Refer to CBSE Class 10 Computer Science Using I/O operations MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 10 Computers with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Using I/O operations Class 10 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 10 Computers and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 10 Computers and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Class 10 Computers Using I/O operations
Class 10 Computers students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Using I/O operations in Class 10.
Using I/O operations MCQ Questions Class 10 Computers with Answers
(1) What is the information given by keyboard known as ?
(A) Output (B) Input (C) Process (D) None of these
(2) ........ can be used as input device.
(A) Keyboard (B) Mouse (C) Both (A) and (B)(D) Monitor
(3) the standard input device.
(A) Keyboard(B) Mouse (C) Scanner (D) Microphone
(4) Some inbuilt statements are available to execute input process in C language. Choose the correct option.
(A) True (B) False (C) Can't say (D) None of these
(5) ........ is the inbuilt function.
(A) getchar() (B) getch() (C) getc() (D) All of these
(A) getc() (B) gets() (C) scanf() (D) All of these
(6)All the programming languages give the feature of showing results for the input data is known as .........
(A) output operation (B) process operation (C) input operation (D) reader operation
(7) ........ is the output device.
(A) Monitor (B) Printer (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Keyboard
(8) the standard output device.
(A) Printer (B) Monitor (C) Keyboard (D) Mouse
(9) the inbuilt output function.
(A) purchar() (B) puts() (C) printf() (D) All of these
(10) Input and output process in short is known as .........
(A) I/O process (B) O/I process (C) O/U process (D) U/O process
(11) I/O stands for.........
(A) Internal/Output process (B) Input/Overput process (C) Input/Output process (D) Interval /Overall process
(12) ........shows the input output process.
(A) getchar(), getch(), gets() (B) putchar(), putc(), puts() (C) scanf(), printf() (D) All of these
(13) used to process the data in a program.
(A) Variable(B) Identifier (C) Token (D) Function
(14) ........operator is used while assigning a value to the variable while making a program.
(A) Assignment(B) Relational (C) Logical (D) Bitwise
(15) ........ shows the basic function of computer system ?
(A) Input (B) Process (C) Output (D) All of these
(16) Functions to get values from the user from known as .........
(A) Outer Input Function (B) Global Input Function (C) Inbuilt Input Function (D) Database Inbuilt Input Function
(17) Where the different functions for input store in C language ?
(A) Compiler (B) Library (C) Processing (D) Memory
(18) ........ is used to use any inbuilt function library in C language.
(A) %include (B) @include (C) &include (D) #include
(19) ........ statement is added in the beginning of C program.
(A) #include
(20) #include
(A) Section Input/Output (B) Source Input/Output (C) Size of Input/Output (D) Standard Input/Output
(21) In........header file input and output related functions are stored.
(A) #include
(22) #include statement gives the feature of finding ........file and giving compiler instructions add the details in the beginning of program.
(A) std.h (B) stdio.h (C) studio.h (D) stdou.h
(23) the input inbuilt function.
(A) getc() (B) gets() (C) getch(), getchar() (D) All
(24) ........function is used to read one character.
(A) getchar() (B) gets() (C) putchar() (D) puts()
(25) In ........ function the input character is displayed on the screen.
(A) putchar() (B) puts() (C) getchar() (D) gets()
(26) the simplest function to get a character from the user while executing a program.
(A) getchar() (B) gets() (C) putchar() (D) puts()
(27) getchar() function reads how many characters at a time ?
(A) One(B) Any number of (C) Many (D) None of these
(28) ........ function does not show the input character on the screen.
(A) getch() (B) gets() (C) putch() (D) puts()
(29) ........function reads the character from a file.
(A) puts() (B) putc() (C) gets() (D) getc()
(30) ........function is used to get string from a user.
(A) gets() (B) getchar() (C) getch() (D) getc()
(31) gets() function ends with.........
(A) null character (B) nill character (C) (A) or (B) (D) none of these
(32) .......shows the formatted input function.
(A) clrscr() (B) scanf() (C) getch() (D) puts()
(33) In ....... format data can be inserted using scanf() function.
(A) int (B) char (C) float (D) all of these
(34) In scanf() format starts with.......symbol.
(A) # (B) & (C) % (D) @
(35) In scanf().......symbol is given before variable name.
(A) @ (B) % (C) $ (D) &
(36) Each variable is defined by....... :
(A) name (B) memory location (C) both (A) and (B) (D) none of these
(37) When a variable name is mentioned, compiler uses .......for the process.
(A) memory location of variable (B) memory location of token
(C) memory location of identifier (D) memory location of function
(38) Control string is known as ........
(A) master string (B) variable string (C) function string (D) format string
(39) scanf() function read real values.
(A) %f (B) %d (C) %c (D) %p
(40) ....... is the corresponding character double data type.
(A) %df (B) %dd (C) %lf (D) %fl
(41) scanf() function read a character.
(A) %d (B) %f (C) %c (D) %s
(42) scanf() uses ....... corresponding character to read a string.
(A) %d (B) %f (C) %c (D) %s
(43) ......will accept only specified characters in scanf.
(A) %[characters] (B) % [^characters] (C) &[characters] (D) &[Acharacters]
(44) .......will accept the characters only from a to z.
(A) &[a-z A-Z] (B) %[a-z A-Z] (C) &[a to z A to Z] (D) %[a to z A to Z]
(45) scanf() statement can accept.......value.
(A) integer, float (B) character (C) string (D) all of these
(46) ....... is used for unsigned integer value in scanf.
(A) %h (B) %u (C) %lf (D) %ld
(47) used for long integer value in scanf.
(A) %L (B) %u (C) %lf (D) %ld
(48) used for double value in scanf.
(A) %L (B) %u (C) %lf (D) %ld
(49) used for long double value in scanf.
(A) %L (B) %u (C) %lf (D) %ld
(50) .......has the inbuilt output functions.
(51) .......shows the inbuilt output functions.
(A) putchar() (B) puts() (C) printf() (D) All of these
(52) putchar() has the drawback.
(A) At different times it displays only one character (B)At a time it displays only one character.
(C) At different times it displays multiple I characters. (D) At a time it displays multiple characters,
(53) Each string ends with ........
(A) slash (B) null (C) space (D) variable
(54) To display different results with formatting is known as........
(A) formatted input (B) formatted output (C) formatted processor (D) formatted string
(55) the formatted output function.
(A) putchar() (B) puts() (C) printf()(D) scanf()
(56) printf() stands for........
(A) print formatted (B) print format (C) print form (D) print formal
(57) Which escape sequence character is used to take the cursor to the new line ?
(A) \n (B) \b (C) \t (D) \a
(58) Which escape sequence character is used to give tab ?
(A) \n (B) \b (C) \t (D) \a
(59) given before the specifier of a variable.
(A) & (B) $ (C) # (D) %
(60) ....... corresponding character is use for printing a floating point value with exponent in print f().
(A) %c (B) %d (C) %e (D) %f
(61) ....... corresponding character is use for printing a long double value printf().
(A) %lf (B) %Lf (C) %o (D) %x
(62) ....... corresponding character is use for printing an integer in octal form in printf().
(A) %lf (B) %Lf (C) %o (D) %x
(63) ....... corresponding character is use for printing an integer in hexadecimal form of printf().
(A) %lf (B) %Lf (C) %o (D) %x
MCQs for Using I/O operations Computers Class 10
Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 10 Computers to develop the Computers Class 10 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 10 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Computers will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 10 Computers. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 10 Computers so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 10 Computers MCQ Test for the same chapter.
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