NTSE Biology Application Biology MCQs Set A

Refer to NTSE Biology Application Biology MCQs Set A provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NTSE, NCERT and KVS. Application Biology Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NTSE Full Syllabus Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Full Syllabus Biology Application Biology

Full Syllabus Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Application Biology in Full Syllabus.

Application Biology MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Biology with Answers

Question: Chlorellin, an antibiotic is obtained from

  • a) a blue green algae
  • b) a green algae
  • c) a fungi
  • d) a bacteria

Answer: a green algae

Question: 'Liver fluke’ is a example of

  • a) Flatworms
  • b) Roundworms
  • c) Segmented worms
  • d) None of these

Answer: Flatworms

Question: Nucleic acid is fragmented by enzyme -

  • a) Ligases
  • b) Pro teases
  • c) Nucleases
  • d) Polymerases

Answer: Nucleases

Question: Callus is

  • a) material used in healing in phloem
  • b) secondary tissue developed by woody plants
  • c) an undifferentiated mass of calls
  • d) a cultural medium

Answer: an undifferentiated mass of calls

Question: Deficiency of vit-C (Ascorbic acid) is called as -

  • a) Pellagra
  • b) Anaemia
  • c) Scurvy
  • d) Rickets

Answer: Scurvy

Question: What does Bt stands for in popular crop Bt cotton

  • a) Biotechnology
  • b) Bacillus thuringesis
  • c) Best type
  • d) Best tested

Answer: Bacillus thuringesis

Question: I sonography the waves are produced by

  • a) Electric effect
  • b) Piezoelectric effect
  • c) Sound effect
  • d) X - Ray

Answer: Piezoelectric effect

Question: Antibiotics are

  • a) drugs that kills the micro - organisms
  • b) micro - organisms used to destroy other micro - organisms
  • c) drugs derived from microorganism and are used to destroy other micro - organisms
  • d) None of these are correct

Answer: drugs derived from microorganism and are used to destroy other micro - organisms

Question: The most common type of hemophilia results from the congenital absence of

  • a) Factor II
  • b) Factor V
  • c) Factor XI
  • d) Factor VII

Answer: Factor VII

Question: Which of the following pair of bacteria is involved into step conversion of NH2 into nitrate -

  • a) Azotobacter and Nitrosomonas
  • b) Pseudomonas and Nitrobacter
  • c) Azotobacter and Achromabacter
  • d) Nitrosomanas and Nitrobacter

Answer: Nitrosomanas and Nitrobacter

More Questions.....................

Question: Infective stage of Plasmodium is

  • a) Trophozoite
  • b) Merozoite
  • c) Schizont
  • d) Sporozoite

Answer: Sporozoite

Question: Viruses are

  • a) obligate parasites
  • b) obligate saprophytes
  • c) partial parasites
  • d) facultative parasites

Answer: obligate parasites

Question: Quinine is extracted from

  • a) Bark of Cannamomus
  • b) Leaves of Ocimum
  • c) Leaves of Cinnamomum
  • d) Bark of Cinchona

Answer: Bark of Cinchona

Question: X - rays was discovered by

  • a) De veries
  • b) Syre
  • c) Curtis
  • d) Roengten

Answer: Roengten

Question: Typhoid is caused by

  • a) Escherichia
  • b) Shigella
  • c) Salmonella
  • d) Giardia

Answer: Salmonella

Question: Rabies is caused by

  • a) bacteria and it affects the nervous system
  • b) virus and it affects the cardiovascular system
  • c) virus and it affected the nervous system
  • d) bacteria and it affects the cardiovascular system

Answer: virus and it affected the nervous system

Question: In case of jaundice the target organ is

  • a) Spleen
  • b) Stomach
  • c) Pancreas
  • d) Liver

Answer: Liver

Question: Hemophilia is a hereditary disease carried by :

  • a) Males and expressed by females
  • b) Females and expressed by males
  • c) Females and expressed by females
  • d) Males and expressed by males

Answer: Females and expressed by males

Question: Match :

            List - I                                      List - II

            a. Deforestation                        1. Vacuoles

            b. Cellular structure                   2. Maize

            c. Pollination                             3. Soil erosion

            d. Nitrogen fixation                    4. Legumes 

  • a) 4 1 2 3
  • b) 1 2 4 3
  • c) 3 1 2 4
  • d) 2 3 4 1

Answer: 3 1 2 4

Question: Organ which is most affected by alcohol is

  • a) Heart
  • b) Cerebrum
  • c) Liver
  • d) Cerebellum

Answer: Liver

Question: Effects of nicotine on human body include

  • a) Release of adrenaline and hence increase blood pressure and heart beat
  • b) Stimulation of nerve impulse and muscle relaxation
  • c) Decreased fetal growth
  • d) All the above are correct

Answer: All the above are correct

Question: The carcinogenic ingredient of tobacco smoke is

  • a) Nicotine
  • b) Poly cyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
  • c) Both A and B are correct
  • d) None of these are correct

Answer: Nicotine

Question: Bio patents are granted for

  • a) an inventions
  • b) a concept or design
  • c) both A and B are correct
  • d) none of these are correct

Answer: both A and B are correct

Question: Which set is of beneficial insects, to man

  • a) Honey bee, Lac insect, cochineal insect
  • b) Silk worm, honey bee, wasp
  • c) Honey bee, silk worm, cockroach
  • d) None of the above

Answer: Honey bee, Lac insect, cochineal insect

Question: Food poisoning is caused by

  • a) Clostridium botulism
  • b) Clostridium tumiaceae
  • c) Solmonella typhosa
  • d) Synchytrium endobioticum

Answer: Clostridium botulism

Question: A medicinal plant is

  • a) Cryptostegia grandiflora
  • b) Coffea arabica
  • c) Rauwolfia serpentia
  • d) Brassica oleracea

Answer: Rauwolfia serpentia

Question: Botanical name of Bajra is

  • a) Triticum aestivum
  • b) Pennisetum typhoides
  • c) Zea mays
  • d) Sorghum vulgare

Answer: Pennisetum typhoides

Question: Wheat grain is

  • a) Fruit
  • b) Seed
  • c) Thalamus
  • d) Embryo

Answer: Seed

Question: Morphine is obtained from

  • a) Aconitum napellus
  • b) Papaver somniferum
  • c) Rauwolfia sepentina
  • d) Cinchona officialism

Answer: Papaver somniferum

Question: The antigen present in pathogen is.

  • a) a specific protein involved in metabolism
  • b) polysacchoride synthesized by it is the host
  • c) a specific protein or polyacrylamide present on its cot
  • d) Any of the two, A or B.

Answer: a specific protein or polyacrylamide present on its cot

MCQs for Application Biology Biology Full Syllabus

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Full Syllabus Biology to develop the Biology Full Syllabus MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Full Syllabus test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Biology will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Full Syllabus Biology. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Full Syllabus Biology so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Full Syllabus Biology MCQ Test for the same chapter.

Where can I download latest NTSE MCQs for Full Syllabus Biology Application Biology

You can download the NTSE MCQs for Full Syllabus Biology Application Biology for latest session from StudiesToday.com

Are the Full Syllabus Biology Application Biology MCQs available for the latest session

Yes, the MCQs issued by NTSE for Full Syllabus Biology Application Biology have been made available here for latest academic session

Where can I find NTSE Full Syllabus Biology Application Biology MCQs online?

You can find NTSE Full Syllabus Biology Application Biology MCQs on educational websites like studiestoday.com, online tutoring platforms, and in sample question papers provided on this website.

How can I prepare for Application Biology Full Syllabus MCQs?

To prepare for Application Biology MCQs, refer to the concepts links provided by our teachers and download sample papers for free.

Are there any online resources for NTSE Full Syllabus Biology Application Biology?

Yes, there are many online resources that we have provided on studiestoday.com available such as practice worksheets, question papers, and online tests for learning MCQs for Full Syllabus Biology Application Biology