CBSE Sample Papers for Class 1 to Class 12

The CBSE Sample Papers 2025 available on this page are designed as per the latest syllabus, guidelines and blueprints issued by CBSE and are really important for students who are preparing for the school level or board exams in class 10 and class 12. The students should practice the sample papers before going for exams and class tests to test their knowledge and identify areas in which they do mistakes and also topics that can be further strengthened. Click on links below to download latest sample papers free in pdf


CBSE Board Exam Sample Papers for Classes 1 to 12

CBSE students can click on the links below to download the latest CBSE Sample Papers for each subject. All sample papers have been provided with solutions and marking schemes. Students should go through the marking scheme to understand which parts will help them to score more marks. Students will be able to write better answers.

Solve guess papers to identify mistakes and improve your examination preparations. By practicing these papers you will be able to find your mistakes and improve them. This will help you to improve your performance in board exams.

CBSE has made changes in the syllabus recently. We have updated the sample papers provided below. All practice papers provided here are as per the latest examination guidelines issued by CBSE. Download the CBSE Sample Papers and practice them prior to your examinations. You can download these papers for all subjects by clicking on the links below.


CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12

CBSE issues latest sample papers as per new format every year, provides here the biggest collection of latest sample papers for class 12 for all subjects in downloadable PDF format prepared as per the latest format issued by CBSE. Get solved sample papers. Click on the subject wise links below to download and start practicing for your final exams.


CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11

As you know class 11 is one of the most important class in shaping career and have many subjects with makes your subject knowledge strong. So it's important to have good score in such subjects. Once done with revision you can check these sample papers for class 11 and start practicing for your final exams.


CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 has been prepared as per the latest syllabus and guess papers issued by CBSE. These papers will help you to prepare for the upcoming and board exams in class 10 as these mock papers have been prepared as per the sample papers release by CBSE. Students should download the PDF papers along with solutions for all subjects in class 10 and practice them to get better marks. All sample papers have been made as per the latest syllabus for the current academic session. These papers have important questions which will help the students to understand and revise the entire course which will be covered in the exams


CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 have been designed as per the up-to-date syllabus and mock papers pattern issued by CBSE. These papers made as per the latest syllabus for class 9 will help the students to prepare for the upcoming exams in class 9. Students should download the PDF papers along with solutions for all subjects in class 9 and practice them to get better marks. All sample papers have been made as per the latest syllabus for the current academic session. These papers have important questions which will help the students to understand and revise the entire course which will be covered in the exams


CBSE Sample Papers for Class 8

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 8 prepared as per the latest syllabus issued by CBSE will help students to prepare for upcoming exams as all guess papers for class 8 have been made as per the latest question paper pattern of CBSE NCERT and KVS. These mock guess papers are available for free download in PDF along with their solutions for all subjects like English, Maths, Science, Hindi, Social Science and various languages. These papers have important questions which will help the students to understand and revise the entire course which will be covered in the exams


CBSE Sample Papers for Class 7

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 7 helps students to prepare for exams as all mock papers for class 7 have been made as per the latest pattern of CBSE and updated syllabus. These guess papers are available for download in PDF for all subjects like English, Maths, Science, Hindi, Social Science and various languages. These papers have important questions which will help the students to understand and revise the entire course which will be covered in the exams


CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 6 have been designed based on the latest syllabus for class 6 for all subjects like English, Hindi, Maths, Science, Social Science and and will help the students who are planning to appear in class 6 exams to understand the pattern of the guess paper and also understand the marking scheme of all mock papers. These will help to improve the skill sets of students as they have been designed by experts keeping in mind the rules and guidelines related to the CBSE curriculum.


CBSE Sample Papers for Class 5

Class 5 sample papers will help students to understand the type of questions which are expected to come in the upcoming exams. This will also help the students to revise the entire syllabus. If you are able to develop exam type condition at home and do mock papers for class 5 for English, Hindi, Maths, Science, Social Science and compare your answers with marking scheme and solutions provided then you will for sure get better marks and will understand where you stand in your preparation


CBSE Sample Papers for Class 4

CBSE sample paper for Class 4 with solutions available for download in PDF cover the full syllabus of the current academic year. Students must practice the sample paper of the subjects English, Hindi, Maths, Social Science, EVS and many more to understand how to solve the mock papers and be more prepared for the exams. By going through the sample papers for Class 4, students will have an idea about their preparation status and improve themselves by practicing them under examination condition and checking your answers against the marking scheme provided by


CBSE Sample Papers for Class 3

CBSE Sample Paper for Class 3 prepared as per the latest format of sample papers and syllabus for class 3 for all subjects like English, Hindi, Maths, Social Science, Science, EVS, Moral Science etc. These mock papers will provide information on marks distribution, important topics and difficulty level. Download PDF Sample papers for class 3 and improve your preparation by practicing them under examination condition and checking your answers against the marking scheme provided by


CBSE Sample Papers for Class 2

The CBSE Sample Papers for Class 2 is designed as per the latest Class 2 syllabus issued by NCERT and CBSE for subjects like English, Hindi, Maths, EVS, Computers, Moral Science etc. Students should download the latest Class 2 Sample papers and practice them to get better marks in Class 2 examinations. These guess papers will give understanding of the latest format of questions which can come in class exams


CBSE Sample Papers for Class 1

The below subject wise Sample Papers for Class 1 have been designed as per the latest CBSE Class 1 syllabus issued by NCERT and CBSE. You should solve CBSE sample papers for Class 1 to gain confidence and also understand the type of questions which can come in the upcoming exams. Parents should create examination type condition at home and ask the students to solve the sample papers and compare answers with the marking scheme provided

What is CBSE Sample Paper ?

As the term guidelines and blueprints issued by CBSE every year. These papers are issued much in advance so that the students can prepare well for the year-end examination.

What is a Marking Scheme?

  1. It is a system for awarding points for correct answers or for proficiency in an examination or competition
  2. CBSE prepares marking schemes for all subjects and these are also uploaded on the website after the declaration of result
  3. CBSE Marking Schemes give weightage to creative and innovative answers.

What are the changes in questions in Board exams?

Beginning from this year Board examinations, the Board will very slowly introduce more questions that will be based on application of your knowledge to real life situations and will require critical thinking skills. Students of subjects such as Economics, Business studies, etc already know what this means. In class X board exams, 8-10% questions of all subjects will assess critical thinking, analysis and evaluating competencies of learners. Therefore, it is time for all students to understand concepts and then attempt to relate them to real-life situations. Ask your teachers questions on how these can be related. After all, bookish knowledge can never compete with the useful knowledge of how to handle real-life situations

When are the exams conducted by CBSE?

The schedule of board examinations has been changed. CBSE conducts the examinations for all Skill Education (Vocational) subjects in the latter half of February. Along with skill subjects, the examinations of few other academic subjects were also held in February. This change has helped in bringing out the results earlier helping students across the country to gain admissions in various higher educational institutions which used to close their admissions in early May. The Board will, henceforth, continue to schedule its examinations from mid-February onwards.

Where can I download latest sample papers issued by CBSE for Class 1 to 12 in Pdf format

On you can download the latest sample papers with answers for all classes of CBSE in Pdf format prepared as per the latest examination guidelines and paper format issued for current academic year

Can I get the latest CBSE sample papers for practice for Class 1 to 12 for all subjects

You can get the latest sample papers for Class 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 in Pdf format which you can easily download for all classes and all subjects from our website

What is the importance of regularly doing CBSE sample papers?

By regularly doing CBSE sample papers for class 1 to 12 for all subjects provided on our website you will be able assess your preparation for the examinations. You will be able to find the topics in which you are weak based on your answers and then concentrate on those areas to further improve your score.

How many Sample Papers should I solve prior to my exams?

It has always been suggested by CBSE that the students should solve as many sample papers as possible prior to their exams. They should create examination conditions at home and then attempt the practice papers. Try to solve atleast 5 sample papers for each subject.

What are some common mistakes students should in CBSE examinations?

There are many common mistakes which the students should avoid to get more marks in their examinations. You need to properly study the full course before attempting the sample paper so that you are able to attempt all the questions in the paper. If you are not able to solve all questions due to not covering the entire course then you will loose confidence. Allocate time to all questions and then solve the paper. Revise your answers after solving the entire paper.

How can I find and download CBSE Sample Papers online?

The best website to download CBSE Sample Papers for all classes and subjects in this website has the largest collection of latest sample papers with answers which the students can download for free in PDF

What are CBSE sample papers

CBSE sample papers are basically practice papers designed as per the guidance, blueprint and examination pattern issued by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) to help students prepare for their upcoming exams

How can I access latest CBSE practise papers for Class 1 to 12

CBSE sample papers are available on the official CBSE website and on for this year which you can download in Pdf

Why should I solve CBSE guess papers

By regularly solving CBSE sample papers students will be able to understand the exam pattern, type of questions asked, make themselves familiar with the different question types, weightage of each topic and assess their preparation level

Are CBSE suggested papers designed as per the latest syllabus

Yes, all CBSE sample papers which are designed by our teachers have been designed based on the latest syllabus and examination pattern suggested by CBSE for the current particular academic year

Can CBSE sample papers help improve my time management skills

Yes, by solving atleast one sample paper for your class daily with the time limit as suggested on each paper students will be able to further your time management skills and also identify sections on which you should devote maximum time

Are CBSE sample papers available here for Class 1 to 12 for all subjects

CBSE sample papers have been provided here in Pdf for all important subjects like English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science and for all other subjects in each class

Can I rely solely on CBSE mock papers for exam preparation

You should also go through all the notes, question bank, past year question papers which have been provided on studiestoday along with the guess papers to have a thorough preparation for the exams

How can should I solve the CBSE suggested papers

To solve the CBSE suggested papers it is a recommended that you create examination like condition at home and then do the question paper independently. then check your answers with the solutions provided by our teachers

Have you provided solved sample papers for classes 1st to 12th

Yes, we have provided solutions to all the questions which have been given in each sample paper. You can download the sample papers and the answers in PDF format

Can I download CBSE guess papers in Pdf file format

We have provided all the sample papers in PDF format so that you can download them easily and save them on your computer or print them for use