Refer to CBSE Class 10 Computer Science Function in Calc MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 10 Computers with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Function in Calc Class 10 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 10 Computers and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 10 Computers and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Class 10 Computers Function in Calc
Class 10 Computers students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Function in Calc in Class 10.
Function in Calc MCQ Questions Class 10 Computers with Answers
1. After name of the function, value provided in bracket is known ........
(A) variables of function region (B) cells of function region
(C) prefix of function region (D) arguments of the function
2. ........ can be given as the argument of the function.
(A) Cell address (B) Cell range (C) Constant value (D) Any of these
3. ........separator can be used for cell addre
(A) , (Comma) (B) ; (Semi colon) (C) : (Colon) (D) Any of these
4. Where you will find the result of the function?
(A) Title bar (B) Menu bar (C) Formula bar (D) Task bar
5. The cell mentioned in formula is displayed with........color.
(A) red (B) blue (C) green (D) yellow
6. The method for inclusion of formula is always
(A) similar (B) different (C) can't say (D) none of these
7. compulsory for function.
(A) Variable of function (Argument) (B) Correct spelling of function
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these
8. Due to ........functions results into an err
(A) Spelling mistake in the name of the function (B) Not giving necessary variable for function
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these
9. Arrange the steps in ascending order for entering the function.
(1) Start the content with = sign (2) press enter key
(3) Enter the name of the function (4) Select the cell where function is to be entered.
(5) enter the variable of the function
(A) 4, 3, 1, 5, 2 (B) 4, 1, 3, 2, 5 (C) 4, 1, 5, 3, 2 (D) 4, 1, 3, 5, 2
10. .........option shows operator sign.
(A) + (B) * (C) % (D) #
11.When = sign is used ?
(A) In the beginning for entering variable (B) At the end of the variable
(C) In the beginning of entering the function (D) At the end of the function
12.For what Function Wizard is used?
(A) It is not possible to keep all the icons of the functions in the bar
(B) It is difficult to remember all the functions with their syntaxes
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these
13. Function wizard tool is displayed on........b
(A) Standard bar (B) Formula bar (C) Formatting bar (D) Status bar
14. the shortcut key to open the function wizard.
(A) Ctrl + F2 (B) Shift + F2 (C) Alt + F2 (D) Ctrl + Alt + F2
15. useful to open function wizard.
(A) View --» Function (B) View --» Function Wizard
(C) Insert --» Function (D) Insert --» Function Wizard
16. How many types of categories are there for the functions?
(A) 10 (B) 11 (C) 12 (D) 13
17. the category for the function.
(A) Database, Time & Date, Financial, Information (B) Logical, Mathematical, Array, Statistical
(C) Spreadsheet, Text, Add-in (D) All of these
18. In sum function, maximum how many variable, values or Cell addresses can be given?
(A) 10 (B) 20 (C) 30 (D) 40
19. Which button is clicked to select values in function wizard dialog box?
(A) Select (B) Add (C) Value (D) Number
20. Which area is displayed by clicking on 1 select button of the function wizard?
(A) Area of function (B) Area of table (C) Area of worksheet (D) Area of menu
21. By clicking on which button of function wizard, the whole dialog box is converted into the small rectangle toolbar
(A) Select (B) Category (C) Formula (D) Array
22. The functions included in the categories of the calc are known .........
(A) Built-internal functions (B) Built-in functions
(C) Built-base functions (D) Built-inner functions
23. LN(8) gives the answer of.........
(A) log8e (B) loge8 (C) logn8 (D) log8n
24. LN(8) results to .........
(A) 2.0794415417 (B) 3.0794415417 (C) 4.0794415417 (D) 5.0794415417
25. LOG10 is ........ type of function.
(A) string (B) mathematical (C) logical (D) statistical
26. the syntax for LOG10.
(A) =LOG10(n) (B) =LOG10(-n) (C) =LOG10(n,p) (D) =LOG10(n,x)
27. In LOGlO(n) , n displays .........
(A) negative number (B) positive number (C) (A) or (B) (D) none of these
28. the syntax of POWER function.
(A) =POWER (n) (B) =POWER(-n) (C) =POWER(n, p) (D) =POWER(p)
29. In POWER (n;p), n suggests .........
(A) number (B) exponent (C) (A) or (B) (D) none of these
30. In POWER (n,p), p suggests .........
(A) number (B) exponent (C) (A) or (B) (D) none of these
31. ........function is used to find out the exponent value of the numb
32. POWER means .........
(A) square (B) square root (C) multiplication (D) exponent
33. =POWER(10,3) results to .........
(A) 10 (B) 100 (C) 1000 (D) 10000
34. PRODUCT function h.......syntax.
(A) =PRODUCT(n1,n2,n3,..........n30) (B) =PRODUCT(n1,n2,n3,..........n) (C) =PRODUCT(n) (D) =PRODUCT(n,p)
35. Maximu.......number of values can be multiplied using PRODUCT function.
(A) 10 (B) 20 (C) 30 (D) Infinite
36. SQRT, INT, PRODUCT, POWER, ROUND are ........type of function.
(A) string (B) mathematical (C) logical (D) statistical
43. What does n suggest in =ROUND(n,p) ?
(A) different (B) similar (C) variation (D) can't say
47. =ROUNDUP(12.15652;2) results to .......
(A) 12.15 (B) 12.16 (C) 12.00 (D) 12
48. =ROUNDDOWN(12.15652;2) results to ..
(A) 12.15 (B) 12.16 (C) 12.00 (D) 12
49. TRUNC is ........ type of a function.
(A) string (B) mathematical (C) logical (D) statistical
50. the syntax of TRUNC function.
(A) =TRUNC(n) (B) -TRUNC (-n) (C) =TRUNC(n,p) (D) =TRUNC(p)
51. In TRUNC (n,p), what does n suggest ?
(A) A word (B) A number (C) Number of decimal points (D) Format
52. In TRUNC(n,p) What does p suggest ?
(A) A word (B) A number (C) Number of decimal points (D) Format
53. TRUNC stands for .........
(A) Truncation (B) Truncate (C) Traction (D) Tractor
54. .......type of function is Average.
(A) Statistical (B) Financial (C) String (D) Logical
55. the syntax of average function.
(A) =AVERAGE(n) (B) =AVERAGE(n,p) (C) =AVERAGE(n1, n2, n3,.... n30) (D) Any of these
56. AVERAGE is known ....... .
(A) Mean of arithmetic (B) Mean of Statistics (C) Mean of string (D) Average mean
57. How the average is achieved?
(A) Multiply all the values and divide by number of values
(B) Subtract all the values and divide by number of values
(C) Addition of all the values and divide by number of values
(D) Divide all the values and divide by number of values
58. Values are separated AVERAGE function.
(A) ; (B) * (C) . (D) &
59. ........function is used to display most repetitive value
60. =MODE(10;7;6;8;6;5) results to .........
(A) 10 (B) 8 (C) 6 (D) 5
61. What is mode?
(A) The most common value (B) Average of numbers
(C) Division value (D) Counted value
62. ........type of function is GEOMEAN.
(A) Statistical (B) Financial (C) String (D) Logical
63. ........ is the syntax for GEOMEAN function
(A) =GEOMEAN(n) (B) =GEOMEAN(n, p) (C) =GEOMEAN(n1, n2, n3 ..... n30) (D) Any of these
64. What is the meaning of GEOMEAN?
(A) Mode (B) Maximum (C) Geometric mean (D) Counted mean
65. Usin.......type of values geometric mean can be achieved using GEOMEAN function.
(A) Positive (B) Negative (C) (A) or (B) (D) None of these
66. ........root is extracted by multiplying n numbers in GEOMEAN function.
(A) nx (B) nz (C) nth (D) an
67. ........type of function is HARMEAN.
(A) Statistical (B) Financial (C) String (D) Logical
68. the syntax of HARMEAN function.
(A) =HARMEAN (n) (B) =HAR (n, p) (C) =HARMEAN (n1, n2, n3, ....n30) (D) Any of these
69. HARMEAN stands f........
(A) Harmonic Mean (B) Harman Mean (C) Hardware Mean (D) Harford Mean
70. the syntax of MEDIAN function.
(A) =MEDIAN(n) (B) =MEDIAN(n, p) (C) =MEDIAN(n1, n2, n3, ....n30) (D) Any of these
71. used to get the middle value by arranging them either in ascending or descending order
72. What is the meaning of MEDIAN function?
(A) Arrange the values and get the middle value (B) Maximum value
(C) Most common value (D) Counted value
73. MEDIAN function displays........value after arranging all value
(A) maximum (B) minimum (C) middle (D) any of these
74. If there are two middle values after arranging the done in Median function.
(A) Average of first two numbers is taken
(B) Average value of two middle values is taken
(C) Average of last two numbers is taken
(D) Displays error message
75. COUNTA, MAX, MEDIAN, MODE, MIN are........type of function.
(A) Statistical (B) Financial (C) String (D) Logical
76. ........ is the syntax of COUNTA function.
(A) =COUNTA (n) (B) =COUNTA (n, p) (C) =COUNTA (n1, n2, n3,....n30) (D) Any of these
77. To display number of cells containing values ........function is used.
78. COUNTA function counts........types of c
(A) empty cells (B) cells having values
(C) both empty cells and cells having values (D) none of these
79. ........type of value can be there in a c
(A) Text (B) Number (C) Formula (D) All of these
80. COUNTA function does not consider the empty ce Choose the correct options.
(A) True (B) False (C) Can't say (D) None of these
81. =RANK(67;x;0), where values of x are 67, 47, 56, 78, 59, 66 then result will be .........
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5
82. the syntax for MAX function.
(A) =MAX(n) (B) =MAX(n, p) (C) =MAX(n1, n2, n3, ....n30) (D) =MAX(number; range; order)
83. ........function can simply return the maximum number within the argument
84. =MAX (67, 47, 56, 78, 59, 66) results to .........
(A) 47 (B) 56 (C) 66 (D) 78
85. the syntax of MIN function.
(A) =MIN (n) (B) =MIN (n, p) (C) =MIN (n1, n2, n3, ....n30) (D) =MIN(number; range; order)
86. ........function can take up and simply return the minimum number within the arguments
87. MIN stands for .........
(A) Minimum (B) Minima (C) Minimal (D) Minimums
88. ........shows the relational operatoin
(A) AND, OR, NOT (B) =, >, <, >=, <=, < > (C) IS, LIKE, BETWEEN (D) All of these
89. What does Relational operator = suggest?
(A) One operand is smaller than second operand. (B) One operand is bigger than second operand.
(C) Both operands are different. (D) Both operands are same.
90. What does Relational operator < suggest?
(A) One operand is smaller than second operand. (B) One operand is bigger than second operand.
(C) Both operands are different. (D) Both operands are same.
91. What does Relational operator > suggest?
(A) One operand is smaller than second operand. (B) One operand is bigger than second operand.
(C) Both operands are different. (D) Both operands are same.
92. What does Relational operator >= suggest?
(A) One operand is bigger than second operand or both operands are same.
(B) One operand is smaller than second operand or both operands are same.
(C) Both operands are different. (D) Both operands are same.
93. What does Relational operator <= suggest?
(A) One operand is bigger than second operand or both operands are same.
(B) One operand is smaller than second operand or both operands are same.
(C) Both operands are different. (D) Both operands are same.
94. What does Relational operator < > suggest?
(A) One operand is bigger than second operand or both operands are same.
(B) One operand is smaller than second operand or both operands are same.
(C) Both operands are different. (D) Both operands are same.
95. the logical operator
(A) IF (B) TRUE, FALSE (C) AND, OR, NOT (D) All of these
96. ........type of function is
(A) Statistical (B) Financial (C) String (D) Logical
97. the syntax of IF condition.
98. ........function is used for logical proc
99. How many arguments are there in IF function?
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5
100. the argument of If function.
(A) TEST (B) TRUE (C) FALSE (D) All of these
101. One IF condition used within another IF condition is known ........
(A) Master IF (B) Secondary IF (C) Nested IF (D) Loop IF
102. useful for not allowing the error to occur in a function.
(A) Function board (B) Function menu (C) Function view (D) Function wizard
103. the main advantage of function wizard.
(A) We don't have to select the function (B) We don't have to type the correct name of function
(C) Values are not to be selected (D) All of these
104. If there is a mistake in the function wizard ........colored dots are displayed.
(A) green (B) red (C) blue (D) purple
105. TRUE, FALSE, NOT, AND, OR are ........ type of function.
(A) statistical (B) financial (C) string (D) logical
106. the syntax of TRUE function.
(A) =TRUE () (B) =TRUE (TEST) (C) = ("TRUE", "FALSE") (D) = ("FALSE", "TRUE")
107. ........function displays TRUE as logical result of function.
108. the syntax of FALSE function.
(A) =FALSE () (B) =FALSE (TEST) (C) = ("TRUE", "FALSE")(D) = ("FALSE", "TRUE")
109. ........ is the syntax of NOT function.
(A) =NOT() (B) =NOT(TEST)
110. ........function reverse the logical value
(A) AND (B) OR (C) IF (D) NOT
111. the syntax of AND function.
(A) =AND() (B) =AND(TEST) (C) =AND(Condi1, Condi2, ..... Condi30) (D) =AND("FALSE", "TRUE")
112. AND function can compare maximum ........ result
(A) 10 (B) 20 (C) 30 (D) 40
113. ........ can be used to compare the result
(A) AND (B) NOT (C) IF (D) Any of these
114. AND function displays ........ as result.
115. The result displayed as TRUE and FALSE are known as ........ value
(A) boolean (B) binary (C) biometric (D) master
116. If all the results of conditions/arguments are True then what will be the result?
117. If all the results of conditions/Arguments are False then what will be the result ?
118. =AND(12=12, 12=6) will result.
119. ........ is the syntax of OR function.
(A) =OR() (B) =OR(TEST) (C) =OR (Condi1, Condi2, ..... Condi30) (D) =OR("FALSE", "TRUE")
120. the case sensitive function.
121. EXACT function shows ........ as result.
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 0 or 1 (D) -1, 0 or 1
122. If two strings are same then EXACT function shows........ as result.
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) -1 (D) Any of these
123. LEFT, RIGHT, MID, LEN is ........ type of function.
(A) Statistical function (B) String function (C) Mathematical Function (D) Logical function
124. ........ is the syntax for LEFT function.
(A) =LEFT(text) (B) =LEFT(text, n)
(C) =LEFT(textl,text2,text3, .....) (D) =LEFT(t1, t2, ..... t30)
125. ........function returns the first character from the string text, or a specified number of n characters starting from the left.
126. In =LEFT (text, n) the optional part.
(A) text (B) n (C) both (A) and (B) (D) each part is compulsory
127. For =LEFT (text, n), if n is not provided then ........will be the result.
(A) displays first character from the left side (B) displays first word from the left side
(C) displays first division from the left side (D) gives error message
128. the syntax for RIGHT function.
(A) =RIGHT(text) (B) =RIGHT(text, n) (C) =RIGHT(textl,text2,text3, .....) (D) =RIGHT(tl, t2, ..... t30)
129. ........ function returns the last n characters from the end (right side) of the string text.
130. RIGHT function is used for .........
(A) compare the strings from the right side (B) remove the extra space from the right side
(C) get the characters from the right side of string (D) change the right side characters of string
131. the syntax for MID function.
(A) =MID(text) (B) =MID(text, start) (C) =MID(text, start, number) (D) =MID(tl, t2, ..... t30)
132. ........ function provides utility to find middle of a string
133. MID function is used fo........
(A) get the characters from the left side of string (B) get the characters from the right side of string
(C) get the characters from the center part of string (D) all of these
134. In =MID(text, start, number), what does start suggest ?
(A) Given string (B) Location from where the characters are to be extracted
(C) Value for how many characters to be extracted (D) Beginning characters of string
135. In =MID(text, start, number), what does number suggest
(A) Given string (B) Location from where the characters are to be extracted
(C) Value for how many characters to be extracted (D) Beginning characters of string
136. =MID("Tejas Thakkar",3,3) shows ...... as result.
(A) Tej (B) jas (C) Tha (D) kar
137. the syntax for LEN function.
(A) =LEN(text) (B) =LEN(text, start (C) =LEN(text, start, number) (D) =LEN(tl, t2, ..... t30)
138. ........function returns the length of the given string including the white space
139. LEN function is used f........
(A) count characters with white space (B) count characters without white space
(C) count characters removing white space (D) display characters without white space
140. LEN function shows ........ as result.
(A) character (B) number (C) sign (D) any of these
141. =LEN("Good Morning") result
(A) 10 (B) 11 (C) 12 (D) 13
142. the syntax for DATE function.
(A) =DATE() (B) =DATE(date) (C) =DATE(date,type) (D)=DATE(date,mode)
143. To display valid date as per given year, date and day........ function is used.
(A) DAY() (B) TODAY() (C) DATE() (D) WEEKDAY()
144. DATE function is used for.........
(A) display valid date as per given year (B) display valid date as per given date
(C) display valid date as per given date (D) display valid date as per given year, date and date
145. DATE function requires the value of year, date and day in........ format.
(A) integer (B) real value (C) decimal value (D) any of these
146. DAY, WEEKDAY, DATE, MONTH, YEAR, DAYSINYEAR, DAYS are ........ type of function.
(A) Statistical function (B) Date and Time(C) Mathematical function (D) Logical function
147. the syntax for DAY function.
(A) =DAY() (B) =DAY(date) (C) =DAY(date,type) (D) =DAY(date,mode)
148. If only date is to be displayed from the date ……...function is used.
(A) WEEKDAY() (B) TODAY() (C) DATE() (D) DAY()
149. DAY function is for .........
(A) getting date only (B) getting month only
(C) getting year only (D) all of these
150. if the system date is 18/02/2014 then =DAY (TODAY ()) will give ........result.
(A) 18 (B) 02 (C) 2014 (D) 18/02/2014
151. =DAY(date((2014,2,18)) will give ........ as result.
(A) 2014 (B) 02 (C) 18 (D) 18/02/2014
152. the syntax for WEEKDAY function.
(A) =WEEKDAY() (B) =WEEKDAY(date)
(C) =WEEKDAY(date, type) (D) =WEEKDAY(date, month, year)
153. Th....... function is used to convert a validate given into a day of the week.
(A) WEEKDAY() (B) TODAY() (C) DATE() (D) DAY()
154. WEEKDAY function is used to .........
(A) convert a valid date given into a day of the week (B) convert a valid date given into a number of the month
(C) convert a valid date given into a number of the year (D) any of these
155. If the system date is 18/02/2014 then, =WEEKDAY(TODAY()), will result
(A) 3 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 0
156. For =WEEKDAY(date, type) if we take type=1 then days are taken as .........
(A) For Monday 0, Tuesday 1.......Sunday 6 (B) For Monday 1, Tuesday 2,......Sunday 7
(C) For Sunday 1, Monday 2, ......Sunday 7 (D) Any of these
157. ........ is the syntax for MONTH function.
(A) =MONTH() (B) =MONTH(date) (C) =MONTH(t) (D) =MONTH(date, month, year)
158. .......... is not enough for the real world application.
(A) Process of taking complex decisions (B) Analyzing a large amount of data
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Entering data and simple mathematical expressions
159. done for the real world application.
(A) Process of taking complex decisions (B) Analyzing a large amount of data
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Entering data and simple mathematical expressions
160. ........ is used for process of taking complex decisions and analyzing a large amount of data
(A) Writer (B) Calc (C) Impress (D) Draw
161. ........types of functions are provided by c
(A) Mathematical, logical (B) Statistical, time & date (C) Financial, string (D) All of these
162. Functions start with........sign.
(A) = (B) & (C) @ (D) %
163. ........ is important to use a function.
(A) = sign (B) Name of function (C) Function variable in bracket (D) All of these
164. How many variables can be inserted in bracket of function ?
(A) Only one (B) Only two (C) One or more (D) Variable cannot be inserted
165. ........ operator is used with function a operator
(A) % (B) + (C) @ (D) #
166. used to specify textual string
(A) = (B) % (C) # (D) @
167. ........ can be used as a variable for function
(A) Value, cell address (B) Text, constant value (C) One or more functions (D) All of these
168. ........function is used for addition.
169. ........sign can be used for addition.
(A) £ (B) 3 (C) 6 (D) ¥
170. =SUM(A1:A10), the prefix
(A) = (B) SUM (C) A1 and A10 (D) :
171. Th....... function is used to convert a valid date given into a number of the month
172. MONTH function is used for .........
(A) convert a valid date given into a day of the week.
(B) convert a valid date given into a number of the month
(C) convert a valid date given into a number of the year
(D) any of these
173. If system date is 18/02/2014 then = MONTH (NOW()) will give result.
(A) 3 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 0
174. =MONTH(DATE(2014,2,18)) will give ........ as result.
(A) 3 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 0
175. ........ is the syntax for MONTH function.
(A) =YEAR() (B) =YEAR(date) (C) =YEAR(t) (D) =YEAR(date, month, year)
176. ........function is used to convert a valid date given into a number of the year
177. the syntax for DAYSINYEAR function.
(C) =DAYSINYEAR(t) (D) =DAYSINYEAR (date, month, year)
178. The ........ function is used to convert a valid date given into number of days of that yea
179. DAYSINYEAR function is used f........
(A) convert a valid date given into number of days of that year. (B) convert a valid date given into number of weeks of that year.
(C) convert a valid date given into number of years of that year. (D) any of these
180. ........function is used to check whether the year is a leap year or not.
181. DAYS function has ........ synt
(A) = DAYSINYEAR () (B) = DAYSINYEAR (date2,date1)
(C) =DAYSINYEAR(t) (D) = DAYSINYEAR (date, month, year)
182. Th....... function calculates the number of days between two dates.
183. DAYS() function is used for .........
(A) convert a valid date given into number of days of that year. (B) convert a valid date given into number of weeks of that year.
(C) convert a valid date given into number of years of that year. (D) calculate the number of days between two dates.
184. =DAYS(date2, date1) where date2 should be ........ than date
(A) bigger (B) smaller (C) same (D) any of these
185. In =DAYS(date2, date1) if date2 is smaller than date1 then........will be the result.
(A) positive (B) negative (C) real value (D) can't say
186. For =DAYS(date2,date1), not to have negative result........can be used.
187. DAY function suggests.........
(A) day of month (B) date of month
(C) number of days between two dates (D) number of dates between two dates
188. DAYS function suggests.........
(A) day of month (B) date of month (C) number of days between two dates (D) number of dates between two dates
189. DAYS function displays ........ as result.
(A) word (B) number (C) symbol (D) any of these
190. To display the age as number of days..... function is used.
191. To display the age as number of days.....function is used, (where B1 cell holds the birth date of student)
(A) =DAY(NOW(),B1) (B) =DAYS(NOW(),B1)
192. WEEKS has ........ synt
(A) = WEEKS (StartDate,EndDate) (B) = WEEKS (date2,date1)
(C) = WEEKS (StartDate, EndDate, WeekType) (D) = WEEKS (date, month, year)
193. ........function calculates the number of weeks between two date
194. WEEKS() function is used f........
(A) convert a valid date given into number of days of that year. (B) convert a valid date given into number of weeks of that year.
(C) convert a valid date given into number of years of that year. (D) calculate the number of days between two dates.
195. In =WEEKS(StartDate,EndDate,WeekType), WeekType has which values ?
(A) 0, 0 (B) 0, 1 (C) 1, 1 (D) -0, 1, 0
196. ........function calculates the number of years between two date
197. YEARS() function is used for .........
(A) convert a valid date given into number of days of that year. (B) convert a valid date given into number of weeks of that year.
(C) convert a valid date given into number of years of that year. (D) calculate the number of days between two dates.
198. =YEARS (StartDate, EndDate, Type) has which values ?
(A) 0, 0 (B) 0, 1 (C) 1, 1 (D) -0, 1, 0
199. To display age as number of years, ........ function is used.
200. To display age as number of years, ........ function is used. (where Bl is the cell of birth date)
(A) =DAY(B1,NOW(),0) (B) =YEARS(B1,NOW(),0) (C) =DATE(B1,NOW(),0) (D) =DAYSINYEAR(B1,NOW(),0)
201. ........ software has the functions like c
(A) Microsoft word (B) Microsoft powerpoint (C) Microsoft excel (D) Microsoft access
202. ........can be a difference between calc and exc
(A) May be slight change in syntax (B) May be slight change in spelling
(C) , can be used as a separator of arguments instead of ; (D) Any of these
MCQs for Function in Calc Computers Class 10
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