very deep.
6. He dived into the water and came up with an axe of gold.
(a) RPQS
(b) RPSQ
(c) QSRP
(d) QSPR
Answer : D
1. A dog stole a piece or a meat from a butcher’s shop.
P. He barked in anger.
Q. He ran to the jungle with the piece of meat.
R. He saw his reflection.
S. He crossed a river on the way.
6. He lost his piece of meat.
(a) QPSR
(b) QSRP
(c) QPRS
(d) SRPQ
Answer : B
1. Ramat and Samai were two poor young men.
P. On market day they sold their labour.
Q. The lived near Mahespur.
R. On other days, they remained in the village looking for work.
S. They wanted regular work.
6. The headman gave them two plots.
(a) QPRS
(b) RPQS
(c) SPQR
(d) PQRS
Answer : A
1. Roger wanted to become a doctor.
P. He put away enough money to pay his first-year fees.
Q. They could not afford the fees.
R. Undaunted, he got himself a job in the dockyard.
S. However, he came from a poor family.
6. Once enrolled, he was recognized as a gifted student and scholarships took care of the rest of his studies.
(a) SRPQ
(b) PRSQ
(c) SQRP
(d) QRSP
Answer : C
1. I went to my friend last week.
P. He politely refused to oblige me.
Q. I did not speak even a single word.
R. I wanted his scooter for a day.
S. I felt ashamed of myself.
6. I was mistaken in assessing a true friendship.
(a) RPQS
(b) PRQS
(c) SRPQ
(d) QRSP
Answer : A
1. He wanted to adopt his father’s profession.
P. He was influenced by his strong desire to see India free.
Q. From now on, he was a changed man.
R. He made up his mind.
S. He came in contact with Mahatma Gandhi.
6. He wished to change the lot of the naked and hungry masses of India.
(a) QRPS
(b) SPRQ
(c) RSPQ
(d) PQSR
Answer : B
1. Reena made a cup of tea in this manner.
P. Next, she added milk and sugar.
Q. When the water was boiling she added tealeaves.
R. She turned off the gas.
S. First she put the water to boil.
6. Finally, she poured the tea into cup.
(a) SQPR
(b) QPRS
(c) PRSQ
(d) RSQP
Answer : A
1. Once upon a time, there was a little man.
P. Some people called him Rabi.
Q. He walked like a rabbit.
R. His face and hands were brown.
S. That is why people called him Brownie.
6. But his real name was Thomas Cook, though he never cooked anything.
(a) QPSR
(b) SRPQ
(c) RSQP
(d) RQPS
Answer : C
1. She was an old woman with a large purse that had everything in it.
P. It was about eleven O’clock at night.
Q. It had a long strap.
R. She carried it slung across her shoulder.
S. A boy ran up behind her.
6. He tried to snatch her purse.
(a) PQRS
(b) SQRP
(c) QRPS
(d) SRQP
Answer : C
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MCQs for Arrangement of Sentences English Class 10
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