Read and download PDF of CBSE Class 6 Science Sample Paper Set W designed as per the latest curriculum and examination pattern for Class 6 issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. The latest Class 6 Science Sample Papers have been provided with solutions so that the students can solve these practice papers and then compare their answers. This will help them to identify mistakes and improvement areas in Science Class 6 which they need to study more to get better marks in Class 6 exams. After solving these guess papers also refer to solved Class 6 Science Question Papers available on our website to build strong understanding of the subject
Sample Paper for Class 6 Science Pdf
Students can refer to the below Class 6 Science Sample Paper designed to help students understand the pattern of questions that will be asked in Class 6 exams. Please download CBSE Class 6 Science Sample Paper Set W
Science Class 6 Sample Paper
Q.1 Luminous bodies- (1)
(i) absorb light energy
(ii) emit light energy
(iii) are always a natural source
(iv) are transparent
Q.2. Which of the following materials is an electric insulator?
(i) aluminium
(ii) gold
(iii) rubber
(iv) graphite
Q.3. What kind of medium is mineral water? (1)
(i) transparent
(ii) translucent
(iii) opaque
(iv) neither totally transparent nor translucent
Q.4. Which one of the following is a luminous source? (1)
(i) star
(ii) moon
(iii) glow signboard
(iv) all of them
Q.5. Complete the ray diagram & (2)
identify the device A.
Q.6. Fill in the blanks:- (2)
(xiii) When heavenly bodies cast shadows on each other, an ___________ is formed.
(xiv) An electric bulb with a broken filament is ___________, & will not glow in an electric circuit.
Q.7. Give one word:- (2)
(i) A very simple camera that forms an inverted image of an object on a screen.
(ii) Materials generally used to make non- conducting part of an appliance.
Q.8. Write the function of the following: (2)
(i) Conductors
(ii) Electric switch
Q.9. Give reason, why? (3)
(i) Nitrogen & argon gases are filled in electric bulb.
(ii) Mirrors are used in periscopes.
(iii) A translucent screen is used in a pin- hole camera.
Q.10. Draw the diagram of an electric bulb & label the following: (3)
(i) terminals
(ii) filament
(iii) support wires
(iv) glass case
Q.11. (i) What are the necessary conditions to form a shadow? (any two)
(ii)Differentiate between an opaque & a translucent object based upon the type of shadow formed.
Q.12. Paheli made a conduction tester to test the conductivity of Nylon rope and Iron key. (1.5+1.5=3)
(ii) In which case the bulb will glow and why?
(iii) Draw a circuit diagram to show the same.
Q.13. (i) What is an electric cell? (1 + 2= 3)
(ii)Draw the diagram of an electric cell & mark its terminals. Also indicate the direction of the current flowing in a wire, connected to it.
Q.14 Choose the correct answer from the following: (1 × 4 =4)
(i) We can separate iron fillings from a mixture of iron fillings and sand by the method of:-
(a) Magnetic separation
(b) Handpicking
(c) Sieving
(d) Filtration
(ii) The process of conversion of a liquid to its vapour state is called:
(a) Condensation
(b) Distillation
(c) Evaporation
(d) Both (a) and (c)
(iii) Which of the following involves a fast and irreversible change:
(a) Burning of a candle
(b) Burning of a cracker
(c) Growth of a child
(d) Rusting of iron
Q.23.(i) The strands/ fibres which join bone to bone are called ___________.(1)
(ii)The body part that is protected by the backbone is called _____________.
Q.24.Give the term for the following: (1)
(m) Small changes that take place in the body of a single organism over short period of time to overcome small changes in surroundings.
(n) The process of breakdown of food to obtain energy.
Q.25.Which of the following material will not rot when buried in ground: (1)
Polythene bag, Paper bag, Vegetable peel, Broken glass.
Q.26.Name the type of joint present in: (1)
(o) Wrist (p) Between upper jaw & skull
Q.27.Which of the non living things listed below, were once part of a living thing: (1)
Woollen shawl, Rubber, Pen, Chalk
Q.28.Choose the correct option:- (1)
(q) When contracted muscles become
(a) Long & thin
(b) Short & thick
(c) Soft & loose
(d) None of these
(r) Which of these animals has backbone (endoskeleton)
(a) Earthworm
(b) Snail
(c) Snake
(d) Cockroach
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How to download CBSE Class 6 Science Sample Paper Set W in PDF?
We hope you liked the above provided CBSE Class 6 Science Sample Paper Set W. To get an understanding of the type of questions which were asked in exams, it is important for Class 6 students to understand the way sample Paper are set by teachers. Students can download the Sample Paper for Class 6 Science which will be coming in the exams so that you can practise them and solve all types of questions that can be asked in exams. By doing CBSE Class 6 Science Sample Paper Set W you will understand the regular questions and MCQ questions for Class 6 Science which are always asked. You can download CBSE Class 6 Science Sample Paper and Class 6 Science Question Papers in PDF. You should attempt all the last year question paper for Class 6 and Class 6 Science MCQ Test in examination conditions at home and then compare their answers with the solutions provided by our teachers.
Why should you solve CBSE Class 6 Science Sample Paper Set W?
a) This is new Set from Class 6 Science Sample Papers and has questions which are different from other sets.
b) As you will do more sets and also refer to Class 6 Science Question Papers, then it will help you understand the type of questions asked in exams.
d) Compare your score of each set to understand your weak areas in Class 6 Science.
e) Solving this paper which also has MCQ questions for Class 6 Science will make you faster and better at answering questions.
What should you do after solving CBSE Class 6 Science Sample Paper Set W?
a) Check your answers with the solutions given in the downloaded sample paper in PDF of Class 6 Science.
b) Class 6 students should try to find where you made mistakes and learn from them.
c) If a question was hard, read the concepts in NCERT book for Class 6 Science and then practice it again to get better.
d) Solve more sets of sample papers for Class 6 Science to improve even more.
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