CUET English Sample Paper Set A

Read and download PDF of CUET English Sample Paper Set A designed as per the latest curriculum and examination pattern for CUET issued by CUET, NCERT and KVS. The latest CUET English Sample Papers have been provided with solutions so that the students can solve these practice papers and then compare their answers. This will help them to identify mistakes and improvement areas in English CUET which they need to study more to get better marks in CUET exams. After solving these guess papers also refer to solved CUET English Question Papers available on our website to build strong understanding of the subject

Sample Paper for CUET English Pdf

Students can refer to the below CUET English Sample Paper designed to help students understand the pattern of questions that will be asked in CUET exams. Please download CUET English Sample Paper Set A

English CUET Sample Paper

Read the following passage and answer the questions.

The next most important source of indoor air pollution is allergens. House dust mites (HDM) are very small insects not visible to the naked eye and the commonest source of allergy in the house. They are ubiquitous and thrive in a warm and moist atmosphere. They breed very fast and are very difficult to eradicate. Modern houses present ample breeding spaces for them in the form of carpets, curtains, mattresses, pillows, etc. Exposure to HDM can be prevented by the frequent washing of linen and by encasing the mattresses and pillows in a non-permeable cover. Pets form an important part of life for some of us. But they can add plenty of allergens to our indoor atmosphere. Cats are notorious for doing this. Fine particles from feline fur can remain stuck to the upholstery and carpets for a long time even after the removal of the animal and lead to the worsening of asthma and skin allergies. Fortunately, owning to religious and social customs, cats are not popular pets in India. Dogs, however, are quite popular and can be as troublesome. Pets should be kept out of the bedroom and groomed frequently. To remove the fur particles, one has to use vacuum cleaners as the ordinary broom and mop are not effective. Moulds, fungi and several other microorganisms thrive in damp condition and can lead to allergies as well as infection. Humidifiers the air-conditioning plants provide an ideal environment for certain types of bacteria and have major outbreaks of pneumonia. His important to regularly clean the coolers, air-conditioners and damp areas of the house such as cupboards, lofts, etc., to minimize this risk. Toxic gases can also pollute the indoor environment. Biomass fuels (wood, cow dung, dried plants) and coal, if burned inside, can lead to serve contamination by carbon monoxide (CO). The poor quality of stoves and other cooking or heating appliances that cause incomplete combustion of LPG can also lead to the emission of CO or nitrogen dioxide. Formaldehyde (a gas) can be released from adhesives that are used for fixing carpets, upholstery and also in making plywood and particle-board.

Question: Choose the correct answer from options given below and complete the following sentence. From the passage, we can easily state that home dust mites are very ________.
a) Big insects
b) Are very small but seen with a naked bye
c) Dangerous
d) Are very small and cannot be seen by the naked eye

Answer: c

Question: After reading the passage, what do you think should be the priority of the local administration like the village panchayats and the city municipalities. Choose the correct Answer from the options given below.
a) Address causes of pollution to protect the local communities
b) Work with the US of A on global climate action plan
c) Request the Nordic countries to prevent their lumberjacks from cutting tress
d) Tum a blind eye towards pollution

Answer: a

Question: Choose the correct answer from options given below and complete the following sentence. Indoor air pollution is critically harmful for us because ________ .
a) There is No indoor air pollution
b) We are never indoor.
c) the doors in our houses are useless against intruders
d) we spend over 90% of our times in our home or in office

Answer: d

Question: Choose the correct answer from options given below and complete the following sentence. The passage tells us that Molds, fungi and several other harmful microorganism thrive in _______ .
a) Well ventilated condominiums
b) Well designed chapels
c) Well maintained canteen
d) Damp and moist condition

Answer: d

Question: Choose the correct answer from options given below and complete the following sentence. From the passage we can assume that, indoor air pollution is caused by the toxicity of ________.
a) Fresh water fish
b) Biomass fuels that is conventional fuel in rural areas
c) Despondency and gloom
d) Incessant rainfall

Answer: b

Question: Match List-I with List-II

 List-I (Part-A) List-II (Part-B)
A.Poor combustion
of LPG does
I.Are a source of
biomass fuels
B.Wood, cow dung,
dried plants
II.Houses can
prevent the
growth of harmful
C.Adorable pet dogs
III.Cause many
D.Regular cleaning
of our
IV.Lead to the toxic
emission of
carbon monoxid

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
a) A - IV, B - III, C - II, D - I
b) A - II, B - III, C - IV, D - I
c) A - IV, B - I, C - III, D - II
d) A - IV, B - I, C - II, D - III

Answer: c

Read the following passage and answer the Questions.

The art of living is learnt easily by those who are positive and optimistic. From humble and simple people to great leaders in History, Science or Literature, we can learn a lot about the art of living by having a. peep into their lives. The daily routines of these greats not only reveal their different, may be unique lifestyles but help us learn certain habits and practices they followed. Here are some: read, enjoy and follow in their footsteps as it suits you.
A private workplace always helps. Jane Austen asked that a certain squeaky hinge should never be oiled so that she always had a warming whenever someone was approaching the room where she wrote. William Faulkner, lacking a lock on his study door detached the doorknob and brought it into the room with him. Mark Twain’s family knew better than to breach his study door, they would blow a horn to draw him out. Graham Green went even further renting a secret office; only his wife knew the address and the telephone number. After all, every one of us needs a workplace where we can work on our creation uninterruptedly. Equally, we need our private space too.
A daily walk has always been a source of inspiration. For many artists, a regular stroll was essentially a creative inspiration. Charles Dickens famously took three walks every afternoon, and what he observed on them fed directly into his writing. Tchaikovsky made do with a twohour jaunt but wouldn't return a moment early; convinced that doing so would make him ill Ludwig van Beethoven took lengthy strolls after lunch, carrying a pencil and paper with him in case inspiration struck. Nineteenthcentury composer Erik Satie did the same on his long hikes from Paris to the working-class suburb where he lived, stopping under street lamps to jot down ideas that came on his journey; it's rumoured that when those lamps were turned off during the war years, his music declined too. Many great people had Limited social life too. One of Simone de Beauvoir's close friends puts it this way. “There were no receptions, parties. It was an uncluttered kind of life, simplicity deliberately constructed so that she could do her work." To Pablo, the idea of Sunday was an “at home day.” The routines of these thinkers are difficult. Perhaps it is because they are so unattainable. The very idea that you can organize your time as you is out of reach for most of us, so I’ll close with a toast to an those who worked with difficulties. Like Fracine Prose, who began writing when the school bus picked up her children and stopped when it brought them back; or T.S. Eliot, who found it much easier to write once he had a day job in a bank than he had as a starving poet and even F. Scott Fitzgerald, whose early books were in his strict schedule as a young military officer. Those days were not as interesting as the nights in Paris.

Question: Choose the correct answer from the options given below.
Why do many artist and creative minds go for daily walks.
a) For inspiration
b) To avoid intruders
c) To attract journalist
d) To paint the city walls

Answer: a

Question:Choose the correct answer from options given below and complete the following sentence.
We may learn many valuable lessons from ________.
a) Only great achievers
b) Humble and simple people to great leaders
c) Men who create history
d) Only poets and saints

Answer: b

Question: Choose the correct answer from options given below The notion of a “Private workplace” should ideally mean.
a) A place where we entertain our colleagues homework
b) A place of contact were we can work best without either being disturbed by others or feeling distracted
c) A selected and isolated office meant for highly confidential work
d) No work place can ever be private

Answer: b

Question: Choose the correct answer from options given below.
From the passage it may he concluded that the expression “ art of living” means.
a) Healthy, wholesome, happy way of living
b) Life of an artist
c) Profession of an artist
d) To fill our homes and work places with works of great artistic value

Answer: a

Question: Choose the correct answer from options given below and complete the following sentence. From the passage it becomes clear that all thinkers and creative minds ________
a) Follow an identical routine
b) Hide their roaster
c) Follow different routines
d) Never have any routine

Answer: c

Question: Match list I with list II

 List I List II
A.Art of living
emanates often an 'at
home day'
II.From a positive
C.To work
III.Disliked his family
breaking the privacy
of his study room
D.SundayIV.We need a private
work place

Choose the correct answer from the option given below :
a) A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV
b) A-I, B-IV, C-II, D-III
c) A-III, B-II, C-IV, D-I
d) A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-I

Answer: d

Read the following passage and answer the Questions.

People came to him when the patient was on his fast legs. Dr Raman often burst out, ‘why couldn't you have come a day earlier?’ The reason was obvious-visiting fee twenty-five rupees. More than that, people liked to shirk the fact that the time had come to call in Dr Raman; for them there was something ominous in the very association. As a result, when the big man came on the scene it was always a quick decision one way or another. There was no scope or time for any kind of wavering or whitewashing. Long years of practice of this kind had bred in the doctor a certain curt truthfulness; for that very reason his opinion was valued; he was not a mere doctor expressing an opinion but a judge pronouncing a verdict The patient's life hung on his words. This never unduly worried Dr Raman. He never believed that agreeable words ever saved lives. He did not think it was any of his business to provide comforting lies when as a matter of course nature would tell them the truth in few hours. However, when he glimpsed the faintest sign of hope, he rolled up his sleeve and stepped into the arena: it might be hours or days, but he never withdrew till he wrested the prize from Yama's hands. Today, standing over a bed, the doctor felt that he himself needed someone to tell him soothing lies. He mopped his brow with his kerchief and sat down ill the chair beside the bed. On the bed lay his dearest friend in the world: Gopal. They had known each other for forty years now, starting with their kindergarten days. They could not, of course, meet as much as they wanted, each being wrapped in his own family and profession. Occasionally, on a Sunday, Gopal would walk into the consulting room and wait patiently in a corner till the doctor was free. And then they would dine together, see a picture and talk of each other's life and activities. It was a classic friendship, which endured untouched times, circumstances and activities.

Question: Choose the correct answer from options given below and complete the following sentence. The patients did not come to Dr. Raman earlier because they
a) Were ignorant and carless
b) Found the doctor's foe too difficult to be paid
c) Used their home remedies to treat themselves
d) Did not have proper means of transport

Answer: b

Question: Choose the correct answer from options given below.
‘There no scope or time for any kind of warning or whitewashing’ means that ________
a) The doctor hid the real condition of the patient from the relation
b) The doctor did not have time to attend to the patient
c) The people who brought the patient were in a hurry
d) The doctor could not lie about patient's condition

Answer: d

Question: Choose the correct answer from options given below and complete the following sentence. Dr Raman himself needed to be consoled one day because
a) His son was in a critical condition
b) He was diagnosed with a life-threatening ailment
c) He was tired of treating critical patients
d) His childhood friend was on the hospital bed waiting for his attention as a doctor

Answer: d

Question: Choose thecorrect answer from options given
below and complete the following sentence. With changing times, the face of friendship changed because
a) Adult life had its own responsibilities and engagements
b) The friends had stopped seeing each other
c) They had made other friends
d) There was social gap between them

Answer: a

Question: Choose the correct answer from options given below.
Gopal was a very understanding friend this statements is proved by which of the following statements.
a) He dined with Dr. Raman every Sunday but never helped him in need
b) He knew everything about Dr. Raman
c) He often waited till the doctor got free and then they spent quality time together
d) He would walk in the Consulting mom without permission and create a chaos

Answer: c

Question : Match list I with list II

 List I List II
came to Dr.
I.A Judge
pronouncing a
B.Dr. Raman
was more
II.When they were on
their last legs
C.Gopal had
known Dr.
III.Shared a classic
D.Dr. Raman
and Gopal
IV.For 40 years now

Choose the correct answer from the option given below :
a) A-II, B-I, C-IV, D-III
b) A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-I
c) A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I
d) A-II, B-III, C-I, D-IV

Answer: a

Question: From the given options, select the word that correctly substitutes the expression- “A person unable to play his debts”
a) Debtor
b) Bankrupt
c) Creditor
d) Cashier

Answer: b

Question: From the given options, select the word that correctly substitutes the expression- “One who is eighty years old”
a) Eightygenarrirn
b) Septuagemarirm
c) Octogenarian
d) Superannuation

Answer: c

Question: From the given options, select the word that correctly substitutes the expression- “Event that serves as an introduction”
a) Epilogue
b) Prologue
c) Post-Script
d) Summary

Answer: b

Question: From the given options, select the word that will correctly substitutes the expression - “Happening once is a hundred years”
a) Bicentennial
b) Centennial
c) Annual
d) Biennial

Answer: b

Question: From the given options, select the word that is opposite in meaning to - Conceal
a) Reveal
b) Describe
c) Narrate
d) Explain

Answer: a

Question: From the given options, select the word that is opposite in meaning to - Culmination
a) Completion
b) Climax
c) Conclusion
d) Beginning

Answer: d

Question: From the given options, select the word that is opposite in meaning to - Affluent
a) Poor
b) Infamous
c) Ordinary
d) Backward

Answer: a

Question: From the given options, select the word that is opposite in meaning to - Excruciating
a) Mild
b) Noisy
c) Modern
d) Sophisticated

Answer: a

Question: From the given options, choose the one which is similar in meaning to - Aversion
a) Aggression
b) Assertion
c) Dislike
d) Impudence

Answer: c

Question: From the given options, choose the one which is similar in meaning to- Diligent
a) Intelligent
b) Energetic
c) Modest
d) Industrious

Answer: d

Question: From the options given below, select the word which means the same as – ‘Tie’
a) Drawer
b) Tether
c) Drive
d) Type

Answer: b

Question: From the options given below, select the word which is similar in meaning to -
a) Resident
b) Redundant
c) Appreciate
d) Simplify

Answer: c

Question: From the given options, select the figure of speech (Poetic Device) used in the expression – Rays of the sunshine danced through the tress
a) Simile
b) Pun
c) Personification
d) Oxymoron

Answer: c

Question: From the given options, select the figure of speech (Poetic Device) used in the expression - Time was passing like a hand waving from a train
a) Simile
b) Pun
c) Oxymoron
d) Metaphor

Answer: a

Question: From the given options, select the figure of speech (Poetic Device) used in the expression – Faith unfaithful parted the lowers
a) Simile
b) Personification
c) Pun
d) Oxymoron

Answer: d

Question: From the given options, select the figure of speech (Poetic Device) used in the expression - Far fetched fantasies of a tender mind
a) Simile
b) Personification
c) Alliteration
d) Oxymoron

Answer: c

Question: Rearrange the given phrases to make a meaningful sentence
a. the researcher collected information on
b. to be covered by national drinking water mission
c. the number of villages in each state
d. which are identified as problem villages
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
a) c, b, d, a
b) a, c, d, b
c) b, c, d, a
d) b, a, d, c

Answer: b

Question: Rearrange the given phrases to make a meaningful sentence
a. for children in the age group of six to fourteen
b. has announced that elementary education
c. in a significant decision the government
d. would be made a fundamental right
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
a) a, d, b, c
b) d, a, b, c
c) a, b, d, c
d) c, b, a, d

Answer: d

Question: Rearrange the given phrases to make a meaningful sentence
a. civilization in the real sense of term
b. but in the deliberate
c. consists not in the multiplication
d. and voluntary reduction of wants
Choose the correct answer from the options given
a) a, b, c, d
b) b, a, c, d
c) a, c, b, d
d) c, d, b, a

Answer: c

Question: Rearrange the given phrases to make a meaningful sentence
a. for making very candid announcements
b. although he is reputed
c. his statements today
d. were very ambiguous
Choose the correct answer from the options given
a) a, d, b, c
b) c, d, b, a
c) c, a, b, d
d) c, b, d, a

Answer: b

Question: From the given options, choose the one that rightly explains the expression – “To throw dust in one’s eyes’
a) To show fearsome
b) To harm someone physically
c) To blind someone
d) To deceive someone

Answer: d

Question: From the given options, choose the one that rightly explains the expression- ‘To call a spade a spade”
a) Speak directly and frankly
b) Speak rudely and disrespectfully
c) Speak softly
d) Speak diplomatically

Answer: a

Question: From the given options, choose the one that rightly explains the given expression-
‘To shed crocodile tears’
a) To weep profusely
b) To grieve and feel low
c) To grieve insincerely
d) To weep for crocodiles

Answer: c

Question: From the given options, choose the one that rightly explains the given expression- ‘Take one for a ride’
a) To force someone for a ride
b) To take someone foe a desire
c) To try to trick someone
d) To offer a lift to someone

Answer: c

Question: From the given options, select the rightly spelt word
a) Commution
b) Comotion
c) Commotion
d) Kommotion

Answer: c

Question: From the given options, select the rightly spelt  word.
a) Funerary
b) Funrery
c) Funarery
d) Funurary

Answer: a

Question: From the given options, select the rightly spelt word.
a) Arckeology
b) Archiology
c) Archaeology
d) Aerchaology

Answer: c

Question: From the given options, select the rightly spelt word.
a) Rasseraction
b) Resurrection
c) Reereksion
d) Ressurektion

Answer: b

Question: From the given pair of words, select the one that carries the same relations as- Lazy : Listless
a) Affection : Aversion
b) Dusk : Dawn
c) Foolish : Fatuous
d) Brainy : Barmy

Answer: c

Question: From the given pair of words, select the one that carries the same relations as- Suitable : Inept
a) Misfortune : Mishap
b) Profane : Pure
c) Construct : Create
d) Trouble : Torment

Answer: b

Question: From the given pair of words, select the one that carries the same relations as- Shriek : Whisper
a) Cautions : Negligent
b) Prohibit : Forbid
c) Refined : Elegant
d) Transient : Temporary 

Answer: a

Question: From the given pair of words, select the one that carries the same relations as- Protagonist : Antagonist
a) Primitive : Ancient
b) Eagerness : Insensitivity
c) Follower : Disciple
d) Deficient : Scarce

Answer: b

How to download CUET English Sample Paper Set A in PDF?

We hope you liked the above provided CUET English Sample Paper Set A. To get an understanding of the type of questions which were asked in exams, it is important for CUET students to understand the way sample Paper are set by teachers. Students can download the Sample Paper for CUET English which will be coming in the exams so that you can practise them and solve all types of questions that can be asked in exams. By doing CUET English Sample Paper Set A you will understand the regular questions and MCQ questions for CUET English which are always asked. You can download CUET CUET English Sample Paper and CUET English Question Papers in PDF. You should attempt all the last year question paper for CUET and CUET English MCQ Test in examination conditions at home and then compare their answers with the solutions provided by our teachers.

Why should you solve CUET English Sample Paper Set A?

a) This is new Set from CUET English Sample Papers and has questions which are different from other sets.
b) As you will do more sets and also refer to CUET English Question Papers, then it will help you understand the type of questions asked in exams.
d) Compare your score of each set to understand your weak areas in CUET English.
e) Solving this paper which also has MCQ questions for CUET English will make you faster and better at answering questions.

What should you do after solving CUET English Sample Paper Set A?

a) Check your answers with the solutions given in the downloaded sample paper in PDF of CUET English.
b) CUET students should try to find where you made mistakes and learn from them.
c) If a question was hard, read the concepts in NCERT book for CUET English and then practice it again to get better.
d) Solve more sets of sample papers for CUET English to improve even more.

Where can I download CUET English Sample Paper Set A in Pdf

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Regular practice of sample question paper given on studiestoday for CUET English Sample Paper Set A can help you to score better marks in exams

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Yes, provides all latest CUET CUET English Sample Papers with answers based on the latest format issued for current academic session

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Yes, mock CUET English Sample Paper Set A are available in multiple languages, including English, Hindi