CBSE Class 9 Economics Poverty As a Challenge MCQs

Refer to CBSE Class 9 Economics Poverty As a Challenge MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 9 Social Science with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Chapter 3 Poverty As a Challenge Class 9 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 9 Social Science and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 9 Social Science and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 9 Social Science Chapter 3 Poverty As a Challenge

Class 9 Social Science students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Chapter 3 Poverty As a Challenge in Class 9.

Chapter 3 Poverty As a Challenge MCQ Questions Class 9 Social Science with Answers

Question. What is the number of persons living below poverty line in 2001-02 ?
(A) 26.02 crore     
(B) 20.52 crore
(C) 22.67 crore     
(D) 24.52 crore
Answer :   A
Question. Which region has high percentage of people living below poverty line -
(A) Rural     
(B) Urban
(C) Hilly     
(D) All the above
Answer :   A
Question. What is accepted average calorie requirement in rural areas in India -
(A) 2000 cal     
(B) 2600 cal
(C) 2400 cal     
(D) 3000 cal
Answer :   C
Question. What is the accepted average calorie requirement in Urban areas in India -
(A) 1500 cal   
(B) 2100 cal
(C) 2400 cal   
(D) 2700 cal
Answer :   B
Question. What is the poverty line for the rural areas in India at present -
(A) Rs. 400 per month
(B) Rs. 350 per month
(C) Rs. 328 per month
(D) Rs. 375 per month
Answer :   C
Question. What is the poverty line for the Urban areas in India at present ?
(A) Rs 454 per month
(B) Rs. 300 per month
(C) Rs. 600 per month
(D) Rs. 550 per month
Answer :   A
Question. Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana was launched in -
(A) 1997     
(B) 1998
(C) 1996     
(D) 1999
Answer :   D
Question. Prime Minister's Rozgar Yojana was started in-
(A) 1990
(B) 1991
(C) 1992
(D) 1993
Answer :   D
Question. Which is the poorest state in India -
(A) Bihar             
(B) Orissa
(C) Rajasthan       
(D) Gujarat
Answer :   B
Question. The population of India in 2000-01 was -
(A) 100 crore     
(B) 98 crore
(C) 102 crore     
(D) 105 crore
Answer :   C
Question. Contribution of agriculture in Indian economy is -
(A) 25 %       
(B) 30 %
(C) 35 %       
(D) 50 %
Answer :   C 

Question. Which of the following states is among the poorest in India?
(A) Jammu and Kashmir
(B)  West Bengal
(C)  Orissa
(D)  Kerala

Answer :  C

Question. Poverty eradication programmes launched by the Government of India aim at ____.
(A)  Eradicating poverty in rural areas
(B)  Eradicating poverty in urban areas
(C)  Eradicating unemployment
(D)  Increasing literacy rate

Answer :  A

Question. The Prime Minister Rozgar Yojana aims at ____.
(A)  Self-employment
(B)  Rural housing
(C)  Urban housing
(D)  Health and sanitation

Answer :  A

Question. In which of the following countries was poverty considered non-existent, but has increased from 1981 to 2008?
(A)  India
(B)  China
(C)  Russia
(D)  Brazil

Answer :  C

Question. Factors expected to contribute alleviation of poverty in India are given below. One doesn’t belong to the list. Which one is it?
(A)  Increasing stress on education
(B)  Increasing empowerment of women.
(C)  Decreasing financial aid from the World Bank
(D)  Increasing financial aid from the World Bank

Answer :  D

Question. Poverty decline has occurred the most in which of the following countries as a result of rapid economic growth and massive investments in human resource development?
(A)  India
(B)  Sri Lanka
(C)  Nepal
(D)  China

Answer :  D

Question. Women, children and old people are the ____ of the poor.
(A)  Educated
(B)  Intelligent
(C)  Richest
(D)  Poorest

Answer :  D

Question.____ is determined by the options available to different communities for finding an alternative means of livelihood.
(A)  Vulnerability
(B)  Capability
(C)  Poverty line
(D)  Social equality

Answer :    A

Question. The poverty line is estimated periodically by conducting sample surveys. Who conducts these surveys?
(A)  PMO
(B)  Ministry of Home Affairs
(D)  NSC
(e) NSSO

Answer :  E

Question. The poverty ratio has been rising since 2001 in the ____ regions.
(A)  South-East Asian 
(B)  Central American
(C)  Sub-Sahara African
(D)  Western European

Answer :    C

Question.____ can be a major cause as well as a consequence of poverty.
(A)  Social exclusion
(B)  Vulnerability
(C)  Unemployment
(D)  Inflation

Answer :    A

Question. Which of the following states has focused on developing its human resources sector, which in turn has helped in reducing the poverty ratio?
(A)  Punjab
(B)  Haryana
(C)  Orissa
(D)  West Bengal
(e) Kerala

Answer :  E

Question. The social groups that are more vulnerable to poverty are ____.
(A)  Rural people
(B)  SC's and ST's
(C)  Minorities
(D)  Illiterates

Answer :  B

Question. The levels of income and consumption of people are measured by the ____.
(A)  Per capita income 
(B)  Gross Domestic Product
(C)  Poverty line
(D)  Employment Exchange

Answer :    C

Question. Lack of employment, education and health care determines ____.
(A)  Vulnerability
(B)  Poverty
(C)  Under development
(D)  Unemployment

Answer :  A

Question: Which of the following is a social indicator of poverty laid by social scientists:
(A) Increase in population
(B) Illiteracy level
(C) Caste
(D) Health Club membership

Answer :  B

Question: Which one is a social group from amongst the following groups vulnerable to poverty?
(A) Rural agricultural labour households.
(B) Urban casual labour households.
(C) Scheduled caste and schedule tribe households.
(D) The female daily wagers.

Answer :  C

Question: Which scheme was started in 1993 to create self employment opportunities for educated unemployed youth in rural areas and small towns?
(A) Prime Minister Rojgar Yojna
(B) National Rural Employment Guaranty Act
(C) Rural Employment Generation Programme
(D) Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojna
Answer :  A

Question: Which among the following is the method to estimate the poverty?
(A) Income Method
(B) Investment Method
(C) Capital Method
(D) Human Method
Answer :  A

Question: There has been a significant decline in poverty in the state of
(A) Jammu & Kashmir
(B) Assam
(C) Bihar
(D) Uttar Pradesh
Answer : A

Question: Which one is a social group from amongst the following groups vulnerable to poverty?
(A) Scheduled caste and scheduled tribe households
(B) Rural agricultural labour households
(C) Urban casual labour households
(D) The female daily wagers
Answer : A

Question: What is accepted average calories required in India in urban areas?
(A) 2400
(B) 2100
(C) 2800
(D) 2500
Answer : A

Question: Which state has the largest percentage of poor in India?
(A) Orissa
(B) Bihar
(C) Kerala
(D) Punjab

Answer : A

Question: Which one of the social groups is vulnerable to poverty?
(A) All of these
(B) Scheduled caste
(C) Urban casual labour
(D) Rural agricultural households

Answer : A

Question: Which of the following is a social indicator of poverty laid by social scientists?
(A) Illiteracy level
(B) Increase in population
(C) Caste
(D) Health club membership

Answer : A

Question: In which of the following countries did poverty actually rise from 1981 to 2001?
(A) Sub-Saharan Africa
(B) India
(C) China
(D) Russia

Answer : A

Question: Every____ person in India is poor.
(A) Fourth
(B) Third
(C) Fifth
(D) Tenth

Answer : A

Question: What is the number of persons living below poverty line in 2001-02 ?
(A) 26.02 crore
(B) 22.67 crore
(C) 20.52 crore
(D) 24.52 crore

Answer : A

Question: Which region has high percentage of people living below poverty line
(A) Rural
(B) Hilly
(C) Urban
(D) All the above

Answer : A

Question: What is accepted average calorie requirement in rural areas in India
(A) 2400 cal
(B) 2000 cal
(C) 2600 cal
(D) 3000 cal

Answer : A

Question: What is the accepted average calorie requirement in Urban areas in India
(A) 2100 cal
(B) 2700 cal
(C) 1500 cal
(D) 2400 cal

Answer : A

Question: What is the poverty line for the rural areas in India at present
(A) Rs. 328 per month
(B) Rs. 350 per month
(C) Rs. 375 per month
(D) Rs. 400 per month

Answer : A

Question: What is the poverty line for the Urban areas in India at present ?
(A) Rs 454 per month
(B) Rs. 300 per month
(C) Rs. 550 per month
(D) Rs 454 per month

Answer : A

Question: Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana was launched in
(A) 1999
(B) 1998
(C) 1997
(D) 1996

Answer : A

Question: Prime Minister's Rozgar Yojana was started in-
(A) 1993
(B) 1991
(C) 1990
(D) 1992

Answer : A

Question: Which is the poorest state in India
(A) Orissa
(B) Gujarat
(C) Bihar
(D) Rajasthan

Answer : A

Question: The population of India in 2000-01 was
(A) 102 crore
(B) 100 crore
(C) 98 crore
(D) 105 crore

Answer : A

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MCQs for Chapter 3 Poverty As a Challenge Social Science Class 9

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 9 Social Science to develop the Social Science Class 9 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 9 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Social Science will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 9 Social Science. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 9 Social Science so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 9 Social Science MCQ Test for the same chapter.

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