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NCERT Book for Class 7 Social Science Our Pasts II Chapter 9 The Making Of Regional Cultures
Class 7 Social Science students should refer to the following NCERT Book Our Pasts II Chapter 9 The Making Of Regional Cultures in Class 7. This NCERT Book for Class 7 Social Science will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Our Pasts II Chapter 9 The Making Of Regional Cultures NCERT Book Class 7
Click on the view or download PDF button below to access the Our Pasts II Chapter 9 The Making Of Regional Cultures Class 7 Social Science book. All Social Science Class 7 NCERT books have been divided into various chapters so that you can download and read them easily. Refer to the section below to access more books of Social Science in Class 7.
One of the commonest ways of describing people is in terms of the language they speak. When we refer to a person as a Tamil or an Oriya, this usually means that he or she speaks Tamil or Oriya and lives in Tamil Nadu or Orissa. We also tend to associate each region with distinctive kinds of food, clothes, poetry, dance, music and painting. Sometimes we take these identities for granted and assume that they have existed from time immemorial. However, the frontiers separating regions have evolved over time (and in fact are still changing). Also, what we understand as regional cultures today are often the product of complex processes of intermixing of local traditions with ideas from other parts of the subcontinent. As we will see, some traditions appear specific to some regions, others seem to be similar across regions, and yet others derive from older practices in a particular area, but take a new form in other regions.
The Cheras and the Development of Malayalam
Let us begin by looking at an example of the connection between language and region. The Chera kingdom of Mahodayapuram was established in the ninth century in the south-western part of the peninsula, part of present-day Kerala. It is likely that Malayalam was spoken in this area. The rulers introduced the Malayalam language and script in their inscriptions. In fact, this is one of the earliest examples of the use of a regional language in official records in the subcontinent
At the same time, the Cheras also drew upon Sanskritic traditions. The temple theatre of Kerala, which is traced to this period, borrowed stories from the Sanskrit epics. The first literary works in Malayalam, dated to about the twelfth century, are directly indebted to Sanskrit. Interestingly enough, a fourteenth-century text, the Lilatilakam, dealing with grammar and poetics, was composed in Manipravalam – literally, “diamonds and corals” referring to the two languages, Sanskrit and the regional language.
Rulers and Religious Traditions: The Jagannatha Cult
In other regions, regional cultures grew around religious traditions. The best example of this process is the cult of Jagannatha (literally, lord of the world, a name for Vishnu) at Puri, Orissa. To date, the local tribal people make the wooden image of the deity, which suggests that the deity was originally a local god, who was later identified with Vishnu.
In the twelfth century, one of the most important rulers of the Ganga dynasty, Anantavarman, decided to erect a temple for Purushottama Jagannatha at Puri. Subsequently, in 1230, king Anangabhima III dedicated his kingdom to the deity and proclaimed himself as the “deputy” of the god. As the temple gained in importanceas a centre of pilgrimage, its authority in social and political matters also increased. All those who conquered Orissa, such as the Mughals, the Marathas and the English East India Company, attempted to gain control over the temple. They felt that this would make their rule acceptable to the local people.
Let’s recall
1. What is Manipravalam? Name a book written in that language.
2. Who were the major patrons of Kathak?
3. What are the important architectural features of the temples of Bengal ?
Let’s discuss
4. Why did minstrels proclaim the achievements of heroes?
5. Why do we know much more about the cultural practices of rulers than about those of ordinary people?
6. Why did conquerors try to control the temple of Jagannatha at Puri?
7. Why were temples built in Bengal?
Please refer to attached file for NCERT Class 7 History The Making Of Regional Cultures
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NCERT Book Class 7 Social Science Our Pasts II Chapter 9 The Making Of Regional Cultures
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