5.1 Sports participation of Women in India
For women’s participation in sports we have a look at ancient period. Regarding participation in the first modern Olympic (1896 Athens), there was no participation of women.
-- Women participated first time in 1900 Olympics. (22 women participated in)
-- And after 100 years in 2000 Sydney Olympics 4069 women had participated.
-- In 2008 Beijing Olympics 4637 women participated.
Participation in India
-- In 2000 karnam Malleshwari was the first woman who won bronze medal in Sydney Olympic from India.

In 2016, Rio Olympics, Sakshi Malik won bronze medal, P.V. Sandhu won silver medal where as Deepa Karmakar opened new dimesions in gymanastics.
Over the past several decades the participation of women in sports in sports field has increased tremendously. But really, it is a matter of regret for all of us to know that sports is such a field where gender inequality in strongly evident. The general social environment has not only inhibited women from participation in sports but has also criticise them when they participate. Many people comment for women “Why don’t they stay in the kitchen where they belong”?
But Now time has changed. Women are capable of changing society. Now the ideology suggests that women are participating in every sphere of life and proving themselves globally.
Reasons for the low rate of sports participation by women in India
1.Gender equity & social attitude
a.No parental encouragement
b.Traditional society
c.Less motivation and inspiration
d.Women constraining other women
2.Lack of plans and initiatives for sports women by the Government
a.Male dominant culture
b.Less availability of women coaches
c.No independent games facilities for women
d.More emphasis on study
e.Less competition
3.Economic Factors
4.Social Customs and Rights
5.Low Health Consciousness
6.Stress on Academics
7.Media Coverage
8.Lack of Incentives & Career
5.2 Special consideration
Menarche is the first menstrual bleeding of the young girl (9-16 yrs.)
Menstrual dysfunction is a disorder or irregular menstrual cycle in women. It can also be defined as “An abnormal bleeding during the menstrual cycle”.
Factors/related problems :
1. Absence of menstrual periods :- This problem may be due to eating disorder,excessive exercise schedule, extreme level of stress and medications etc.
2. Premenstrual syndrome :- Many girls may have symptoms such as acne, backaches,Sore breasts, headaches, constipation, depression, irritability and feeling anxious etc.
These symptoms may be faced by female before their menstruation.
3. Abnormal Cramps :- These cramps are caused by a chemical in the body that makes the muscles in the uterus contract.
4. Heavy or prolonged peroid :- It is common for a girl’s menstrual period to beheavier on some days than others.
5. Irregular menstrual period :- The regular menstrual cycle for a female is 28 days.
However, it may very from 21 to 35 days.
6. Delay in the first menstrual period.
5.3 Female athlete triad
Female athlete triad is a syndrome in which eating disorders, oesteoporosis and amenorrhea, eating disorders effect adversely on the body. 1. Osteoporosis is a skeletal disorder in which reduction in bone mass may cause fracture.
a.Insufficient calcium in diet.
b.Eating disorder
c.Bad eathing habits
Amenorrhea refers to the absence of menstrual periods. It may be either primary meaning woman has never developed menstrual periods) or secondary (absence of menstrual periods in a woman who was previously menstruating).
There are many reasons responsible for amenorrhea including extensive exercise and improper diet.
Exercising intensively and not consuming enough calories can lead to decreases in hormones that result in a girl's periods becoming irregular or stopping altogether.
Amenorrhoea:- Absence of menstrual period for more than 6 months.
3.Eating disorders
a. Anorexia nervosa
In this eating disorder the female athlete only think about food, dieting, and bodyweight all the time. They have distorted body structure. Other individuals usually feel them that are
becoming thin but they do not believe this. In front of the mirror they see themselves obese.
b. Bulimia nervosa
In this eating disorder the female eats excessive amount of food and then vomits it inorder not to gain weight. In this disorder, an individual binges on food and feels a loss of control. Then to prevent weight gain try to vomit the food.
5.4 Psychological aspects of women athlete
1.More goal oriented
2.Psychological stronger
3.Less aggressive
4.Fast adaptation
5.Image conscious
6.Poise & confidence
5.5 Sociological aspects of women athlete
1. Family - Family is a very significant social factor, which is generally responsible for earlysports socialization. The socializing process at home for both sex is different. Males usuallyget more support and encouragement to get involved in sports activities. They are furtherprovided with more facilities to encourage and support participation in sports and games.However female usually are not encouraged to get involved in sports activities.

2.School - The culture of sports is generated in schools and reputation of school isdependent on the success of male and females as sports personalities. Lots of schools do not have girl teams as male teams (soccer/ wrestling/boxing etc/) They do not have properarrangements for coaches and sports facilities for females.
3.Culture - Cultural beliefs have great impact on the involvement of females insports. Many cultures still firmly believe that women’s place is in the kitchen. The participation in the sports masculinises females are viewed negatively.

4.Attitude and prejudices - Attitude and prejudices of society play significant role insports participation; some females avoid certain sports for fear of being perceived masculine.Due to such attitude and prejudices of society regarding sexuality inhibit females to participate.
5.Religious faith discourages woman participation in sports
6.Illiteracy in society
7.Biological inferiority
8.Male dominance
9.Lesser concentration to develop woman sports equipment & facilities
10.Less competitive spectators for woman sports