CBSE Class 9 Social Science Democratic Rights Assignment

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 9 Social Science Democratic Rights Assignment. Get printable school Assignments for Class 9 Social Science. Class 9 students should practise questions and answers given here for Democratic Politics I Chapter 5 Democratic Rights Social Science in Class 9 which will help them to strengthen their understanding of all important topics. Students should also download free pdf of Printable Worksheets for Class 9 Social Science prepared as per the latest books and syllabus issued by NCERT, CBSE, KVS and do problems daily to score better marks in tests and examinations

Assignment for Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics I Chapter 5 Democratic Rights

Class 9 Social Science students should refer to the following printable assignment in Pdf for Democratic Politics I Chapter 5 Democratic Rights in Class 9. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 9 Social Science will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Democratic Politics I Chapter 5 Democratic Rights Class 9 Social Science Assignment

Question : Which of the following is not an instance of an exercise of a fundamental right?
(a) Workers from Bihar go to the Punjab to work on the farms
(b) Christian missions set up a chain of missionary schools
(c) Men and women government employees get the same salary
(d) Parents’ property is inherited by their children
Answer : (d) Parents’ property is inherited by their children

Question : Which of the following freedoms is not available to an Indian citizen?
(a) Freedom to criticise the government
(b) Freedom to participate in armed revolution
(c) Freedom to start a movement to change the government
(d) Freedom to oppose the central values of the Constitution
Answer : (b) Freedom to participate in armed revolution
Question : Which of the following rights is available under the Indian Constitution?
(a) Right to work
(b) Right to adequate livelihood
(c) Right to protect one’s culture
(d) Right to privacy
Answer :  (c) Right to protect one’s culture
Question : Name the Fundamental Right under which each of the following rights falls:
(a) Freedom to propagate one’s religion
(b) Right to life
(c) Abolition of untouchability
(d) Ban on bonded labour
Answer :
(a) Right to freedom of religion
(b) Right to freedom
(c) Right to equality
(d) Right to freedom
Question : Which of these statements about the relationship between democracy and rights is more valid? Give reasons for your preference.
(a) Every country that is a democracy gives rights to its citizens.
(b) Every country that gives rights to its citizens is a democracy.
(c) Giving rights is good, but it is not necessary for a democracy.
Answer : (a) Every country that is a democracy gives rights to its citizens
Question : Are these restrictions on the right to freedom justified? Give reasons for your answer.
(a) Indian citizens need permission to visit some border areas of the country for reasons of security.
(b) Outsiders are not allowed to buy property in some areas to protect the interest of the local population.
(c) The government bans the publication of a book that can go against the ruling party in the next elections.
Answer :
(a) Country’s security is more important than the right to freedom of a citizen, hence this restriction is justified.
(b) Some areas may be culturally or ecologically vulnerable and hence outsiders are not allowed to buy property in such areas. This restriction is also justified.
(c) This restriction is not justified because we have the freedom of expression.
Question : Manoj went to a college to apply for admission into an MBA course. The clerk refused to take his application and said “You, the son of a sweeper, wish to be a manager! Has anyone done this job in your community? Go to the municipality office and apply for a sweeper’s position”. Which of Manoj’s fundamental rights are being violated in this instance? Spell these out in a letter from Manoj to the district collector.
Answer : The following rights are being violated.
 Right to Equality: Everyone is equal in the eyes of the law. No one can be denied admissions on grounds of birth. The person is practicing “untouchability” in an indirect way, and this is an offence in the eyes of law. His right to opportunity is also being violated.
 Right to Freedom: Manoj has a right to apply for any job anywhere as long as he is citizen of country.
These two points should be pointed out in your letter to the District Collector.
Question : When Madhurima went to the property registration office, the exercises Registrar told her, “You can’t write your name as Madhurima Banerjee d/o A. K. Banerjee.
You are married, so you must give your husband’s name. Your husband’s surname is Rao. So your name should be changed to Madhurima Rao.” She did not agree. She said “If my husband’s name has not changed after marriage, why should mine?” In your opinion who is right in this dispute? And why?
Answer :There is no law which states that a woman can own property in her married name only. The constitution gives equal right to both men and women. So if Madhurima wants to give her maiden name, though married, she has the right to do so. The Registrar is being traditional.
Question :  Thousands of tribals and other forest dwellers gathered at Piparia in Hoshangabad district in Madhya Pradesh to protest against their proposed displacement from the Satpura National Park, Bori Wildlife Sanctuary and Panchmarhi Wildlife Sanctuary. They argue that such a displacement is an attack on their livelihood and beliefs. Government claims that their displacement is essential for the development of the area and for protection of wildlife. Write a petition on behalf of the forest dwellers to the NHRC, a response from the government and a report of the NHRC on this matter.
Answer : Letter from Tribals to NHRC
 Government’s proposal is a violation of human rights.
 It is taking away their right to live, right to follow their beliefs.
 For centuries the forests have been their means of livelihood.
 They have practised their rituals here.
 No alternative has been suggested to them.
 Nothing has happened to the wildlife, so why this sudden interest?
 Displacement would cause untold misery to them, their families, children and their future.
Response from the Government
 The government had given a warning to the people two years ago.
 There has been an alarming rise in poaching, cutting of trees and killing of wildlife.
 Environmental pollution has also increased.
 It is the government’s duty to protect the endangered species.
 The government has offered compensation and promised rehabilitation in alternative places.
 Offered jobs to the men.
NHRC’s Report
 Both sides have a point.
 The Tribals have tradition, practice and decades of residence behind them.
It is their world and life.
 Sudden uprooting will leave them emotionally disturbed, turn them into vagabonds and force them into jobs or occupations which they have never followed.
 The Government is right in its concern for wildlife. It is its duty to save certain species from becoming extinct. Poachers are having a field day, and every day the environment is threatened.
Suggestions: Transfer should be slow, not sudden. First, shelter and occupation should be provided to all the people. Education should be the primary concern.
Only through education can the younger generation take to the new environment and occupation. Not one family should be rendered homeless and without means of occupation.
Question : Draw a web interconnecting different rights discussed in this chapter. For example right to freedom of movement is connected to the freedom of occupation.
One reason for this is that freedom of movement enables a person to go to place of work within one’s village or city or to another village, city or state. Similarly this right can be used for pilgrimage, connected with freedom to follow one’s religion. Draw a circle for each right and mark arrows that show connection between or among different rights. For each arrow, give an example that shows the linkage.
Answer : It is student’s activity, so students are advised to do yourself.



Rights are reasonable claims of persons recognized by society and sanctioned by law. Rights are necessary for the very sustenance of a democracy. Right to equality, Right to Freedom, Right against Exploitation, Right to Freedom of Religion, cultural and educational rights to the minorities and ‘Right to Constitutional Remedies. National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) set up by law in 1993. Like Judiciary, the commission is independent of the government. The Commission makes independent and credible inquiry into any case of violation of human rights and presents its findings and recommendations to the government or intervenes in the court on behalf of the victims of human rights violation. Amnesty International- An organization of volunteers who campaign for human rights. 


Question : What is "Amnesty International‟?
Answer :
An international organization of volunteers who campaign for human rights. This organization brings out independent reports on the violation of human rights all over the world.

Question : Describe the human rights violation of the prisoners of Guantanamo Bay by the US Government.
Answer :
1. About 600 people were secretly picked up by the US forces from all over the world and put in a prison in Guantanamo Bay. The American Government said they were enemies of the US.
2. The US arrested them, interrogated them and decided to keep them there or not. There was no trial before any magistrate in the US.
3. In most cases the governments of their countries were not asked or even informed about their imprisonment.

Question : Point out the Citizens Rights in SA.
Answer :

1. A hereditary king rules the country and the people have no role in electing the rulers.
2. The king selects the legislature, executive and judiciary
3. Citizens can’t form Political parties or any political organizations.
4. Women are subjected to many public restrictions.

Question : Describe how the Serbian majority denied the Albanian minority of their rights in Kosovo.
Answer :

1. Kosovo was a province of Yugoslavia before its split and as of 2007 it was a part of Serbia. Kosovo has an Albanian majority but in the entire country Serbs were in majority.
2. Milosevic, the then President of Serbia was hostile to Albanians in Kosovo and he wanted Serbians to dominate the country.
3. Many Serb leaders thought that Albanians should leave the country or accept the dominance of Serbs. Working under Milosevic who came to power by democratic election, Serbian military massacred thousands of Albanians in Kosovo.
4. (Now Kosovo is an independent country.

Question : What are "rights‟? Explain. 
Answer :
1. Rights are reasonable claims of persons recognized by society and sanctioned by law.
2. A right is possible when you make a claim that is equally possible for others. We can’t have a right that harms others. The claim we make should be reasonable.
3. Rights acquire meaning only in a society. Every society makes certain rules to regulate our conduct. What is recognized by the society as rightful becomes the basis of rights.
4. When the socially recognized clams are written into law, they acquire real force. When law recognizes some claims they become enforceable.

Question : Why do we need rights in a democracy? Or „Rights are necessary for the very sustenance of a democracy‟ Justify the statement.
Answer :

1. In a democracy, every citizen has to have the right to vote and elect a government. For participating in a democratic election, it’s necessary that citizens should have the right to express their opinion and form political organizations.
2. Democracy is often called the rule of the majority. Rights protect the minorities from the oppression of majority and ensure that majority can’t do whatever it likes.
3. Sometimes the elected governments may not protect or even may attack the rights of their own citizens. That’s why some rights need to be placed above the government, so that the government can’t violate the rights.

Question : What do you understand by the term‟ Rule of Law‟?
Answer :

a) Rule of Law means that the laws apply in the same manner to all, regardless of a person’s status.
b) Rule of law is the foundation of any democracy. It means that no person is above the law.
c) There can’t be any discrimination between political leader, government official and an ordinary citizen.

Question : What is the Significance of „Fundamental Rights‟?
Answer :

1. Fundamental Rights are guaranteed against the actions of the legislature, the executive and any other authorities instituted by the Government.
2. There can be no law or action that violates the fundamental rights. If any act of the legislature or the executive that takes away or limits any of the Fundamental Rights, it will be invalid.
3. The courts are responsible for enforcing the Fundamental Rights against private individual and bodies. The Supreme Court and The High Courts have the power to issue directions for the enforcement of Fundamental Rights and also to award compensation to victims and to punishment to the violators.

Question : Explain Right to equality. OR Explain the right to equality enjoyed by the citizens of India. What is its importance?
Answer :

1. The constitution of India says that the government shall not deny any person in India equality before the law or equal protection of the laws.
2. The government shall not discriminate any citizen on grounds of religion, caste, ethnicity, sex or place of birth. Every citizen shall have access to public places, cinema halls, etc.
3. All citizens have equality of opportunity in matters relating to employment to any position in the government.

Question : Why reservations for physically challenged people, socially and economically backward classes are not a violation of right to equality? Or Point out the limitations of Right to equality.
Answer :

1. The government of India has provided reservations for scheduled castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Women, poor or physically challenged people in government jobs.
2. Equality doesn’t mean giving everyone the same treatment but giving everyone an equal opportunity to achieve whatever one is capable of.
3. Some times its necessary to give special treatment to someone in order to ensure equal opportunity. The constitution says such reservations are not violation of the Right to Equality.

Question :  Point out the rights of an Indian citizen if arrested by the police.
Answer :

1. A person who is arrested and detained in custody will have to be informed of the reasons for such arrest and detention.
2. A person who is arrested and detained shall be produced before the nearest magistrate within a period of 24 hours of arrest.
3. Such a person has the right to consult a lawyer or engage a lawyer for his defense.

Question : How does "Right against exploitation‟ protects and prevents weaker sections of the society from exploitation?
OR Discuss the provisions included in the Right against Exploitation.
OR What does Constitution say about child labour?
Answer :  
The Indian Constitution provides certain provisions to prevent exploitation of the weaker sections of the society and mentions three specific evils and declares them illegal.
1. The constitution prohibits ‘Human Traffic’ .ie. Selling and buying of human being is illegal in India.
2. The constitution prohibits the forced labour or beggar in any form. Begar is a practice where the worker is forced to render service to the master free of charge or at nominal wages. It is also called bonded labour.
3. The Constitution also prohibits child labour. No one can employ a child below the age of fourteen years.

Question : Assess the „Right to Freedom of Religion‟.
Answer :
The Constitution of India assures Right to Freedom with certain limitations.
1. India is a secular state and every person has the right to profess, practice and propagate the religion. A person is free to change religion on his or her own will.
2. Every religious group is free to manage its religious affairs and run religious and educational institutions.
3. The government is neutral and impartial in dealing with all religions.

Question : Point out the provisions made in right to religion to prevent its misuse.
Answer :
The Constitution of India prohibits the following practices under right to religion:
1. A person can’t be converted to another religion against his or her will.
2. Animal and Human sacrifices to Gods or supernatural forces is not a ‘right to religion’
3. Religious practices which teat women as inferior or that deprives the freedom of women are not allowed.

Question : What is a secular state? Examine the peculiar feature of secularism in India.
Answer :

1. A secular state is one that doesn’t establish any one religion as official religion. The state has to be neutral and impartial in dealing with all religions.
2. India is a secular state, as it doesn’t have any one official religion. It does not confer any favour on any particular religion nor discriminate people on the basis of religion.
3. The government can’t compel any person to pay taxes for the promotion of any religion or religious institution.
4. There shall be no religious instruction in government educational institutions. In private educational institutions, no person shall be compelled to take part in any religious instruction or worship.

Question : Why is protection of the rights of minorities necessary in a democracy? Point out any three provisions in „Cultural and Educational Rights‟ to protect the rights of minorities.
Answer :
There are three types of minorities, Linguistic, religious and cultural. Democracy is the rule of majority. If the language, culture and religion of the minorities are not protected, they may get neglected or undermined under the impact of the majority culture, language or religion. The Indian constitution specifies the following cultural and educational rights to the minorities.
1. Any section of citizens with a distinct language or culture has a right to conserve it.
2. Admission to any educational institution maintained by the government can’t be denied to any one on the ground of religion or language.
3. All minorities have right to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice.

Question : Explain "Right to Constitutional Remedies. Or Why is the Right to constitutional Remedies called the "Heart and Soul‟ of our constitution? 
Answer :

1. We have a right to seek the enforcement of the fundamental rights. This right itself is a fundamental right. This is called Right to Constitutional remedies.
2. It is possible that some times our rights may be violated by our fellow citizens, private bodies or by the government.
3. If it is a fundamental right that is violated the right to constitutional remedies gives us the right to approach the High court or the Supreme Court directly.
That’s why Dr. B. R. Ambedkar called it the ‘heart and soul’ of our constitution.

Question : Write a short note on "National Human Rights Commission‟.
Answer :

1. This is an independent commission set up by law in 1993. Like Judiciary, the commission is independent of the government.
2. The NHRC makes independent and credible inquiry into any case of violation of human rights. It has wide ranging powers to carry out its inquiry.
3. The Commission presents its findings and recommendations to the government or intervenes in the court on behalf of the victims of human rights violation

Question : What do you understand by "Public Interest Litigation‟? (PIL)
Answer :

1. Any person can go to court against the violation of the Fundamental Right, if it is of social or public interest. This kind of litigation in public interest is called public interest litigation.
2. Under PIL any citizen or group of citizens can approach the Supreme Court or a High Court for protection of public interest against a particular law or action of the government.
3. One can write to the judges even on a post card. The court will take up the matter if the judges find it in public interest.

Question : "Over the years the scope of rights has expanded‟ Explain.
Answer :

1. Over the years the courts in India gave judgments to expand the scope of rights. Certain rights like right to freedom of press, right to information, right to education are the rights derived from Fundamental rights.
2. Recently the Supreme Court has expanded the meaning of the right to life to include the right to food.
3. Other than Fundamental Rights, there are constitutional rights that are enjoyed by Indian citizens.
4. For example, the right to property and right to vote are not Fundamental Rights, but they are Constitutional Rights.

Question : What are „Human Rights‟?
Answer :
Human Rights are universal moral claims that may or may not have been recognized by law. With the expansion of democracy all over the world, there is greater pressure on governments to accept these claims.

Question : Mention the rights recognized by International covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
Answer :
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights recognizes many rights that are not a part of the Fundamental Rights of Indian Constitution.

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CBSE Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics I Chapter 5 Democratic Rights Assignment

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What are benefits of doing Assignment for CBSE Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics I Chapter 5 Democratic Rights?

a. Score higher marks: Regular practice of Social Science Class 9 Assignments for chapter Democratic Politics I Chapter 5 Democratic Rights will help to improve understanding and help in solving exam questions correctly.
b. As per CBSE pattern: All questions given above follow the latest Class 9 Social Science Sample Papers so that students can prepare as per latest exam pattern.
c. Understand different question types: These assignments include MCQ Questions for Class 9 Social Science with answers relating to Democratic Politics I Chapter 5 Democratic Rights, short answers, long answers, and also case studies.
d. Improve time management: Daily solving questions from Democratic Politics I Chapter 5 Democratic Rights within a set time will improve your speed and accuracy.
e. Boost confidence: Practicing multiple assignments and Class 9 Social Science mock tests for Democratic Politics I Chapter 5 Democratic Rights reduces exam stress.

How to Solve CBSE Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics I Chapter 5 Democratic Rights Assignment effectively?

a. Start with Class 9 NCERT and syllabus topics: Always read the chapter carefully before attempting Assignment questions for Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics I Chapter 5 Democratic Rights.
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c. Use Class 9 worksheets and revision notes: Refer to NCERT Class 9 Social Science worksheets, sample papers, and mock tests for extra practice.
d. Revise tricky topics: Focus on difficult concepts by solving Class 9 Social Science MCQ Test.
e. Maintain notebook: Note down mistakes in Democratic Politics I Chapter 5 Democratic Rights assignment and read them in Revision notes for Class 9 Social Science

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a. Solve assignments daily: Regular practice of Democratic Politics I Chapter 5 Democratic Rights questions will strengthen problem solving skills.
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c. Set a timer: Practicing Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics I Chapter 5 Democratic Rights assignment under timed conditions improves speed and accuracy.

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Latest syllabus issued for current academic year by CBSE has been used to design assignments for Democratic Politics I Chapter 5 Democratic Rights Class 9

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