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Assignment for Class 12 Geography Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 8 Transport And Communication
Class 12 Geography students should refer to the following printable assignment in Pdf for Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 8 Transport And Communication in Class 12. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 12 Geography will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 8 Transport And Communication Class 12 Geography Assignment
- Economical for short distance
- Offer door to door service
- Unmetalled roads not effective and serviceable for all seasons
- Worlds total motorable road length-15 million km[33% north America]
- Highest road density-North America[continent] Japan[country]
- Highest number of vehicles-north America
- Higher parking fee
- Mass rapid transit
- Improved public bus service
- Express ways
- Metalled roads connecting distant places
- 80m wide with separate traffic lanes
- Constructed for unobstructed vehicular movement
- Highway density is high in North America [0.65 km per sq km]
- Every place is within 20 km distance from a highway.
- Trans Canadian high way
o Vancouver to St John’s
- Alaskan highway
o Edmonton[Canada] to Anchorage[Alaska]
- Pan American highway
o Will connect south America, central America, USA and Canada
- Transcontinental Stuart highway Australia
o Darwin-Melbourne
- Trans Canadian Highway
- Russia
o Moscow -Vladivostok high way
- India
o NH-7 Varanasi-Kanyakumari is the longest highway
o Golden quadrilateral[super Expressway]- connects Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata
- Africa
o Algiers to Conakry in Guinea
• Cairo- Cape town
Border roads
- Roads laid along international boundaries
- Connects remote areas with major cities
- Imp for defence-connects military camps
- Transport bulky goods
- Passenger over long distances
- Railway gauges
o Broad gauge[greater than 1.5m]
o Standard[1.44m]
o Meter gauge[1m]
o Smaller gauge[less than 1m]
- Commuter trains-
o Trains that carry passengers to and from the cities
o Popular in UK, USA, Japan and India
- Europe has most dense rail network in the world
- Highest rail density- Belgium 1km/6.5km2
- Underground railway important in London and Paris
- Channel tunnel connects London with Paris
Transcontinental railways
Railways that run across the continent and link its two ends
Trans Siberian railway
o In Russia
o St Petersburg to Vladivostok
o Longest-9332km
o Double tracked
o Electrified
o Connects Asian region to west European market
o Chita-agro centre
o Irkutsk- fur centre
o Connection with Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, china
Trans Canadian railway
o Connect Halifax to Vancouver
o 7050km
o Constructed for political reason
o Connects Quebec Montreal industrial region with the wheat belt of the Prairie region and the coniferous forest region in the north
o Loop line-Winnipeg-thunder Bay- connect with great lakes waterway
o Called economic artery of Canada
o Wheat and meat are the important exports on this route
The Australian Trans Continental railway
o From Perth to Sydney[runs east west]
o North south line-Adelaide-Alice spring to Darwin- Birdum
The Union and Pacific Railway
o Connects New York [Atlantic coast] to San Francisco[Pacific coast]
o Exports- ores, grain, paper, chemicals, machinery
Orient Express
o From Paris to Istanbul
o The journey time from London to Istanbul reduced to 96 hours against 10 days by sea route
o Exports- cheese, bacon, oats, wine, fruits, machinery
Trans Asiatic Railway [proposed]
o Istanbul to Bangkok[Iran, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar]
Advantages of water transport
1. Provide smooth highway traversable in all directions
2. There is no maintenance cost
3. It is much cheaper because the friction of water is less than that of land
4. Does not require route construction
5. The energy cost is lower
6. Ideal for carrying bulky goods over long distances from one continent to other.
7. Environment friendly
Water transport is divided into
1. Ocean routes
2. Inland waterways
Improvements in water transport
o Ships equipped with radar, wireless and other navigation aids
o Refrigerated chambers for perishable goods
o Tankers
o Use of containers [cargo handling easier]
Important ocean routes
1. The north Atlantic Sea Route
2. The south Atlantic sea route
3. The Mediterranean -Indian Ocean route
4. The Cape of Good Hope Sea Route
5. The North Pacific Sea Route
6. The South Pacific Sea Route
- This links north eastern USA and north western Europe[industrially developed regions of the world]
- The foreign trade over this route is greater than that of the rest of the world combined
- One fourth of the world’s foreign trade moves on this route
- It is the busiest ocean trade route of the world
- It is called the Big Trunk Route
- Both the coasts have highly advanced ports and harbour facilities
The South Atlantic sea route
o Connects west European and west African countries with brazil, Argentina and Uruguay
o The traffic is less compared to north Atlantic sea route because
7. limited development and population in south America and Africa
8. south America and Africa both have similar products and resources
o This route connects the developed countries of the Europe in the west with developing countries of east Africa, south Asia and south east Asia through the Mediterranean sea, the red sea and the Indian ocean
o Important ports- port Said, Aden, Mumbai, Colombo, Singapore
o This route connects Western European region with west Africa, south Africa, south east Asia and Australia and new Zealand
o This is 6400km longer than the Suez canal route[Liverpool and Colombo]
o The volume of trade from both east and west Africa is on the increase due to the development of the rich natural resource[ gold, diamond, oil palm, copper ]
o Trade across north pacific ocean moves by several routes which converge at Honolulu
o This sea route links the ports on the west coast of North America with those of Asia
o Important ports are Vancouver, san Francisco, Yokohoma, manila and Singapore
o Connects western Europe and north America with Australia, new Zealand and the scattered pacific islands via the panama canal
o This route is also used for reaching Hong Kong, Philippines and Indonesia
- Honolulu is an important port on this route
Coastal shipping
o Convenient mode of transportation in countries with long coastlines
o Eg- USA, china, India
o Shenshen states in Europe are most suitably placed for coastal shipping
o Can reduce congestion on the land route
Shipping canals
o The Suez and the Panama canals are two vital man made navigation canals or waterways
The Suez Canal
o Connects Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea.
o About 160 kms long, 11 to 15m deep
o A sea level canal without locks
o Constructed in 1869 in Egypt
o Terminal ports are Port Said[north] and Port Suez [south]
o Reduces distance between Europe and S.E.Asia
o About 100 ships travel daily and each ship takes 10-12 hours to cross this canal
o The tolls are high so some ship use the longer cape route whenever consequent delay is not important
o A navigable fresh water canal from the Nile also joins the suez canal in Ismailia.
o A railway line follows the canal to suez and from Ismailia there is a branch line to Cairo
The Panama Canal -
o Connects Atlantic ocean[east] and Pacific ocean [west]
o 72 kms long
o It has 6 lock systems
o It shortens the distance between New York and San Francisco by 13000 km by sea
o Constructed by US government across the Panama Isthmus
o Terminal ports are panama and Colon
o US government purchased 8 km of area on either side and name it the canal zone
o Panama handles 5 % of worlds shipping
Inland waterways
o Rivers, canals, lakes, coastal areas
Development of inland waterways dependent on
o Navigability [width, depth] of the channel
o Continuity in water flow
o Transport technology in use
Lost importance-Reasons
o Competition from railways
o Lack of water due to diversion for irrigation
o Poor maintenance
Measures for development
1. Enhance navigability by dredging
2. Stabilizing river banks
3. Building dams/barrages for regulating the flow of water
Rhine waterway
o From Basel[Switzerland ]to Rotterdam[Netherlands]-700 km
o World’s most heavily used waterway
o Connects the industrial area of Switzerland, Germany, France, Belgium and Netherlands with the north Atlantic sea route
Danube waterway
o Serves eastern Europe
o From black forest in Germany to Black sea
The Great Lakes-St Lawrence seaway
o Lakes- Superior, Huron, Erie, Ontario are connected by Soo canal and Welland canal
o Commercial waterway in the northern part of north America
o The ports on this route equipped with all facilities of ocean ports
o Large ocean vessels are navigable in this route[upto montreal]
o canals constructed to avoid rapids
The Mississippi waterway
o Mississippi-Ohio waterway connects interior USA with gulf of Mexico
o Up to Minneapolis large streams are navigable
o Fastest
o Can reach inaccessible areas
o Strategically important
o Costly
o Construction of airport very expensive
o Manufacturing of air crafts and its operations require elaborate infrastructure
Intercontinental air routes
o Dense network in eastern USA, west Europe, SE Asia
o USA accounts for 60% of airways of the world
o Africa, Asiatic part of Russia and South America lack air services
o Limited air services between 10-35 S latitudes- reasons
o Sparse population
1. Limited land mass
2. Low economic development
o For transport of liquids and gases-water, petroleum and natural gas
o Also used to transport liquefied coal
o USA has dense network of pipelines
o Eg- Big Inch-carries petroleum from gulf of Mexico to NE states of USA
o Telephones-use of optic fibre cables instead of copper cables
- Allows transmission of large quantity of data
- Rapid and secure transmission of data
- Error free transmission
Satellite communication
o Emergence due to space research of USA and USSR
o Unit cost and time is less invariant in terms of distance
o India-use for long distance communication, television and radio, weather forecasting
Cyber space
o It is the electronic digital world for communicating or accessing information over computer network without physical movement of the sender and the receiver
o Major internet users- USA, UK, Germany, Japan, China and India
CBSE Class 12 Geography Chapter 8 Transport And Communication MCQs
Question. Which of the following mean of transportation is not suitable to carry peoples from one place to another place?
a. Railways
b. Pipelines
c. Aeroplane
d. Ropeway
Answer. Pipelines
Question. The first public railway line was opened in 1825 in northern England between which of the following places?
a. Between Stockton and Darlington
b. Between Stockton and Birmingham
c. Between Darlington and Dortmund
d. Between Darlington and Birmingham
Answer. Between Stockton and Darlington
Question. In which of the following continent highest road density and highest number of vehicles are registered?
a. Western Europe
b. Africa
c. Australia
d. Northern America
Answer. Northern America
Question. Which of the following highway links Edmonton in Canada to Anchorage in Alaska?
a. Alaskan Highway
b. Trans Canadian Highway
c. Pan American Highway
d. None of the above
Answer. Alaskan Highway
Question. Which of the following is the longest highway of India?
a. National Highway No. 4
b. National Highway No. 7
c. National Highway No. 9
d. National Highway No. 15
Answer. National Highway No. 7
Question. Which of the following factor is responsible for the low traffic on the south Atlantic sea route as compared to the South Atlantic Ocean sea route?
a. Low population and limited development in South America and Africa
b. Production of same commodities and availability of same resources as well in South America and Africa
c. Low level of technology
d. Both (a) and (b)
Answer. Both (a) and (b)
Question. Consider the following statements and choose the correct option from the given options.
I. Rail transport cannot serve the vast and developing countries at lower costs.
II. Rail kilometrage is smaller in the developing countries.
(a) Only I is correct
(b) Only II is correct
(c) Both statements are incorrect
(d) Both statements are correct and statement II correctly explains statement I.
Answer. D
Question. Consider the following statements and choose the correct option from the given options.
I. Trade of commodities depends upon transport.
II. Transport provides a network of links which is essential for trade.
(a) Only I is correct
(b) Only II is correct
(c) Both the statements are incorrect.
(d) Both statements are correct and statement II correctly explains the statement I.
Answer. D
Question. Consider the following statements and choose the correct option from the given options.
I. Higher living standards and quality of life also depend upon efficient transportation and communication.
II. Assured and speedy transportation supplemented by efficient communication systems also promotes cooperation and unity among people living at different places in a country.
(a) Only I is correct.
(b) Both I and II are correct
(c) Only II is correct
(d) Both are incorrect.
Answer. B
Question. Consider the following statements and choose the correct option from the given options.
I. Rail transport cannot serve the vast and developing countries at lower costs.
II. Rail kilometrage is smaller in the developing countries.
(a) Only I is correct
(b) Only II is correct
(c) Both statements are incorrect
(d) Both statements are correct and statement II correctly explains statement I.
Answer. D
Question. Arrange the following seaports of South American continent from North to South direction.
I. Rio De Janeiro sea port
II. Montevideo sea port
III. Callao sea port
IV. Belem sea port
(a) I, II, III, IV
(b) IV, III, II, I
(c) I, IV, III, II
(d) IV, III, I, II
Answer. D
Question. Arrange the following satellites in chronological order.
I. Rohini
III. Aryabhatt
IV. Bhaskar-I
(a) I, II, III, IV
(b) IV, III, II, I
(c) III, IV, I, II
(d) I, IV, III, II
Answer. C
Question. With the invention of ……… road transport became an important form of transportation across the world.
(a) wheels
(b) internal combustion engine
(c) concrete
(d) steam engine
Answer. A
CBSE Class 12 Geography Chapter 8 Transport And Communication Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question. What is a transport network?
Answer. Several places [nodes] joined together by a series of routes [links] to form a pattern
Question. When and where was the first public railway line opened?
Answer. Between Stockton and Darling ton in 1825
Question. Which country has the highest road density in the world
Answer. Japan
Question. Name the tunnel which joins London with Paris.
Answer. Channel Tunnel
Question. What are commuter trains?
Answer. Trains- that carry passengers to and from the cities
Question. What is transcontinental railway?
Answer. Railways that run across the continent and link its two ends
Question. Name the places connected by the union and pacific railway line.
Answer. Connects New York [Atlantic coast] to San Francisco [Pacific coast]
Question. Name the terminal stations of the orient express railway
Answer. From Paris to Istanbul
Question. Why is the traffic less on the Cape of Good Hope sea route? Give two reasons
Answer. The traffic is far less on the Cape of Good Hope Route because of -
i) Limited development of this route.
ii) More time consuming
Question. How much percentage of world shipping is handled by the Panama Canal?
Answer. 5%
Question. Which is the most important riverine inland waterway of Russia?
Answer. The Volga waterway
Question. Which is the famous petroleum pipeline of USA?
Answer. Big Inch
Question. What is internet? Or what is cyber space
Answer. It is the electronic digital world for communicating or accessing information over computer network without physical movement of the sender and the receiver
Question. Name the countries having majority of internet users.
Answer. Major internet users- USA, UK, Germany, Japan, China and India
CBSE Class 12 Geography Chapter 8 Transport And Communication Short Answer Type Questions
Question. Explain the merits and demerits of road transport in the world
Answer. Merits of road transport:
i) Road transport is the most economical for short distances.
ii) It offers door-to-door service.
iii) It plays a vital role in a nation's trade and commerce and for promoting tourism.
Question. Mention the three major regions of the world which have a very dense network of railways.
Answer. Three major regions of the world having a very dense network of railways are
(i) North America It accounts for 40 per cent of the world’s total railway network. The densest rail networks are present in the highly industrialised and urbanised region of East Central USA and adjoining Canada.
(ii) Europe There are about 4,40,000 km of railways in Europe. London, Paris, Brussels, Milan, Berlin and Warsaw are some of important rail headquarters.
(iii) Asia The rail network is dense in the thickly populated areas of Japan, China and India.
Question. What are the five factors of development which have enhanced the efficiency of ocean transport?
Answer. The factors of development that have enhanced the capacity of ocean transport are
(i) Use of radar, wireless and other navigation aids in modern passenger ships.
(ii) The introduction of refrigerated chambers for transporting perishable goods.
(iii) The development of tankers and other specialised ships and use of container.
(iv) The oceans provide smooth flow of traffic in all directions with no maintenance costs.
(v) The introduction of technology including advanced data capturing system has also enhanced the efficiency of ocean transportation.
Question. Write briefly about inter-continental air routes.
Answer. Inter-continental air routes are the routes that connect different parts of the world by air routes. A distinct East-West belt of inter-continental air routes is found in the Northern Hemisphere. Eastern USA, Western Europe and South-East Asia have a dense network of air routes. USA accounts for almost 60 per cent of the airways of the world.
These air routes are important for transporting goods and passengers between two continents. It has reduced the travel time and improved trade, commerce as well as relations between various countries in the world. The important nodal points where air routes converge or radiate to all continents are New York, London, Paris, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Rome, Moscow, Karachi, New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangkok, Singapore, Tokyo, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Chicago.
Question. Mention the famous oil pipeline of the USA. How are pipelines one of the most convenient modes of transport?
Answer. Big Inch is the famous pipeline in USA among a dense network of oil pipelineswhich run fromthe oil producing areas to consuming areas. It carries petroleum from the oil wells of the Gulf of Mexico to the North-Eastern states. Pipelines are one of the most convenient modes of transport in the following ways.
- They are used extensively to transport liquids and gases such as water, petroleum, oil and natural gas.
- They can carry liquid and gaseous materials for long distances without any interruption or delays.
- The pipelines directly link the producing areas to the consuming areas.
Demerits of road transport:
i) During rainy season, un-metalled roads become un-motorable.
ii) Even the metalled roads are seriously handicapped during heavy rains and floods. City roads suffer from chronic traffic congestions.
iii) The quality of roads varies greatly between developed and developing countries because road construction and maintenance require heavy expenditure.
Question. Classify roads into two categories. Explain any four significant features of the road transport of developed countries of the world
Answer. Highways and border roads
a. Developed countries have resources to construct and maintain good quality roads
b. The intensity of vehicular traffic is more
c. In developed countries good quality roads are universal and provide long distance links in the form of motorways, autobahns[Germany] and interstate highways for speedy movement
d. Lorries of increasing size and power to carry heavy loads are common.
Question. What are the three major types of inland waterways of the world? State three factors on which the development of inland waterways depends.
Answer. Types of inland water ways
Rivers, canals., lakes
Factors on which the development of inland waterways depend
1. Navigability width and depth of the channel
2. Continuity of water flow
3. Transport technology in use
Question. What is the significance of inland waterways? explain the three factors responsible for the development of inland waterways in the world
Answer. - Rivers, canals, lakes and coastal areas have been important inland waterways
- Boats and steamers are used as means of transport for cargo and passengers
- Rivers are the only means of transport in dense forests
- Very heavy cargo like coal cement timber and metallic ores can be transported through inland waterways
Factors for development
1. Navigability width and depth of the channel
2. Continuity in the water flow
3. Transport technology in use
Question. Why have inland waterways lost their significance?
Answer. 1. Competition from railways
2. Lack of water due to diversion for irrigation
3. Poor maintenance
CBSE Class 12 Geography Chapter 8 Transport And Communication Long Answer Type Questions
Question. Define the term ‘transport’ describe any four features of highways of North America.
Transport is a service or facility for the carriage of persons and goods from one place to the other using humans, animals and different kinds of vehicles
Answer. Features of highways of North America
1. Highway density is high, about 0.65 km per sq km
2. Every place is within 20km distance from a highway
3. Cities located on the pacific coast are well connected with those of the Atlantic coast
4. The cities of Canada in the north are linked with those of Mexico in the south
Question. Suggest any five measures to overcome urban transport problem
Answer. 1. Higher parking fee
2. Mass rapid transit
3. Improved public bus service
4. Express ways
5. Car pooling
Question. What is the importance of roads? Explain any three reasons for the existence of good quality roads in the developed countries?
1. Road transport is the most economical for short distances as compared to railways
2. Freight transport by road is gaining importance because it offers door to door service
3. cost of construction is cheap
4. they can negotiate steep gradient
Developed countries have resources to construct and maintain good quality roads
The intensity of vehicular traffic is more
High capacity vehicles which are common need good roads
In developed countries good quality roads are universal and provide long distance links in the form of motorways, autobahns[Germany] and interstate highways for speedy movement
Question. Which is the busiest sea route in the world? Describe its four characteristics.
Answer. The north Atlantic sea route
1. This links north eastern USA and north western Europe[industrially developed regions of the world]
2. The foreign trade over this route is greater than that of the rest of the world combined
3. One fourth of the world’s foreign trade moves on this route
4. It is the busiest ocean trade route of the world
5. It is called the Big Trunk Route
6. Both the coasts have highly advanced ports and harbour facilities
Question. Name the principal mode of transportation in the world which is used for carrying liquid and gaseous materials only. Mention any four characteristics of this mode of transportation Principal mode of transporting liquid and gaseous materials
Characteristics of pipeline transportation
1. Used extensively to transport liquid and gases
2. Pipelines can also be used to transport liquefied coal
3. Water, petroleum, natural gas and milk are supplied through pipelines from producing areas to consuming areas
4. About 17 per cent of all freight per tonne-km is carried through pipelines in USA
5. In Europe Russia, West Asia and India pipelines are used to connect oil wells to refineries and to ports and domestic markets
6. Pipelines are the most convenient and efficient mode
Question. Describe any five achievements of satellite communication in the world ( CBSE2009)
1. Artificial satellites connect even the remote corners of the globe with limited onsite verification
2. These have rendered the unit cost and time of communication invariant in terms of distance
3. It has made long distance communication, television and radio very effective
4. Weather forecasting through television is boon.
5. It connects about 1000 million people in more than 100 countries.
Question. What is satellite communication? How has it brought revolutionary changes in the field of communication in the world? Explain
Answer. Communication through the use of satellite.
1. Artificial satellites connect even the remote corners of the globe with limited onsite verification
2. These have rendered the unit cost and time of communication invariant in terms of distance
3. It has made long distance communication, television and radio very effective
4. Weather forecasting through television is boon.
5. It connects about 1000 million people in more than 100 countries.
Question. Explain the significance of each of the transport and communication services available in the world
Answer. Significance of transport and communication services
- Transport is a service by which persons and goods are physically carried from one location to another
- It is an organised industry created to satisfy man’s basic needs of mobility
- Modern society requires speedy and efficient transport system to assist in the production, distribution and consumption of goods
- The value of the material is significantly enhanced by transportation
- Development directly or indirectly depends on transport services
- In selecting the mode of transport the distance in terms of time or cost is taken into consideration Communication services
- It involves the transmission of ideas and messages
- Initially communications were sent through persons animals and by different means of transport
- The modern development in communication such as mobiles telephones and satellites etc have made communication independent of transport
- The use of telecommunications has revolutionized communications because of theri speed with which messages are sent
- Radio and television helped to relay news and pictures to vast audiences around the world
- Newspapers cover events around the world
- Satellite relays the information of the earth from space
- The internet has revolutionized global communications
Question. ‘The Suez and the Panama canals are two vital man-made navigation canals, which serve as the gateways of commerce for both the Eastern and Western worlds.’ In the light of this statement, explain the economic significance of these two canals.
Answer. The Suez and Panama Canals are very important navigational canals that are significant for the Eastern as well asWesternWorlds. The Suez canal connects Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea. It was constructed in 1869 in Egypt between Port Said in North and Port Suez in South. The significance of this canal is
- After the opening of this canal, the sea distance between Europe and Asia has reduced. This has lead to rise in trade between both the continents.
- It is important for the economies of Europe as well asAfrican nations as ships carrying essential goods part through this canal.
- It has boosted the economy of the region by generating employment opportunities.
- Railway lines have also been constructed from the Suez canal to supply goods and improve trade even in the interior parts of the region.
The Panama Canal joins the Atlantic Ocean in the East to the Pacific Ocean in the West.
The significance of this canal is
- It is important for the economies of North America as well as Latin America as it is used for carrying out trade between these regions.
- Many European countries use the Panama canal to supply their products to the Latin American countries.
- The distance between Eastern and Western coasts of
USA is significantly reduced due to the opening up of this canal. It has resulted in boosting the US economy and easing World Trade.
- There has been a significant reduction in the distance between Western Europe and America. This results in improvements in their trade and commercial relations.
Question. Which means of transport is extensively used for carrying water, petroleum, natural gas and other liquids? Describe the network of this means of transport in the world.
Or Name the principal mode of transportation in the world which is used for carrying liquid and gaseous materials only. Mention any four characteristics of this mode of transportation.
Or Analyse any five points of importance of ‘pipelines’ as means of transportation.
Answer. The means of transport used extensively for carrying water, petroleum, natural gas and other liquids is pipeline transport.
The characteristics and importance of pipelines are
(i) It is most convenient and efficient means of transporting liquids and gases over long distances.
(ii) Pipelines can also transport solids after converting them into slurry (wet mixture).
(iii) Its initial set up cost is high, but after that, pipelines transport liquids and gases very cheaply.
(iv) It does not require much space.
(v) Pipelines are energy efficient and environment friendly.
The regions in which pipeline network can be found are
- In New Zealand, pipelines are used to supply milk from farms to factories.
- In USA, about 17 per cent of all freight per tonne-km is carried through pipelines.
- In many parts of the world like Europe, Russia, West Asia and India pipelines are used to connect oil wells to refineries, and to ports or domestic markets. Pipelines are expanding very fast. For example, Turkmenistan in Central Asia has extended pipelines to Iran and also to parts of China
- The proposed Iran-India via Pakistan international oil and natural gas pipeline will be the longest in the world.
CBSE Class 12 Geography Chapter 8 Transport And Communication Case Based Questions
Read the case/source given and answer the questions that follow.
Air transport is the fastest means of transportation, but it is very costly. Being fast, it is preferred by passengers for long-distance travel. Valuable cargo can be moved rapidly on a world-wide scale. It is often the only means to reach inaccessible areas. Air transport has brought about a connectivity revolution in the world. The frictions created by mountainous snow fields or inhospitable desert terrains have been overcome. The accessibility has increased. The airplane brings varied articles to the Eskimos in Northern Canada unhindered by the frozen ground. In the Himalayan region, the routes are often obstructed due to landslides, avalanches or heavy snow fall.
At such times, air travel is the only alternative to reach a place. The manufacturing of aircrafts and their operations require elaborate infrastructure like hangars, landing, fuelling and maintenance facilities for the aircrafts. The construction of airports is also very expensive and has developed more in highly industrialised countries where there is a large volume of traffic. At present no place in the world is more than 35 hours away. This startling fact has been made possible due to people who build and fly airplanes. Travel by air can now be measured by hours and minutes instead of years and months. Frequent air services are available to many parts of the world. Although, UK pioneered the use of commercial jet transport, USA developed largely post-War international civil aviation. Today, more than 250 commercial airlines offer regular services to different parts of the world. Recent developments can change the future course of air transport. Supersonic aircraft, cover the distance between London and New York within three and a half hours.
Question. Which regions of the world are experiencing major developments in air transport? Explain.
Answer. US and UK are among the top regions of the world that are experiencing major developments in air transport.They have developed civil aviation facilities and technology. Highly industrialised countries that have large volume of traffic are also experiencing major developments in air transport.
Question. What are the reasons for the increasing popularity of air transport in the recent time, in spite of its high cost?
Answer. The reasons for the increasing popularity of air transport in the recent time inspite of its high cost are
- Valuable and perishable goods can be easily transported rapidly on a worldwide scale from one country to another.
- The areas which were previously inaccessible have become easily accessible due to air transport. For example, Himalayan region, Alaska region, etc.
Question. State any one disadvantage of air transport.
Answer. A disadvantage of air transport is that it is very costly as compared to other modes of transport and thus, beyond the reach of poor people.
Question. Name the trans-continental railway showing the given map
Answer. Trans Siberian railway
Question. Mention the terminal stations of this railway line
Answer. It runs from St Petersburg in the west to Vladivostok on the Pacific coast in the east
Question. Write any four characteristics of this transcontinental railway line.
Answer. a. It is a major rail route of Russia
b. It runs from St Petersburg in the west to Vladivostok on the Pacific coast in the east
c. It passes through Moscow. Ufa, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Chita and Khabarovsk
d. It is the most important route in Asia and the largest[9332km]double tracked and electrified transcontinental railway in the world
e. It has helped in opening up its Asian region with west European markets
f. It runs across Ural mountains, Ob and Yenisei rivers,
g. Chita is an important Agro centre and Irkutsk fur centre
h. These are connecting links to the south namely to Odessa, Ukraine-Baku on the Caspian coast, Tashkent[Uzbekistan],Ulan Bator[Mongolia] and Shenyang[Mukden] and Beijing in china
Question. In which country does this railway line lie?
Answer. Russia
Question. What is the total length of this railway line?
Answer. 9332km
Question. Write down any one significance of this railway line.
Answer. It has helped in opening up Russia’s Asian region with west European markets
Question. In which country does this railway line lie?
Answer. Canada
Question. Name the two ocean coasts which are linked by this railway line.
Answer. Atlantic and Pacific
Question. Name the trans-continental railway of North America constructed in 1886.
Answer. Trans Canadian railway
Question. Name the railway line shown in the given map
Answer. Australian Trans Continental Railway
Question. Name the terminal stations of Australian trans-continental railway
Answer. Perth and Sydney
Question. In which country this railway line lies?
Answer. Australia
Question. Name the two ocean coasts which are linked by this railway line.
Answer. Indian ocean and Pacific Ocean
Question. Name the ports located on the coast of Spencer Gulf through which this railway line passes
Answer. Port August and Port Pirie
Question. Name the shipping canal shown in the map
Answer. Suez canal
Question.What do the railway lines and fresh water canal indicate about the relief of the region shown in the map
Answer. The region is a plain
Question. How did relief help in reducing the cost of construction of this shipping canal?
Answer. The cost got reduced as the canal does not require lock system
Question. Which one of the following waterways has drastically reduced the oceanic distance between
Answer. India and Europe.(1) the Rhine waterway (2)the Cape of Good Hope sea route(3)Suez canal and(4) the Panama Canal.
Suez canal
Question. Name the country through which this canal passes
Answer. Egypt
Question. Which two seas are connected by this canal
Answer. Red sea and Mediterranean sea
Question. Write two points of importance of this canal.
Answer. Connects Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea.
Reduces distance between Europe and S.E.Asia
Question. Name the two ports located at the ends of Suez Canal
Answer. Port Said and port Suez
Question. Name any two lakes through which Suez Canal passes
Answer. Great Bitter lake and Little Bitter lake
Question. Name the shipping canal shown in the map
Answer. The Panama Canal
Question. Name the two oceans connected by Panama Canal.
Answer. Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean
Question. Name the terminal ports of this shipping canal.
Answer. Colon and Panama City
Question. Name the country which has constructed this canal
Answer. USA
Question. Why does this canal have lock system?
Answer. For maintaining the water level required for the ship to cross the canal
Question. Why is this canal mostly used by USA
Answer. It shortens the distance between New York and San Francisco. So the panama canal
was constructed by the US government
Question. Name the inland waterway of Europe shown in the photograph.
Answer. Rhine waterway
Question. How has this inland waterway been a boon in the development of the countries
1. It is navigable for 700km from Rotterdam to Basel in Switzerland.
2. Ocean going vessels can reach upto Cologne
3. River Ruhr flows through rich coal files and joins river Rhine thus making the whole basin prosperous manufacturing area
4. It connects the industrial areas of Switzerland, Germany, France Belgium and the Netherlands with the north Atlantic sea routes
5. It is the world’s busiest waterway
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CBSE Class 12 Geography Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 8 Transport And Communication Assignment
We hope you liked the above assignment for Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 8 Transport And Communication which has been designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 12 Geography released by CBSE. Students of Class 12 should download and practice the above Assignments for Class 12 Geography regularly. We have provided all types of questions like MCQs, short answer questions, objective questions and long answer questions in the Class 12 Geography practice sheet in Pdf. All questions have been designed for Geography by looking into the pattern of problems asked in previous year examinations. You can download all Revision notes for Class 12 Geography also absolutely free of cost. Lot of MCQ questions for Class 12 Geography have also been given in the worksheets and assignments for regular use. All study material for Class 12 Geography students have been given on studiestoday. We have also provided lot of Worksheets for Class 12 Geography which you can use to further make your self stronger in Geography.
What are benefits of doing Assignment for CBSE Class 12 Geography Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 8 Transport And Communication?
a. Score higher marks: Regular practice of Geography Class 12 Assignments for chapter Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 8 Transport And Communication will help to improve understanding and help in solving exam questions correctly.
b. As per CBSE pattern: All questions given above follow the latest Class 12 Geography Sample Papers so that students can prepare as per latest exam pattern.
c. Understand different question types: These assignments include MCQ Questions for Class 12 Geography with answers relating to Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 8 Transport And Communication, short answers, long answers, and also case studies.
d. Improve time management: Daily solving questions from Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 8 Transport And Communication within a set time will improve your speed and accuracy.
e. Boost confidence: Practicing multiple assignments and Class 12 Geography mock tests for Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 8 Transport And Communication reduces exam stress.
How to Solve CBSE Class 12 Geography Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 8 Transport And Communication Assignment effectively?
a. Start with Class 12 NCERT and syllabus topics: Always read the chapter carefully before attempting Assignment questions for Class 12 Geography Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 8 Transport And Communication.
b. Solve without checking answers: You should first attempt the assignment questions on Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 8 Transport And Communication yourself and then compare with provided solutions.
c. Use Class 12 worksheets and revision notes: Refer to NCERT Class 12 Geography worksheets, sample papers, and mock tests for extra practice.
d. Revise tricky topics: Focus on difficult concepts by solving Class 12 Geography MCQ Test.
e. Maintain notebook: Note down mistakes in Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 8 Transport And Communication assignment and read them in Revision notes for Class 12 Geography
How to practice CBSE Class 12 Geography Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 8 Transport And Communication Assignment for best results?
a. Solve assignments daily: Regular practice of Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 8 Transport And Communication questions will strengthen problem solving skills.
b.Use Class 12 study materials: Combine NCERT book for Class 12 Geography, mock tests, sample papers, and worksheets to get a complete preparation experience.
c. Set a timer: Practicing Class 12 Geography Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 8 Transport And Communication assignment under timed conditions improves speed and accuracy.
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