Read and download PDF of CUET English Sample Paper Set C designed as per the latest curriculum and examination pattern for CUET issued by CUET, NCERT and KVS. The latest CUET English Sample Papers have been provided with solutions so that the students can solve these practice papers and then compare their answers. This will help them to identify mistakes and improvement areas in English CUET which they need to study more to get better marks in CUET exams. After solving these guess papers also refer to solved CUET English Question Papers available on our website to build strong understanding of the subject
Sample Paper for CUET English Pdf
Students can refer to the below CUET English Sample Paper designed to help students understand the pattern of questions that will be asked in CUET exams. Please download CUET English Sample Paper Set C
English CUET Sample Paper
Read carefully the following passage and then answer the questions given below:
YEVGRAF IVANOVITCH SHIRYAEV, a small farmer, whose father, a parish priest, now deceased, had received a gift of three hundred acres of land from Madame Kuvshinikov, a general’s window, was standing in a corner before a copper washing-stand, washing his hands. As usual, his looked anxious and ill-humoured, and his beard was uncombed.
“What weather!” he said. “It is not laid upon us. It’s raining again!” He grumbled on, while his family sat waiting at table for him to have finished washing his hands before beginning dinner. Fedosya Semyonova, his wife, his son Pyotr, a student, his eldest daughter Varvaram and three small boys, has been sitting waiting a long time. The boys – Kolka, Vanka and Arhipka – grubby, snub-nosed little fellows with chubby faces and tousled hair that wanted cutting, moved their chairs impatiently, while their elders sat without stirring and apparently did not care whether they ate their dinner or waited…
Question: From the passage, it may be assumed that the time of the day when the incident is described is:
a) Early morning before the rise of the Sun
b) The Sun had set and it was late evening
c) The Sun is overhead and the day time is near noon lunch time
d) Early evening time for family tea
Answer: b
Question: Choose the option which is correct according to the passage.
Yevgraf Ivanovitch Shiryaev’s fathers was_____
a) A farmer and now is on the move
b) Abanker earlier and on retirement
c) A farmer earlier and now educated the fellow farmers on scientific farming
d) A parish priest
Answer: d
Question: The General’s widow huge gifted a hug land of 3 hundred acres _______
a) Y.I Shryaev
b) The late wife of Y.I. Shiryaev
c) To the unborn son of Y.I. Shryaev
d) The parish priest who has died
Answer: d
Question: It appears from the passage that the character of Yevgrab Ivanovitch Shiryaev was: (Choose the correct answer from option given below)
a) Very Friendly, jovial and attractive
b) Aristocratic, disdainful and aloof
c) Sad, morose, timid but cunning
d) Grumpy and complaining
Answer: d
Question: From the given option choose the one which is correct according to the passage.
The family described in the passage is a:
a) Small time agrarian family
b) Small trader’s family
c) Highly educated scholarly family
d) Aristocratic and noble
Answer: d
Question: Match List-I with List-II
List-I | List-II | ||
a. | Yevgraf Ivanovitch Shiryaev | I. | The boys of Ivanovitch family |
b. | Madame Kuvshinnikov | II. | General’s wife |
c. | Fedosya Semynovna | III. | Yevgraf Ivanovitch’s wife |
d. | Kolka, Vanka, and Arhipka | IV. | Son of Parish priest |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
a) a - III, b - II, c - I, d - IV
b) a - IV, b - III, c - II, d - I
c) a - IV, b - II, c - III, d - I
d) a - I, b - II, c - III, d - IV
Answer: c
Read carefully the following passage and then answer the questions given below:
The Hindu, English-language daily newspaper published in Chennai (Madras), is generally regarded as one of India’s most influential dailies. Established in 1878 as a weekly. The Hindu became a daily in 1889. While India was under British Rule, the paper spoke out for independence – but in a moderate vein. After India achieved independence in 1947, The Hindu built a network of foreign bureaus while extending its coverage of India.
The Hindu is distinguished for its comprehensive coverage of national and international political news and for its emphasis on accuracy and balanced coverage. Although it is published in a provincial capital. The Hindu’s reportage and editorials are read carefully and taken seriously in the national capital. At the beginning of the 21st century, its daily circulation exceeded 900,000. The newspaper’s parent company, Hindu Group Publications, also publishes the Hindu Business Line, a daily business paper, and popular magazines such as Frontline and Sports Star.
Question: The Hindu is a…
a) Daily newspaper published in China
b) Old newspaper published in India
c) Hindi language newspaper
d) English language daily newspaper, published in Chennai
Answer: d
Question: Good media is media that is free, fair and uninfluenced by the Government. The Hindu according to the passage will qualify as a good newspaper because:
a) It had successfully built a network of Indian bureaus
b) Its daily circulation had crossed only 2 lakh at the beginning of the 21st century
c) It spoke for the Indian Independence when Britishers were ruling over India.
d) It was influenced by the power and glamour of Europe
Answer: c
Question: After reading the passage, it becomes obvious that, for a newspaper to become popular, it has to be free, and gather information from all over. For this it is important for the agency to build a ………..
a) Network of computers
b) Network of Village Panchayat
c) Network of national and international bureaus
d) Network of powerful politicians and businessmen
Answer: c
Question: When did “The Hindu” become a daily?
From the given options, choose the one which is correct according to the passage:
a) 1878
b) 1889
c) 1989
d) 1949
Answer: b
Question: Select the Parent company of the daily newspaper “The Hindu” from the following given options:
a) Indian Business Line
b) Frontline and Sports Star
c) Hindu Group Publications
d) The Group of Publications, India
Answer: c
Question: Match list I with list II
List I | List II | ||
a. | In 1878 | I. | The Hindu was established as a weekly |
b. | In Colonial India | II. | The Hindu spoke of Indian Independence |
c. | The Hindu | III. | Built a network of foreign bureaus while still spreading its national coverage. |
d. | 900,000 | IV. | Daily circulation of The Hindu at the beginning of the 21st century |
Choose the correct answer from the option given below :
a) a-IV, b-III, c-I, d-II
b) a-I, b-II, c-III, d-IV
c) a-II, b-III, c-IV, d-I
d) a-IV, b-III, c-II, d-I
Answer: b)
Read carefully the following passage and then answer the questions given below:
Karnad has gone significantly back to Indian tradition and culture to write his plays. He has recreated the rich and dynamic picture of Indian society, culture and its people. He often takes a theme, a historical event of Indian history and present it in a modernized way. Majority of his plays employ narratives of myths, history and folklore to evoke an ancient or pre-modern era in the image of present. He has also adopted the oral tale of the people and present it in myths and folk forms in his plays. Thus, he creates a synthesis between the ancient and the modern to serve his purpose of using the past to illuminate the present. Most of the playwrights in India have either written in such a traditional manner that it has lost relevance to their urban existence, or they have written in such an urbanized manner that it lost its relevance to the traditional part of personality. In this regard, Karnad comments “we keep acerbating between the traditional and the modern, perhaps we would not hit upon a form which could balance both.” He attempts to balance both in his plays. He does not take myths in their entirety, but he takes them only in parts that are useful to him and the rest he supplements with his imagination. Basically, he has given a new interpretation to the historical, oral and mythical tales.
Question: Match list I with list II
List I | List II | ||
a. | Karnad is an | I. | Indian playwright |
b. | Oral tales of India are | II. | Wonderfully dramatized by Karnad. |
c. | Karnad’s plays and drama | III. | Given a new interpretation to the historical, mythical and oral tales and stories |
d. | The uncanny ability of Karnad is | IV. | His capability to remake the past in the image of the present |
Choose the correct answer from the option given below :
a) a-II, b-IV, c-III, d-I
b) a-III, b-IV, c-I, d-II
c) a-I, b-II, c-III, d-IV
d) a-IV, b-I, c-II, d-III
Answer: c
Question: From the given options, select the option that is correct according to the passage:
a) Most of the Indian playwrights have failed to bring out the relevance of our past, our culture and tradition to our current or urban life and audience.
b) Most of the playwrights are only concerned with science.
c) Most of the playwrights in India are concerned with the problems of village panchayats.
d) Most of the playwrights in India are illiterate and ignorant.
Answer: a
Question: From the passage we realize that Karnad explores the following in his themes.
a) Events of Asian History
b) Events of British History
c) Only folklores from Maharashtra and Goa.
d) Indian tradition, culture, milestone historical events and folk tales of our country.
Answer: d
Question: From the options, select the one which is true according to the passage:
a) Karnad as a playwright often uses events from Indian history and presents them in a modernized manner that is suitable for the viewers and theatre goers of our times.
b) Karnad tries to justify India’s ignorance and superstitions as just and correct.
c) Karnad promotes gender biased culture.
d) Karnad depicts India as a backward looking gloomy country.
Answer: a
Question: Karnad attempts to balance both.. Here, ‘both’ signifies:
(Identify the option that is correct according to the passage)
a) Plays and poetry of the world
b) History and freedom struggle of India and South Africa
c) The traditional and the modern
d) War and Peace
Answer: c
Question: In the passage, we get to the know that as a great playwright Karnad_______ (Select the option which is correct according to the passage and fill in the blanks)
a) Does not use myths in their entirety but uses them artfully to suit his modern themes that are apt for out times.
b) Loves stories from Irish folktales.
c) Loves to discuss political blunders of ancient India.
d) Compares policies of the ancient and the modern world.
Answer: a
Question: From the given options, select the one that carried the same relation as: Subsequent : Prior
a) Durable : Fragile
b) Pristine : Unspoiled
c) Remittance : Payment
d) Rekindle: Reawaken
Answer a
Question: From the given options select the one that carries same relation as Relagate : Promote
a) Fright : Dread
b) Apprehension : Confidence
c) Perilous : Risky
d) Delicious : Tasty
Answer: b
Question: From the given options select the one that carries same relation as Manufacture : Produce
a) Competence : Capability
b) Generous : Greedy
c) Frank : Shy
d) Feeble : Strong
Answer: a
Question: From the given options select the one that carries same relation as Severe : Harsh
a) Conceal : Reveal
b) Companion : Comrade
c) Deny : Accept
d) Blunt : Sharp
Answer: b
Question: From the given options select the one which can rightly substitute the given expression: A nursery where children are cared for while their parents are at work
a) Home
b) Creche
c) School
d) Shelter
Answer: b
Question: From the given options select the one which can rightly substitute the given expression: An excessive desire to steal
a) Kleptomania
b) Hydrophobia
c) Anonymous
d) Synonymous
Answer: a
Question: From the given options select the one which can rightly substitute the given expression: One who is indifferent to joy or pain
a) Stoic
b) Innocent
c) Tolerant
d) Intelligent
Answer: a
Question: From the given options select the one which can rightly substitute the given expression: Fear of confined places
a) Acrolat
b) Athletics
c) Claustrophobia
d) Algophobia
Answer: c
Question: From the given options select the one that rightly explains the given expression: A red letter day
a) When the sun looks red
b) Hectic and boring day
c) Significant and special day
d) Holiday
Answer: c
Question: From the given options select the one that rightly explains the given expression: A snake in the grass
a) A jealous
b) A lazy person
c) A hungry person
d) A hidden enemy
Answer: d
Question: From the given options select the one that rightly explains the given expression: To be above board
a) To have a good height
b) To have a big black board
c) To be honest in any business deal
d) To become boastful
Answer: c
Question: From the given options select the one that rightly explains the given expression: To talk one’s head off
a) To scream and shout
b) To whisper
c) To talk excessively
d) To talk to one’s own self
Answer: c
Question: From the given options select the one word which is opposite in meaning to the given word Elated
a) Restful
b) Jubilant
c) Dejected
d) Harmonious
Answer: c
Question: From the given options, select the one which is opposite in meaning to the given word- ‘Listless
a) Agile
b) Lazy
c) Spiritual
d) Moisture
Answer: a
Question: From the given options, select the one which is opposite in meaning to the given Modest
a) Humble
b) Arrogant
c) Exterminate
d) Reserved
Answer: b
Question: From the given options, select the one which is opposite in meaning to the given word Arduous
a) Different
b) Liquid
c) Easy
d) Beautiful
Answer: c
Question: From the given options, select the Figure of Speech(Poetic Device) used in the expression: A big black bug bit a big black dog
a) Simile
b) Metaphor
c) Alliteration
d) Oxymoron
Answer: c
Question: From the given options, select the Figure of Speech (Poetic Device) used in the expression: Dead wings carried like a paper kite
a) Personification
b) Metaphor
c) Simile
d) Pun
Answer: c
Question: From theFrom the given options, select the Figure of Speech (Poetic Device) used in the expression:
The lightning, danced across the sky
a) Oxymoron
b) Personification
c) Simile
d) Pun
Answer: b
Question: From the given options, select the Figure of Speech (Poetic Device) used in the expression.
The cunning saint cheated the devotees
a) Pun
b) Personification
c) Simile
d) Oxymoron
Answer: d
Question: Re-arrange the given jumbled groups of words to make a meaningful sentence
A. The robbers when
B. They were in the lonely place
C. The police can upon
D. Dividing their booty
a) D, B, C, A
b) B, C, A, D
c) C, A, B, D
d) D, C, B, A
Answer: c
Question: Rearrange the jumbled groups of words to make a meaningful sentence
A. On the tools you had been taught
B. The problem you face become more constructured
C. In management as you rise higher
D. And you can’t afford to fall back
a) B, A, C, D
b) C, A, D, B
c) C, B, D, A
d) A, B, C, D
Answer: c
Question: Rearrange the jumbled groups of words to make a meaningful sentence
A. The spirit of residents
B. Could dampen
C. Nor the subsequent fire
D. Neither the earthquake
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
a) D, B, C, A
b) D, C, B, A
c) A, B, D, C
d) a, D, A, B, E
Answer: b
Question: Rearrange the jumbled groups of words to make a meaningful sentence
A. Take interest in the affairs
B. Of the company is not correct
C. Investor does not understand or
D. the presumption that the average
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
a) D, A, C, B
b) D, C, A, B
c) D, B, A, C
d) C, A, B, D
Answer: b
Question: From the given options select the one which is similar in meaning to the given WARRIOR
a) Soldier
b) Sailor
c) Pirate
d) Spy
Answer: a
Question: From the given options select the one which is similar in meaning to the given word: HARBINGER
a) Postman
b) Host
c) Forerunner
d) Artist
Answer: c
Question: From the given options select the one which is similar in meaning to the given word: TIMID
a) Angry
b) Beautiful
c) Medium
d) Meek
Answer: d
Question: From the given options select the one which is similar in meaning to the given word: ABUNDANT
a) Inexpensive
b) Plenty
c) Insufficient
d) Daring
Answer: b
Question: From the options given below, select the one with the correct spelling.
a) Atmosphere
b) Atmosfear
c) Atmostfear
d) Atmosphare
Answer: a
Question: From the given options select the one which is spelt correctly
a) Hermonium
b) Hermoneeus
c) Harmonius
d) Harmonious
Answer: d
Question: From the options give below, select the one with the correct spelling
a) Deeviation
b) Deviation
c) Divation
d) Diveeation
Answer: b
Question: From the options given below, select the one with the correct spelling;
a) Aerticulation
b) Artikulation
c) Articulation
d) Articulasion
Answer: c
How to download CUET English Sample Paper Set C in PDF?
We hope you liked the above provided CUET English Sample Paper Set C. To get an understanding of the type of questions which were asked in exams, it is important for CUET students to understand the way sample Paper are set by teachers. Students can download the Sample Paper for CUET English which will be coming in the exams so that you can practise them and solve all types of questions that can be asked in exams. By doing CUET English Sample Paper Set C you will understand the regular questions and MCQ questions for CUET English which are always asked. You can download CUET CUET English Sample Paper and CUET English Question Papers in PDF. You should attempt all the last year question paper for CUET and CUET English MCQ Test in examination conditions at home and then compare their answers with the solutions provided by our teachers.
Why should you solve CUET English Sample Paper Set C?
a) This is new Set from CUET English Sample Papers and has questions which are different from other sets.
b) As you will do more sets and also refer to CUET English Question Papers, then it will help you understand the type of questions asked in exams.
d) Compare your score of each set to understand your weak areas in CUET English.
e) Solving this paper which also has MCQ questions for CUET English will make you faster and better at answering questions.
What should you do after solving CUET English Sample Paper Set C?
a) Check your answers with the solutions given in the downloaded sample paper in PDF of CUET English.
b) CUET students should try to find where you made mistakes and learn from them.
c) If a question was hard, read the concepts in NCERT book for CUET English and then practice it again to get better.
d) Solve more sets of sample papers for CUET English to improve even more.
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