CBSE Class 8 English Sample Paper Set 4

Read and download PDF of CBSE Class 8 English Sample Paper Set 4 designed as per the latest curriculum and examination pattern for Class 8 issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. The latest Class 8 English Sample Papers have been provided with solutions so that the students can solve these practice papers and then compare their answers. This will help them to identify mistakes and improvement areas in English Class 8 which they need to study more to get better marks in Class 8 exams. After solving these guess papers also refer to solved Class 8 English Question Papers available on our website to build strong understanding of the subject

Sample Paper for Class 8 English Pdf

Students can refer to the below Class 8 English Sample Paper designed to help students understand the pattern of questions that will be asked in Class 8 exams. Please download CBSE Class 8 English Sample Paper Set 4

English Class 8 Sample Paper

CBSE Class 8 English Sample Paper Set 4.Sample Papers are the very important for every student. The sample papers should be practiced to gain extra marks in examinations. The sample papers have been prepared based on summative assessment1 and summative assessment 2 pattern. The sample papers have been prepared based on pattern of last year examinations and as per latest changes in the syllabus. Students, teachers and parents can download all CBSE educational material and very well prepared worksheets from this website.  All CBSE educational material is developed by our panel of teachers, have also been submitted by CBSE teachers and students. 

Section – A


1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: (10marks)

1. I studied up to the eighth class in my village, and then went on to high school in a neighbouring town. I was very surprised when I saw the school there, the children who attended it and the clothes they wore. I felt very shy and almost fearful. It felt good just to climb the stairs and to walk into the classrooms upstairs, in such a big school. But I got used to it soon enough. And I also began to work at my studies eagerly. The children living in the hostel who were the same age as me wore smart clothes and possessed all sorts of finery like jewels and wrist-watches. I thought to myself that they were from upper-caste families.

2. The warden-sister of our hostel could not abide low-caste children. She'd get hold of us and scold us for no rhyme or reason. If a girl tended to be on the plump side, she'd get it even more. "These people get nothing to eat at home; they come here and they grow fat," she would say publicly. It was really embarrassing. We too paid our fees like everyone else, for our food, for this and that. Yet we had to listen to all this as well.

3. When I went home for holidays, if there was an upper caste woman sitting next to me in the bus, she'd immediately ask me which place I was going to, what street. As soon as I said, the Cheri, she'd get up and move off to another seat. Or she'd tell me to move elsewhere. As if I would go! I'd settle into my seat even more firmly. They'd prefer then to get up and stand all the way rather than sit next to me or to any other woman from the Cheri. They'd be polluted, apparently. This happened to me several times. When I came home and told my mother, she advised me, "Say you are from a different caste. They'll never know." The pain I felt was not a trifling one.

4. Many of the children at my school were very poor at their lessons. I studied hard and got the best marks in my class. Because of this, all the children would speak to me and were friendly. The teachers and sisters who taught me often encouraged me and were friendly towards me. This made me even keener about my lessons. They asked me to help the children who were really backward at their lessons. I was overjoyed.


1. Why did the narrator feel shy and fearful at her new school? (1)

2. How did the warden of the hostel humiliate low caste children? Why did the narrator disapprove of this behaviour? (2)

3. Which line from paragraph three shows the narrator's resistance to the discriminatory attitude of upper caste women in the bus? (1)

4. What did the narrator's mother advise her? (1)

5. How was the narrator able to make friends at school? (1)

6. "Not everyone discriminated against the narrator despite her belonging to a lower caste.". Support this statement with a suitable example from the passage. (1)
7. Give a suitable title to this passage? (1)
8. Find the words from the passage that are similar in meaning to the following: (2)
(a) scared (para 1)
(b) fat (para 2)
(c) minor (para3)
(d) extremely happy (para 4)

2. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: (12 marks)
1.“The village is gone!” the young soldier said to the older soldier, “ the flood has claimed too many lives this year!”
2. “Blasted rain,” the old soldier muttered. “Will it ever stop? How I wish we were back at the relief camp. I am dying for a cup of tea.” The young soldier said softly, “I am glad my family is safe home. Himachal Pradesh, you know.”
3.“Look here, let’s get back,” the other man interrupted him impatiently. “There is nothing more we can do here. Whatever the army could do, has been done. The villagers are getting their rice and dal. And here I am, half starved.”
4.“Shhh!” the young soldier said suddenly. “Do you hear that?” A faint whimper reached them. “It’s from the neem tree.” The young man looked up at the tree. It was a boy who was perched on a branch like a frightened bird.
5. “What’s that boy doing there? I thought they’d all been evacuated from this village”, said the old soldier.
6.“If you come down”, said the young soldier gently,” we’ll take you to the relief camp.” There was no answer. “What’s wrong with him?” grumbled the other man.
7.Facing the boy once more, the young soldier said smilingly, “All the people of the village are at the camp. Don’t you want to be back with your father, mother and friends?”
8. “My father and mother are dead. They drowned over there. They are all dead”,said the boy.
9.“I am not going to the camp. I’m waiting,” said the boy tonelessly. “Waiting?” the young soldier shook his head. “What for?”
10. “For … for… Laxman Bhaiya”, his voice broke, “he is coming to fetch me. My father told me. He said. ‘Don’t you worry, Munna, Laxman Bhaiya will come and get you. He will rescue you.’ Though I don’t know what he looks like… But that doesn’t matter. He will recognise me by this, look…,” he held up a rusty medal. He gave this to me five years ago before he left to join the army.
11.The young soldier stared at the boy in amazement. He reached back, gripped the older soldier’s arm and began to shake it. “Hey, look at this, look at the medal. It’s mine, you see!” The other man shook himself free. “You haven’t been here before. You told me just a while ago that you are from the hills.”
12.The young soldier interrupted him and cried, “That’s my brother. That’s Munna, my brother.”
13.“What’s wrong with you?” the older man eyed his comrade with suspicion. “Oh shut up,” muttered the young man fiercely under his breath. “Don’t you understand what I’m trying to do?” He lifted his arms and cried, “ Munna, come down quickly.”
14. I am Laxman, your elder brother. Slowly the expression of disbelief gave way to one of hope. A sob broke from his lips. “Laxman Bhaiya, Laxman Bhaiya, I knew you would come.
Q1 What were the two soldiers doing in the village? (1)
Q2 Give two pieces of evidence from the passage to show that the older soldier was insensitive and selfish? (2)
Q3 What had the army done to save human life? (1)
Q4 Why did the boy’s face turn pale at the mention of his family? (1)
Q5 Why did the boy refuse to go to the relief camp? How did he hope to be recognised by Laxman Bhaiya? (2)
Q6 “Don’t you understand what I’m trying to do?” What was the young man trying to do in order to rescue the boy? Did he succeed? How? (2)
Q7 Give a suitable title to this passage. (1)
Q8 Find the words from the passage that are similar in meaning to the following: (2)
a) Cry of pain (paragraph 4)
b) Remove from a place of danger to a safer place (paragraph 5)
c) Save from danger (paragraph 10)
d) A fellow soldier (paragraph 13)

Section – B (Literature)

Answer the following questions briefly:
1. State whether the following statements are true , false or an opinion. Give reasons for your answers. (2)
    (a) Education is the key to success.
    (b) It is important to study all the subjects.
2. Was it right for the elder brother to shriek and scream on seeing his younger brother holding the snake? Give reasons for your answer. (2)
3. What makes Mr. Punch a likeable character? (2)
4. The snake’s reaction is different to both the brothers. Comment. (2)

PART –B (13 marks)

1. The element of fear is dominant in the story of Friedrich? Write a short paragraph to explain. (3)
2. Give two examples from the story ,‘Friedrich’ where the characters face a predicament . (2)
3. ‘The Buried Moon’ is a story of victory of good over evil. Explain how? (2)
4. Kindness , loyalty and courage play a significant role in ‘The Buried Moon’ . Discuss with examples from the chapter. (3)
5. Write a short paragraph on what makes ‘The Canterbury Tales’ an interesting and relevant play even now. (3)

Do ANY TWO of the following: (2*2=4)
1. Explain the theme of the poem ‘Paul Revere’s Ride’.
2. What is the tone of the poet in the poem ‘The Donkey’? Give reasons for your answers.
3. How is the crow a wicked creature in ‘Horrible song’? Give two examples in support of your answer.

Section – C (Grammar)

1. Complete the following conditional sentences: (7)
(1) If I am able to go to market,_____________________________
(2) If the well had been dug on time, ________________________
(3) We would come if ___________________________________
(4) I will go to the dance class if ___________________________
(5) If it rained, _________________________________________
(6) I wouldn’t have come here if ___________________________
(7) If you did as I told you, _________________________________
2. Put the verbs given in the brackets in the appropriate tense. (20x0.5=10)
(i) When I (a)___________(walk) through the park with my sister last night, a man (b)____________(snatch) her bag from her hand and (c)_____________(run) away. The police (d)________________(not catch) him yet.
(ii) He is an architect. He already (a)__________(design) many buildings. Now he (b)____________(prepare) the plans for a new building. He (c)__________(like) tall buildings. He (d)___________(aim) to become the best architect for quite some time.
(iii) He (a)______________(leave) for England next week. He (b)_______________(go) to __________(staying) there for six months. His sister (c)_______________(send) the air tickets soon. He is busy (d)_______________(pack) bags these days.
(iv) My husband wishes I (a)_______(be) a thousand miles away. If only I (b)________(know) earlier, I (c)___________(leave) him. He (d)___________(keep) nagging all the time.
(v) Experience _______(be) the hardest teacher . It ________(take) the test first and _________(give) the lesson later.
Q4 There are eight errors in the paragraph given below. Spot the errors and correct them: (0.5X8 = 4M)
Fantasy is a form off writing in which characters includes magical beings and imaginary creatures? They can be either good nor bad. Their is an element on heroism by which a bad ones are defeated. Children liked fantasy these days.
Q3 Fill in the blanks using since/for: (0.5X4=2 M)
(1) I have written five letters ______________ breakfast.
(2) He hasn’t been here ______________ three weeks.
(3) ____________ last year the markets have become more crowded.
(4) She has been selling cosmetics _____________ ten years.
Write a paragraph of about 20 lines on any one of the following topics: (10)
• Write the points neatly before you write the paragraph.
• The paragraph must be indented .
• Be original and creative.
1. I like holidays because… 2. My most memorable birthday 3. The person I admire the most 4. An encounter with Mr Punch

Section – E (Supplementary Test – The Invisible Man)
Answer ANY EIGHT of the following questions: (8)
1. Why did Griffin call Dr. Kemp a “Traitor”?
2. What had happened at Mr. Bunting’s house? Who was thought to have been behind it?
3. On what pretext did Dr. Cuss gain an entry to the Invisible Man’s room?
4. Where did the Invisible Man take refuge for the night, after he had fooled and escaped his landlord?
5. Where did Mr. Marvel take refuge after he escaped the Invisible Man?
6. Who was Mr. Heelas? Did he turnout to be helpful to Dr. Kemp? Why?
7. Why did the people shout, “Feet! Look! Feet running!”?
8. Which were the two things, apart from himself, on which the Invisible Man performed the experiment?
9. What physical changes occurred in Griffin’s body, after he was beaten to death?
10. How did Griffin plan to rule the world?

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English Sample Papers for Class 8
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How to download CBSE Class 8 English Sample Paper Set 4 in PDF?

We hope you liked the above provided CBSE Class 8 English Sample Paper Set 4. To get an understanding of the type of questions which were asked in exams, it is important for Class 8 students to understand the way sample Paper are set by teachers. Students can download the Sample Paper for Class 8 English which will be coming in the exams so that you can practise them and solve all types of questions that can be asked in exams. By doing CBSE Class 8 English Sample Paper Set 4 you will understand the regular questions and MCQ questions for Class 8 English which are always asked. You can download CBSE Class 8 English Sample Paper and Class 8 English Question Papers in PDF. You should attempt all the last year question paper for Class 8 and Class 8 English MCQ Test in examination conditions at home and then compare their answers with the solutions provided by our teachers.

Why should you solve CBSE Class 8 English Sample Paper Set 4?

a) This is new Set from Class 8 English Sample Papers and has questions which are different from other sets.
b) As you will do more sets and also refer to Class 8 English Question Papers, then it will help you understand the type of questions asked in exams.
d) Compare your score of each set to understand your weak areas in Class 8 English.
e) Solving this paper which also has MCQ questions for Class 8 English will make you faster and better at answering questions.

What should you do after solving CBSE Class 8 English Sample Paper Set 4?

a) Check your answers with the solutions given in the downloaded sample paper in PDF of Class 8 English.
b) Class 8 students should try to find where you made mistakes and learn from them.
c) If a question was hard, read the concepts in NCERT book for Class 8 English and then practice it again to get better.
d) Solve more sets of sample papers for Class 8 English to improve even more.

Where can I download CBSE Class 8 English Sample Paper Set 4 in Pdf

You can download CBSE Class 8 English Sample Paper Set 4 from

How can I improve my scores by solving CBSE Class 8 English Sample Paper Set 4

Regular practice of sample question paper given on studiestoday for CBSE Class 8 English Sample Paper Set 4 can help you to score better marks in exams

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Yes, provides all latest CBSE Class 8 English Sample Papers with answers based on the latest format issued for current academic session

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Yes, mock CBSE Class 8 English Sample Paper Set 4 are available in multiple languages, including English, Hindi