CBSE Class 12 Biology VBQs Set C read and download in pdf. Value Based Questions come in exams for Biology in Class 12 and are easy to learn and helpful in scoring good marks. You can refer to more chapter wise VBQs for Class 12 Biology and also get latest topic wise very useful study material as per latest NCERT book for Class 12 Biology and all other subjects for free on Studiestoday designed as per latest Class 12 CBSE, NCERT and KVS syllabus and examination pattern
VBQ for Class 12 Biology All Chapters
Class 12 Biology students should refer to the following value based questions with answers for All Chapters in Class 12. These VBQ questions with answers for Class 12 Biology will come in exams and help you to score good marks
All Chapters VBQ Questions Class 12 Biology with Answers
Question. Your younger sister has seen a banana tree in backyard of a house. She could see the fruits but no seeds. She wants to know how a new plant of banana will be produced without seed. What will you explain to your sister?
Answer: In banana the vegetative propagation is with the help of rhizome
• Awareness
• Observation
Question. A popular TV programme shows in some village, girls are killed soon after their birth. Do youapprove such practice? What impact does it have on population?
Answer: No, I do not approve such practice as girls are equally important in the society. Otherwise
the sex ratio will decrease.
• Sensitivity to words others
• Awareness
Question. Sunita’s bhabhi is not allowed to enter the kitchen during the days of her menstrual cycle.
Sunita’s mother thinks that she is impure and dirty and the food prepared by her is also unhygienic. Give your opinion about such traditional belief.
Answer: Menstrual cycle is a normal process in the body of female which helps in reproduction.
• Self awareness about body.
• Compassion for others.
Question. Monika is a sex worker. You are a NGO worker. You are given the responsibility to educate the sex worker about sexually transmitted diseases. Specify any two ways of prevention from such diseases.
Answer: a) Always use condom during coitus
b) in case of doubt of any disease consult doctor
• Services to society
• Compassion
• Awareness of STD
Question. Neeru and Narim have a three year old daughter. During her second pregnancy she wants to go for sex determination test and if needed medical termination of pregnancy. Do you think her decision is right? Justify your answer.
Answer: No
Sex determination and MTP is not legal
• Should be ethical
• Awareness
Question. Nidhi is a class VI student visits a field and finds that all the flowers of some plant are ‘closed’.
She thinks such flowers will not open and due to no pollination seeds will not be formed. Such plants will be ‘propagated’ vegetative. Do you agree with Nidhi’s findings? Explain.
Answer: No the flowers which do not open can have self pollination and produce seed. They can be propagated through seed.
• Concern about plants
• Observation
• Critical thinking
Question. Pooja’s grandmother blames her mother for giving birth to three daughters and wants another marriage of her son. Is it right to blame a female for sex determination? Justify your answer.
Answer: No. Female produces all eggs with X chromosomes while male is heterogametic and produce two types of gametes X and Y. It is the fusion of his gamete (X or Y) with egg of X type which determine the sex of baby
• Understanding.
• Respect for female.
Question. Maya saw a farmer spraying some chemical on flowers, on asking she came to know that this act will lead to the formation of fruits without fertilization. Maya thinks that fruits such developed are not good to eat as chemicals are sprayed on it. Explain the difference between such spray and usual pesticide spray.
Answer: The chemical sprayed by farmer is growth hormone which will induce parthenocarpy. This is not causing any harm to fruit or to the health of consumer. Pesticides are harmful to human health.
• Sensitivity and awareness about use of chemicals.
• observation
Question. Rahul and his friends are having discussion about a recently released movie in which hero is a sperm donor. His friends say that sperm donation is a means to earn money. Rahul explains that sperm donation can help infertile couples. Whom do you think is right? In which type of infertile cases such sperm donation is helpful. Draw a neat and labeled diagram of a sperm.
Answer: a) Rahul is right . As it helps infertile couples. It is helpful in following cases
I) Inability of male partner to inseminate.
II) Very low sperm count.
• Courage
• Believing that “other” can make a world of difference
• Compassion for others
Question. Swati is dark skinned and children of her class tease her. Renu tries to help and explains her classmates that skin color is an inherited character, so they should stop teasing Swati. Name the type of inheritance involved in skin coloration of humans.
Answer: Quantitative /Polygenic inheritance
• Sensitivity towards fellow beings.
• Compassion.
• Understanding
Question. Alok was rejected for driving license as it was found that he could not distinguish between red and green color. What would be the impact of his color blindness on his driving on road?
Answer: He will not be able to distinguish between red and green signal on road. This may lead to an accident
• Responsibility
• Awareness
Question. A couple fights frequently for the paternity of their child. The husband thinks that he is not the father of this child. Name the technique you will suggest to solve the problem of paternity.
Answer: DNA Fingerprinting
• Compassion.
• Empathy.
Question. You must have read in the news paper that some children suffering from Thalesemia became HIV positive due to negligence of a hospital. What negligence has been made on part of hospital authorities in your opinion?
Answer: During transfusion of blood to thalesemic patient.
• Blood might have been contaminated.
• Sterile needles/ injection were not used
• Critical thinking
• Awareness about health
• Empathy.
Question. Rohit meets an accident. Iqbal his schoolmate takes him to hospital where Rohit (AB blood group) needs blood transfusion. Iqbal also has AB blood group and is willing to donate his blood but Rohit’s mother object by saying “Iqbal belongs to different community so has different type of blood.” In your opinion Rohit’s mother is wrong or right? Give your opinion by explaining the allelic composition of blood group AB.
Answer: Wrong.
Blood Group AB has two alleles A and B in the people of all communities
• Sensitivity towards fellow beings.
• Compassion for others
• Responsibility.
Question. Mohit had severe pain in his last molar tooth. Doctor advised the tooth to be removed. Mohit’s sister objected saying that this was ‘wisdom tooth’ and is responsible for his IQ. Mohit followed doctor’s advice and got his tooth extracted. Do you think Mohit will fail in his final examinations? Justify your answer by naming the type of structures the ‘wisdom tooth” is?
Answer: No. “Wisdom tooth” Has nothing to do with IQ or performance of any person. It is vestigial
organ which can be remove
• Awareness.
Question. Kavita’s parents suffer from high blood pressure and are obess. Kavita is also worried about her health. Do you think kavita can inherit these characteristic from parent. Suggest two measures kavita can adopt to avoid high blood pressure and obesity.
Answer: 1) No, these are life style related diseases
2) Any two measures- changing in food habits, exercises, leading active life, meditation.
• Awareness about health.
• Understanding.
Question. Roshan a 5yr child in neighborhood is suffering from Down’s syndrome. Other children in your locality do not interact with him.
• Is it right not to interact with Roshan
• What is the cause of Down’s Syndrome
• Write any two Symptoms.
Answer: 1) No.
2) Genetic disorder due to trisomy.
3) Any two symptoms.
• Empathy.
• Concern.
Question. The day next to heavy rains, many insects/moths can be seen near light sources. Some people believe that these insects develop from mud. Do you agree with this belief? What is theory of origin of life known as? How will you explain the development of these insects from mud?
• According to the human Genome Project, almost 99.9% nucleotide bases are exactly the same in all people.
• Do you think the discrimination of people on the basis of color, creed, caste, religion is correct? Why?
• What percentage of the human genome codes for proteins?
• Which chromosome has most genes on it?
Answer: • No
Spontaneous generation theory
• Awareness about environment.
• Understanding.
UNIT VIII- Biology in Human Welfare
Question. After a rainy day Rahul found many dragon flies flying over stagnant water. He thinks these flies come to drink water. Is Rahul’s explanation correct? Give your views.
Answer: No, dragon flies eat mosquito larva and act as bio control agents.
• Awareness about environment
• Critical thinking.
Question. Nowadays capsules of Spirulina are used as food supplements. Do you recommend the use of these capsules? Why?
Answer: Yes
Any one reason –these are rich in proteins and can be produced in large quantities in
less time.
• Awareness.
• Problem solving.
Question. Sunita finds that after few periods of teaching classroom is littered with many small pieces of papers. Next day she delivered a speech in assembly-“if a paper is torn a branch of tree is being destroyed.” Do you agree with Sunita? Give reasons.
Answer: Yes, wood is used in manufacturing of paper.
• Sense of responsibility.
• Awareness.
Question. Anita believes that breastfeeding her new born child would spoil her figure and also make her weak. Do you think Anita is right? If not, how would you convince her?
Answer: No, Her figure will not be spoilt
By telling the advantages of breast feeding.
• Self awareness.
• Sense of responsibility.
Question. Delhi govt. has recently decided to ban the sale of Gutka (this fetches them a lot of monetary gain) in the state. Do you support the decision and Why?
Answer: Yes Gutka increases the changes of cancer
• Awareness of Govt. Policies.
• Consciousness to words health
Question. You go to a super market to buy rice. Two types of products are available- one is organically grown and second is conventionally grown. The organically grown crops are costlier so your mother does not want to purchase it. Convince your mother by telling her the advantages of organic foods.
Answer: Advantages of organic farming like – biofertilisers and bio pesticides are used in
organic farming which is not harmful to health.
• Sensitivity and awareness about use of harmful chemicals
• Decision making.
Question. Municipal Corporation has deputed personnel to check for mosquito breeding in your school.
a) Which are the places they should check for mosquitoes and there larvae?
b) Name to diseases which are spread by mosquitoes.
c) Name any two biological agents which can be used to control mosquitoes
Answer: • A) water tanks , flowerpots, stagnant water
• Dengue, Malaria
• Gambusia, dragonfly
• Observation
• Sensitivity towards health.
Question. Prabha has seen huge garbage dumps outside your school which are not being regularly disposed of by MCD. Prabha discusses the problems with school mates and decide to organize rally to spread awareness among local people about public hygiene.
Answer: Prepare two slogans for rally
• Name any two infectious diseases which may spread due to such unhygienic conditions at public place
• 1) Any slogans.
2) Diseases like typhoid and amoebiasis.
• Responsibility.
• Sensitivity towards public. Hygiene
• Problem solving.
Question. Anand a 14yr old boy thinks smoking makes him more energetic and feel like adult and thus more responsible citizen. He tries to smoke when he is with his peer group. As a friend you have to educate him • Why he feels more energetic while smoking?
Answer: Effects of CO in smoke
• Other ill effects on body
• i) He fells energetic because nicotine raises blood pressure and increases heart beat.
This is not good for his health.
ii) CO binds to hemoglobin and reduces concentration of oxygen
iii) Any one effort cancer of lung, throat, emphysema.
• Awareness about health
• Consciousness.
• Critical thinking.
Question. Ram is managing a dairy firm. He has been advised to use artificial insemination to overcome several problems in developing better breeds of cow. Govind has advised him MOET for herd improvement. Ram is ignorant and is not able to decide. How will you help Ram regarding
• Which technique should he adopt
• Procedure of new technique
• What is advantage of this technique
Answer: I) MOET as success rate of this technique is more
II) Cow is administered hormones, with FSH like activity, to induce follicular maturation
and super ovulation-(6-8 eggs). The animal is mated. Fertilized eggs are recovered and
transferred to surrogate mother.
III) Herd size is increased in short time.
Genetic mother is available for another round of super ovulation.
• Critical thinking
• Problem solving.
Question. A newspaper has reported that an American company has patented turmeric. Indian government is fighting against this patent. What will you call this act of American company?
Answer: Biopiracy.
• Awareness
• Justice for country.
Question. Sangeeta has developed a transgenic crop. She wants to grow this crop directly into the field.
Will you allow her to do so? What will you suggest her?
Answer: Insulin can also be synthesized in laboratory with r DNA
• Empathy.
• Awareness
• Concern.
Question. Arvind s mother has developed Diabetes. Doctor suggests her to take Insulin injections. But his mother declines as she presumes injections are prepared by slaughtering of animals .How will you solve his mother’s problem with your knowledge of biotechnology?
Answer: No, as GMO may pose some threat to environment or living organism
I will ask her to approach GEAC.
• Sense of responsibility.
• Understanding
Question. Inspector Dubey could find only few hair strands from crime scene. He wants to proceed for DNA fingerprinting but the amount of DNA is very less. In your opinion what could be the solution to this problem? Write the basic steps of this technique?
Answer: He can amplify DNA with the help of PCR technique Basic steps of PCR ----
• Denaturation
• Annealing
III) Extension
• Critical thinking
• Awareness.
Question. Sunil’s uncle is very worried as his crop is destroyed by insects. He suggests his uncle to use Bt crops. His uncle says that such crops produce toxins which can harm the consumers of this crop. Whom do you support and why?
Answer: I support him.
Bt crops produce protoxin which changes into active form only in the intestine of insects
in alkaline pH. It is completely safe for other animals and human beings
• Empathy.
• Awareness.
Question. The city government is planning to bring metro rail to your area. But this will require around 10,000 trees to be cut. Do you think govt. should go ahead with the project? Justify your answer?
Answer: Yes. But the track of metro should be so changed that minimum no of trees are cut.
Track can be made underground and more trees can be planted after the project is over.
• Sensitivity towards environment
• Decision making.
Question. You find that a lake in your neighboring area has been covered by Water hyacinth. You have contacted your friends to remove this weed. Nobody agrees to support you .How will you explain the necessity of this?
Answer: Friends should be explained the process of natural ageing of a lake by mineral enrichment of water. (eutrophication) which is harmful to aquatic life .
• Problem solving
• Critical thinking.
• Responsibility
Question. Now a days we see that people use CD’s and DVD’s for storing information, movies and songs.
Do you think these things create pollution?
Answer: Yes. Because all this material contain heavy metals and toxics substances and known
as e-wastes.
• Concern about environment.
• Awareness.
Question. Government of India has launched clean Ganga programme by the name Ganga Action Plan. Do you want to be a part of it? How?
Answer: Yes I will start awareness programmes like Nukkad Nataks, rallies and slogans making to keep the river clean.
• Innovation
• Service to society
Question. You have read the newspaper reports that lots of cows die because of polythene bags getting entangled in their intestine. You go to market and see vegetable vender selling vegetables in plastic bags. What will be your suggestion to - (i) buyer and (ii) seller?
Answer: I) Use cloth or jute bag to save environment and thus life of cow
II) Use paper bags, polythene are non biodegradable and toxic.
• Sensitivity to words environment
• Concern.
Question. One of your friends Rakesh has gone to jungle safari with his family. On returning from that safari he is sharing experiences with you and tells that his father who is a businessman hunted a deer with his gun. What will you tell your friend after knowing about their expedition?
Answer: It is unethical and leads to loss of biodiversity and result in imbalance in Eco system.
• Concern about animal.
• Empathy.
Question. Pankhuri watched a TV program based on life in polar region. She observed that all the animals in polar region possess larger size and smaller animals are not found in that region. She asked about this surprising fact to her friends. Being her friend, how can you satisfy her curiosity?
Answer: Because smaller animals have larger surface area relative their volume so they lose body heat very fast when it is cold outside. They have to expense lot of energy to generate body heat.
• Critical thinking
• Awareness.
Question. Ajay a notorious boy often involved in destruction of surrounding plants and killing small animals. You are given a responsibility to make him understand about importance of each and every organism present in world. How can you explain him about it and which hypothesis you will use for it?
Answer: Explanation through “Rivet popper hypothesis.
• Social responsibility
• Concerns about eco system.
Question. A well known personality killed a back buck during hunting in sacred groves of Aravali Hills in Rajasthan. Local people caught him and lodged a case in court against him. He argued that court that killing a human being is a crime but killing a animal is not crime.
• Do you favor his argument? Why?
• What is the role of scared groves? Mention any two names of such places other than Aravali Hills.
Answer: A) No because each living organism has its own role in balanced eco system.
b) Sacred groves are culturally protected area where large no of rare and Threatened wild life is given total protection.
• Awareness
• Responsibility.
Question. Anil and Sunil are partners and established a factory. After a few months electrostatic precipitator became out of order. Sunil wanted to replace it but Anil expressed the view that they have no effect of it on productivity as well as income; therefore they should not waste money to replace it.
(a) Out of these partners whom do you support and why?
(b) Suggest any two measures to stop such negligence.
Answer: A) I will support Sunil because his approach is eco friendly.
B) By imposing fine and punishment
Cancellation of registration of such industries
• Decision making
• Concern about environment
Question. A team of research workers observed that the population of fish eating birds is declining every year after the establishment of a pesticide factory nearby five years ago.
(a) What may be the possible reason in your opinion? Explain?
(b) Can you suggest alternative to pesticide so that factory may be stopped.
Answer: A) Pesticide entering in food chain and resulting in biomagnifications
• Bio controlling agent to remove pest
• Problem solving
• Critical thinking.
Question. A few months ago the people of Ramgarh started a bad practice of disposing their waste in the pond of village which was earlier source of drinking water. It resulted in deterioration of quality of water and fish mortality.
(a) What changes do you think have taken place in pond? Name such condition.
(b) What measure will you take to stop villagers for such practices as well as to improve the condition?
Answer: A) Eutrophication – Brief explanation.
B) Any two means of spreading awareness of disposal of waste and keeping the
pond clean.
• Service to society
• Concern about environment.
Please click the below link to access CBSE Class 12 VBQs Biology Set C
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CBSE Class 12 Biology Evolution VBQs |
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CBSE Class 12 Biology Organisms and Populations VBQs |
CBSE Class 12 Biology Ecosystem VBQs |
CBSE Class 12 Biology Biodiversity and Conservation VBQs |
VBQs for All Chapters Class 12 Biology
We hope students liked the above VBQs for All Chapters designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 12 Biology released by CBSE. Students of Class 12 should download the Value Based Questions and Answers in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in above Class 12 Biology VBQs Questions on daily basis. All latest VBQs with answers have been developed for Biology by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics which the students should learn and practice to get better score in school tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 12 Biology to develop the Biology Class 12 VBQs. After solving the questions given in the VBQs which have been developed as per latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 12 Biology designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of other VBQs for Class 12 Biology which you can use to further make yourself better in Biology.
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Value Based Questions (VBQs) for Class 12 Biology All Chapters help to test the ability of students to apply learnings to various situations in life.