Read and download PDF of CUET English Sample Paper Set B designed as per the latest curriculum and examination pattern for CUET issued by CUET, NCERT and KVS. The latest CUET English Sample Papers have been provided with solutions so that the students can solve these practice papers and then compare their answers. This will help them to identify mistakes and improvement areas in English CUET which they need to study more to get better marks in CUET exams. After solving these guess papers also refer to solved CUET English Question Papers available on our website to build strong understanding of the subject
Sample Paper for CUET English Pdf
Students can refer to the below CUET English Sample Paper designed to help students understand the pattern of questions that will be asked in CUET exams. Please download CUET English Sample Paper Set B
English CUET Sample Paper
Read the following passage to answer question.
The first form did not really see very much of Erica because she did not have lessons with them. But even if they met her in a passage or in the art room or gym they looked the other way. In the common-room at night Erica had a miserable time. Not one of the second form girls also would have anything to do with her. Loud remarks about sneaks and cowards were made in her hearing. They only person who ever threw her a word at all was the bad-tempered Margery Fenworthy. Erica did not like Margery any more than the other girls did but she was so grateful to be spoken to even, by the surly first former that she almost began to like the girl. ‘I’ m surprised you speak to Erica, Margery,’ said Pat, when she had heard Margery ask to borrow Erica’s stationery said Margery, in her usual rude way. ‘You’re none of you friendly to me, and I know what it is to have people being beastly to you.’ ‘But Margery, it’s your own fault, ‘you don’t give me a chance,” Oh, Margery, what a fib’! Cried Pat. ‘It’s you who never give us a chance to be decent to you. You scowl and glower and frown all the time.’ If you’re going to pick me to pieces you can save yourself the trouble’. Said Margery, fiercely. ‘I don’t care tuppence for any of you. And if I want to speak to that wretched Erica, I shall who cares for a pack of silly girls, and a crowd of stuck-up teachers? I don’t’ Pat was astonished. What a strange girl Margery was! Did she really want a chance of being friends with the others? Was she terribly shy? What was behind that funny manner of hers? Pat talked about it with her twin.’ Margery is always making enemies she said. ’I spoke to her today about it and she accused us of never giving her a chance! Do you think we out to do something about it?’
List I (Part A) | List II (Part B) | ||
A | Loud remarks about sneaks and cowards were made | I. | in the presence of Erica. |
B | Margery Fenworthy | II. | was very unpopular |
C | “Oh Margery…it’s you who never give us a change to be decent” | III. | said Pat |
D | The Girl with a twin sister named | IV. | said Pat |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
a) A-I, B-II, C-IV, D-III
b) A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV
c) A-II, B-IV, C-III, D-I
d) A-IV, B-III, C-I, D-II
Answer: b
Question: From the given options, choose the one which is correct according to the passage.
The girls mentioned in the passage are
a) Erica, Margery and Pat
b) Erica and Pat only
c) Only Patricia
d) Joan, Erica and Patricia
Answer: a
Question: From the given options, select the one which is right and correct according to the passage:
a) “I am surprised you speak to Margery, Erica” said Pat
b) “I am surprised you speak to Erica, Pat” said Margery
c) “I am surprised you speak to Margery, Pat” said Erica
d) “I am surprised you speak to Erica, Margery” said Pat
Answer: d
Question: From the passage Margaret Fenworthy comes across as………select the option which is correct according the passage.
a) A bad tempered, unpopular girl
b) Heroic and a strong mountaineer
c) Saintly and a recluse
d) A cynical middle aged woman
Answer: a
Question: From the passage it may be concluded that Erica was very.
Select the option which is correct according to the passage.
a) Lonely, friendless and timid
b) Dominating and Arrogant
c) Cunning and stupid
d) Brilliant and very popular
Answer: a
Question: From the passage it becomes clear that (choose the correct option). Not one of the First Form girls would have anything to do with Erica because:
a) She did not have any lessons with them
b) She used to mind her own business
c) She was unfriendly, rude and selfish
d) Erica was away on a holiday in Paris with her family
Answer: a
Read the following passage to answer Question.
She took me by the hand walked me into the lobby like a five-year old child. Didn’t she know I was pushing 15? This was the third home Nancy was placing me in-in a span of eight months! I guess she felt a little sorry for me. The bright fluorescence lights threatened to burn my skin as I walked towards a bouncy-looking lady with curly hair and a sweetly-smiling man. They called themselves Allie and Alex. Cute, I thought. After they exchanged the usual reams of paperwork, it was off in their Chevy Suburban to get situated into another new home. This time, there were no other foster children and nor another biological child. Anything could happen. Over the next few weeks, Allie, Alex and I fell into quite a nice routine. She’d make pancakes for breakfast, or he’d fry up some sausage and eggs. They sang a lot, even danced as they cooked. They must have just bought the house because, most weekends, We were either painting a living room butter yellow or staining a coffee table mocha brown. I kept wating for the other shoe to drop. When would they start threatening a loss of pancakes if I didn’t mow the lawn? When would the sausage and eggs be replaced with unidentifiable slosh because he didn’t feel like cooking in the morning? But, It never happened. They kept cooking, singing, and dancing like a couple of happy fools. It was a Saturday afternoon when Allie decided it was time to paint the brick fireplace white. As we crawled closer to the dirty old firepit, we pulled out the petrified wood and noticed a teeny-tiny treasure box! We looked at each other in wounder and excitement. She actually said,” I wonder if the leprechauns left it!”
Question: Over the next few weeks who all fell into a nice comfortable routine? select the correct option
a) Nancy
b) Allie and Nancy
c) The narrator, Allie and Alex
d) Only Alex
Answer: c
Question: “She took me by the hand and walked me into the lobby…”. The ‘me’ refers to the:
a) Narrator and the protagonist of the passage
b) Narrator and the footballer
c) A film star and a villain
d) The headmaster of an English School
Answer: a
Question: On a Sunday afternoon, what did Allie decide to do? select the correct option Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
a) Crawl towards the dirty old garage
b) Paint the brick firepit white
c) Sing a song
d) Write a letter to the President
Answer: b
Question: It appears from the passage that over the next few days the narrator and the other two characters were: Select the correct option
a) Relaxed and comfortable
b) Stressed and anxious
c) Depressed and gloomy
d) Plotting revenge
Answer: a
List-I | List-II | ||
A. | Nancy | I. | Treated the narrator as if he was a 5 year old child |
B. | Allie | II. | Made pancakes for breakfast |
C. | Alex | III. | Fried sausages and eggs |
D. | Narrator | IV. | Was placed in the 3rd home |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
a) A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV
b) A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I
c) A-IV, B-I, C-III, D-II
d) A-II, B-IV, C-I, D-III
Answer: a
Question: From the passage It may be assumed that the narrator was a 15 year old teenager without parents because the passage talks about.
(select the correct option)
a) Foster home for the narrator and other foster children
b) Cleaning firepits
c) Church and Chapels of Great Britian
d) Malls of a Metropolitan city
Answer: a
Workers and Slaves
The Pharaohs may have believed that it was their links with the Gods that kept Egypt going, but really it was the hard work of the ordinary people. It was they who dug the soil, worked in the mines and quarries, sailed the boats on the river Nile, marched with the army into Syria or Nubia, cooked food and raised children. Slavery was not very important in ancient Egypt, but it did exist. Most of the slaves prisoners who had been captured during the many wars Egypt fought with their neighbors in the Near East. Slaves were usually treated well and were allowed to own property. Many Egyptian workers were serfs. This meant that their freedom was limited. They could be bought and sold along with the estates where they worked. Farmers had to be registered with the government. They have to sell crops at a fixed fields lay under water; many workers were recruited into public building projects. Punishment for those who ran away was harsh.
Question: From the passage we get to know that distinct quality of ancient Egypt under the pharaohs was the fact that.
Select the correct option
a) Though slavery existed slaves were not treated harshly at all
b) The pharaohs were very democratic and handsome
c) No Egyptian working in ancient Egypt worked as a serf
d) The river Nile would stop No flowing during the rains in Egypt
Answer: a
Question: From the passage we get to know that in ancient Egypt many workers were known as serfs.
These were people with Select the correct answer
a) Workers with limited freedom in ancient - Egypt
b) Students with limited intelligence in modern Egypt
c) Nobility with limited power in medieval Egypt
d) Pharaohs with limited connection with the gods of Egyptian Gods
Answer: a
Question: What according to the passage was the reason of ancient Egyptian progress and prosperity.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below :
a) The link the Pharaohs claimed they had with the Gods
b) The labour and hard work of the and ordinary men in ancient Egypt
c) The mines and quarries full of germs armed with rockets and missiles and jewels in ancient Egypt.
d) The modern smart Egyptian army
Answer: b
Question: From the given passage options, select the one which is true according to the passage.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
a) Pharaoh’s believed that is was their link with the Gods that favoured Egypt
b) The ordinary people worked overtime to destroy Egypt
c) The pharaoh’s did not believe they were connected to the Gods
d) The Pharaoh’s were the hard working salves of ancient Egypt
Answer: a
Question: Select the option that is incorrect according to the passage.
a) In the Egypt under the Pharaoh’s, slaves were allowed to own property
b) Most of the slaves were prisoners captured in the many wars Egypt fought with its neighbours in the NEAR EAST
c) Slaves were well treated in ancient Egypt
d) Slavery was extremely important in ancient - Egypt
Answer: d
List-I | List-II | ||
A. | Serfs could be | I. | Farmers |
B. | Registered with the government | II. | Recuited workers during the rainy season |
C. | Public building projects | III. | Bought and sold along with estates were they worked |
D. | Harsh punishment | IV. | For those who ran away |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
a) A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV
b) A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I
c) A-III, B-I, C-II, D-IV
d) A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-I
Answer: c
Question: From the given options select the one that is opposite in meaning to the given words: “ACQUITTED”
a) Promoted
b) Burdened
c) Convicted
d) Development
Answer: c
Question: From the options given below select the one that is opposite in meaning to the given word: “RELINQUISH”
a) Garbage
b) Harmonize
c) Beautify
d) Possess
Answer: d
Question: From the options given below select the one which is Opposite in meaning to the given word. “CAPACIOUS”
a) Limited
b) Charming
c) Foolish
d) Colurful
Answer: a
Question: From the given options, select the one which is Opposite in meaning to the given word. “FRAUDULENT”
a) Candid
b) Direct
c) Forthright
d) Genuine
Answer: c
Question: From the options given below select the one that is opposite in meaning to the given word: “RELINQUISH”
a) Garbage
b) Harmonize
c) Beautify
d) Possess
Answer: d
Question: From the options given below select the one which is Opposite in meaning to the given word. “CAPACIOUS”
a) Limited
b) Charming
c) Foolish
d) Colurful
Answer: a
Question: From the given options, select the one which is Opposite in meaning to the given word. “FRAUDULENT”
a) Candid
b) Direct
c) Forthright
d) Genuine
Answer: d
Question: From the given options select of speech or the poetic device used in expression.
‘Both wry with the laboured ease of loss”
a) Smile
b) Personification
c) Oxymoron
d) Metaphor
Answer: c
Question: From the given options select the figure of speech (Poetic Device) used in the expression.
“Far Far from gusty waves”
a) Oxymoron
b) Alliteration
c) Simile
d) Personification
Answer: b
Question: From the given options, select the figure of speech (Poetic Device) used in the expression. “The smiling young tress provided a strange comfort”
a) Personification
b) Metaphor
c) Simile
d) Oxymoron
Answer: a
Question: From the given options, select the figure of speech (Poetic Device) used in the expression. “Like angels from heaven the paratrooper landed on earth”
a) Personification
b) Oxymoron
c) Simile
d) Pun
Answer: c
Question:From the given options, select the one which correctly explains the expression: “To be at sixes and sevens”
a) To be a primary school student
b) A state of total confusion and disorder
c) To be certain of batting well in a cricket match
d) To give away secrets
Answer: b
Question: From the given options, select the one that rightly explains the expression: “Once in a blue moon”
a) Most regularly
b) Very often
c) Very rarely
d) Once in a fortnight
Answer: c
Question: From the given options, select the one which rightly explains the expression: ‘A wild goose chase’
a) A Foolish and useless enterprise
b) To hunt wild life
c) A violent chase of criminals
d) To speak harshly
Answer: a
Question:From the given option, select the one rightly explains the expression: ‘To burn a hole in the pocket’.
a) To steal from someone’s pocket
b) To destroy someone else’s belongings
c) To burn address accidentally
d) To spend money very quickly
Answer: d
Question: Choose the word from the given options that is closest in meaning to the given word ‘PUGNACIOUS’
a) Rebellious
b) Amusing
c) Quarrelsome
d) Desirable
Answer: c
Question: From the given options choose the one which is closest in meaning to ‘CLING’
a) Attach
b) Detach
c) Release
d) Forward
Answer: a
Question: From the given options choose the one which is closest to. “Enchanting”
a) Witty
b) Pleasant
c) Comical
d) Harmful
Answer: b
Question: Choose the word from the option that is closest in meaning to the given word. ‘GIGANTIC’
a) Miniature
b) Monstrous
c) Diligent
d) Awkward
Answer: b
Question: From the given options, select the one that will rightly substitute the given expression: ‘Period of 10 years’
a) Decade
b) Fortnight
c) Annuity
d) Millennium
Answer: a
Question: From the given options, select the one that rightly substitutes the given expression: ‘One who loves and collects books’.
a) Rockstar
b) Bibliophilie
c) Bellicose
d) Bohemian
Answer b
Question: From the given options, select the one that rightly substitutes the given expression.
‘The killing of a new born child’
a) Homicide
b) Suicide
c) Massacre
d) Infanticide
Answer: d
Question: From the given options, select the one that rightly substitutes /replaces the given expression: ‘Detailed plan of a journey’
a) Passport
b) Travelogue
c) Itinerary
d) Timetable
Answer: c
Question: From the given options, select the one that carries the same relations as: ‘Attach:Detach’
a) Barren : Fertile
b) Timid : Coward
c) Ridiculous : Funny
d) Jealous : Envious
Answer: a
Question: From the given options, select the one that carries the same relations as: ‘Medley : Mixture’
a) Iterate : Repeat
b) Coarse : Fine
c) Abundance : Scarcity
d) Triumph : Failure
Answer: a
Question: From the given options, select the one that carries the same relation as: ‘Retreat : Advance’
a) Garrulous : Talkative
b) Oblivion : Forgetfulness
c) Savage : Civilised
d) Obstinate : Stubborn
Answer: c
Question: From the given options, select the one that carries the same relations as : ‘Meek : Modest’
a) Blunt : Sharp
b) Finally : Eventually
c) Cleaver : Stupid
d) Condemn : Approve
Answer: b
Question: From the given options, select the rightly spelt word:
a) Katastrophic
b) Catestrefic
c) Catastrophic
d) Catostrofik
Answer: c
Question: From the given options, select the rightly spelt word:
a) Kamunism
b) Communism
c) Cummonism
d) Cumunism
Answer: b
Question: From the given options, select the rightly spelt word:
a) Cooperative
b) Cauperative
c) Koperative
d) Coperative
Answer: a
Question: From the given options, select the rightly spelt word:
a) Pnemonia
b) Pneumonia
c) Newmonia
d) Nemonia
Answer: b
Question: Rearrange the following jumbled group of words to make a meaningful sentences.
A. Penetrate the biological tissues
B. Will produce unprecedented amount
C. A large scale exchange of nuclear weapons
D. Of radiation that can
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
a) A, B, D, C
b) C, D, A, B
c) C, B, D, A
d) A, B, C, D
Answer: c
Question: Rearrange the following jumbled group of words to make a meaningful sentence:
A. During the last few years.
B. People in this area.
C. The mission has provided
D Able service to all the needy.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below :
a) B, D, C, A
b) C, D, B, A
c) A, B, D, C
d) C, B, A, D
Answer: b
Question: Rearrange the following jumbled group of words to make a meaningful sentence.
A. Him to rush to his village immediately
B. An urgent telegram asking
C. He has received
D. No other message other than
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
a) C, D, B, A
b) B, C, A, D
c) C, C, A, B
d) A, B, C, D
Answer: a
Question: Rearrange the following jumbled group of words to make a meaningful sentence.
A. He managed to make sense
B. It was the first time when
C. of the book even though
D. He read anything on the subject
Choose the correct answer the options given below:
a) D, C, A, C
b) B, A, D, C
c) A, C, B, D
d) A, B, C, D
Answer: c
How to download CUET English Sample Paper Set B in PDF?
We hope you liked the above provided CUET English Sample Paper Set B. To get an understanding of the type of questions which were asked in exams, it is important for CUET students to understand the way sample Paper are set by teachers. Students can download the Sample Paper for CUET English which will be coming in the exams so that you can practise them and solve all types of questions that can be asked in exams. By doing CUET English Sample Paper Set B you will understand the regular questions and MCQ questions for CUET English which are always asked. You can download CUET CUET English Sample Paper and CUET English Question Papers in PDF. You should attempt all the last year question paper for CUET and CUET English MCQ Test in examination conditions at home and then compare their answers with the solutions provided by our teachers.
Why should you solve CUET English Sample Paper Set B?
a) This is new Set from CUET English Sample Papers and has questions which are different from other sets.
b) As you will do more sets and also refer to CUET English Question Papers, then it will help you understand the type of questions asked in exams.
d) Compare your score of each set to understand your weak areas in CUET English.
e) Solving this paper which also has MCQ questions for CUET English will make you faster and better at answering questions.
What should you do after solving CUET English Sample Paper Set B?
a) Check your answers with the solutions given in the downloaded sample paper in PDF of CUET English.
b) CUET students should try to find where you made mistakes and learn from them.
c) If a question was hard, read the concepts in NCERT book for CUET English and then practice it again to get better.
d) Solve more sets of sample papers for CUET English to improve even more.
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