Refer to NTSE Biology Heredity and Variations MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NTSE, NCERT and KVS. Heredity and Variations Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NTSE Full Syllabus Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Biology Heredity and Variations
Full Syllabus Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Heredity and Variations in Full Syllabus.
Heredity and Variations MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Biology with Answers
Question: Mendel conducted his hybridization experiment with
- a) Chick pea
- b) Pigeon pea
- c) Garden pea
- d) Wild pea
Answer: Garden pea
Question: Gene controls -
- a) Protein synthesis but not heredity
- b) Protein synthesis and heredity
- c) Biochemical reaction of some enzymes
- d) Heredity but not protein synthesis
Answer: Protein synthesis and heredity
Question: Heredity means
- a) Transmission of traits from one generation of successive generations of living beings
- b) Dissimilarity between same species
- c) Both A & B are correct
- d) None of the above
Answer: Transmission of traits from one generation of successive generations of living beings
Question: If the basic sequence of the strains of DNA is CAT TAG CAT CAT GAC. What will be base sequence of complementary RNA strand ?
Question: In DNA replication, the okazaki fragment on the lagging strand are joined together by
- a) DNA polymerase
- b) Primase
- c) Helicase
- d) DNA ligase
Answer: DNA ligase
Question: During transcription, if the nucleotide sequence of the DNA strnd that is being coded is ATA CG, the nucleotide sequence in m, RNA would be
- a) TATGC
- b) TCTGG
- c) UAUGC
- d) UATGC
Answer: UAUGC
Question: If a particular animal has a shelled egg, hair & teeth in a body & has cloaca, it may be connecting link between
- a) Reptiles and Birds
- b) Birds & Mammals
- c) Reptiles & Mammas
- d) None of them are correct
Answer: Reptiles & Mammas
Question: If a cross is made between AA & aa the nature of F1 progeny will be
- a) Genotypically aa, phenotpically A
- b) Genotypically AA, phenotypically a
- c) Genotypically Aa, phenotypically A
- d) Genotypically Aa, phenotypically a
Answer: Genotypically Aa, phenotypically A
Question: Find the correct combination that can form a nucleotide of RNA
- a) Adenine + deoxyribose + phosphate
- b) Uracil + ribose + phosphate
- c) Thymine + ribose + phosphate
- d) Guanine + deoxyribose + phosphate
Answer: Uracil + ribose + phosphate
Question: Nucleotide are building blocks of nucleic acid, one nucleotide is composite molecule formed by
- a) Base - Sugar - Phosphate
- b) Base - Sugar - OH
- c) (Base - Sugar - Phosphate) - n
- d) Sugar phosphate
Answer: Base - Sugar - Phosphate
More Questions....................
Question: The correct statement is
- a) Plasmids are extracelluar genetic material which cannot replicate freely.
- b) Plasmide can replicate onlyby getting intergrated with main genetic material.
- c) If plasmids are removed from bacterial cell, the will die due to cessation of all the metabolic activites.
- d) Plasmids do not affect necessary biological activities of bacterial cell.
Answer: Plasmids do not affect necessary biological activities of bacterial cell.
Question: Ratio 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 is due to
- a) Duplicate gene
- b) Dihybrid cross
- c) Monohybrid cross
- d) Lethal genes
Answer: Dihybrid cross
Question: The body features are
- a) Phenotype
- b) Genotype
- c) Sex of individual
- d) Controlled by environment
Answer: Phenotype
Question: A genetically manipulated organism containing in it’s genome one or more inserted gene of another species is called
- a) Transposon
- b) Gene expression
- c) Transgenic organism
- d) Retroposons
Answer: Transgenic organism
Question: When a red flower homozygous pea plant is crossed with a white flower plant what colour is produced in F1 generation.
- a) Red
- b) White
- c) Pink
- d) Red + white
Answer: Red
Question: When a red flower homozygous pea plant is crossed with a white flower plant what colour is produced in F1 generation.
- a) Red
- b) White
- c) Pink
- d) Red + white
Answer: Red
Question: A cross between AaBB X aa BB yeld a genotypic ratio of
- a) 1 AaBB : 1 aaBB
- b) 1 AaBB : aaBB
- c) 3Aa BB : 1 aa BB
- d) All AaBb
Answer: 1 AaBB : 1 aaBB
Question: Two allelic genes are located on
- a) The same chromosome
- b) Two homologous chromosomes
- c) Two non - homologous chromosomes
- d) Any two chromosomes
Answer: Two homologous chromosomes
Question: A white flowered mirabilis plant rr was crossed with red coloured RR, if 120 plants are produced in F2 generation. The result would be
- a) 90 uniformly colored and 30 white
- b) 90 Non - uniformly colored and 30 white
- c) 60 Non - uniformly colored and 60 white
- d) All colored and No white
Answer: 90 Non - uniformly colored and 30 white
Question: Allel is the
- a) Alternate trait of gene pair
- b) Total number of genes for a trat
- c) Total number of chromosome of a haploid set
- d) Total number of genes present on a chromosome rens
Answer: Alternate trait of gene pair
Question: Mendel’s law were rediscovered by
- a) Lamarck, Hugo de Vries and Carl Correns
- b) Hugo de Vries, Carl Correns and E.V. Tshermak
- c) Morgan, Geadle and Tatum
- d) Hugo de Vries, Morgan and Carl Cor
Answer: Hugo de Vries, Carl Correns and E.V. Tshermak
Question: A gene is said to be dominant if
- a) It expresses it’s effect only in homozygous stage
- b) It expresses it’s effect only in heterzygous stage
- c) It is expressed both in homozygous and heterozygous condition
- d) It is never expressed in any condition
Answer: It is expressed both in homozygous and heterozygous condition
Question: A cross produced identical phenotypic and genotype ratio. It is not an expected mendelian result, and can be attributed to
- a) Independent assortment
- b) Linkage
- c) Incomplete dominance
- d) None of the above
Answer: Incomplete dominance
Question: A genetic clone is
- a) Plant produced by asexual means
- b) Hybrid produced by sexual means
- c) Homozygous plant produced by sexual means
- d) Heterozygous plant produced by sexual means
Answer: Plant produced by asexual means
Question: In genetics the term ‘test cross’ means
- a) The crossing of F1 individuals with homozygous recessive
- b) Crossing an F1 individual with either of the 2 parents
- c) Crossing an F1 individual with another F1 individual
- d) Crossing F1 individual with that of F2
Answer: The crossing of F1 individuals with homozygous recessive
Question: F1 plants crossed with dominant individuals will yield a progeny of -
- a) All recessive
- b) All dominants
- c) Dominant and recessive in the ratio of 1 : 1
- d) Dominant and recessive in the ratio of 3 : 1
Answer: All dominants
Question: Mendel did not include in his discoveries
- a) Dominance
- b) Purity of gametes / segregation
- c) Linkage
- d) Independent assortment
Answer: Linkage
Question: Monohybrid cross produced both tall & dwarf pea plants in the ratio of 3 : 1. Their genotype would be
- a) TT × Tt
- b) Tt × Tt
- c) Tt × tt
- d) tt × tt
Answer: Tt × Tt
Question: Mendel conducted his hybridization experiment with
- a) Chick pea
- b) Pigeon pea
- c) Garden pea
- d) Wild pea
Answer: Garden pea
Question: The body features are
- a) Phenotype
- b) Genotype
- c) Sex of individual
- d) Controlled by environment
Answer: Phenotype
MCQs for Heredity and Variations Biology Full Syllabus
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