Refer to NTSE Biology Application Biology MCQs Set B provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NTSE, NCERT and KVS. Application Biology Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NTSE Full Syllabus Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Biology Application Biology
Full Syllabus Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Application Biology in Full Syllabus.
Application Biology MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Biology with Answers
Question: AIDS was first reported in
- a) Russia
- b) France
- c) U.S.A
- d) Germany
Answer: U.S.A
Question: Reverse transcriptase occurs in virus
- a) Influenza virus
- b) HIV
- c) Bacteriophage
- d) Vaccine virus
Answer: HIV
Question: Which of the following disease is caused by virus ?
- a) Malaria
- b) Polio
- c) Plague
- d) Tuberculosis
Answer: Polio
Question: Which viral disease is spread by mosquito ?
- a) Plague
- b) Typhus
- c) Yellow fever
- d) Elephantiasis
Answer: Yellow fever
Question: The disease caused by bacteria is
- a) Amoebic dysentery
- b) Arthritis
- c) Beriberi
- d) Diphtheria
Answer: Diphtheria
Question: Mycoplasma are not sensitive to
- a) Penicillin
- b) Streptomycin
- c) Erythromycin
- d) Neomycin
Answer: Penicillin
Question: Ascaris is a specialized but not degenerated parasite as it is
- a) With a straight alimentary canal
- b) Dioecious
- c) Without respiratory organ
- d) Covered by cuticle resistant to digestive juices of host
Answer: Covered by cuticle resistant to digestive juices of host
Question: Filaria worm is
- a) Wuchereria bancrofti
- b) Bruigia malayi
- c) Brugia timori
- d) All of the above
Answer: Wuchereria bancrofti
Question: Growth of population is due to
- a) natality an emigration
- b) natality and immigration
- c) mortality and emigration
- d) mortality and immigration
Answer: natality and immigration
Question: NMR is considered better than CT scan in
- a) ability to obtain images in any plane
- b) study of tissue metabolism
- c) not unit ionising radiation
- d) All the above
Answer: All the above
More Questions...........................
Question: Ultrasound in of
- a) Low frequency
- b) Frequency lower than 500 Hz
- c) Frequency
- d) Frequency 1 to 15 MHz
Answer: Frequency 1 to 15 MHz
Question: Which of the following is cancer of blood ?
- a) Lymphoma
- b) Leukemia
- c) Myeloma
- d) Sarcoma
Answer: Leukemia
Question: EEG provides information about electrical activity of
- a) Brain
- b) Heart
- c) Kidney
- d) Liver
Answer: Brain
Question: Status of fetus in womb can be studied by
- a) Simple X-ray
- b) Ultra-sound scanning
- c) Barium X-ray
- d) Through operation only
Answer: Ultra-sound scanning
Question: Confirmation of ELISA positive of AIDS is done by
- a) Western blot
- b) Northern blot
- c) Southern blot
- d) All of the above
Answer: Western blot
Question: Waves PQRST are read in diagnostic technique called
- a) ECG
- b) EEG
- c) MRI
- d) Ultrasound
Answer: ECG
22. Number of beams of X-rays employed in CT-scanning is
(A) (B) (C) (D)
- a) 5-20
- b) 100-120
- c) 10,000-15,000
- d) more than 30,000
Answer: more than 30,000
Question: The group of bacterial disease is :
- a) Mumps, Measles, Kala azar and Cholera
- b) Small pox, Tetanus, Trichinosis and Trench fever
- c) Measles, Polio, Diphtheria and Tetanus
- d) Cholera, Typhoid, Diphtheria and Tetanus
Answer: Cholera, Typhoid, Diphtheria and Tetanus
Question: Malaria is caused by
- a) Plasmodium
- b) Salmonella typhosa
- c) Clostridium tetani
- d) None of these
Answer: Plasmodium
Question: Common cold is a-
- a) Bacterial disease
- b) Viral disease
- c) Protozoan disease
- d) Round worm disease
Answer: Viral disease
Question: Health is
- a) Complete physical well being
- b) Mental well being
- c) Social well being
- d) All the above
Answer: All the above
Question: Mild grazing in grasslands
- a) Stimulates growth of grasses
- b) Arrests growth of grasses
- c) Retard growth of grasses
- d) Destroys vegetation
Answer: Stimulates growth of grasses
Question: Renewable products are available from
- a) Fossil fuels
- b) Agriculture
- c) Metal
- d) Petrol
Answer: Agriculture
Question: Metallic minerals and fossil fuels are
- a) Non-renewable resources
- b) Inexhaustible resources
- c) Renewable
- d) None of the above
Answer: Non-renewable resources
Question: Social forestry is
- a) Management of forests by cooperative societies
- b) Growing and management of useful plants on common lands
- c) Growing one type of trees
- d) Growing different types of plants together
Answer: Growing and management of useful plants on common lands
Question: Water is a resource
- a) Non degradable non maintainable
- b) Degradable maintainable
- c) Renewable
- d) None renewable
Answer: Renewable
Question: Which of the following grouped under cereals ?
- a) Tomato
- b) Rice
- c) Potato
- d) Mango
Answer: Rice
Question: Quinine is obtained from
- a) Opium
- b) Cinchona
- c) Ferula
- d) Rauvolfia
Answer: Cinchona
Question: Which of the following is used as a spice ?
- a) Mustard
- b) Castor
- c) Berseem
- d) Turmeric
Answer: Turmeric
Question: Common name of Gossypium is
- a) Fennel
- b) Cotton
- c) Ginger
- d) Pepper
Answer: Cotton
Question: Which of the following products is obtained from apiculture
- a) Apitoxin
- b) Wax
- c) Honey
- d) All of the above
Answer: All of the above
Question: Which of the following is a bread of hen ?
- a) Murrah
- b) Surti
- c) Sahiwal
- d) leghorn
Answer: leghorn
Question: Pisciculture is -
- a) Rearing of bees
- b) Rearing of honey bees
- c) Rearing of cattle
- d) Rearing of fishes
Answer: Rearing of fishes
Question: The technique is which foreign DNA is precipitated over surface of metal particles for passing intro target cell is
- a) Injection
- b) Electroporation
- c) Particle gun
- d) Chemical mediated gene transfer
Answer: Particle gun
Question: Enzyme that cuts DNA at specific sites is
- a) DNA ligase
- b) DNA polymerase
- c) Restriction endonuclease
- d) Reverse transcriptase
Answer: Restriction endonuclease
Question: Bt cotton is preferred over other varieties of cotton because of it’s
- a) High yield
- b) Quick growth
- c) Weedicidal property
- d) Resistance to bollworm
Answer: Resistance to bollworm
Question: Gene gun can introduce genes into cells with the help of
- a) Plasmids
- b) Cosmids
- c) Microscopic pellets
- d) Phagemids
Answer: Microscopic pellets
Question: Endonucleases break DNA at specific sites called
- a) Pallinotropic sequences
- b) Conserved sites
- c) Restriction sites
- d) Both A and B
Answer: Both A and B
Question: For DNA fingerprinting, DNA is obtained from
- a) WBCs
- b) Hair root cells
- c) Body secretion
- d) All of the above
Answer: All of the above
Question: Genetic engineering is
- a) Plastic surgery
- b) Addition or removal og genes
- c) Study of extra nuclear genes
- d) All of the above
Answer: Addition or removal og genes
Question: Advancement in genetic engineering has been possible due to discovery of
- a) Oncogenes
- b) Transposons
- c) Restriction endonuclease
- d) Exonouclease
Answer: Restriction endonuclease
Question: Plasmids are vectors for gene cloning because they
- a) Self replicate in bacterial cells
- b) Replicate freely outside the bacterial cells
- c) Can be multiplied in culture
- d) Can be multiplied in laboratories by using enzymes
Answer: Self replicate in bacterial cells
Question: Quinine is obtained from
- a) Opium
- b) Cinchona
- c) Ferula
- d) Rauvolfia
Answer: Cinchona
Question: Water is a resource
- a) Non degradable non maintainable
- b) Degradable maintainable
- c) Renewable
- d) None renewable
Answer: Renewable
Question: Which of the following products is obtained from apiculture
- a) Apitoxin
- b) Wax
- c) Honey
- d) All of the above
Answer: All of the above
MCQs for Application Biology Biology Full Syllabus
Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Full Syllabus Biology to develop the Biology Full Syllabus MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Full Syllabus test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Biology will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Full Syllabus Biology. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Full Syllabus Biology so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Full Syllabus Biology MCQ Test for the same chapter.
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