CBSE Class 12 Geography Tertiary and Quaternary Activities Assignment

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Assignment for Class 12 Geography Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary And Quaternary Activities

Class 12 Geography students should refer to the following printable assignment in Pdf for Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary And Quaternary Activities in Class 12. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 12 Geography will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary And Quaternary Activities Class 12 Geography Assignment

Class 12 Geography Tertiary and Quaternary Activities

1. Tertiary activities are related to service sector.
2. Majority of workers get employment in tertiary sector and a moderate proportion is employed in the secondary sector in a developed economy.
3. They include both production and exchange.
4. Production includes provision of service.
5. Output is indirectly measured in terms of wages and salaries.
6. Exchange involves trade transport and communication.
7. Provide commercial output service.
8. Specialized skills are involved.

Types of tertiary activities

Class 12 Geography Tertiary and Quaternary Activities

Tourism :
1. Tourist regions
2. Factors affecting tourism: demand , transport
3. Tourist attractions: climate, landscape history and art, culture and economy Empowered workers,
4. Medical Tourism

QUATERNARY ACTIVITIES – Knowledge oriented sector
1. Collection production and dissemination of information .
2. Production of information
3. Research and development
4. Specialized knowledge
5. Technical skills
6. Administrative competence

QUINARY ACTIVITIES : The highest level of decision makers, policy makers.
Often referred to as ‘gold collar’ professions.
Trends in quinary activities include -
1. Knowledge Processing Outsourcing
2. Home shoring
3. Business Processing Outsourcing

Outsourcing : Giving work to an outside agency to improve efficiency and to reduce costs.
Large no. of call centers in India and China opened.

Advantages :
- Cheap
- Availability of skilled persons,
- English language communication skills
- Out migrating countries.

1. India is leading country in medical tourism
2. World class hospitals are located in India
3. Abundant benefits for the developing countries
4. It is cheap for developed countries
5. Advantages for patients
6. Developed transport in India

1. Availability of information and communication technology
2. It is uneven in the world
3. It depends on the government policy
4. Developed countries provide but developing countries still to provide the ICT to their people.

CBSE Class 12 Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary and Quaternary Activities Multiple Choice Questions

Question. Which one of the following is a tertiary activity?
a) Farming
b) Weaving
c) Trading
d) Hunting
Answer. c

Question. Giving work to an outside agency to improve efficiency is known as
a) BPO service
b) Outsourcing
c) Data processing
d) IT services
Answer. b

Question. Which one of the following sectors provides most of the employment in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata.
a) Primary
b) Secondary
c) Quaternary
d) Service
Answer. d

Question. Jobs that involve high degrees and level of innovations are known as:
a) Secondary activities
b) Quinary activities
c) Quaternary activities
d) Primary activities
Answer. b

Question. Which one of the following activities is related to quaternary sector?
a) Manufacturing computers
b) University teaching
c) Paper and Raw pulp production
d) Printing books
Answer. b

Question. Which one out of the following statements is not true?
a) Outsourcing reduces costs and increases efficiency.
b) At times engineering and manufacturing jobs can also be outsourced.
c) BPOs have better business opportunities as compared to KPOs.
d) There may be dissatisfaction among job seekers in the countries that outsource the job.
Answer. c

Question. Complete the following table by writing appropriate answer

Class 12 Geography Tertiary and Quaternary Activities

Answer. Personal communication and Mass communication

Question. Tertiary activities depend on :
a) Skill
b) Machinery
c) Factory
d) Production
Answer. a

Question. Door – to –door service is provided by.
a) Retail trading
b) Wholesale trading
c) Mandis
d) Bi – weekly markets
Answer. a

Question. Who operates on wholesaler’s capital?
a) Large stores
b) Chain stores
c) Retailer
d) Departmental stores

Question. Which of the following markets can generally be periodic markets?
a) Urban markets
b) Rural markets
c) Quasi – urban markets
d) None of the above

Question. Expand CBD.
a) Commercial Business District
b) Central Business District
c) Central Business Department
d) None of the above
Answer. b

Question. What are mandis?
a) Urban centres
b) Rural markets
c) Wholesale markets
d) Co-operatives
Answer. c

Question. Expand ICT
a) Information Communication Technology
b) Industrial and chemical technology
c) IT and communication Technology
d) None of the above

Question. Assertion (A) Over 40% of the GDP of world is generated by tourism.
Reason (R) As a country develops, the number of people working in the primary sector declines whereas those in the tertiary sector increases.
In the context of two statements, which one of the following is correct?
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
c) A is true, but R is false
d) A is false, but R is true
Answer. b

Question. Activities which involve collection, production and dissemination of information are known by which name?
(a) Secondary activities
(b) Tertiary activities
(c) Quaternary activities
(d) Quinary activities
Answer. C

Question. Consider the following statements and choose the correct option.
I. Exchange involves all those facilities that are used to over come distance.
II. Trade, transport and communication are examples of exchange.
(a) Only statement I is correct
(b) Only statement II is correct
(c) Both statements I and II are correct
(d) Both statements are incorrect
Answer. C

Question. Consider the following statements and choose the correct option from the given options.
I. Retail trading is a business activity.
II. Retail trading is mainly concerned with the direct selling of goods to the consumers.
(a) Only I is correct
(b) Only II is correct
(c) Both statements are correct and statement II correctly explains statement I.
(d) Both statements are incorrect.
Answer. C

Question. Arrange the following activities in sequence as per their importance.
I. Transportation
II. Collection of information
III. Outsourcing
IV. Mining
(a) IV, II, I, III
(b) III, II, I, IV
(c) I, II, III, IV
(d) IV, III, II, I
Answer. B

Question. Arrange the following colours of collars in sequence as per their importance of work.
I. Grey Collar
II. Black Collar
III. Pink Collar
IV. Gold Collar
(a) I, II, III, IV
(b) II, I, IV, III
(c) IV, I, III, II
(d) I, IV, III, II
Answer. C

CBSE Class 12 Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary and Quaternary Activities Case Based Questions

Read the case/source given below and answer the questions that follows

Communication services involve the transmission of words and messages, facts and ideas. The invention of writing preserved messages and helped to make communication dependent on means of transport.
These were actually carried by hand, animals, boat, road, rail and air. That is why all forms of transport are also referred to as lines of communication. Where the transport network is efficient, communications are easily disseminated. Certain developments, such as mobile telephony and satellites, have made communications independent of transport. All forms are not fully disassociated because of the cheapness of the older systems. Thus, very large volumes of mail continue to be handled by post offices all over the world. The use of telecommunications is linked to the development of modern technology. It has revolutionised communications because of the speed with which messages are sent. The time reduced is from weeks to minutes. Besides, the recent advancements like mobile telephony have made communications direct and instantaneous at any time and from anywhere.
The telegraph, morse code and telex have almost become things of the past. Radio and television also help to relay news, pictures, and telephone calls to vast audiences around the world and hence they are termed as mass media. They are vital for advertising and entertainment. Newspapers are able to cover events in all corners of the world.
Satellite communication relays information of the earth and from space. The internet has truly revolutionised the global communication system.

Question. Why all forms of transport are referred to as lines of communication?
Answer. All forms of transport are reformed to as lines of communication because in the historic times, when the invention of writing took place, it preserved messages and helped to make communication dependent on means of transport. These messages actually were carried by hand, animals, boat, road, rail and air.

Question. Despite the development of modern technology, many forms of communication are still dependent on transport. Explain in brief.
Answer. It is true that despite of the development of modern technology, many forms of communication are still dependent on transport because of the cheapness of the older communication systems. For example, a very large volume of mail still continue to be handled by post offices all over the world.

Question. Enlist any two features of modern technology in communication.
Answer. Two features of modern technology in communication are
(i) They have reduced the time taken to communicate with people from weeks to minutes.
(ii) Mobile telephony have made communications direct and instantaneous at any time and from anywhere.


Question. Define tertiary activity.
Answer. Tertiary activities are related to the service sector. Manpower is an important component of the service sector as most of the tertiary activities are performed by skilled labour, professionally trained experts and consultants. These services require other theoretical knowledge and practical training

Question. Which is the world’s single largest tertiary activity?
Answer. Tourism has become the world’s single largest tertiary activity in total registered jobs (250 million) and total revenue (40 per cent of the total GDP).

Question. Define consumer cooperatives, Departmental stores and chain stores
Answer. Consumer cooperatives- Provide large-scale retailing.
Departmental stores - Heads of each department purchase and sells commodities.
Chain stores -They experiment sale of goods in one store and apply the results to other stores.

Question. What are the factors that affect transport services?
Answer. Factors Affecting Transport
1. Demand for transport is influenced by the size of population. The larger the population size, the greater is the demand for transport.
2. Routes depend on: location of cities, towns, villages, industrial centres and raw materials, pattern of trade between them, nature of the landscape between them, type of climate, and funds available for overcoming obstacles along the length of the route

Question. What is digital divide?
Answer. Opportunities emerging from the Information and Communication Technology based development is unevenly distributed across the globe. There are wide ranging economic, Political and social differences among countries. Developed countries in general have surged forward providing ICT access and benefits to its citizens whereas the developing countries have lagged behind and this is known as the digital divide.

Question. What are trading centres? Write a note on trading centres of the world.
Answer. The towns and Cities where buying and selling of items take place which were produced elsewhere are known as trading centres. Trading centres may be divided into rural and urban marketing centres.
- Rural marketing centres cater to nearby settlements. These are quasi-urban centres of rudimentary type. These form local collecting and distributing centres. Personal and professional services are not well-developed. Most of these have mandis (wholesale markets) and retailing areas. They supply goods and services demanded by rural folk. Periodic markets are held here weekly or bi- weekly. These markets are held on specified dates and move from one place to another.
- Urban marketing centres provide specialised urban services. They provide
ordinary goods and services as well as many of the specialised goods and services required by people. Urban centres offer manufactured goods. specialised markets for labour, housing, semi or finished products are held. Provide services of educational institutions and professionals such as teachers, lawyers, consultants, physicians, dentists and veterinary doctors

Question. What are the factors that affect tourism?
Answer. Factors Affecting Tourism
- Demand : Since the last century, the demand for holidays has increased rapidly. Improvements in the standard of living and increased leisure time, permit many more people to go on holidays for leisure.
- Transport : The opening-up of tourist areas has been aided by improvement in transport facilities. Travel is easier by car, with better road systems. More significant in recent years has been the expansion in air transport. For example, air travel allows one to travel anywhere in the world in a few hours of flying time from their homes. The advent of package holidays has reduced the costs.

Question. “ Tourism is highly labour intensive activity of unique kind in the world”. Support this statement with examples
Answer. - Tourism is highly labour intensive activity of unique kind in the world.
- Many local persons, are employed to provide services like accommodation, meals, transport, entertainment and special shops serving the tourists.
- Tourism fosters the growth of infrastructure industries, retail trading, and craft industries (souvenirs).
- In some regions, tourism is seasonal because the vacation period is dependent on favourable weather conditions, but many regions attract visitors all the year round.

Question. ‘Outsourcing has resulted in opening up a large number of job opportunities in several countries’. Analyse the statement with three suitable examples
Answer. - Outsourcing has resulted in opening up a large number of job opportunities in several countries.
- Outsourcing is coming to those countries where cheap and skilled workers are available like India, China, Eastern Europe, Israel, Philippines and Costa Rica.
- Outsourcing countries are facing resistance from job-seeking youths in their respective countries.
- New trends in quinary services include knowledge processing outsourcing (KPO) and ‘home shoring’, the latter as an alternative to outsourcing.

Question. Describe the different types of retail stores.
Answer. Different types of retail stores are
- Consumer Co-operatives These are retail establishments which are organised and operated by the consumers themselves to obtain products of daily use at reasonably low prices.
- Departmental Stores It is a large retail business unit which has number of stores engaged in purchasing and selling of different products.
- Chain Stores These may direct goods to be manufactured as per their customised specification. They employ highly skilled specialists in many executive tasks. They have the ability to experiment in one store and apply the results to many.

Question. Discuss tourism as an important tertiary activity.
Answer. Tourism is an important tertiary activity as
- It is the largest sector of tertiary activities in terms of providing employment.
- It generates the largest revenue among tertiary activities in the world. Around 40 per cent of the world’s total GDP is generated by tourism sector.
- Tourism not only boosts the infrastructure, but also the local as well as global economy. It provides base for making a
living for many people residing adjacent to tourist places.
- Local people are employed to provide variety of services like accommodation, food, transport, special shops and entertainment.
- It enhances the growth of retail trading, art and craft business or industries.

Question. What are the two factors affecting tourism in the world?
Explain each factor with example. 
Answer. The two factors affecting tourism in the world are
(i) Demand It is the prime factor affecting tourism. For last few centuries, the demand for recreational and entertainment related activities have increased significantly. The standard of living of people is improving and they need more leisure time due to nature of their work. Thus, demand for tourism is increasing.
(ii) Transport The development in transport sector increases the demand for tourism. The easy accessibility to tourist locations and places encourages people to move or visit there. The expansion of air and rail network in the last decade has influenced tourism in increasing the number of tourists. Apart from this, the improvement in infrastructure at tourist spots has also increased the demand for tourism.

Question.How does the climate of a region attract tourists? Explain with examples from different regions of the world. 
Answer. The climatic conditions of any region attracts tourists in the following ways
- People from colder places seek to visit warm places, e.g. the Mediterranean lands and Southern Europe, due to their considerable higher temperature, sunny days and less rainfall attract tourists from Europe.
- People from warmer regions like to visit colder places, tourists from Northern plains of India prefer to go to tourist places located in the Himalayan region or other hill stations.
- Climatic conditions of a region also provide some adventurous activities to do and attract tourists, e.g. ice skating and skiing in snowy regions, sea surfing on beaches, etc.


Question. Differentiate the following:
a. Retail and wholesale trading services
b. BPO and KPO
Class 12 Geography Tertiary and Quaternary Activities
Class 12 Geography Tertiary and Quaternary Activities

Question. Explain the importance of service sector in the development of a country.
Answer. - Service sector is very important for the development of economy in the world.
- Services occur at many different levels. Some are geared to industry, some to people, and some to both industry and people, e.g. the transport systems.
- Low-order services, such as grocery shops and laundries.
- High-order services like those of accountants, consultants and physicians.
- Services are provided to individual consumers who can afford to pay for them. Such as Physical labour like gardener, launderers and barber.
- Mental labour like Teacher, lawyers, physicians, musicians.
- This sector provides employment to a large number of people.
- Service sector facilitates the flow of money in an economy . For example, buying and selling of items. Trading helps in the exchange of money and commodities among different regions.
- International trade also helps in flow of foreign currency.
- In developed countries, a large proportion of GDP is contributed by service sector, as it is a major sector of economy in these countries.
- In the initial stages of economic development, larger proportion of people worked in the primary sector.
- In a developed economy, the majority of workers get employment in tertiary activity and a moderate proportion is employed in the secondary sector.
- Making and maintaining highways and bridges, maintaining fire fighting departments and supplying or supervising education and customer -care are among the important services most often supervised or performed by governments or companies

Question. What is tourism? Analyse any four tourist attractions in the world
Answer. Tourism is travel undertaken for purposes of recreation rather than business. It has become the world’s single largest tertiary activity in total registered jobs (250 million) and total revenue (40 per cent of the total GDP).

Factors of tourist attractions are:-
1. Climate: People from colder regions wants to visit warm, sunny places. This is one of the main reasons for the importance of tourism in Southern Europe and the Mediterranean lands. The Mediterranean climate offers almost consistently higher temperatures, long hours of sunshine and low rainfall .attracts tourists from Europe, People taking winter holidays have specific climatic requirements, either higher temperatures than their own homelands, or snow cover suitable for skiing.
2. Landscape: Attractive environment like mountains, lakes, spectacular sea coasts and landscapes not completely altered by man are important tourist destinations.
3. History and Art: The history and art of an area have potential attractiveness. People visit ancient or picturesque towns and archaeological sites, and enjoy exploring castles, palaces and churches.
4. Culture and Economy: These attract tourists with a penchant for experiencing ethnic and local customs. Besides, if a region provides for the needs of tourists at a cheap cost, it is likely to become very popular. Home-stay has emerged as a profitable business such as heritage homes in Goa, Madikere and Coorg in Karnataka.

Question. What is medical tourism? Explain the scope of medical services for the overseas patients in India.
Answer. - When medical treatment is combined with international tourism activity, it lends itself to what is commonly known as medical tourism. India, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia are the fast emerging countries of medical tourism in the world. The reasons responsible for this are as follows-
- World class hospitals located in metropolitan cities cater to patients all over the world.
- It brings the trend of outsourcing of medical tests and data interpretation.
- Hospitals in India, Switzerland and Australia have been performing certain medical services – ranging from reading radiology images, to interpreting Magnetic Resonance Images (MRIs) and ultrasound tests.
- Outsourcing holds tremendous advantages for patients, if it is focused on improving quality or providing specialised care.

Quinary activities are services that focus on the creation, re-arrangement and interpretation of new and existing ideas; data interpretation and the use and evaluation of new technologies. Often referred to as ‘gold collar’ professions, they represent another subdivision of the tertiary sector representing special and highly paid skills of senior business executives, government officials, research scientists, financial and legal consultants, etc. Their importance in the structure of advanced economies far outweighs their numbers.
Outsourcing or contracting out is giving work to an outside agency to improve efficiency and to reduce costs. When outsourcing involves transferring work to overseas locations, it is described by the term off – shoring, although both off – shoring and outsourcing are used together. Business activities that are outsourced include information technology (IT), human resources, customer support and call centre services and at times also manufacturing and engineering. Data processing is an IT related service easily be carried out in Asian, East European and African countries, In these countries , IT skilled staff with good English language skills are available at lower wages than those in the developed countries. Thus, a company in Hyderabad or Manila does work on a project based on GIS techniques for a country like U.S.A or Japan. Overhead costs are also much lower making it profitable to get job-work carried out overseas, whether it is in India, China or even a less populous country like Botswana in Africa.

Answer the following questions

Question. Which among these is a quinary activity?
a) Administrative offices
b) Car manufacturing
c) Horticulture
d) Trade and commerce

Question. Which of these is an advantage of outsourcing?
a) Low operating cost
b) Transfer of technology
c) Tax saving
d) All of the above
Answer. d

Question. Which of the following activities are usually outsourced?
a) IT services
b) Engineering services
c) Data processing
d) All of the above
Answer. d

Question. Why are most of the services outsourced to Asian countries?
a) Availability of cheap IT staff
b) Low taxes in Asia
c) Large number of customers in Asia
d) None of the above
Answer. a


Communication services involve the transmission of words and messages, facts and ideas. The invention of writing preserved messages and helped to make communication dependent on means of transport. These were actually carried by hand, animals, boat, road, rail and air. That is why all forms of transport are also referred to as lines of communication. Where the transport network is efficient, communications are easily disseminated. Certain developments, such as mobile telephony and satellites, have made communications independent of transport. Allforms are not fully disassociated because of the cheapness of the older systems. Thus, very large volumes of mail continue to be handled by post offices all over the world. The use of telecommunications is linked to the development of modern technology. It has revolutionised communications because of the speed with which messages are sent. The time reduced is from weeks to minutes. Besides, the recent advancements like mobile telephony have made communications direct and instantaneous at any time and from anywhere. The telegraph, morse code and telex have almost become things of the past. Radio and television also help to relay news, pictures, and telephone calls to vast audiences around the world and hence they are termed as mass media. They are vital for advertising and entertainment. Newspapers are able to cover events in all corners of the world.Satellite communication relays information of the earth and from space. The internet has truly revolutionised the global communication system .

Question. Which among the following service involves transmission of words and messages?
a. Trade
b. Transport
c. Communication
d. Satellites
Answer. c

Question.. Which is the fastest means of communication?
a. Mobile phones
b. Trains
c. Satellites
d. Both a and c
Answer. d

Question. What are modes of mass media?
a. Radio
b. Television
c. Newspaper
d. All of the above
Answer. d

Question. Which among the following has its vast usefulness nowadays?
a. Radio
b. Television
c. Internet
d. Telegram
Answer. c

Question. Consider the following statements and choose the correct answer
1.Tertiary activities involve the commercial output of services rather than the production of tangible goods.
2.They are not directly involved in the processing of physical raw materials.
a) Only 1 is correct.
b) Only 2 is correct
c) Both the statements are incorrect
d) Both statements are correct and statement 2 correctly explains the statement
Answer. d

Question. Consider the following statements and choose the correct answer
1.Rural marketing are quasi-urban centres.
2.They provide specialised goods and services required by people
a) Only 1 is correct.
b) Only 2 is correct
c) Both the statements are incorrect
d) Both statements are correct and statement 2 correctly explains the statement
Answer. a

Question. Consider the following statements and choose the correct answer
1. Wholesale trading is the business activity concerned with the sale of goods directly to the consumers.
2. Retailer operates very largely on the wholesaler’s capital.
a) Only 1 is correct.
b) Only 2 is correct
c) Both the statements are incorrect
d) Both statements are correct and statement 2 correctly explains the statement
Answer. b

Question. Consider the following statements and choose the correct answer
1. Transport is a service or facility by which people, materials and manufactured goods are physically carried from one location to another.
2. It is an organised industry created to satisfy man’s basic need of mobility.
a) Only 1 is correct.
b) Only 2 is correct
c) Both the statements are incorrect
d) Both statements are correct and statement 2 correctly explains the statement
Answer. d

Question. Consider the following statements and choose the correct answer
1. Demand for transport is influenced by the size of population.
2. The smaller the population size, the greater is the demand for transport.
a) Only 1 is correct.
b) Only 2 is correct
c) Both the statements are incorrect
d) Both statements are correct and statement 2 correctly explains the statement
Answer. a

Question. Consider the following statements and choose the correct answer
1. India has emerged as the leading country of medical tourism in the world.
2. Medical tourism brings abundant benefits to developing countries like India, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia
a) Only 1 is correct.
b) Only 2 is correct
c) Both the statements are incorrect
d) Both statements are correct and statement 2 correctly explains the statement
Answer. d

Question. Consider the following statements and choose the correct answer
1. The highest level of decision makers or policy makers perform quaternary activities.
2. The Quaternary Sector along with the Tertiary Sector has replaced most of the primary and secondary employment as the basis for economic growth.
a) Only 1 is correct.
b) Only 2 is correct
c) Both the statements are incorrect
d) Both statements are correct and statement 2 correctly explains the statement
Answer. b

Question. Study the diagram am given below and answer the questions that follows-
Class 12 Geography Tertiary and Quaternary Activities
1. Identify and name the type of trading center.
2. What are mandis?
3. Which marketing centres are organised at different temporal intervals?
Answer. 1. Rural marketing centres
2. Wholesale rural markets
3. Periodic markets

Question. Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follows
Class 12 Geography Tertiary and Quaternary Activities
1. Identify and name the type of trading centre.
2. Write down its major characteristics.
Answer. 1. Urban marketing centres
2. They have more widely specialised urban services.
They provide ordinary goods and services as well as many of the specialised goods and services required by people.
Urban centres offer manufactured goods as well as many specialised markets

Question. Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follows
Class 12 Geography Tertiary and Quaternary Activities
1. Give a suitable title to the given picture.
2. To which sector of service do they belong?
3. State one typical features of the service shown in the picture.
Answer. 1. Dabbawala Service in Mumbai
2. Service sector
3. They provide (Tiffin) service to about 1,75,000 customers all over the city.

Question. Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follows -.
Class 12 Geography Tertiary and Quaternary Activities
1. Which is the world’s single largest tertiary activity?
2. What is the total registered employment in this activity?
3. What is the total revenue earned by this activity?
4. What are the factors affecting this activity
Answer. 1. Tourism
2. 250 million
3. 40percent of GDP
4. Demand and Transport



Tertiary and Quaternary Activities

Tertiary and Quaternary Activities

Tertiary and Quaternary Activities


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CBSE Class 12 Geography Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary And Quaternary Activities Assignment

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b. As per CBSE pattern: All questions given above follow the latest Class 12 Geography Sample Papers so that students can prepare as per latest exam pattern.
c. Understand different question types: These assignments include MCQ Questions for Class 12 Geography with answers relating to Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary And Quaternary Activities, short answers, long answers, and also case studies.
d. Improve time management: Daily solving questions from Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary And Quaternary Activities within a set time will improve your speed and accuracy.
e. Boost confidence: Practicing multiple assignments and Class 12 Geography mock tests for Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary And Quaternary Activities reduces exam stress.

How to Solve CBSE Class 12 Geography Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary And Quaternary Activities Assignment effectively?

a. Start with Class 12 NCERT and syllabus topics: Always read the chapter carefully before attempting Assignment questions for Class 12 Geography Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary And Quaternary Activities.
b. Solve without checking answers: You should first attempt the assignment questions on Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary And Quaternary Activities yourself and then compare with provided solutions.
c. Use Class 12 worksheets and revision notes: Refer to NCERT Class 12 Geography worksheets, sample papers, and mock tests for extra practice.
d. Revise tricky topics: Focus on difficult concepts by solving Class 12 Geography MCQ Test.
e. Maintain notebook: Note down mistakes in Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary And Quaternary Activities assignment and read them in Revision notes for Class 12 Geography

How to practice CBSE Class 12 Geography Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary And Quaternary Activities Assignment for best results?

a. Solve assignments daily: Regular practice of Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary And Quaternary Activities questions will strengthen problem solving skills.
b.Use Class 12 study materials: Combine NCERT book for Class 12 Geography, mock tests, sample papers, and worksheets to get a complete preparation experience.
c. Set a timer: Practicing Class 12 Geography Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary And Quaternary Activities assignment under timed conditions improves speed and accuracy.

Where can I download in PDF assignments for CBSE Class 12 Geography Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary And Quaternary Activities

You can download free Pdf assignments for CBSE Class 12 Geography Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary And Quaternary Activities from

How many topics are covered in Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary And Quaternary Activities Geography assignments for Class 12

All topics given in Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary And Quaternary Activities Geography Class 12 Book for the current academic year have been covered in the given assignment

Is there any charge for this assignment for Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary And Quaternary Activities Geography Class 12

No, all Printable Assignments for Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary And Quaternary Activities Class 12 Geography have been given for free and can be downloaded in Pdf format

Are these assignments for Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary And Quaternary Activities Class 12 Geography designed as per CBSE curriculum?

Latest syllabus issued for current academic year by CBSE has been used to design assignments for Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary And Quaternary Activities Class 12

Are there solutions or answer keys for the Class 12 Geography Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary And Quaternary Activities assignments

Yes, we have provided detailed answers for all questions given in assignments for Fundamentals Of Human Geography Chapter 7 Tertiary And Quaternary Activities Class 12 Geography