Refer to CBSE Class 10 Computer Science handling images in html MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 10 Computers with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. handling images in html Class 10 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 10 Computers and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 10 Computers and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Class 10 Computers handling images in html
Class 10 Computers students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for handling images in html in Class 10.
handling images in html MCQ Questions Class 10 Computers with Answers
(1) What attract majority of persons and convey an important message to the audience?
(A) Audio (B) Video (C) Pictures or images (D) Text
(2) ........element is used to insert image in HTML webpage.
(B) (C)
(3) ........option is used to insert image in HTML document.
(A) (B)
(4) ........attribute is used in element to insert image in HTML document.
(A) alt (B) src (C) link (D) joint
(5) The image element does not cause a line break. What is it known as?
(A) Outline element (B) Empty element (C) Inline element (D) Full element
(6) ........ type of location is mentioned by src attribute.
(A) Main location (B) Subsidiary location (C) Source location (D) Last location
(7) used for the location of the image.
(8) What is the full form of URL?
(A) Uniform Resource Locator (B) Uniform Resource Location
(C) Uniform Resource Level (D) Uniform Resource Lesson
(9) ...........type of file can be inserted in HTML document.
(A) jpg, gif (B) png, tiff (C) bmp (D) All of these
(10) Full form of jpg is.........
(A) Joint Photographic Extra Group (B) Joint Photographic External Group
(C) Joint Photographic Experts Group (D) Joint Photographic Exchange Group
(11) What is the full form of gif?
(A) Graphical Information Format (B) Graphical Interchange Format
(C) Graphical Internet Format (D) Graphical Intelligent Format
(12) What is the full form of png?
(A) Portable Netware Group (B) Portable News Group
(C) Portable Newswire Group (D) Portable Network Graphics
(13) tiff stands for.........
(A) Tagged Image Format File (B) Tagged Image File Folder
(C) Tagged Image File Format (D) Tagged Image Folder Format
(14) bmp stands for.........
(A) Byte Mapped Picture (B) Bit Mapped Picture
(C) Basic Mapped Picture (D) Beginners Mapped Picture
(15) ........ option is used by right clicking on the image to get the address.
(A) Image copy (B) Image link (C) Image insert (D) Image source
(16) What is given with img tag?
(A) Source of an image (B) Necessary attributes
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Any type of text is given
(17) What type of tag is ?
(A) Empty tag (B) Full tag (C) Main tag (D) Subsidiary tag
(18) The inserted image must be available to
(A) Local computer (B) Server (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these
(19) If we have used a URL, check that your working or not .
(A) Internet connection (B) Document (C) HTML code (D) None of these
(20) It is a good practice to create a separate.... images.
(A) Folder (B) Directory (C) (A) or (B) (D) None of thea
(21) Comments are written in.........
(A) (B) <--and--!> (C) (D) --and--/>
(22) Why are comments written?
(A) For ease of reading (B) For better understanding
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these
(23) Browser will accept only......HTML statement
(A) valid (B) invalid (C) common (D) none of these
(24) Comments are not displayed by browser. Choose the correct option.
(A) True (B) False (C) Can't say (D) None of these
(25) It is always advisable to define........attribute as it describes the image.
(A) id (B) alt (C) src (D) ma
(26) Using........attribute it is done that when the web page is read by the software such as screen reader and search engine, the interpretation of the image becomes easy.
(A) src (B) alt (C) map (D) id
(27) ....... is the software specially designed for the people having eye sight defect.
(A) Screen reader (B) Blind reader (C) Source reader (D) Master reader
(28) The........attributes specify the values of height and width of the image in pixels.
(A) height, length (B) length, height (C) height, width (D) width, height
(29) Values of width and height attributes can be specified using.........
(A) inches (B) pixels (C) vector (D) meter
(30) ........ attribute is for the horizontal length of the image.
(A) Height (B) Width (C) Length (D) Size
(31) ........attribute is for the vertical length of the image.
(A) Height (B) Width (C) Length (D) Size
(32) ........ attributes are mentioned in number of pixels.
(A) alt, space (B) align, src (C) src, map (D) height, width
(33) What happens by providing extra information about height and width to the browser?
(A) It becomes easier to bring image to the browser (B) Presentation becomes easy
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these
(34) ........knows what is size to be allocated to the image.
(A) Server (B) Browser (C) Webpage (D) All of these
(35) Image should not be larger than.........
(A) other image (B) text (C) screen (D) all of these
(36) Which is the value for align attribute?
(A) Top, bottom (B) Left, right (C) Middle (D) All of these
(37) Using........value, the image is aligned at the top of the current line of text
(A) top (B) left (C) bottom (D) right
(38) Using........value, the bottom of the image aligned with the baseline of the current liner text.
(A) top (B) left (C) bottom (D) right
(39) Using........value, the image is aligned to the left side of the containing window or element.
(A) top (B) left (C) bottom (D) right
(40) Using........value, the image is aligned to the right side of the containing window or Element.
(A) top (B) left (C) bottom (D) right
(41) Using........value, the image is aligned in such a way that the middle of the image appears the current text.
(A) top (B) left (C) middle (D) right
(42) An image on a web page can be highlight with.........
(A) picture (B) border (C) circle (D) all of these
(43) The border attribute was created to specify the width of the border in.........
(A) vector (B) inch (C) meter (D) pixels
(44) Attribute id stands for.........
(A) Identifier (B) Identification (C) Idioms (D) Ideality
(45) The image can be referred by the identifier in a script written in a programming language such as.........
(A) C, C++ (B) BASIC (C) Java (D) All of these
(46) To add space around an image........attributes are used.
(A) vspace, hspace (B) aspace, bspace (C) vspace, uspace (D) hspace, dspace
(47) To add space over and under the image the........ attribute is used.
(A) hspace (B) vspace (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) none of these
(48) To add space to the left and right of the image the........attribute is used.
(A) hspace (B) vspace (C) (A) and (B) both (D) none of these
(49) hspace leaves the space on........side.
(A) left and right (B) top and bottom (C) both (A) and (B) (D) does not leave space
(50) vspace leaves the space on........ side.
(A) left and right (B) top and bottom (C) both (A) and (B) (D) does not leave space
(51) Till the high resolution (original) image is loaded, we may temporarily publish a low resolution image. Choose the correct option.
(A) True (B) False (C) Can't say (D) None of these
(52) ........type of file can be included in image tag.
(A) bmp, gif (B) jpeg, png (C) tiff (D) All of these
(53) Digital cameras and web pages normally use ........files.
(A) bmp (B) tiff (C) png (D) jpg / jpeg
(54) ........file format compresses the data drastically.
(A) tiff (B) jpg / jpeg (C) bmp (D) png
(55) the best format for photographs.
(A) jpg / jpeg (B) png (C) tiff (D) bmp
(56) ........ format is comparatively slower in reading and writing.
(A) jpg / jpeg (B) png (C) bmp (D) tiff
(57) By applying a link to each of the small image on a page, we can say that the image is considered as.........
(A) master text (B) external text (C) hot text (D) normal text
(58) The location of image working as hot text ii known as .........
(A) image spot (B) hot spot (C) master spot (D) source spot
(59) Small images are also known as.........
(A) imagenail (B) thumbnail (C) smallnail (D) viewnail
(60) What is the location where the link is given known as?
(A) joint spot (B) hot spot (C) master spot (D) image spot
(61) Hot spots should be of........types.
(A) bigger in size (B) with clearer view
(C) user is able to identify easily (D) all of these
(62) The location of a hot spot is mentioned using
(A) x - co-ordinates (B) x and y - co-ordinates
(C) x, y, z co-ordinates (D) All of these
(63) How many ways co-ordinates can be used in Hot spot?
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5
(64) What is used to specify co-ordinates of the image?
(A) Coords (B) Coor (C) Coimage (D) Coorcode
(65) e tag.
(A) usermap (B) usemap (C) iap (D) map
(66) Hot spot co-ordinates and their links are mentioned in........tag.
(C) (D)
(67) What is the value for circular shape in image map?
(A) Round (B) Circle (C) Oval (D) Any of these
(68) What is the value for rectangle shape in image map?
(A) Rect (B) Square (C) Cube (D) Diamond
(69) What is the value for polygon shape in image map?
(A) Multi (B) Diamond (C) Poly (D) Any of these
(70) ........tag is used for mention shape in image map.
(A) Shape (B) Area (C) Part (D) Location
(71) ........ shape is valid for image map.
(A) Circle (B) Rectangle (C) Polygon (D) All of these
(72) ........ values are given for the respective shapes circle, rectangle and polygon.
(A) Circle, rect, diamond (B) Circle, square, poly
(C) Circle, rect, poly (D) Round, rect, poly
(73) ........tag is used to include audio and video.
(A) anchor (B) src (C) image (D) link
(74) Where can the multimedia file be for HTML document?
(A) Another website (B) At any other location
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these
(75) the extension for movie file.
(A) .mp3 (B) .mp4 (C) .wav (D) All of these
(76) the extension for video file.
(A) .mov, .avi (B) .wmv, .swf (C) .meg, .mpeg (D) All of these
(77) .......option is for audio file.
(A) .mp3 (B) .mp4 (C) .mov (D) All of these
(78) be downloaded for executing video file of the webpage.
(A) Audio player (B) Video player (C) Master player (D) Any of these
MCQs for handling images in html Computers Class 10
Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 10 Computers to develop the Computers Class 10 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 10 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Computers will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 10 Computers. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 10 Computers so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 10 Computers MCQ Test for the same chapter.
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