NCERT Book Class 7 History Towns Traders And Craftsperson

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NCERT Book for Class 7 Social Science Our Pasts II Chapter 6 Towns, Traders And Craftspersons

Class 7 Social Science students should refer to the following NCERT Book Our Pasts II Chapter 6 Towns, Traders And Craftspersons in Class 7. This NCERT Book for Class 7 Social Science will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Our Pasts II Chapter 6 Towns, Traders And Craftspersons NCERT Book Class 7

Click on the view or download PDF button below to access the Our Pasts II Chapter 6 Towns, Traders And Craftspersons Class 7 Social Science book. All Social Science Class 7 NCERT books have been divided into various chapters so that you can download and read them easily. Refer to the section below to access more books of Social Science in Class 7.


What would a traveller visiting a medieval town expect to find? This would depend on what kind of a town it was – a temple town, an administrative centre, a commercial town or a port town to name just some possibilities. In fact, many towns combined several functions – they were administrative centres, temple towns, as well as centres of commercial activities and craft production.

Administrative Centres

You read about the Chola dynasty in Chapter 2. Let’s travel in our imagination to Thanjavur, the capital of the Cholas, as it was a thousand years ago. The perennial river Kaveri flows near this beautiful town. One hears the bells of the Rajarajeshvara temple built by King Rajaraja Chola. The townspeople are all praise for its architect Kunjaramallan Rajaraja Perunthachchan who has proudly carved his name on the temple wall. Inside is a massive Shiva linga. Besides the temple, there are palaces with mandapas or pavilions. Kings hold court in these mandapas, issuing orders to their subordinates. There are also barracks for the army.

The town is bustling with markets selling grain, spices, cloth and jewellery. Water supply for the town comes from wells and tanks. The Saliya weavers of Thanjavur and the nearby town of Uraiyur are busy producing cloth for flags to be used in the temple festival, fine cottons for the king and nobility and coarse cotton for the masses. Some distance away at Svamimalai, the sthapatis or sculptors are making exquisite bronze idols and tall, ornamental bell metal lamps.

Temple Towns and Pilgrimage Centres

Thanjavur is also an example of a temple town. Temple towns represent a very important pattern of urbanisation, the process by which cities develop. Temples were often central to the economy and society. Rulers built temples to demonstrate their devotion to various deities. They also endowed temples with grants of land and money to carry out elaborate rituals, feed pilgrims and priests and celebrate festivals. Pilgrims who flocked to the temples also made donations. Temple authorities used their wealth to finance trade and banking. Gradually a large number of priests, workers, artisans, traders, etc. settled near the temple to cater to its needs and those of the pilgrims. Thus grew temple towns. Towns emerged around temples such as those of Bhillasvamin (Bhilsa or Vidisha in Madhya Pradesh), and Somnath in Gujarat. Other important temple towns included Kanchipuram and Madurai in Tamil Nadu, and Tirupati in Andhra Pradesh.

Let’s recall

1. Fill in the blanks:

(a) The Rajarajeshvara temple was built in ———.

(b) Ajmer is associated with the Sufi saint ————.

(c) Hampi was the capital of the ———— Empire.

(d) The Dutch established a settlement at ———— in Andhra Pradesh.

2. State whether true or false:

(a) We know the name of the architect of the Rajarajeshvara temple from an inscription.

(b) Merchants preferred to travel individually rather than in caravans.

(c) Kabul was a major centre for trade in elephants.

(d) Surat was an important trading port on the Bay of Bengal.

3. How was water supplied to the city of Thanjavur?

4. Who lived in the “Black Towns” in cities such as Madras?

Let’s understand

5. Why do you think towns grew around temples?

6. How important were craftspersons for the building and maintenance of temples?

7. Why did people from distant lands visit Surat?

8. In what ways was craft production in cities like Calcutta different from that in cities like Thanjavur?

Please refer to attached file for NCERT Class 7 History Towns, Traders And Craftsperson

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NCERT Book Class 7 Social Science Our Pasts II Chapter 6 Towns, Traders And Craftspersons

The above NCERT Books for Class 7 Social Science Our Pasts II Chapter 6 Towns, Traders And Craftspersons have been published by NCERT for latest academic session. The textbook by NCERT for Our Pasts II Chapter 6 Towns, Traders And Craftspersons Social Science Class 7 is being used by various schools and almost all education boards in India. Teachers have always recommended students to refer to Our Pasts II Chapter 6 Towns, Traders And Craftspersons NCERT etextbooks as the exams for Class 7 Social Science are always asked as per the syllabus defined in these ebooks. These Class 7 Our Pasts II Chapter 6 Towns, Traders And Craftspersons book for Social Science also includes collection of question. Along with Social Science Class 7 NCERT Book in Pdf for Our Pasts II Chapter 6 Towns, Traders And Craftspersons we have provided all NCERT Books in English Medium for Class 7 which will be really helpful for students who have opted for english language as a medium. Class 7 students will need their books in English so we have provided them here for all subjects in Class 7. You can download free NCERT Social Science Class 7 Textbook PDF and all chapters by clicking on the links above

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